Road Trip Runaways - Cover

Road Trip Runaways

Copyright© 2022 by JustaWriter

Chapter 4

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two teenage runaways come across a rough older man who offers to take care of them, if they are are willing to pay his price. The man uses his girls for his business: fulfilling fantasies. (A collection of short stories)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   DomSub   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie  

“You’re taking me out?” Cammie gasped.

“You got a problem with that?” Daddy asked.

“No, I mean, I just didn’t think ... I mean ... it’s just ... fuck ... shit ... I don’t have anything to wear!” Cammie babbled.

Daddy just laughed.

“Figured you’d say that. Come on, let’s go.”


“Shopping. For something slutty.”

“Wow, this is fucking awesome!” Cammie exclaimed, clenching down on Daddy’s hand as they entered the club. It was packed from shoulder to shoulder and Cammie’s head whipped around as he lead them through the people.

“This is a slow night.” Daddy yelled.

“We don’t have shit like this back home!” Cammie replied as Daddy pulled her up a staircase. On an upper landing, the noise was a little less and a row of large circular couches waited.

A well-dressed but sexy woman unhooked a rope barrier and Daddy and Cammie dropped onto the couch.

“VIP?” Cammie asked, looking over at Daddy with a shock.

He nodded.

“I get around.” He replied as the attendant poured two glasses and handed them to him and her.

Cammie crossed one leg over the other and tugged down her dangerously short dress as she sipped her glass.

“So, what are we doing here?” Cammie asked.

“Relaxing for now. People watching. Then, I’ll have a challenge for you.”

“A challenge?” Cammie asked.

“Mmhmm.” Daddy replied, sipping his drink without explaining.

As Cammie’s glass emptied, she began to bob her body back and forth to the music.

“You like to dance?” Daddy asked.

“Uh huh. Amy is awesome though. She can fucking move.” Cammie replied, her voice slurring a little.

“I see. You see that girl down there? The one with the long brunette hair in the purple dress?” Daddy asked, pointing.

Cammie leaned forward and squinted.

“The one with the nice boobs? Talking to the guy in the white shirt?” Cammie asked.


“What about her?”

“I want her. Get her for me.”

“Huh? How the hell do I do that?”

“Be creative, you’ll figure it out.” Daddy said, putting his hand on Cammie’s back and pushing her forward off the couch.

“Get me a drink babe!” Kyla yelled, grinding her ass back against her boyfriend Joe. Joe thrust his hips forward, pushing his crotch against Kyla’s perky rear.

“What are you gonna do for me?” Joe yelled back.

“You’re already taking me home, you jerk.” Kyla replied.

Joe slapped Kyla’s ass and then turned to push through the crowd. As he approached the bar, his eyes fell across the ass of a very young looking brunette with a dangerously short dress. Joe let out a whistle and then girl looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a wink.

“See anything you like?” She asked, wiggling her ass.

Joe slid up behind her and placed his hand on her ass.

“Nice baby. What’s your name?”

“Cammie, but you can call me anything you like. How about you?”


“Buy me a drink?”

“What would you like?”

“Surprise me.”

“Sex on the beach and a beer!” Joe yelled out.

“I’ve never done that before.”

“What’s that?”

“Sex on the beach. I’m new in town.”

“You need a tour guide?”

“I might. Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Cammie asked as she sipped her drink through a straw.

“That girl? Kyla? We’ve only been together a few weeks.” Joe shrugged.

“Yeah? She ever fucked you in the bathroom?”

Joe shook his head no.

“Well she doesn’t sound too fun.”

“Are you?”

Cammie leaned forward.

“Do you know what’s under this dress?”

Joe shook his head.

“Not a damn thing.” She replied, licking his ear as she squeezed his crotch.

“So let’s go then!” Joe said, grabbing Cammie’s hand.

“Not so fast loverboy. I only like big boys, you get me?”

“I ain’t worried.” Joe grinned, lifting his crotch upwards.

“How about you go in the bathroom and send me a pic of what you’re working with. If I like it, I’ll come join you.” Cammie said.

Kyla felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see a young girl staring at her.

“Hey.” She yelled.

“Hey.” Kyla replied.

“You with a guy named Joe?”


“How long you been together?”

“Two years. Why?”

“He just tried to fuck me in the bathroom.”

