Road Trip Runaways - Cover

Road Trip Runaways

Copyright© 2022 by JustaWriter

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two teenage runaways come across a rough older man who offers to take care of them, if they are are willing to pay his price. The man uses his girls for his business: fulfilling fantasies. (A collection of short stories)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Reluctant   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   DomSub   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie  

“So, what do you think will happen to them?” Daddy asked.

Amy and Camila glanced at each other.

“Done.” Amy replied with a mouth full of fries.

“You think that they won’t make it?” He asked.

“Yeah, no way. That girl is too much for him.” Camila replied.

Daddy nodded and stared off into space as he drank from his beer.

“So what did you two think of that?” He asked.

“Kinda messed up to be honest.” Amy replied.

“How do you figure? Everyone had a good time, right?” Daddy asked.

Amy paused for a moment.

“Yeah, I guess so. So, is that your deal, just like, tricking people into sex?”

“Tricked? Did I trick anyone? I just happen to set up a situation and things happened the way they happened. Not like I’m drugging anyone or anything, I just helped nudge destiny a little bit, with the help of my two new favorite girls.”

Amy looked down and blushed a little, then looked over at Camila.

The brunette stared at her friend, a slightly confused look on her face but gave a slight nod.

“I guess that makes sense, right?” Amy replied.

“Sure, I guess. So, you get off on that sort of stuff?” Camila asked.

“Sort of. I just like to make things happen. Just like you two.” Daddy replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you wanted to leave your shit town, you didn’t have a real method, so you just figured it out. I would have gone a different route with it, but I’ll give you two credit for taking the initiative.”

“What would you have done instead?” Camila asked.

“Started an Only fans or something like that. You two would make a whole lot more money selling sex tapes and dirty pictures than sucking dick at a truck stop.” Daddy replied.

“Yeah, but that would have taken time. We wanted to get going.” Camila replied.

“So, you did what you had to do. Again, I’ll give you credit for that.”

A small smile spread across the girl’s faces as they reacted to the closest thing to a compliment yet.

“So what do you do for work anyway?” Amy asked.

Daddy smiled a little bit.

“I do lots of things.”

“Vague much?” Camila replied.

“Let’s just say, people pay me to make things happen.”

“Do you kill people?” Amy gasped.

Daddy laughed.

“No, nothing like that. Like I said, I just like to nudge fate a little. I’m pretty good at it and sometimes people pay me for that. But, I need help every now and then, which is where you two come in.”

“Us? Why us?” Amy asked, looking over at Camila.

“Because you’re cute girls. Sometime fate needs a nice set of tits and a tight ass to be nudged along.” Daddy grinned.

“So, you’re gonna use us for sex huh?” Camila replied bluntly.

“You got a problem with that? The door is that way.” Daddy replied, his tone just as blunt.

Camila stared at him for a moment and then continued to shovel fries into her mouth.

“It was kinda fun.” Amy said, trying to break the ice.

“Mhm. Sex is supposed to be fun. She was a hot one huh?”

“Yeah she was. I’ve never done anything in a dressing room before.”

“Ever sucked dick under a table at a restaurant?” Daddy asked.

Amy shook her head.

“You done with your food?”


Daddy just stared at Amy, a grin on his face.

“Here? Now? Really?” Amy asked in a shocked tone.

“Uh huh.” Daddy nodded.

Amy looked around the restaurant, her heart beating fast. She glanced over to see Camila staring at her intently as she slid underneath the table.

“How’s your food?” Daddy asked.

Camila could hear the sound of a zipper.

“It’s good.” She replied, pushing another handful of fries into her mouth.

“Stay here Dad, I won’t be long!” Beth called out as she skipped into the V.S.

“Sure.” John replied, sinking into the bench outside the store.

‘I won’t be long’ was code for, ‘don’t make any plans’.

Still, Beth was a good girl and John had done his best to spoil her since her mother had skipped town. It had been rough raising a teenage daughter alone he and Beth had gotten along pretty well and he was sad to see her go off to college in a few months.

“They grow up fast, huh?” A male voice said. John looked up to see another man sit on the bench next to him. He studied him for a moment. He was older, but didn’t appear to be as old as he was.

“Sure do. You got some?” John asked.

The man nodded with his head and John looked up to see a blond and a brunette making their way into the store holding hands.

“Both yours?” John asked, confused.

The man nodded.

“Made two mistakes close together. Both of them landed in my lap at the same time.” He replied.


