Traffic Girl: Rita - Cover

Traffic Girl: Rita

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 46

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 46 - John has expanded his relationship with Kat, Jess, and now Rita. What challenges will this present? What opportunities and debauchery? Follow along as this foursome enters a whole new world. John is happy, content, and past all the crazy stuff. Or is he? Is he able to find a happily ever after and business success? Or is it simply too much to handle? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: Time to get back to the Hooker House and see what’s going on with our favorite whores! There is a lot to come in this regard over the next several chapters, so hang on for some pretty fun stuff. Always appreciate your feedback.

It was a whirlwind start to the week for the four of us. Rita filed her divorce petition on Monday. Kat and I went to the fertility specialist on Tuesday. And Jess and I had to focus on business the rest of the week. First, we were wrapping up details on the condo purchase in Vegas. Kelly and Jess spend significant time laying groundwork for Infinity in Sin City. Brittany had moved her things into storage and was staying at the Aria until the sale closed. Melissa, one of Kelly’s girls from LA, had done the same.

Katie was taking Brittany’s bedroom at the Hooker House, and I had agreed to help her move on Wednesday. It would have been easier to hire movers, but she had sent me a text asking for help. That wasn’t quite right. Katie actually had texted me a full-body picture of her wearing six-inch high heels and nothing else. The note with it said, “Do you like my shoes?”

“What shoes?” I had responded.

“If you help me move my stuff into the house, I’ll show you all 200 pairs,” she wrote back.

I was a sucker for Katie’s nubile, coed body. I wasn’t going to say no. And that’s how, on an improbably muggy early October day, I sweated my ass off piling Katie’s things into a rental truck from her second-floor Medical Center apartment. She offered some help, mostly in the form of walking up the stairs in front of me while wearing a sports bra and short soccer shorts that bunched in her ass crack. But most of the time she hung out with our helpers, Crystal and Gloria, who did more cocaine than carrying.

It didn’t matter to me. Katie didn’t have much to move, and she had promised to shower with me and pick the shoes she would wear while I fucked her when we got to the Hooker House. I was a sucker for that kind of incentive. But, also, things had been so busy, I welcomed a chance to reconnect with the girls and catch up with what was going on.

The Hooker House, it turned out, had been very busy. Fall was a peak time for the business, and the girls were doing seven-to-ten appointments per week each.

“If it keeps up at this rate much longer,” Katie told me on one trip down to the truck, “I can quit my day job and do this full-time.”

“Do you want to do that?” I asked.

“I love being a nurse,” she said. “I always felt like it was my calling. But it’s hard work. This? John, I’m getting paid insane amounts of money to fuck guys I would gladly fuck for free. I’m working – if you can call it that – at most twenty hours a week and making $400 an hour?”

“The life of leisure, at your fingertips,” I said.

“Exactly,” she said and smiled at me before showing off her ass as we walked back up the stairs. The hint of Louisiana came out in the vowels as she said it.

“And you’re really done with your boyfriend?” I asked.

“What boyfriend?” she said with a grin.

“You really are adorable, you know that?” I said.

“What can I say,” she said. “I like real men.” She paused for a moment and took a step closer to me. “I really want your dick again. I think it’s my favorite.”

“Are you sure you should talk like that to a taken man?” I said sarcastically.

“Oh, please,” Katie said, playing along. “They’d watch and then fight over who got to eat your cum out of me.”

“Keep talking like that, and you’ll get a real spanking,” I said.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she retorted. “Now get to work, stud.”

Katie’s move should have taken a few hours at most, but there were a lot of distractions. Crystal and Gloria teased me by doing bumps off each other’s tits. Then, at one point as I took a break to drink some water, Gloria cornered me in the kitchen.

“When are you going to cuck my fiancé, John?” she asked. “It’s been so long, and you keep promising. I miss it. I think this guy might think I’m not serious. It’s all he can talk about when we have sex now, and it’s getting a little annoying.”

“You are one of a kind,” I said, smiling at her.

Gloria had remained a favorite for a long time now. She wore black yoga pants that emphasized how good a job she had done getting into shape. Her thigh gap was huge, but her ass remained pert and prominent. Her tits spilled out of her sports bra, and she had gone even bigger on her last lip injections. Even for a casual day of moving, she wore fake eyelashes and too much makeup.

“I’m just your horny little slut, like I’ve always been,” Gloria said sweetly.

“Let’s just pick a day,” I said. “What about tomorrow?”

“Seriously?” Gloria said, smiling. “We are totally free. I don’t even have an appointment tomorrow.”

“Then let’s do it,” I said. “Your place?”

“Yes,” she said. “I need you to put on a good show. He’s so ripe for it.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked. It had been a long time since I’d played this role, but it had been so fun with Gloria in the past, I was excited to get back to it.

“Can you be more of a bull than before?” she said. “He’s more cuck than stag. He doesn’t even want to fuck other girls. He makes me tell him about every client I fuck, but the thing that really gets him going, at least when we’re talking dirty, is seeing me get taken by a big dick.”

“That’s going to be really easy,” I said. “I love the idea of taunting the shit out of him. He’s ex-military, right?”

“Yes,” Gloria confirmed. “Small dick. But he’s devoted to me and extremely rich. I walk on water in his eyes.”

