Traffic Girl: Rita - Cover

Traffic Girl: Rita

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 36

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 36 - John has expanded his relationship with Kat, Jess, and now Rita. What challenges will this present? What opportunities and debauchery? Follow along as this foursome enters a whole new world. John is happy, content, and past all the crazy stuff. Or is he? Is he able to find a happily ever after and business success? Or is it simply too much to handle? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: First night in Vegas. It will start a little slow but ramp up to the debauchery I hope you’ve come to expect from our friends going to Sin City. Please enjoy. There are a couple more chapters to go on this trip!

“Come on, daddy,” Kat admonished me, “you need to get dressed. We’ve got a surprise for you!”

“A bigger surprise than not letting me get off?” I lamented.

“You’re in Vegas, babe,” Rita said. “There will be plenty of time for that.” She had a wicked grin on her face.

“They’re going to be waiting, you two,” Jess said. “Have fun!”

Rita and Jess ushered us out of the villa, but not before I noticed they returned to the patio. Jess carried what looked like a grocery bag full of cocaine. She and Rita laughed together, and, as they opened the door, I caught a glimpse of Kelly. She was now bent over the couch. The MMA fighters were spit-roasting her.

“What a whirlwind,” I said as Kat took my hand while we walked.

“We planned it that way,” she said and smiled at me.

We had dressed for dinner. I wore jeans, a button-down, and a jacket. Kat wore a short, tight, sequined dress that sparkled like the Strip at night.

“Here I thought I was the one playing the games,” I said. “But you turned the tables on me.”

“Rita was texting us the whole flight,” Kat said. “You teased the hell out of her.”

“I think she liked it, based on how she came,” I said lightly.

“Promise you’ll do that to me sometime,” Kat said.

“Definitely,” I said. “I want to turn you into a squirter, Kitty Kat.”

“I’d love that, daddy,” she said. “But all I can think about is how big your load of cum is going to be when we finally let you get off.”

“And when will that be?” I asked.

“It’s not my place to ruin the surprise,” she said playfully.

“Well, will you tell me where we’re going then?” I asked.

She named the flagship French restaurant.

“They’re not open yet,” I said.

“They are for us,” Kat said. “This is where we’re all having dinner tonight. In a private room. But you and I are going to get a lesson from the chef – yes, he’s here in-person – on how to make the amuse bouche. Then you and I have to prepare it for our table tonight.”

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Dead serious, Crystal,” Kat said, deadpan. We broke out laughing.

We walked along with purpose, but in the corridor leading to the restaurant – which was deserted given the early hour – I saw an alcove. I grabbed Kat’s hand and pulled her in, then pressed her body into the wall and thrust my mouth on hers. She kissed me eagerly.

“Just a quickie,” I panted. “I’ve missed you, Kitty Kat. I need to fuck you.”

She looked at me with her big, adoring eyes and smiled her TV smile. She bit her bottom lip and then rang her tongue over it. It was a seductive, sexual look.

“No, daddy,” Kat said. “I’m not going to tell you again.”

And she walked away quickly. I caught up with her, and she flashed me a teasing, triumphant smile.

The cooking class was a dream come true. We spent ninety minutes with one of the world’s great chefs, learning, trading stories, and drinking vintage Krug Champagne. In the end, we didn’t do that much cooking. It was more like the most glorious happy hour I could have imagined. When it ended, the maitre d’ escorted us to the private room where we would dine that evening. Kat stood at the head of the table, holding a glass of Champagne and grinning at me.

“How was it, daddy?” she asked.

“Beyond my wildest dreams,” I said.

“I wanted to do something special for you,” she said. “You never hesitated when Kelly’s husband died. You knew she needed me, and you encouraged me to go. Thank you.”

“I love you, Kitty Kat,” I said. “I’ll always support what’s best for us.”

“I knew you’d say that,” Kat said, her eyes alive with desire again. “And before everyone gets here, it’s my job to tell you the second surprise.”

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“It’s more about the general rules for the weekend,” Kat began. “There are none. We decided that we’re going to have a no-limits Vegas weekend. Anything goes. Whatever you want, daddy. However naughty you want to be, it doesn’t matter. We want to party until we go off the rails.”

“Sounds like a dangerous rule,” I said, probably betraying more hesitance than I intended.

“That’s always been a feature for you, daddy,” Kat said.

“And it still is,” I said. My imagination raced a mile a minute. It had been so long since I’d been to Vegas. Old urges lit inside me.

“We always have the most fun when we just go where the adventure takes us,” Kat said. Her words dripped with seduction.

“I want to fuck you in the ass so badly,” I whispered.

Kat drained her Champagne and, before a nearly invisible server suddenly appeared with the bottle to refill it, she whispered back, “It’s a good thing I’m wearing my butt plug then.”