“How about you?” He asked.

“Mom took off with her yoga instructor a couple years ago.”

“Ouch. Never married again?”

John shook his head.

“Tied up being a dad and working my ass off. Dated a little but it just never worked out. How about you?”

“Same. Couple girlfriends and flings but never worked out.”

John nodded.

“It’s nice having some eye candy around though. The girls bring home some cute friends.” The man grinned.

John blew out a sigh.

“I wish. Beth doesn’t have a ton of friends. I wish she had more. It sucks that I spent a ton of money on a pool that never gets used.”

“She’s a cutie. You fighting off boyfriends?”

“No, she’s never really brought anyone home.”

“Huh, that’s odd. She’s gonna be tearing it up at college.”

“She’s pretty shy. I really don’t want her to leave but I open that being in the dorms will help open her up some more.”

“Frat party has a good way of new experiences huh?” the man laughed.

“Yeah really. Damn, I miss those college days. Good times.”

“Good times. So, you want to cut loose and have some fun? Sounds like you deserve it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I got an idea for you.” He replied with a smirk.

Beth ran upstairs, her arms full of bags. She excitedly tossed them onto the floor and closed her bedroom door behind her

She couldn’t believe that her Dad had allowed her to buy so many things at the store today and quickly dumped them onto her bed.

Beth was a shy girl with shoulder length brunette hair and a slender figure. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with her, she just lacked the outgoing traits that both her father and mother had possessed. Her mother leaving them a few years ago had shaken her self-confidence and as the time grew closer for her to leave for college, she had convinced her Dad that a shopping spree would help get her ready for a new start.

Beth quickly whipped off her T shirt and bra and kicked her jeans and panties off. She took a moment to admire her smaller breasts in the mirror before pulling a new bra over them. Beth had never been one for overly ‘sexy’ clothes or underwear but as she pulled the black thong up over her trimmed bush, she did have to admit that the new outfit gave her confidence a boost.

“Hey babe!” Came a knock on the door.

Beth jumped.

“Yeah?” She yelled.

“I got some friends coming over. They are going to spend the weekend. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, he just called me.”

“They?” Beth asked.

“Yeah an old friend from college. He’s bringing his girls with him, they are about your age. I’ll put him in the guest room and figured they can crash with you.”

“Cool!” Beth replied.

“Should be here any time.”

“Got it. I’ll be down in a minute.” Beth replied.

The air conditioner kicked on and Beth’s door opened just a fraction of an inch. She didn’t notice the eye in the crack, looking at her ass in the reflection of the mirror.

The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it!” Beth yelled, running down the stairs.

She yanked open the front door to see two girls, a blond and a brunette standing in front of a tall older man who was holding a bottle of wine.

“Hey there.” She grinned, pulling the door further.

“I’m Michael. This is Amy and Camila.” The man said.

“Call me Cammie.” The brunette said.

“Cool, I’m Beth. Come on in!” Beth replied.

The foursome wandered inside and Beth led them to the back patio where John was grilling.

“Hey buddy!” Michael called out as John approached him. The men hugged.

“Brought wine.” Michael said.

“Got a cooler full of beer too. Babe, go get some wine glasses.”

“I’m drinking tonight?” Beth asked incredulously.

“Babe, you’re going away in a few months. I can’t control you forever. Might as well stop trying.” John shrugged.

Beth ran off happily.

“You bring suits?” John asked as he noticed the new girls staring at the pool.

“Uh huh.” They both nodded.

“Beth will show you where you can change.”

The girls stared hungrily at the water for a minute until Beth emerged from inside with a tray full of wine glasses.

“You want to swim?” Beth asked.

“Fuck yeah!” Amy exclaimed.

“Watch your fucking language!” Michael laughed as Amy grabbed Beth’s hand and pulled her inside.

Beth let the girls up to her bedroom.

“I’ll give you a se...” Beth started as both girls quickly yanked off their T shirts.

“We’re not shy.” Cammie giggled as she unclipped her bra.

“You’re sisters?” Beth asked, trying not to stare at Camila’s large breasts.

“Uh huh. Same dad, different mom.” Camia replied, pushing her shorts down.

“We grew up together, so we’re really close.” Amy said, pulling off her own bra.

Amy had an interesting tone in her voice and Beth stared at her for a moment before pulling off her own clothes.

“Cute butt.” Cammie giggled.

“Thanks. You two are both super cute.” Beth said, blushing as she pulled on her suit.

