Traffic Girl: Rita - Cover

Traffic Girl: Rita

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 80

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 80 - John has expanded his relationship with Kat, Jess, and now Rita. What challenges will this present? What opportunities and debauchery? Follow along as this foursome enters a whole new world. John is happy, content, and past all the crazy stuff. Or is he? Is he able to find a happily ever after and business success? Or is it simply too much to handle? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: Here is the penultimate chapter of Traffic Girl: Rita. I hope you enjoy – this has been a great ride for me, and it’s because of all the great feedback I’ve gotten from you. Let’s keep the fun going. This is a long, debauchery-filled chapter that veers into something completely new. I hope you enjoy it.

The two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl always were an anxiety-ridden circus. I now understood that more than ever before. But for the four of us, it was an exercise in fantastic anticipation. There was a high level of confidence that Houston could take the title, but it was difficult to gauge how much of that was wishful thinking because of the windfall of fun it would result for us. You also couldn’t tell how the players would react on a unique stage with unsurpassed pressure and temptation. On the other hand, it was clear that the team was focused. They had developed a strong level of discipline.

We busied ourselves with arrangements. Jess was in her element, putting all the pieces in place. If the team won, the Friday after the Super Bowl we would gather at Stephen’s ranch and party our asses off. If not, the four of us were going to have a quiet weekend there alone. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but we didn’t contemplate the latter scenario seriously.

Kat and I took charge of food and catering. Rita oversaw decorations. And Jess, with help from Crystal and Katie, tackled logistics. There would be about forty people descending on the ranch, and we had to figure out how to juggle partying and sleeping – if there would be any. The planning really was on a scale we hadn’t known before. It was a massive undertaking, and we hoped it wouldn’t be for naught.

Five minutes into the Super Bowl, it was apparent that our hope wasn’t misplaced. Houston was up 14-0 and remained in control throughout, cruising to a 27-3 win in an absolute snooze-fest of a game. New York simply was overmatched. After all the tension and buildup, it really wasn an anticlimactic finish to a thrilling season. But we knew the most exciting part was about to come.

With the party on tap for Friday, the four of us went down to Stephen’s ranch on Wednesday. We wanted to have a night to ourselves on the tranquil property before the shitshow started. Kat and Rita had just reached twelve weeks, and we celebrated passing that milestone by having a leisurely dinner together outside at the ranch. I cooked, and we enjoyed the beautiful late winter weather. We talked about the future. After this weekend, we planned to lock down and focus on preparations for all the change that barreled toward us. We were on course to meet those challenges, and I was looking forward to seeing how it played out. But for the moment? We were going to enjoy one last indulgence before our world turned upside down.

That indulgence would look a bit different than it had in the past. Jess had imposed precautions to ensure Kat and Rita wouldn’t be exposed to second-hand smoke, and Ashley and Megan had agreed not to party when in the room with them. Jess had contemplated putting Kat and Rita up in one of the guest quarters buildings at the ranch, but she didn’t want them to feel disconnected from the rest of the events. So we simply made some adjustments. Ashley and Megan were utterly amenable to it.

I also knew that the party would be a kind of last hurrah. Jess and I had agreed to lock down and button up our behavior until the babies came. We wanted to show our solidarity and commitment to the family. So that probably meant this Super Bowl celebration would be particularly crazy.

The atmosphere ramped up starting on Thursday. First, the Hummer stretch limo with the Houston Infinity girls rolled into the ranch. Crystal, Katie, and Gloria tumbled out first, not even their oversized sunglasses hiding the fact that they had been partying the entire ride into town. Jen, Bianka, Julie, and Nikki were right behind them, the final two puffing deeply on cigarettes. Jason, of course, was by Crystal’s side. Jen looked a little nervous, attending her first big event. We greeted them and had a wonderful laugh when Nikki told us her excuse to her pastor husband was that she was going on a Bible study retreat.

A few hours later, the private jet from Vegas touched down on the ranch’s private airstrip. Kelly, Melissa, Brittany, Caitlyn, and Nicole joined the party. An hour after that, the group was complete when the LA jet arrived. Alix, Serena, Christy, and Josie, the ballet dancer, were in tow. But so were two new girls. Alix introduced them as Claire, a sultry and curvy goth-type, and Emma, an archetypical California blonde.

There were eighteen Infinity girls, and the lineup had never looked better. They all dripped sexuality, anticipation, and confidence. I put my arm around Jess.