The waiter refilled our glasses and, as soon as he turned his back, Kat bent over like she was putting her purse on her floor. Instead, she hiked up her skirt just above her hips and showed me her plug.

“How’s that for proof, daddy?” she asked. Kat was in complete control of me.

“Indisputable,” I said.

And our intimacy was interrupted. Rita and Jess led the way for the girls of Infinity. Only they didn’t look like whores tonight. They were dressed to the nines. And it dawned on me that I was the only man at dinner with nine exquisite women. Based on the looks of the servers, both male and female, there was substantial jealousy in the room.

We began with a happy hour on a balcony I didn’t know existed, tucked away in a hidden corner adjacent to the restaurant. The Champagne and caviar flowed freely. So did canapes and cocaine, although the girls were discreet about using their bullets and taking their bumps. I basked in the company of these beautiful, confident women who were so comfortable in their own skin. I could have enjoyed the cocktail reception forever, but I wasn’t wearing heels. So promptly after an hour, we returned inside to the private room.

The large, rectangular table seated ten comfortably. Jess sat at the head of the table, flanked by Nicole and Alix, who were her de facto lieutenants. I sat between Kat and Rita on the second side. And, across from us, sat Crystal, Katie, Gloria, and Brittany.

“Where’s Kelly?” I asked Jess.

“She’s stuffed,” Jess answered with a laugh.

And that really set the tone for the entire evening. Spirits were high. So were the girls. I was interested to see how everyone would react to the menu, which was very high-end French. Perhaps a rightful response to my implicit snobbery, the girls all loved dinner, down to the foie gras and truffles. Even Crystal. I made a comment expressing a bit of surprise that everyone loved the fussy food so much, and Nicole brought the house down with her reply.

“It’s not like we’re just some whores with no taste, John,” she said.

It put an exclamation point on a superb dinner. The food, wine, and vibes were all just right. The conversation flowed among everyone. Even Nicole and Kat. It struck me just how perfect this was. Kat and Rita kept their hands on my thighs. I let my hands wander up their dresses. It was a grand slam of an evening. And it was only nine o’clock. As we stretched our legs after receiving our parting gifts – beautiful little shortbreads to have with our morning coffee – the girls got together for a group photo.

The first was posed and serious, and I snapped several. The second? No one was expecting. They lifted their dresses and showed off their butt plugs. All nine of them. That, if I hadn’t figured it out already, signaled just what a wild night lay ahead.

One of the beautiful things about a perfectly executed tasting menu, like we had just experienced, was that it didn’t leave you too outrageously full. With plenty of wine mixed in, along with occasional hits off a coke bullet or fingernail, the entire group was ready to party. We wouldn’t want to hit the club so early, and, as we walked back toward the villas, I wondered aloud how we might fill the time.

“Surprise number three,” Jess said loudly. “Back to our villa, girls. I have something special in store.”

I walked arm-in-arm with Kat and Jess. We made a brief detour through the casino, where I was more than happy to show off my pussy parade. I felt like the biggest high-roller in Vegas. A couple times, girls stopped briefly to flirt, but there was a business edge to all of them. They weren’t very interested in sex without being paid, but they didn’t come off as hardened professionals. In the civilian environment, it seemed like they were just playing hard-to-get. Normally. I didn’t realize it, but a few minutes later I’d learn that wasn’t always the case.

When we returned to the Claudius Villa, Jess flung open the doors, and it was as if we had walked into a nightclub. Kat and Jess had taken a page out of my book from our last trip to Vegas together, getting a DJ and light show set up in the living room. A full bar was set up, and, looking around the room, I realized the only females visible in the room were the bartender and Kelly, who was floating around like the inimitable hostess she was. Otherwise, it was teeming with about a dozen men. Very athletic, very good looking men.

“Okay, girls,” Jess said loudly over the music. “This is your night. It’s not business. Do whatever you want. This is Vegas – the only rule is there are no rules. I’ve got half the players from a southern California baseball team here for you. Their season just ended, and they are dying to celebrate.”

“I think I just creamed myself,” Nicole, standing next to me, said. “I love baseball players.”

The girls whooped and fanned out into the villa. There was cocaine everywhere. Cigar smoke rose from a few corners. The music thumped. My girlfriends surrounded me, smiling.

“So how wild are you girls getting tonight?” I asked.

“It’s your rule, daddy,” Kat said. “There are no rules in Vegas.”

She and Jess smiled at each other and met in a luxurious, open-mouthed kiss.

“My first boyfriend growing up was a baseball player from SoCal,” Rita said.

“I didn’t know that,” I said.

“Don’t be mad if I flirt a little tonight, okay?” she said.

“Of course not, darling,” I said.

“Let’s get a drink,” Rita suggested.

We waited while the bartender finished bending over and pulling two bottles of Champagne from a box to put on ice. Her short skirt revealed long, athletic legs and a thong peeking out from between her small ass cheeks.

Rita caught me staring and said, “She’s cute.”

