Road Trip Runaways - Cover

Road Trip Runaways

Copyright© 2022 by JustaWriter

Chapter 6

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Two teenage runaways come across a rough older man who offers to take care of them, if they are are willing to pay his price. The man uses his girls for his business: fulfilling fantasies. (A collection of short stories)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   DomSub   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie  

“Forgive me Father, I have sinned.” Norman began.

“What is it, my child?”

“It’s my daughters. I can’t stop thinking about them. I just can’t stop.”

“Are you having impure thoughts about your daughters?”

“No! I mean, yes? I mean ... I don’t know. I just can’t keep them out of my head.” Noman cried.

“What about them?”

“They will always be my little babies, but they are all grown up now. They are going away to school soon and I just want to know if they are good girls. I want to know if I raised them right, ya know? Are they doing the right things, or are they going to go crazy when I’m not around.”

“I think that’s normal for a parent to wonder. How is that wrong?”

“I don’t know. They are just so beautiful now, I don’t know if they can resist all the temptations that are going to come out them when I’m not around. Or, if they even WANT to resist!”

“Are you wanting to test them somehow?”

“I guess, I don’t even know! I don’t want to spy on them, that’s wrong! But I don’t know what to do!”

The Priest was silent for a few, long seconds.

“What’s it worth to you?” He asked softly.

“Anything! Anything! I can’t sleep at night! I just keep thinking about all of those wild young girls on the internet selling themselves and whoring themselves out and thinking that it would be my little girls. I’d do anything to know that they were being good!” Norman exclaimed.

A long, silent minute came and went.

“Go to the Hideout bar. Order a Sprite and sit in the corner.” The Priest replied, his voice barely a whisper.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Norman asked, cocking his head to the side.

“A man will appear who will ease your pain.”


“You’ll have to trust me. The Lord works in mysterious ways.”

“Did you get them? Did you get them?” Faith asked, bouncing up and down wildly, causing her long red hair to fly into the air.

“Maybe.” Hope replied, her deviant smile spreading across her face.

“Show me! Show me! I paid for them too!” Faith demanded.

Hope reached into her pocket and pulled out a small plastic card. Faith reached over and snatched it out of her hand.

“Look at that! We’re adults! We’re 21! We’re 21!” Faith screamed.

“It’s freaking party time! It’s party time!” Hope cried, wrapping her arms around her twin sister’s shoulders and together the girls danced around their shared bedroom.

“K Dad, we’ll be home late!” Hope called out, holding her bag low to the floor

“Have fun! Tell Sara I said hi and that she’s welcome over here for dinner any time!” Norman called back.

“We will! Bye Dad!” The girls yelled together.

Holding hands, the twins skipped to their shared Toyota, which was almost as old as they were. Giggling, the slipped into the car Hope spun away.

“I’m so excited. I’m gonna explode!” Faith exclaimed.

“This is gonna be awesome. This is gonna be so freaking awesome!” Hope nodded.

The moment they had been planning the last year had finally arrived. The girls had saved every penny of their Christmas and birthday money and combined with a brief stint on OF had managed to save up enough to buy fake ID’s showing that they were 21, not 18 and new ësexy’ clothes that their conservative father would never have approved of.

Pulling into a dark parking lot, Faith yanked open the backpack and handed her sister her dress.

Hope quickly unbuttoned her shorts and lifted her ass up out of her seat as she wiggled out of them.

“You gonna put on the panties too?” Faith asked as she pulled her own shorts down.

“Heck yes! We didn’t do all this for nothing!” Hope replied, hooking her thumbs into the hips of her boring underwear and pushing it down her slender legs.

Faith nodded and handed her sister a black lacy ball. The panties were pretty tame by most standards but absolutely scandalous by theirs.

“Here’s the bra.” Faith said.

“Awesome.” Hope replied, yanking her T shirt over her head and unclipping her bra. Both girls were petite all over and as they pulled their tight party dresses over their new push up bras, they were both amazed at the results.

“We’re huge!” Faith giggled, cupping her breasts and pushing them upwards.

“Heck yeah we are! Damn! Damn, we look good!” Hope nodded, staring at herself in the rear view mirror.