“This is the empire you’re building,” I said. “Look at it.”

“Down boy,” she said playfully, patting my crotch.

“I mean it,” I said. “How much are you getting for this gig alone?”

“If it plays out right,” Jess said, “something along the lines of $300,000.”

“Jesus, Jess,” I said.

“So, minus expenses, probably about $175,000,” she said. “The overhead is too high, but what are you going to do? This is a once-in-a-lifetime event.”

With the help of the ranch staff, who were professional in their discretion, we helped everyone get settled. Jess then held a late welcome lunch for everyone to go over some ground rules and plans. She needed everyone to sign non-disclosure agreements. It wasn’t an issue; they had all been told about it in advance. There had been a handful of specific one-on-one requests, which Jess would take care of via introductions as the players arrived. And then there was one surprise. In addition to Megan and Ashley, who were coming for Kat and Rita, there were four other players’ wives joining the party.

The remainder of Thursday was a pressure cooker. I had been expecting a little more fun, but it didn’t play out that way. The anticipation only grew as everyone threw themselves into finalizing the last details. Jess had a team meeting, bringing everyone up to speed on the party plan, as well as session requests. There were so many people attending compared to the usual football party that she was going to kick off the event by pairing certain girls with certain players. That way, she ensured everyone got a taste of who they really wanted.

It was a much more mellow penultimate day than I anticipated. There was a joyful reunion with Alix, in particular, and a lot of reconnecting and gossip about the agency all around. We smoked a ton of weed, and I was a little surprised that about half the girls ripped through cigarettes or vapes. But the biggest surprise was the girls weren’t catty. They got along, and they acted like they were on the same team. I realized Jess had built a very positive culture around this group.

Alix showed off her comfort with being a leader. She made sure everyone met Claire and Emma, the new girls. The three locations co-mingled with ease. They told stories about clients and recent adventures. What struck me was how the experiences were almost universally positive. It was rare to have a bad or even boring session.

After a barbecue feast that evening, the festivities largely wound down early. Jess had arranged hair, makeup, and manicures and pedicures for everyone starting first-thing in the morning. The first batch of players was due around lunch time. The girls had shown admirable restraint that day. It had played out almost like an agency retreat. A healthy number of sleeping pills later, and the ranch was quiet. It wouldn’t stay that way for long.

Friday started early, at least for me. The persistent mouths of Kat and Rita circled my cock, and I awoke to the most intense double blow job I had ever experienced.

“We couldn’t sleep,” Kat said, biting her lower lip in her naughty fashion.

“We are such horny pregnant sluts,” Rita piled on.

I stretched as their tongues worked me over and asked, “Where’s Jess?”

“She’s already starting preparations,” Kat said.

“I don’t know where all the drugs came from,” Rita said. “But this is the first time I’ve been jealous that I can’t indulge.”

“Oh, god, me too,” Kat echoed. “Did you see that brick of coke? Daddy, it was a full kilo!”

“Jesus,” I muttered but then lost myself in the beautiful mischief my pregnant girlfriends made with their mouths. This would be a common refrain for the weekend.

It didn’t take long for me to cum across their tongues, then I got up to use the restroom. It was difficult to pee because I was still hard from that beautiful wakeup call. I threw on some athletic clothes, matching the yoga pants and maternity Lululemon tops the girls wore. And just then Jess appeared, her face relaxed and happy, but her eyes betraying that she probably had hit the coke already.

“Okay, lovely mamas,” she said. “I have your style and spa treatments coming to you in this room. You don’t have to go anywhere. But first? Prenatal massages. I wanted to surprise you. Take it easy this morning, and everything will be ready to go with Ashley and Megan. They won’t be here until mid-afternoon, so you have plenty of time to relax and rest.”

It was a sweet gesture to pamper Kat and Rita. I could sense they felt a little left out because of their conditions, and Jess was extremely thoughtful to put them at the front of her mind.

“And you, mister,” Jess said, pointing at me, “come with me. I’m putting you to work.”

The hurricane of groundwork started then and didn’t stop for more than three hours, until the first guests arrived. The only way to describe the ranch’s transformation was to call it a football nightclub. There were disco balls, two booths for a couple players who fancied themselves DJs, and a sound system so large it was good the nearest neighbor wasn’t for miles around. Jess had chosen simple, gameday style food that was easy and well-prepared. The overall decoration was one of soft light and intimacy, playing off of the numerous nooks and crannies throughout the ranch – both in its buildings and outside of them – that would afford untold shenanigans and trysts.