“WHAT!” Kyla screamed.

Cammie held out her phone to Kyla, showing a text message with a picture of a cock.

‘waiting on you’ the message read.

It had come from Joe’s number.

“That fucking bastard! I’m gonna kill him!” Kyla screamed.

“Would you like to meet my boyfriend instead?” Cammie asked.

“YES!” Kyla yelled.

Cammie grabbed the older girl’s hand and pulled her through the crowd towards the staircase. They slowly climbed up the narrow stairs, balancing precariously on their tall heels and made their way to where Cammie had left Daddy.

“Hey there.” Daddy called out.

“Kyla, this is...” Cammie began.

Before she could finish, Kyla marched forward and straddled Daddy’s lap, kissing him hard. He grabbed her ass, tugging her dress up as she clawed at his jeans.

“I’ll show that fucker. Get over here!” Kyla ordered.

“Where are you? I’m ready.” Joe typed, stroking his cock nervously.

He paced back and forth in the small bathroom stall when his phone vibrated. Anxiously, he held it up.

On the screen was Kyla, his girlfriend of two years, with her mouth full of cock.

“Sorry, busy.” Came a text, followed by another photo.

In this one, Kyla and Cammie were face to face, licking the sides of the cock.

“What the shit!” Joe screamed when a video message popped up.

On it, Kyla was sitting on top of another man, bouncing up and down. Her dress was pulled down and the man was groping her bare breasts.

“You like Daddy’s dick?” Came Cammie’s voice.

“I love Daddy’s dick. It’s so fucking big. It’s so much fucking bigger than Joe’s.” Kyla moaned.

“What do you want to tell him?” Cammie asked. Kyla looked at the screen.

“I’m dumping you, you fucking bastard. Oh and, I’m gonna let Daddy fuck me in the ass tonight. Sweet dreams, have a nice life.” Kyla replied, blowing a kiss to the screen.

“Motherfucker!” Joe screamed as the screen went black.

“So you like to dance?” Daddy asked.

“Yeah!” Amy exclaimed, looking up.

“My friend Trent is looking for dancers.”

“Trent ... Trent X?” Amy gasped.

“Yeah, you know him?”

“Hell yeah I know him. He’s your friend?” Amy exclaimed, looking from Daddy to Cammie.

“Yeah, we go back a while. He’s shooting a new video and asked me if I knew some hot girls. You interested?”

Amy and Cammie began to shriek with excitement.

“Isn’t he doing porn now too?” Cammie asked.

Daddy shrugged.

“He does lots of things. I’ll get the details.”

The girls squealed with excitement.

“One thing, don’t embarrass me. You’re representing me and my reputation. If you fuck up, you’re sleeping on the streets again.” Daddy warned.

Bikini and heels. Those were the directions.

Amy and Cammie held each other’s hands tightly as they wobbled up the long driveway towards the house. Neither girl were used to shoes this tall, but Daddy insisted that it was basically a requirement. As they rounded the corner, both girls gasped.

“Fuck, this place is huge!” Cammie exclaimed as they stared at the enormous mansion. The parking lot was full of vans and sports cars and the girls could see several other women lined up at the front door and hurried to join them.

As she glanced nervously at the other women in line, Amy adjusted her bikini top for the 10th’ time, trying to give her small breasts a lift.

“Your fine babe, your ass is fucking fantastic. Not every girl here is a double D.” Cammie whispered.

“Yeah, some are just a D.” Amy whispered back nervously.

“You can dance baby, I’m sure these bitches just jiggle their tits. Relax!” Cammie said as they approached a man with a clipboard.

“Uhm, Amy and Cammie?” Amy said nervously as the man openly scoped out their bodies over the top of his clipboard.

“Straight ahead. Outside at the pool.” He said.

The girls made their way outside to a flurry of activity. Lights, wires and scantily clad girls were everywhere. Every color and nationality seemed to be represented, but every girl was sexy in their own way. The girls glanced around, clearly intimidated.

Finally a man in a baseball hat climbed up on a table with a bullhorn.

“OK, audition time! We’re gonna start some music. You all just dance and have a good time. We’re going to rearrange you, so show us your best!” He called out.

Huge speakers began to blare Trent X songs and immediately all the girls began to sway and jiggle.