“Yeah we do. You ready?”

“Absofreakinglutely!” Faith nodded.

The girls pulled into the packed parking lot and tugged down their short dresses as they wobbled towards the door in their new heels.

Heads began to turn towards the pair of stunning redheads in their tight black dresses and the sisters glowed in the attention.

As they approached the door man, the teens fished out their ID’s and nervously held them out. He barely gave them a second glance as he eyeballed both of their bodies and waived them in.

“Well that was easy!” Hope said.

“Yeah seriously. Holy crap check this out!” Faith replied, gripping her older sister’s hand as they stepped inside the club.

Having never gone to a dance club, or club of any kind before, the girls had no point of reference as to what to expect. But, the sea of people, the lights and the sounds immediately overwhelmed the both of them.

“This is awesome!” Hope yelled.

Faith nodded.

“Now what?”

“We get a drink I guess.” Hope replied, noting that almost everyone that they could see had a glass or a bottle in their hands.

Faith nodded again and together the girls pushed their way over towards the bar. Hope leaned over the end and pushed her small chest outward.

An exhausted looking girl not much older than them wandered over.

“What can I get ya?” She asked with an abrupt tone.

“Uhm, wine?” Hope replied.

The girl looked at her and then over at Faith.

“See your ID babe?” The bartender asked.

Hope fished her ID out of her purse and handed it over the counter to her. The bartender held it down under a light and then shook her head.

“Sorry babe. Not worth losing my job over.” She replied, sliding it over the counter back to Hope.

“Wait, what?” Hope called out but the bartender had already turned away.

Confused and deflated, Hope turned around to face Faith.

“So, now what?” Faith asked.

Hope just shrugged.

“I dunno.” Hope said, deflated.

Faith watched as her older sister walked past her, her head hanging down. A year’s worth of work seemed to flush down the drain and Hope turned to follow behind her.

“Hey there cuties, want to hang with us?” A voice called out.

Faith jerked her head up and turned around. A thin, pretty blond with a curvy brunette stood nearby.

“Me? Us?” Faith asked. Hope turned around and moved alongside her sister.

“Yeah you. You two the cute ones. I’m Amy and this is my sister Cammie. Come on, come chill with us.” Amy said, reaching out and grabbing Faith’s hand.

“Where are we going?” Faith asked as she grabbed Hope’s hand.

“To VIP!” Cammie called out, holding Hope’s hand. The foursome made a train through the crowd and Amy lead them up some steps to a higher seating area.

“Woah!” Faith exclaimed as Amy jumped into the huge circular couch.

“This is yours?” Hope asked, looking at the bottles and glasses on the table in front of them.

“Yup.” Amy grinned, grabbing a bottle and pouring it into several glasses.

“How old are you two? How did you get this?” Faith asked.

“We’re both 18. Daddy takes good care of us.” Cammie replied, picking up a glass and handing it to Faith.

“That’s freaking awesome! Thanks guys, you two are great!” Faith said.

“Yeah seriously, you saved our butts!” Hope replied, taking a glass from Amy.

“Cheers to a fucking awesome night!” Amy said, holding up her glass.

“Woooohooooo this is freaking awesome!!” Hope screamed, holding onto the railing of the balcony with one hand as she threw her head back.

“This is so great! So much fun!” Faith mumbled drunkenly, awkwardly shaking her hips as she held onto the railing next to her sister.

Neither of the girls had ever been drunk before and neither had much experience dancing. But here, up in the VIP area with hundreds of people below them watching, neither of them cared.

“Shake it girl! Shake it!” Amy yelled, clapping her hands.

Hope thrust out her ass at Amy and wiggled it from side to side.

“Yeah girl, yeah! Shake it! Shake it!” Amy screamed.

Hope continued to shake her ass, unaware that the bottom of her dress was sliding upwards over her rump.

“You’re butt’s showing!” Cammie yelled.

“So what? She’s got a great ass!” Amy replied.

Hope stood up and Faith reached over and tugged the bottom of Hope’s dress down.

“Boo! Boo!” Amy cried as the twins walked back over to the couch.