“Come on, let’s go get wet!” Amy said, grabbing Beth by the hands.

The bottle of wine was empty and the trio giggled in the water as the men chatted in chairs.

“Hey Beth, I’m gonna go show Michael the hot rod.”

“Later, I’ll see you next year!” Beth called out with a laugh.

“What’s that?” Amy asked, pushing her hair back over her face.

“Dad’s fucking true love, his damn car. He can talk about that fucking thing for hours. We won’t see them again tonight.” Beth giggled.

“All alone huh? Sucks for us.” Cammie replied, her tone dropping.

Beth turned away to hide her blush.

“So, you got a boyfriend?” Cammie asked.

“No.” Beth mumbled, feeling her face turn even redder.

“Why not? You’re super cute.”

“I ... I’m not really all that into ... guys...” Beth stammered.

“Oh so you’re a lesbian? Or bi?” Amy asked loudly.

“Not really sure. I mean, both are great but I don’t have a lot of experience with guys. And the ones I did weren’t great. But girls, girls are so soft...” Beth said, her voice drifting off.

She stared into the distance, wistfully remembering her last experience when she shook her head and turned back to her new friends.

“Sorry.” She mumbled.

“It’s OK. We’re both bi and we tell each other everything.” Cammie said.

“Yeah, neither of us have a ton of experience with girls though. Do you?” Amy asked.

Beth nodded.

“Yeah me and my friend hooked up when we were sophomores but then she got a boyfriend. I’ve hooked up with a few girls since then but it’s been a little while.”

“Hot. Maybe you’d like to show us a few things?” Cammie asked, moving slowly towards Beth.

“Sure, I mean, you two are both really cute. But you’re sisters, right? Isn’t that weird?” Beth asked as Camila wrapped her arms over Beth’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it. We share everything.” Camila said, leaning in and kissing Beth.

“Everything.” Amy repeated, moving closer and kissing Beth on the neck.

“Fuck man, I can’t fucking believe it!” John exclaimed, his forehead pressed to the glass.

“I told you.” Michael said, looking through the window.

“I had my suspicions, but damn!” John babbled as he watched Beth and Cammie passionately make out. The brunette had already pulled her top off and Amy was in the process of removing Beth’s.

“Just give them some wine and some space, they are gonna have a good night, I promise.” Michael said. Amy kissed along Beth’s neck as she sucked on Cammie’s breasts.

“And so will we.”

“God, your boobs are so awesome!” Beth exclaimed as she cupped Cammie’s breasts.

“Yours too.” Cammie replied.

“They are small.” Beth complained.

“Same size as mine.” Amy replied, reaching around Beth’s body and palming her tits.

Beth turned around to face Amy, who leaned in to kiss her. The brunette lifted her hand up and held the back of Amy’s head as they embraced.

“You’re a really good kisser.” Beth panted.

“Thanks. We practice a lot.” Amy replied, glancing over at Camila.

Beth’s eyes shot open.

“You, two? Together?” Beth asked, incredulously.

“Told you we share everything.” Cammie said as she moved closer. Amy turned towards her and opened her mouth and as Beth watched, the two girls kissed passionately.

“Fuck man! That’s fucking amazing!” John exclaimed, his cock straining uncomfortably against his pants.

“Mhm. Rough life. I get the impression that Beth has some surprises in store though.” Michael said.

The men watched as the trio made their way backwards to the shallow end of the pool and Camila sat up on the edge. Beth reached up and tugged down her bottoms.

“Holy shit. Holy shit!” John babbled as Beth lowered her head to Camila’s crotch.

“Fuck baby. Fuck! You’re so fucking good!” Camila cried, raking her fingers through Beth’s hair.

“Thanks, it’s been a while. You taste really damn good.” Beth mumbled, her face attached to Camila’s pussy as Amy kissed the back of her neck.

“Thanks babe. Amy does too.” Camila replied.

“You do each other?” Beth exclaimed, her head popping up.

“Uh huh.” Camila replied, her eyes blazing.

“Can I watch?” Beth asked.

“Say please.” Amy replied, licking her ear.

Beth turned around to face the blond.

“Please? Please can I watch?” She asked.

“Should we show her?” Amy asked.

Beth flipped around.

“She’s doing great on me. I think she’s earned it. Come over here sis.” Cammie replied.

