Traffic Girl: Rita - Cover

Traffic Girl: Rita

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 37

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 37 - John has expanded his relationship with Kat, Jess, and now Rita. What challenges will this present? What opportunities and debauchery? Follow along as this foursome enters a whole new world. John is happy, content, and past all the crazy stuff. Or is he? Is he able to find a happily ever after and business success? Or is it simply too much to handle? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: One last day in Vegas before the football party. What kind of trouble could a bunch of hookers get into? Let’s find out!

Saturday morning came early. I had slept outside on the patio of our villa. The remnants of the party were substantial. There was plenty of cocaine lying around. Cigarettes and cigars lay discarded all over the place. Vapes and joints and a couple errant bowls were scattered about. Several half-empty wine bottles littered the bar. It was the mark of excess. Careless excess, probably, but I didn’t care as I took stock of the scene.

Katie and Crystal slept inside on a couch together, spooning. The other Infinity girls were nowhere to be found. In the largest bedroom, my girlfriends were entwined together on the king bed. They were nude and breathing softly. Seeing them swept away any notion of fatigue that might have lingered in my body. I ensured it wouldn’t manifest itself by inhaling two lines of coke and pouring a large wine glass of Champagne.

I was getting ready to take an early walk up the Strip when I noticed Kelly was awake in her bedroom. Standing in the doorway, I watched as she took a series of deep, controlled breaths. She might have been meditating.

“Good morning,” I said.

“It felt like someone was standing there,” Kelly said, keeping her eyes closed. “Good morning, John.”

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“Sore,” she said with a laugh.

“You had a rough night,” I said, enjoying the double entendre.

“It was just what I needed,” she said. “To have the grief fucked out of me.”

“I’m really sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay, really,” Kelly said. “We had a great run. But it’s always sad to lose a partner.”

“I was going to take a walk,” I said. “See if any hoes are making the walk of shame. Want to join me?”

“Sure,” she said. “That would be nice.”

She changed into athletic shorts and a sports bra, having no sense of shyness around me. She didn’t need to. Not with her body. She was taut, athletic, and beautifully kept. Her breasts were hard, high, and proud. Her nipples were notably long and erect. Her skin was less tan than I recalled, with a few more freckles. Her ass was compact and pussy fully bare, showcasing her prominent lower lips.

Before we left, Kelly snorted two lines of coke. As she rubbed her nose, she smiled at me.

“I get to mourn and keep my body in bikini shape all with one excuse!” she said vibrantly.

The walk was invigorating. Kelly and I talked, mostly about trivial things, but eventually she steered the conversation around to her escort agency and Infinity.

“Has Jess talked to you about our plans?” she asked.

“I mean, a while back she mentioned something about cooperation and maybe even more closely related operations,” I said, my voice trailing off.

“I think we’re going to do a merger of equals,” Kelly said, her light laugh showing her amusement about using a traditional business term for non-traditional business.

“Oh really?” I said.

“I don’t want to do this on my own anymore,” she said. “And I don’t think I want to do it in LA.”

“That’s a surprise,” I observed. “Aren’t you fairly entrenched there?”

“I am,” she said. “But I don’t need to be there to run it. Jess and I want more. We want to expand. Sensibly, of course, and carefully. I don’t want to steal her thunder, but I have someone who’s like Alix in LA who can tend to things for me. Jess and I talked about another target market.”

“That makes sense,” I said. “Alix has been invaluable in Houston.”

“She has,” Kelly said. “I like her a lot. So, anyway, we’re talking about what the best potential for growth is. I’m fascinated by this Hooker House model you have down there. It’s a great way to sock away cash easily. We were looking at a few possibilities, but I think we’ve settled on a location.”

“Really? Where is that?” I asked.

We were walking south down the Strip, just past the Cosmopolitan. Kelly stopped and pointed up, to the Veer Towers condominiums, adjacent to the Aria.

“Right here,” she said. “There are a couple penthouses available. Center of the Strip. It would be a gold mine.”

“Wow,” I said. “That would be absolutely epic. You would make a killing.”

“We’re going to make a killing,” she said. “And I’m going to move to Vegas to make sure of it.”

I had a lot of questions about the escort agencies merging and opening a new Hooker House in Vegas, but I knew Jess would talk to me when the time was right. And Saturday was most definitely not the right time. Instead of going to the spa, Jess brought the spa to our villa. Four masseuses took over each of the bedrooms to provide private massages. She had a brilliant breakfast buffet brought in, overflowing with fresh fruit, smoothies, and acai bowls, and yogurt parfaits.