Then there were the drugs. It was a mountain of indulgence fit for a cartel. Jess really had splurged on a kilo of cocaine. It was up to Katie, Jen, Alix, and Caitlyn to grind the brick into fine powder and distribute it among the numerous antique snuff boxes that were the ranch’s signature cocaine serving dishes. There was every incarnation of marijuana you could think of – bud to smoke, dabs, edibles, gummies, hash, and vapes. We had ecstasy in pill and powder form, and scores of Oxy. All that didn’t even account for the alcohol, which would have gotten three times as many people drunk as were attending.

And, of course, this being a Jess party, there had to be a theme. She made it “angels,” which was just her way of presenting the Infinity girls in lingerie. And they embraced it wholeheartedly. The looks ranged from elegant to trashy. It was hard to get a handle on the entire scene because, once the party favors were out and the first group of players were on their way, the good times started to roll.

As I strolled the grounds, doing a final check to ensure that Jess’s instructions had been carried out to the letter, it was one of those rare moments when my senses were completely overcome. By the pool, Crystal sat on Jason’s lap as they shared a bowl, while Julie and Nikki took bong rips. Nearby, Jen and Bianka were giggling along with Caitlyn and Melissa from Vegas in between snorting up thick lines of cocaine.

By the large outdoor bar, Alix and Brittany, reunited again, were rubbing their gums after doing lines, and talking happily. Adjacent to them, I was a little shocked to see Serena, Christy, Josie, and Claire from LA grinding up a small mountain of Oxy and snorting up lines of it.

“It will seriously keep you mellowed out when you start hitting the coke hard,” I heard Claire, the dark-haired, curvy vixen who I’d only just met say. “So you can take it really rough, and I hear some of these guys like it rough.”

“So rough,” Serena said, her voice euphoric. “It’s so much fun.”

That level of anticipation permeated the entire ranch. I saw Kelly holding court with Nicole, the new blonde Emma, Katie, and Gloria. They were passing around a mirror and drinking Champagne. I was headed inside to check on the girls, but Katie grabbed me and pulled me to the side just before I reached the door.

“Hey,” she said, jutting her chest out even though it was unnecessary. She wore an electric blue bra that was too small for her pendulous breasts. A matching g-string and garter belt finished the outfit, although she didn;’t wear stockings.

“Hey yourself,” I said, staring unabashedly at her tits.

“Come find me tonight,” she said. “I’ve got an early meet-up with one of the guys, but you fill me up just right, and I need that. Okay?”

“I’ll do anything you tell me to,” I said with a wink.

“Just remember what a horny slut I get to be when I’m coked up,” she said with a wicked smile. “Maybe I can have a booty bump later.”

She pecked me on the lips and bounced away, her brilliantly luscious ass quivering as she went. The French doors to the patio were wide open because the weather was perfect. I walked into the main house and caught Jess in a quiet moment before the craziness started. She was standing above one of the long bar tops, her eyes closed, but glass straw in her hand. She saw me and smiled, looking like an angel in a translucent white bra and thong.

“Hi, my love,” Jess said.

“You look exquisite,” I said.

“I love the coke drip,” she said, ignoring my compliment. “I just can’t help myself. I do love it so.”

I smiled at her, and she kissed me without regard for her lipstick.

“I think after tonight we should scale back on the fun,” she said. “Really focus on our family. But tonight? Let’s just do whatever we want. How do you feel about that?”

“You know I always appreciate how smart you are,” I said.

“So anything goes?” she said.

“Why not?” I said, a slight chill running up my spine.

I went to check on Kat and Rita, who waited for Megan and Ashley in one of the large bedrooms. They wore matching silk negligees that looked modest-yet-seductive. Kat was in green, while Rita wore red. There was only so much modesty that could come into play with these two. They looked stunning, both their nipples looking as if they would tear through the fine fabric.

“Merry Christmas,” I said and kissed them both.

“I’m so horny, daddy,” Kat said. “When we’re done with Ashley and Megan, we are going to need you to give us that hard dick.”

“And your cum,” Rita added. “I don’t know what it is, but since I’ve been pregnant I just crave cum.”

“You have a deal,” I said. “But I’m hoping to watch you four for a little bit.”

“We’re going to be in here all night,” Kat said seductively. “Come back for as long as you want. I don’t want to miss you too badly.”