Beth turned around again to see Amy stand up and pull her top off. Water dripped off her small breasts as she climbed up the stairs. Beth watched as she kicked off her bottoms and straddled Camila’s face.

“Holy shit. Holy shit!” Beth exclaimed as Amy slowly lowered herself. Camila reached up and cupped Amy’s toned ass cheeks then tilted her head backwards.

“Oh yeah. Ohh yeah. Oh that’s nice.” Amy moaned grinding her hips on Camila’s face.

“That is the fucking sexiest thing ever.” Beth said.

“No one told you to stop.” Amy giggled, turning around and pushing Beth’s head down into Camila’s crotch.

“Fuck man, that’s like some live porn!” John exclaimed.

“Yeah it is. The night is just starting. I’ll leave you alone.” Michael said.

John barely noticed Michael leave the room as he watched his daughter tongue Camila’s crotch while Amy bucked against her face. He had been surreptitiously touching himself for a while but now alone, John eagerly pushed his shorts down to his knees and wrapped his hand around his cock.

“I think it’s time to take this upstairs, huh?” Amy panted, climbing off of Camila’s face.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Cammie said, leaning up.

Beth lifted her head up and nodded. Still naked, the trio gathered their tops and quickly ran upstairs into Beth’s bedroom.

“That’s better.” Amy said, throwing Beth onto the bed and climbing on top of her. Beth’s hand slid up and down Amy’s back as the two kissed.

“Where are your toys?” Camila asked.

“Toys?” Beth replied, pulling away from Amy for a moment.

“Every girl has a box of sex toys.” Cammie giggled.

“Oh, under the bed. Red shoebox.” Beth replied, melting into the bed as Amy kissed her neck.

“Kinky! You into that?” Camila asked.

“What’s she got?” Amy asked, looking up as Camila held up a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold.

“Yeah, my last girlfriend and I used to mess around with it.”

“Hot. You into butt stuff?” Cammie asked.

“Huh?” Beth replied.


Beth and Amy both looked over at Cammie, who was holding up a butt plug.

“I tried it once but got scared. How about you two?” Beth asked.

“She has. I’m still playing around with it.” Amy replied.

“How was it?”

“Fucking intense.” Cammie replied.

“Did it hurt?”

“A little, but I’ve never cum so hard in my life. I saw stars.”

“Damn. Yeah a guy I dated tried the whole ‘ooops I slipped thing’ and it freaked me out.”

“That’s why you need to fuck an older man.” Amy said, turning back towards Beth.


“Uh huh, older men know what they are doing. They can teach you a lot of things.” Cammie replied, sliding up on the bed next to the couple.

“Is that who fucked you in the butt? An older guy?” Beth asked, her breathing growing faster as Cammie traced up her body with the tip of the butt plug.

“Uh huh. Daddy made it so good.” Cammie replied.

“Your Dad? You fucked your Dad?” Beth exclaimed, her eyes opened wide.

“He fucked us both.” Amy said, sliding her hand down Beth’s body.

Beth turned to face Amy.


Amy nodded, her hand resting between Beth’s legs.

“How did it happen?”

“I saw his cock one day and told her how big it was. That night we just went into his bedroom and fucked him.” Cammie replied.

“Together?” Beth asked, turning toward Cammie.

“Uh huh.” Cammie said, tracing the plug under Beth’s chin.

“And he went for it?”

“Would you turn us down?” Amy giggled.

Beth turned towards Amy.

“Well, no.”

“We had a real good time.” Cammie said. As Beth turned back towards Cammie, the busty girl pushed the butt plug into Beth’s mouth.

“Suck it.” Cammie directed.

“She’s so fucking sexy.” Amy said, rubbing Beth’s pussy as Cammie worked the toy in and out of Beth’s mouth.

“Bet she tastes good.” Cammie said, staring intently at Beth as she swirled her tongue around the toy.

“She does.” Amy replied, sliding her body down towards Beth’s crotch.

“Is she any good?” Cammie asked quietly as Amy moved between Beth’s legs.

Beth nodded excitedly.

“Good, we practice a lot.” Cammie grinned, pulling the plug out of her mouth.

“You two are so fucking hot.” Beth panted, her hand resting on Amy’s head.

“You’re so fucking hot.” Cammie said, kissing along Beth’s neck to her shoulder. Amy gripped Beth’s thigh and rolled her onto her side. Beth bucked her ass back and forth between Amy’s face and Cammie’s body as the busty girl kissed the back of her neck.

“God, this is so hot.” Beth moaned.