“This is so great! You guys are great!” Hope declared as she dropped onto the couch next to Amy.

“First time at the club?” Amy asked as she refilled Hope’s glass.

“First time anywhere. We don’t get out much.” Faith replied as Cammie handed her another glass.

“What, your dad keep you locked up in the closet or something?” Amy asked.

“Sounds fun. Kinda kinky.” Cammie giggled.

Faith stuck out her tongue at Cammie.

“Pretty much. Fucking Catholic school.” Hope said, taking a long sip.

“Really? Seriously?” Amy asked.

Hope nodded.

“Like, white shirts and little skirts Catholic school?” Cammie asked.

“Yup. Like, seriously boring. No boys!” Faith cried.

“All girls could be fun.” Cammie said.

“I like dick too much.” Amy replied.

Everyone giggled at that.

“So, is it true about all girls’ schools?” Cammie asked.

“What’s that?” Faith replied.

“That they are all lesbians and hooking up all the time?”

“Oh it happens. Girls get horny too ya know!” Faith replied.

“Tell us more!” Amy leaned forward.

“Hope will tell you. She’s the naughty one!” Faith laughed.

“Look who’s talking Ms. Sharpie!” Hope replied.

Amy and Cammie turned to face Faith. Even in the dim light, they could see that the girl’s pale cheeks had turned red.

“OK, spill it. You got some stories to tell!” Amy demanded.

“Her first.” Faith said, nodding at her sister.

“What do you wanna know?”

“You hook up with a girl?” Cammie asked.

Hope nodded.

“What did you do?”

“Kissed, played with boobs, ya know, stuff.” Hope replied, suddenly shy.

“You go down?”

Hope nodded.

“You like it?”

Hope nodded again.

“And she’s real good!” Faith blurted.

“How do you know?” Amy asked, turning to look at her.

“Because everyone talks about it! Everyone knows if you want to get your coochie licked, you get Hope to ëtutor’ you.” Faith replied, making air quotes.

“So, you’re the school’s pussy licker?” Amy asked.

“Pretty much.” Hope shrugged.

“Fucking hot. What about you?” Cammie asked, looking over at Faith.

“She’s done it too.” Hope said.

“Not as much as you. But yeah, I done it.” Faith nodded.

“You ever been with a boy?”


“What happened?”

“Last summer Dad had to go out of town to see his brother. There were some boys that lived down the street so we invited them over and did it.”

“How was it?”

Hope shrugged.

“It was ok. He didn’t get me off. He just put it in my mouth and then stuck it in me.”

“Older guys are much better anyway. Did he cum inside you?”

“Oh no, I’m not on the pill or anything. I made him shoot on my boobs.”

“No poop hole loophole for you?” Amy asked.

“What’s that?”

“It’s when you get a boy to fuck you in the ass so you can’t get pregnant.” Cammie replied.

“Talk to her about butt stuff!” Hope laughed, looking over at her sister.

The trio turned towards Faith and she turned a darker shade of red.

“Story! Story! What did you do?” Amy yelled.

“She stuck a Sharpie in her butt!” Hope blurted.

Amy and Cammie burst into screams as Faith sunk into the couch.

“Only because he paid me!” Faith replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

“What’s the story with that?” Cammie asked.

“We tried to do OF to make some money and this guy wanted a picture of a Sharpie in our butt. So, we did rock paper scissors and Faith lost.” Hope said.

“And you didn’t?”

Hope shook her head.

“We just changed the color of the cap. You can’t tell us apart anyway so he never knew.” She giggled.

“Did you like it?”

“It was OK. A little strange.” Faith replied.

“Butt stuff is great.” Amy said.

“Yeah?” Hope asked, perking up slightly.

“Yup. I’m still getting used to it because I got a little butt.”

“You let a guy stick it in your butt?” Hope asked, shocked.

Amy nodded.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Faith asked.

Amy shrugged.

“Sometimes, but sometimes the pain just makes it better. You get used to it.” Amy explained.

“But getting licked is totally awesome.” Cammie said.

“What do you mean?” Hope asked.

“Getting your asshole licked out. It’s called rimming and it’s awesome.”

Faith and Hope looked at each other and wrinkled their noses.