They were irresistible. I spent a few minutes making out with them, not caring about their makeup. I was just getting warmed up and worked up, when Rita pushed me out of the room.

“We have to get ready, baby!” she said. “But come back before long. We need that big dick.”

When I returned to the party, things had started heating up in a big way. The first two limos with players had arrived, and there was no semblance of niceties or small talk at this event. Johnny and Bryce led the way, carrying the championship trophy, and were followed by Scottie and his wife Megan and Chris and his wife Ashley.

Ashley, the buxom redhead I had enjoyed so thoroughly in Vegas months before, came straight up to me, her pupils massively dilated. She wasn’t looking for me.

“Where are your sexy girls?” she asked.

I pointed her in the direction of Kat and Rita. Ashley took Megan by the hand, and they didn’t even look back. Their respective husbands didn’t seem to mind because they immediately were swarmed by girls offering drinks and drugs. Jess and Nicole attached themselves to Johnny and Bryce, which was no surprise. What was a bit surprising was the intensity with which Jess kissed Johnny. But the two new champions broke free from the girls for a moment to greet me, and I congratulated them. It definitely felt like there was a different element of charisma and confidence about them now. Jess must have sensed my reaction to her greeting with Johnny.

“I have something special for you, darling,” she said in a whisper. “I want you to go into celibacy with a bang. A big bang. Just promise to thank me later, okay?”

I looked at her quizzically and simply accepted the kiss she offered with a smile. The second wave of players arrived, and the ranch buzzed. I would describe the party as having gone off the rails, but there were no rails to begin with. My head started to spin. I saw Crystal tugging two players by their cocks toward a table covered with lines of cocaine. I followed her and bumped into Katie and Gloria, who rubbed their noses and grinned as euphoria seized them.

“Do a line off my tits!” Katie implored.

“No, mine!” Gloria insisted playfully, pushing her massive cleavage together.

I split the difference and put a small mound of coke atop each of their breasts. I snorted and licked and smiled at them. The party was starting for me now. Katie, in particular, always got my cock stirring. I was about to kiss them, when two of the players came up and spanked them from behind, drawing their attention. So I let them work.

I was on my way to say hi to Jason, and we got in a quick hug before he was intercepted by Bianka and Caitlyn, who looked like a pair of coked up lingerie models. But, to be fair, that’s really what they were. I wandered over the bar outside on the patio, near the pool, and saw Christy on her knees sucking the monster cock of one of the defensive linemen. The look of sheer joy on her face made me smile. She was finally in her element.

Kelly and Melissa were chatting with the rookies, Ice and Jonesy, who had reached the pinnacle of success in their first seasons. I could see Kelly’s lust for the younger men, and she gave me a sly nod. Claire, the emo girl, and Josie from LA were powering through lines of cocaine, and I was tempted to join them – if for no other reason than to admire the contrast their body styles presented – when I stumbled upon two guests I wasn’t aware were coming.

“John!” cried Melanie, Jess’s tall, wiry, blonde best friend and college roommate. “There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere!”

Standing next to her, joined arm-in-arm, was her sister, Shelly, Johnny’s wife. Seeing them both after what seemed like forever took my breath away. Melanie was more stunning than I remembered, but that might have been because she only wore a white g-string and barely-there bra, which showcased her natural, upturned breasts beautifully. Shelly, on the other hand, had transformed into a total bombshell. Living a life of leisure as the Super Bowl MVP’s wife had treated her kindly. She had gotten larger breast implants, which looked spectacular as her Barbie pink bra barely contained them, the rims of her areolas plainly visible. Her lips had been injected with much more filler than before, making them ripe and rounded. Her body was an even tan, her abs firm and defined, but her curves supple. The matching pink thong showed off her cheerleader’s thighs and bubble butt.

“We are so coked up and horny,” Shelly said, nibbling at my ear and running a perfectly manicured hand through my hair. “We’ve been blowing lines all day. Jess said that maybe you’d consider letting us play tonight?”

Her full lips brushed lightly against mine. She smelled sweetly floral, but she was talking fast and sniffling. Melanie was looking over her shoulder with an expectant smile.

“I wanted you to put it in my butt,” Shelly said quietly. “Johnny hasn’t fucked me in the ass for months. He said it was a superstition thing because they were winning. But if you ask me, I think it’s because he likes Jess’s ass better.”

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