Amy and Cammie began to nervously dance with each other as the director moved through the crowd of flesh.

“You, stay here. You, come with me.” He said, grabbing Cammie’s hand. Amy watched on in terror as he pulled Cammie through the mass of people.

Losing sight of her friend, Amy closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on moving to the music.

“Here. You two. Up front. Stay put.” Amy heard the director say. She opened her eyes to see a tall, extremely busty blond in a tiny bikini standing in front of her.

“Hey, I’m Amy.” She said, her voice breaking.

“I’m Denise. Isn’t school still in session?” She replied.

“It’s summer.” Amy babbled, confused.

“Whatever. You should take your tiny little titties back to middle school and stay the fuck out of my way.” Denise said, turning her back to Amy. Amy’s mouth fell open and as she tried to formula a response, the director climbed up on the table again.

“Showtime! You all ready?” He yelled.

The girls all screamed back in a cheer.

“Here he is! Now just fucking dance your asses off. Sex sells, so make it slutty!” The director yelled back.

The music began to blare a new tune and the girls cheered as Trent X appeared through one of the doors.

Being in a music video was harder than it looked and after an hour of dancing, Amy’s body was burning. The upside was that she and Denise were front and center and Trent X spent most of his time dancing with the two girls and groping his huge black hands over their bodies.

Denise played along and wasn’t shy about touching Amy, though she shot her evil looks and thrust out her huge chest every chance she could. Trent seemed to be quite smitten with Amy’s tight ass though, and spent a lot of time squeezing and spreading it open, much to Denise’s annoyance.

Amy caught a glance of Cammie in the background, dancing alone on a table and felt sorry for her, but focused her attention on the camera in front of her.

“We get it?” Trent asked as the music died down.

“Yeah, we got it. That’s a wrap!” The director yelled.

The girls and the crew cheered ass Trent grabbed the bullhorn and climbed up onto the table.

“Work is over, playtime is on!” Trent announced.

The girls cheered.

“That means its Titty Time! Take em out or hit the fucking road. No boring chicks at my fucking party!” Trent yelled. He tossed the bullhorn onto the ground and as he picked up a bottle of champagne, bikini tops began to fly into the air.

Amy glanced around for a moment and saw a handful of girls race towards the exit as she reached behind her back and pulled the tie on her top.

“Here, hold this.” Denise said, throwing her top in Amy’s face.

Trent began to spray the crowed with champagne and Denise pushed her way to the front and thrust her tits out. Trent upended the bottle above her and began to bath her huge breasts with the fizzy drink.

Amy moved towards the table as Trent climbed off of it. Her heart sank when he grabbed Denise’s hand but fluttered when he pulled her through the crowd towards her.

“There’s my fucking stars. I do love some fucking blond sluts.” Trent said, grinning down at Amy with gold teeth.

“Right fucking here baby, I’ll be your little slut.” Denise insisted, thrusting her chest out towards Trent.

Trent slid his hand up and gripped her enormous melon, his huge hand still unable to cover the darkly tanned flesh as he squeezed it.

Denise tilted backwards and arched her back, pushing her chest outwards further. Amy watched as he leaned down and her heart sank as he took one of Denise’s nipples in his mouth but as she began to turn away, he yanked her in close and slid his hand down onto her perky ass.

“Yeah baby, you like my titties?” Denise moaned, gripping the back of Trent’s head. “Yeah, fucking nice.” Trent mumbled, chewing on her nipple.

Amy watched for just a moment and then steeled herself with determination. Pushing herself between the couple, she thrust her hand down and grabbed Trent’s cock through his jeans.

“Mind if I suck on something else?” Amy asked, summoning a seductive voice.

Trent pulled away from Denise’s chest and turned towards her, a shocked and amused look on his face.

“Sure baby, fucking have at it.” He grinned.

Hit by the effects of the freely flowing champagne, Cammie wobbled down the hallway of the huge mansion. In the chaos, she had lost track of Amy so she made her way inside, exploring the enormous house. There were other men, part of Trent’s crew, but the ratio of women to men was huge and all of the girls were sizing each other up as they passed each other. Several men wandered around with video cameras, ducking into bedrooms and recording anything interesting.