“It’s about to get better.” Camila replied.

“What do you mean?” Beth asked.

“Do you trust me?” Cammie asked.

Beth glanced over her shoulder at Cammie with a worried look on her face, but nodded.

“Just relax sweetie. Just relax.” Cammie said. Beth nodded but jerked forward when she felt something touch her anus.

“Relax baby! Relax! Amy, help her out would you?” Cammie said.

Amy pulled Beth over onto her face and Beth climbed up on her knees. Camila knelt beside her and Amy pulled her ass cheeks apart.

“Here we go baby, just relax.” Camila said.

Beth grabbed the rails of her headboard and braced herself as Cammie pushed the plug forward into her anus.

“God! God! God, it’s going in!” Beth exclaimed as she felt her rear being invaded.

“Fuck baby, you taste so fucking good! You’re fucking dripping!” Amy cried.

Beth instantly became aware of how wet her pussy was as Amy continued to lap at her crotch.

“How does it feel?” Cammie asked, rubbing Beth’s back.

“Big. Good, but big.” Beth gasped.

“Just wait till you try a dick in your ass.” Camila replied, licking Beth’s ear.

“Fuck. Fuck. Damn she’s fucking good.” Amy panted, grinding her pussy on Beth’s face.

“Maybe we should take her home with us.” Camila replied, holding her phone upright.

“That sounds fun. Think we can get Daddy to adopt her?” Amy asked, breathing hard.

“Probably.” Camila giggled.

“Or we just keep her as our sex toy.” Amy laughed.

“Even better.”

“That sounds so fucking hot.” Beth replied.

“Shut up and keep licking. I’m so fucking close.” Amy demanded.

“Are you sure this will work?” Beth asked, turning her head from side to side.

Amy and Camila nodded as they lathered soap over their nude bodies.

“Totally. 110%.” Amy replied.

“I’m so nervous.” Beth said.

“You’re beautiful. He will love you, I promise.” Amy said.

Beth sucked in a deep breath as she slowly crept down the hall. Very aware of her nudity, she steeled herself for the rejection that the girls swore wouldn’t take place. As she reached the door, she blew the breath out and pushed it open.

John tossed and turned, his painful erection combined with the searing images in his brain made it impossible to sleep. He had tried to jerk off at the videos on his phone of the three girls engaged in a variety of sexual positions but couldn’t quite overcome the fact that he was watching his daughter on the screen.

Just as sleep began to take hold of him, the door to his bedroom opened.

Figuring that he was dreaming, John ignored the slender, nude figure approaching his bed. Her hand slid under the covers and groped his crotch.

“Such a good Daddy.” The figure spoke, wrapping her fingers around his dick.

John moaned as she began to stroke him.

“You worked so hard, you deserve this.” The figure continued as her head ducked under the covers.

“Oh God. Oh baby. Oh baby.” He moaned as his cock was covered with a warm, wet mouth. The figure began to slowly move up and down on it.

“God that’s good baby. That’s so good.”

“Is it what you always wanted?” Another, deeper voice came from his side. John turned to see Camila standing next to the bed and he drank in her nude body.

John nodded, his hand on the top of the girl’s head.

“Well, anything else you want, it’s yours. Anything.” Camila replied, crawling into bed and leaning down to kiss him.

Beth slowly entered the dim room and moved over to the bed. As she pulled the covers away, the figure turned towards her.

“Looking for something?” Michael asked in a quiet voice.

“Oh, hey.” Beth exclaimed, jerking backwards.

“Don’t be afraid. It’s OK.” Michael said.

“Are you sure?” Beth stammered.

Michael nodded and grabbed Beth’s hand. She looked down at it as he pulled her onto the bed alongside him.

“Be gentle with me, please?” Beth asked in a frightened voice.

John was panting hard as he drilled Amy from behind. The slender girl was eagerly pushing back against him, but John’s age was beginning to show.

“Do you like this baby? Is this what you wanted?” Camila asked, licking his ear as she pressed her large breasts into his back.

“Yeah.” He grunted under the effort. “You want to see what your little girl is up to?” Cammie asked seductively.

John just nodded, not able to bring himself to speak.

John felt the weight of the bed change as Camila moved but a moment later she appeared behind him again and held her phone out in front of him.

On the screen John could see Beth sitting on top of Michael, wildly bucking her hips back and forth on his lap. The older man was cupping both of her breasts, squeezing them as she moved on him

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