“Licking a butthole? Sounds gross.” Faith said.

“No, it’s actually fucking awesome and feels fucking great.” Cammie said.

“Yeah? What else have you guys done?” Hope asked, leaning forward.

For the next hour, Amy and Cammie recalled tales of their adventures to the twins as they drank. The redheads complained about their sheltered lives and marveled at all of the fun that their new friends had had in lives the same age as theirs. As they talked, Hope noticed that Faith was slowly opening and closing her legs and then Amy placed her hand on her thigh.

“You guys are freaking awesome! We need to hang out more!” Hope said.

“Totally. You two are super sexy.” Cammie replied.

“You two. You have great boobs!” Hope blurted.

“Thanks.” Cammie said thrusting her full chest outwards.

“Not fair. Not fair your boobs are so great and ours are so tiny.”

“Mine are too!” Amy called out.

Hope looked over Cammie’s shoulder to see that Amy was leaning over Faith, kissing her. Her hand was up inside Faith’s dress. Amy’s dress had ridden up her ass, exposing the bottom half of her cheeks.

“She’s got a cute butt too!” Hope said, her breathing coming faster.

“You two got great asses. Don’t you worry, you two are sexy.” Cammie said.

“Really?” Hope asked, turning back towards Cammie.

“Really.” Cammie said, leaning in and kissing the redhead.

“You guys live here? This is huge!” Hope exclaimed as she walked inside the condo.

“It works.” Cammie replied, moving up behind Hope and wrapping her arms around her. She let out a loud groan as Cammie began to kiss her neck.

“Oh Gawd, oh you do that so good.” Hope moaned.

“She does lots of things good.” Amy called out as she shoved Faith onto the couch.

Hope watched Amy crawl on top of her younger sister, kissing her passionately and squeezing on her small breasts as Cammie tugged her dress upwards, exposing her panties.

“You ever watched each other before?” Cammie asked, licking Hope’s ear as she pushed her hand down the front of her panties.

“Sorta. Things got pretty wild at a summer retreat once and there was a lot going on in one cabin.” Hope panted as Cammie located her clit and pressed down on it.

“Sounds fun. You ever watch each other masturbate?” Cammie asked, slowly moving her finger around in circles on Hope’s button.

Hope shook her head.

“She likes her fingers and I like the shower head.” She gasped, thrusting her ass back against Cammie’s body as Amy yanked Faith’s dress and bra down, exposing her small breasts.

“I bet you make pretty noises.” Cammie whispered, licking Hope’s ear as she slipped a finger inside her pussy.

Hope reached behind her head and clawed at Cammie’s hair as the brunette began to gently finger her. She let out a series of whimpers and began to grind her hips against Cammie’s hand.

“You’re so tight baby! Wow!” Cammie exclaimed as she slipped a second finger inside her. Hope let out a yelp and turned her body to case her, then smashed her mouth against Cammie’s.

“You’re so hot. So hot. So hot.” Hope exclaimed, clawing at Cammie’s ass. Cammie responded by yanking Hope’s panties down and gripping her tiny butt.

“I wanna show you so much. So much baby.” Cammie moaned.

“Please. Please. Please teach me. Please show me.” Hope begged, her hips bucking back and forth between Cammie’s hands.

“You trust me?” Cammie asked.

Hope nodded anxiously.

Cammie moved her hand between Hope’s ass cheeks. The redhead stared into Cammie’s brown eyes as she felt pressure against her anus.

“Just relax baby.” Cammie said as the pressure increased.

“What are you doing?” Hope hissed.

“Just trust me. Relax.” Cammie ordered.

Hope nodded and bit down on her bottom lip, then let out a shriek as Cammie’s finger slipped into her back door.

“Oh.Oh.OhOh that feels so weird. That feels so weird!” Hope cried as Cammie began to wiggle it around.

“Just relax baby, just trust me.” Cammie said.

Hope nodded and tried to relax her body when Faith let out a cry. Both girls turned to see Amy on her knees between Faith’s legs. Her panties hung from one leg which was resting on Amy’s shoulders and her small, bare breasts heaved up and down as Amy licked her pussy.

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