For the girls, it was a bikini day. We had the private pool at the villa, as well as direct access to the Garden of the Gods through a gate behind the patio. It made for an ideal pool-spa day. Anyone who wanted a nap or more low-key time could have it, while the bacchanal of the pool party was only steps away. It was also nice to have a private oasis to step into, away from the madness.

I should have known, however, that the villa wasn’t going to be used for anything low-key. The girls were in even more of a party mode than the day before. Housekeeping had come through like a tornado and cleaned the villa, returning it to the sparkling, spotless state identical to when we arrived. Within a couple hours, almost every surface was covered in cocaine and booze bottles again.

Kat, Jess, Rita, and Kelly took the first round of massages. While Katie, Nicole, and Brittany ate breakfast, I sat outside with Crystal, Alix, and Gloria passing a THC vape pen around.

“I can’t believe this is my life,” Crystal said. “Like, a couple months ago, I’d be going to some church thing tonight.”

Alix and the others laughed hysterically.

“I think the last time I went to church, John’s cum was inside me,” Gloria said.

“Wait, really?” I said.

“My wedding day,” she said with a laugh. “Well, my first wedding day.”

“Fuck, I forget how long we’ve known each other,” I said.

“You fucked on her wedding day?” Crystal asked with wide eyes, holding in a hit of weed.

“In the ass, wasn’t it?” I said, accepting the vape when Crystal offered it.

“So deep in my ass,” Gloria said with deep satisfaction. She lit a cigarette.

“Can we just take a minute and talk about how good you are at anal, John?” Alix interjected.

“Shit,” I said, taking a drink of Champagne. “I didn’t realize I was at a meeting of my fan club.”

“Come on, John!” Alix said. “We love you! I think for each of us you have been such a good guy. Mentor probably isn’t the right word, but at least personally I feel like I owe you a lot.”

“I literally would not be here right now without him,” Crystal said. “I would be stuck in suburban hell.”

“You’re going to make me blush,” I said.

“I think I speak for all of us when I say we really just want to make you hard,” Gloria said.

I laughed.

“That wasn’t a joke,” Alix said. She bent over and snorted two lines of coke she had just finished forming.

“My guy last night was so hard,” Crystal said. “I don’t even know his name.”

“You’ve come so far,” I said.

“And cum so many times,” Crystal added, to the delight of all four of us.

“I have an idea,” Gloria said. “Let’s play a game.”

“What’s that?” Alix asked.

“A blow job game,” Gloria said. “We each get one minute. Whoever makes John cum, gets the next massage.”

“I think the prize in that game is getting John’s cum,” Crystal said. It was another moment where I marveled at how much she had changed.

Gloria bent over and snorted two huge lines of cocaine, then crawled across the slick marble floor of the patio to my chair. She put her elbows on my knees and snaked her hand into my shorts, producing my cock and eyeing it with sheer lust.

“The clock’s running, slut,” Alix said from behind her.

Gloria stuck a middle finger in the air, grinned at me, and swallowed my cock whole. She had an enthusiasm and sluttiness in the way she sucked cock that never failed to make me hard. Her tongue was aggressive and wet, slobbering all over my head and down the bottom side of the shaft. Her bimbo’s lips gave strong suction but felt like soft pillows.

“Time!” Alix called. But before Gloria even had a chance to get up, Crystal was pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

Crystal’s technique was different. It was less self-assured and more adoring, worshipful. Part of her loved me. It probably was misguided. I was more the symptom rather than the cure for her life. But I gladly savored how all-encompassing her cocksucking was. It was a full body experience, especially with her eagerly cupping my balls.

“My turn,” Alix said, putting down her phone and tapping Crystal on the shoulder. “Hi daddy,” she said before she inhaled my cock.

Alix was a true professional. She was confident, never questioning for a moment that her mouth was the most powerful instrument in the universe when used on a cock. She used plenty of suction but coupled it with ample wetness, so the overwhelming impression was of being completely enveloped in hot, sloppy heaven.

We went through another round with each girl on her knees. On her third chance, Crystal gave off a sense of desperation. She wanted my cum. And I wanted to give it to her. Her dimples showed as she sucked me. I thought about our first lunch meeting, when I had filled her mouth for the first time in her life. She deserved this. Crystal was going to win the race. I bucked my hips and unloaded in her mouth. She squealed, both from her satisfaction that I came for her and because she triumphed over her hooker friends.

“What a hot little cocksucker,” Alix said.

Gloria just smiled at me as she snorted two more lines of coke. She was wired, and I detected a hint of jealousy from her. We had had some tension simmering for a while now. After she split from her husband, we hadn’t seen as much of one another. It was part of the natural ebb and flow of life, I thought. She had become deeply involved in Infinity and also devoted a lot of time to her new fiance.