When the bartender stood up, her long, blonde hair flying, she smiled at us and said, “What can I get you?”

“Champagne,” Rita said.

And there was a pause. The bartender and I looked at each other.

“Oh my god, John?” she said.

I stood mute for a moment. Rita stared at me.

“Caitlyn!” she said. “From XS and, well, various other places!”

“Oh my god!” I said. “Of course! I couldn’t place you for a moment!”

“You look amazing,” she said. “So does your girlfriend.”

“Rita, this is Caitlyn,” I said. “Caitlyn, this is Rita.”

“Nice to meet you,” Rita said with an unsure smile.

“Caitlyn used to be my regular waitress at XS, the nightclub at the Wynn,” I explained. “It’s been, what? Two or three years? Kat knows her.”

“Is Kat here?” Caitlyn asked excitedly.

“She is,” I said, whirling around and looking for her. “Right there.” I pointed across the room, where Kat and Jess were happily snorting lines.

“I should have known it was your party,” Caitlyn said. “No one else would have this much coke around.” She laughed.

“Why don’t you just put some open bottles up on the bar,” Rita suggested. “If you know John and Kat, you shouldn’t be working. Party with us.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” Caitlyn asked.

“It’s our party, doll,” Rita said. “You’ll still get paid.”

I looked at Rita, who smiled at me and licked her bottom lip subtly.

“Shit, well, okay,” Caitlyn said, following Rita’s instructions. “Rita you said, right? Do you want to do a line with me?”

They bounded away to the cocaine, and I heard Kat’s high-pitched squeal as she reunited with Caitlyn. It had been an unexpected surprise that brought a flood of memories back to me. Of Kat’s bachelorette party and the orgy I had organized with Caitlyn and my old Vegas playmate Kayla. Of how I had tied up Kat and made her watch me fuck the other girls at the party. Of how I saved fucking Kat for last and how she had confessed her attraction to Caitlyn. Of Kat’s pledge that night to help me get pussy anytime I wanted it. Of her total devotion to me, which might well have been cemented that night.

The distraction also had allowed the party to begin unfolding around me. I recognized a few of the baseball players. There was too much talent on the team for them to have missed the playoffs, but you couldn’t sense any disappointment looking around the villa. They were partying hard. Cocaine disappeared as fast as lines got chopped up.

Initial conversations and nervousness over introductions gradually became replaced by dancing and trips to the patio to smoke weed or cigars. Body language changed. The temperature of the party almost instantly ratcheted up.

“Self-serve?” a voice said next to me. I recognized him. It was Brian Holmes, a perennial all-star pitcher with a reputation for being a lothario. He always had a model on his arm and was a tabloid darling.

“I got you,” I said, hoisting up a magnum of Champagne and filling his glass. “Not to make it weird, but I’m a huge fan. On and off the field.”

Brian laughed. “You’re the guy who came in with the girls, right?” he said. “I think your off-the-field is going just fine.”

I laughed with him. “Fair enough,” I said. “I have no complaints. I’m John.”

We shook hands on the formal introduction. Brian was completely at ease.

“So, give me the inside scoop, if you’re looking to just totally cut loose and get wild after a disappointing season, which of these girls has the fewest limits?” he asked.

“There are very few limits in this room,” I said. “I know from experience.”

“Even better,” he said with a grin. “Fine, who would be your choice if you just wanted to really just treat some slut like a piece of meat?”

I grinned. I couldn’t believe I was talking to Brian Holmes. About this.

“There’s Gloria,” I said, pointing her out. “A true bimbo. Relishes it. No limits to her. My second choice probably would be Alix, the blonde over there. She’s a true people-pleaser.”

“And if I wanted someone more on the stick-figure side?” he asked.

“Caitlyn,” I said, pointing once more. “She’s local. I’ve known her a long time.”

“What about the girl next to her?” Brain asked.

“Jess?” I said. “A consummate professional. She doesn’t know how to say no.” I figured there was no point in mentioning our relationship.

“Fuck, brother, you are more of an encyclopedia than my catcher!” Brain said. He clapped me on the back and stalked over to Caitlyn and Jess.

I refilled my own glass and was ready to mingle at the party when I got stopped again.

“Were you surprised by Caitlyn?” I turned and saw Nicole standing next to me. Her tits were almost spilling out of her dress because the V in the neckline plunged so deep and wide.

“Extremely,” I said. “And pleasantly.”

“By her or the fact that I remembered how much you liked her?” she asked.

“So that was your doing?” I said.

Nicole nodded and looked at me with desire. I knew that look. It was dangerous.

“I’ve kept in touch with her,” she said. “I used her at a few parties here and there before I left Vegas. But I knew you’d enjoy seeing her.”

“She looks good,” I said. “Thank you for remembering.”

“I always know what’s important to you,” she said, pushing the conversation in an uncomfortable direction.

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