Cammie turned a corner to see one such man recording two women standing up kissing. One Hispanic woman in a black bottom was groping the other one’s breast while her partner, a blond in a white bottom had her hand inside her bikini.

“That’s it. Nice. Now go down on her.” The cameraman directed. The blond dropped to her knees and tugged the Hispanic girl’s bottom down. The brunette pushed her head towards her crotch as she knelt in front of her.

“Nice, Nice. You want to get in on this?” The cameraman asked, noticing Cammie.

“I’m good.” Cammie said.

“Suit yourself.” He replied, turning back to the pair as the Hispanic girl wrapped her leg over the blonde’s shoulder. Cammie watched the Hispanic girl stare into the camera, licking her lips and moaning seductively as she rocked her hips back and forth against the blonde’s face.

“Nice, now turn around and show me your ass.” The cameraman directed as Cammie turned to walk away.

“Yeah that’s it. Suck my fucking balls.” Trent directed.

Amy lowered her head, dragging her tongue down Trent’s huge ebony shaft to his enormous balls. She sucked one into her mouth and swirled it around.

“Fuck yeah. Fucking hot little cock sucker!” Trent moaned.

“Yeah, you like that baby?” Denise called out, lifting her head up from the mushroom head of Trent’s cock.

“Lick my fucking ass.” Trent ordered.

Amy pulled away from Trent’s ball sac and tilted her head backwards. As she began to slide under Trent’s body, Denise pushed her out of the way.

“Move bitch.” She hissed, twisting her head upwards and pushing it between Trent’s ass cheeks. With a huff, Amy climbed up onto the couch next to Trent and lowered her mouth onto his cock.

“Fuck yeah girl. Get to it. You two make a good team.” Trent said, putting his hand on Amy’s head and urging her downwards.

“I’m better on my own.” Denise said, looking up from between his legs.

“Yeah?” Trent asked, sliding his hand under Amy’s bikini bottom and fingering her pussy.

“Uh huh.” Denise nodded.

“I like to play with a group. Me and my girlfriend love to play together.” Amy said, pulling off Trent’s dick.

“Oh yeah? Is she here?” Trent asked.

“You want me to go get her?” Amy nodded, slowly stroking Trent’s slick cock.

“I love girls too!” Denise blurted.

“How about you have her go down on me while you fuck her?” Amy suggested in a quiet voice.

Trent’s smile got bigger.

“I like the way you think. You a bad girl huh?”

“You got no idea baby.” Amy replied.

Cammie paused at a doorway next to a redheaded woman and glanced in.

Inside was an extremely slender Asian girl, laying on her back. She was being pounded roughly by one of Trent’s crew. The girl was clawing at the sheets, her face clenched up in complicated anguish as a camera man filled the action.

“Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Take that fucking dick. Take that fucking dick.” He growled, wrapping one large hand around the girl’s slender neck. “That’s it D, pound that little bitch. Fucking give it to her!” The camera man encouraged.

“Like that? Like that? You like that fucking dick?” D taunted. The girl just cried.

“You fucked the words out of her!” A voice laughed from behind. Cammie and the redhead whipped around to see another of Trent’s crew standing behind them.

“Sup ladies? How about we go inside and play?” He said, wrapping his arms around both of their waists. The girls looked at each other as he pushed them inside.

Denise’s huge breasts bounced back and forth under Trent’s thrusts.

“Fuck yeah baby. Fuck yeah. How she doing down there?” Trent called out.

“Not bad. I think she needs some more practice though.” Amy replied, raking her fingers through Denise’s hair.

The older girl lifted her head up from her crotch and shot her an evil look.

“Yeah? Maybe we’ll have to do this again.” Trent grunted.

“Any time you want baby. Anytime you want, I’m down for whatever.” Denise called out, looking over her shoulder at Trent.

“That a fact huh?” “For sure baby. For sure. You worked so hard today, why don’t you kick back and let me ride your big fat dick.” Denise said.

Trent nodded and pulled out of Denise, then dropped back onto the couch. Amy watched as she climbed onto his lap and sank onto his dick.

“Oh yeah baby! Oh yeah! Fuck your dick is so fucking good baby! So fucking good!” Denise cried, wrapping her arms around Trent’s neck and thrusting her tits into his face.

“Move that ass bitch. Move that ass.” Trent ordered, gripping Denise’s ass cheeks.

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