I couldn’t think about it too long because Jess came out to announce that the next group was up for massages. Kat and Rita, wearing short white robes, strutted out on the patio and flanked me on either side.

“Hi daddy,” Kat said.

“I’m so relaxed, baby,” Rita said, nibbling my ear.

Jess sat opposite us and began to cheerfully chop up lines of cocaine. Katie poked her head out of the door and, when she saw what Jess was up to, bounced out onto the patio to join us.

The coke started flowing big time. Katie was a machine. Her tiny body sucked down lines like it was going out of style. Nicole and Brittany joined, nonchalantly powdering their noses.

“What’s the plan for the day?” Brittany asked, vigorously rubbing a finger over her gums.

“We can party here,” Jess said. “I wanted to keep it easy. And we can hit the pool. But tonight I have a surprise.”

“Oh yeah?” Katie asked.

“I took a page out of your book, Katie,” Jess said, smirking.

“I helped!” Nicole said.

“What’s that page?” I asked.

“Thunder From Down Under,” Jess said. “Front row.”

“Oh shit,” Katie said. She sniffed two more lines and was totally unfazed by the amount of powder packing her nose. “I need to find out if my Aussie guy is still with them.”

“He is,” Nicole said. “I’ve done some advance planning.”

“Fuck,” Katie said. “Just knowing that makes me wet. I’m imagining that big dick and how it filled me up.” She closed her eyes and licked her lips.

“I know what you mean,” Nicole said.

“Me, too,” Brittany added. “Guys who are hung like that?” She shuddered. “I can’t say no to a really big dick.”

“Or a sexy accent,” Katie said.

Kelly appeared, and Jess excused herself. They had blocked out some time to discuss agency matters. Brittany took out her vape pen and shared it with Nicole. Katie, as usual, abstained, opting instead to snort more cocaine.

“Daddy, could you help Rita and me pick our dresses for tonight?” Kat asked. The way she bit her bottom lip told me the question was pretext.

I followed them inside. The bedrooms were occupied, but there was an empty room where the grand piano was.

“The party is going to be raging, so we need to be quick,” Rita said, pulling up the short, flowing skirt she wore and bending over the piano bench.

Kat kissed me as she stripped me out of my athletic clothes.

“You’re going to fuck Rita in the ass,” Kat said between kisses. “Then I’m going to clean you off, and you’re going to fill my pussy with cum because it has been way, way too long since you came inside me.”

“And my ass feels neglected,” Rita said, looking over her shoulder. Her ass swayed back and forth invitingly. “You’re going to have to use lube again to loosen me up if you ignore me much longer.”

There was a playful teasing from both girls that made me feel very lucky.

“Go ahead, daddy,” Kat said, gripping my cock from behind. “Fuck that pretty little asshole. Wreck it so I can clean off your cock with my tongue. Let me be your dirty girl.”

I took two steps forward, used the tip of my cock as a spear, and pierced Rita’s ass. Part of me expected her to cry out in pain, but she didn’t. She moaned, and begged me to penetrate her. As I pushed my hips more firmly ahead, I felt Kat drop down on her knees behind me. As my cock found Rita’s asshole and pushed inside, Kat’s tongue found my asshole and slipped in.

“You’re a dirty bitch,” I said. The statement was meant for Kat. Both girls took it to heart.

“I’m your ass slut, baby,” Rita panted. “Don’t ever forget that. Jam it in my holes however you want.”

The urgency behind our sex was hot and unabated. Rita pawed at my balls as they slapped against her firm ass cheeks. Kat’s tongue dug as deep as it could in my ass. It was shockingly quick when Rita cried out in orgasm. When Kat heard her cum, she slipped her head between our legs and licked Rita’s pussy from underneath. The additional stimulation put Rita into squirting territory almost immediately. Once she had cum once, she was off to the races, multiple orgasms bursting from her intensely. As Kat ate her out now, she exploded. Her ass gripped my cock so tightly, I knew she was about to squirt. When she did, it burst all over Kat, covering her entire face and running down her chest.

“Fuck! That’s so sexy!” Kat cried.

“I can’t stop cumming!” Rita screamed.

She squirted two more times and begged me to pull out of her. Her body was too sensitive. She collapsed into a curled heap on the piano bench, and Kat popped up off the floor and onto her knees.

“I love cleaning your dick,” Kat said, dripping with the fluid from Rita’s squirting but with a fiery look in her eyes that betrayed how horny she was. “Rita and Jess always taste the best.”

She deep throated me in a single stroke and didn’t let up until spit was dripping down her chin. She gagged herself over and over. And then, a few minutes later, Rita mustered enough strength to join her, giving me a double blowjob for the ages.

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