“You sure he really wants this?” I asked. “It’s not just dirty talk?”

“It’s definitely not dirty talk,” she said. “He asks me about it constantly. He’s asked about you. I’ve told him every detail of our past with my ex. He can’t even get hard inside me without me role-playing that I’m getting fucked by you anymore.”

“Jesus,” I said. “I’m sorry we’ve put it off this long.”

“It’ll have been worth the wait,” Gloria said, licking her bee-stung lips. “I bet he nuts in his pants before you even get me off the first time.”

“And he really wants me to give you the bull treatment?” I said.

“Make him feel like the smallest guy in the world,” she said.

“That won’t be hard,” I said cockily.

Gloria gave me a peck on the lips, really just using that as an excuse to press her tits against my chest. I needed to get back to work. But as I finished my glass of water, Gloria added one last thing.

“Oh, John,” she said. “He’s never had my ass. And I’ve told him he won’t get my ass. That only big dicks make me want to be a slut like that. So tear it up really good, okay?”

I just grinned at her. It was nice to be home, getting back into a routine, and putting fun things like this on my dance card. I had missed it.

We finally got the truck loaded up, and as I climbed into the driver’s seat for the twenty-minute trek to the Hooker House, Crystal asked if she could ride with me.

“I really need to talk to you,” she said.

“Yeah, of course,” I said, sensing a hint of worry in her voice.

Katie and Gloria would follow us in Katie’s car. Crystal joined me, her hair pulled into a haphazard ponytail and nipples erect despite the thick fabric of her sports bra. Her short, black running shorts climbed up her thighs even further because she rested her legs on the truck’s tall dash.

“What’s up?” I said, pulling out of Katie’s apartment complex.

“I really, really, really like Jason,” she said.

“That’s great!” I said enthusiastically.

“But, like, I don’t want to give up what I’m doing,” she said. “I love Infinity. I feel like this is what I’m meant to do.”

“So keep doing it,” I said.

“But, like, what if Jason doesn’t want to date a hooker?” she said.

“Crystal, how did you two meet again?” I asked.

“He’s one of my regulars,” she said.

“I think you’ve got your answer,” I said. “You met him through the job. Why would he make you stop? Has he said anything like that?”

“No,” she said. “But if we’re dating, I guess, I don’t know. I just feel like he’s going to want me to stop.”

“You’re thinking like you would have in your previous life,” I said.

“Do you think so?” she said.

“I know it,” I said. “Let me tell you something about Jason. I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a great guy, and he doesn’t play games. He is a ton of fun.”

“I’ve seen him every night since we had our first date,” she said. “Like, he’s really my boyfriend.”

“That should tell you everything you need to know,” I said. “Have you had appointments since then?”

“Yeah,” Crystal said. “Each of the last two days.”

“And did he care?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “He just asked how things were going, and I said fine.”

“Jason likes you,” I said. “He’ll be honest to a fault. If it bothered him? He’d say so. I know that for a fact. He used to work for me, okay? And there was one time when he was pretty junior, and I brought him onto a deal, and I guess I had promised him that he could have a certain role. I don’t really remember the details even. But I must have forgotten what I promised him, and, even though he was young and I was his boss? He came straight to me and said, hey, you said I could be in the closing room, and I’d really appreciate it if you kept your word. He was absolutely direct and not shy.”

“He is not shy,” she said with a giggle.

“He’s one of the best guys I know,” I said and, out of habit, let my hand run over Crystal’s thigh. “Oh, sorry, I guess that’s crossing the line.”

As I drew my hand back, Crystal covered it with hers and put it back, this time higher on her leg and dangerously close to sliding up her shorts.

“So that’s the other thing,” Crystal said. “I still want to be able to play. My divorce isn’t even final yet. Clients are fun, but you’re like the person who opened up this whole world to me.”

“If Jason is cool with it? I’m cool with it,” I said. “And if you want to be able to have a relationship like that? You have to start with open communication.”

“I feel like I want what you four have,” she said. “I want commitment and exploration.”

“You just like my cock,” I said playfully.

“I do,” she said. “I really like it. I’m going to talk to Jason about it today. I feel so much better about this.”

“You should talk to Kat and Jess and Rita, too,” I suggested. “We only make it work together.”

“I have talked to Jess,” she said. “She said I should talk to you.”

“We should have dinner again,” I said. “All six of us.”

“You guys literally are the best,” Crystal said. She slipped a hand over my crotch and gave me a slight squeeze. “If my boyfriend is cool with it, I’m going to thank you for this.”

Unloading the truck went quickly because I had fewer distractions. Katie helped me but kept the teasing to a minimum. She wanted to finish and get to thanking me. Gloria and Crystal gravitated to the pool, where they skinny dipped with Alix and smoked the hookah. By the time I had set down the last box, Katie had put away most of her clothes.

“You’ve really earned that shower, John,” she said without missing a beat. “Are you ready?”

Katie had a way of narrowing her eyes and making them flash an almost yellowish-gold color when she was being seductive. I answered her simply by pulling off my shirt and dragging her into the bathroom with me. As the shower water heated up, I stripped off my shorts, shoes, and socks. Katie, already naked, beckoned me to join her behind the glass doors as steam filled up the room.

“Sorry I’m so sweaty,” I said, stepping in with her, our bodies close together.

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