Traffic Girl: Rita
Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking
Chapter 35
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 35 - John has expanded his relationship with Kat, Jess, and now Rita. What challenges will this present? What opportunities and debauchery? Follow along as this foursome enters a whole new world. John is happy, content, and past all the crazy stuff. Or is he? Is he able to find a happily ever after and business success? Or is it simply too much to handle? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual Drunk/Drugged Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Cheating Cuckold Sharing Slut Wife Wimp Husband Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Harem Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Swinging Anal Sex Analingus Cream Pie Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Squirting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism Public Sex Smoking Prostitution
Author’s Note: And we are headed back to Vegas for the first time in a long while! The next few chapters will be here. There will be some preliminaries to the football party and then an epic, debauched night of fun. Stay tuned!
We arrived at Hobby Airport’s general aviation terminal a few minutes before the party bus carrying the Infinity girls who were flying to Vegas for the weekend. Rita nearly fell down getting out of our car, as I increased the speed of the Lelo vibrator that was snuggly inside her pussy.
“You are such a fucker,” she said through gritted teeth. “Why won’t you let me cum?”
“Not yet,” I said with the cocky grin that had remained on my face since we left home.
“This is so cruel,” I said.
“No, it’s not,” I said. “I’m just edging you.”
“You aren’t,” she said. “You’re torturing me!”
I laughed and drank in the love that poured from her eyes toward me. I wanted Rita to go wild. I wanted our first trip to Vegas together to be unforgettable and take the heights of pleasure as we knew them to another level. The driver transferred our luggage to the plane, and Rita and I went ahead and boarded. We were greeted by the bubbly, professional flight attendant, Danielle, who had become our regular companion on private flights.
“Mr. Cameron,” Danielle said as we entered the plane. “Mrs. Cameron, welcome aboard.” Rita shot a look of surprise at me and smiled.
The Gulfstream was luxurious and comfortable. I directed Rita to two seats at the back, next to the long couch that took up much of one side of the plane. There were two more seats facing us and a table in between.
As Danielle brought us our first glasses of Champagne, leaving the bottle for us on the table, the party bus with six Infinity girls pulled up. Out piled Alix, Brittany, Nicole, Crystal, Gloria, and Katie. Jess had been coy when I asked why there were only six girls coming, instead of the usual eight, but I didn’t press the issue. The escorts boarded the plane in a blur of yoga pants and sports bras, as if they had settled on that as a uniform. They chattered happily, exchanging hugs and greetings with Rita and me as they boarded and got comfortable on board. Danielle brought out more Champagne.
Katie and Crystal took the two seats across from us, and Katie immediately dumped out an eight-ball of cocaine onto the table. She pulled a razor blade from a very small, clutch-like bag. I noticed it had a light blue infinity symbol on it.
“Cute coke kit,” I observed.
“Isn’t it?” Katie said happily. “Jess got us each one!”
Of course she had. Jess was thoughtful and paid attention to details like that. Rita was about to say something, but I turned up the Lelo vibrator just enough to force her to swallow her words.
“Are you okay, Rita?” Crystal asked, chewing gum.
“Fine,” Rita said in a desperate whisper.
I smiled. “Rita is just mad because I keep backing off the Bluetooth-controlled vibrator that’s inside her when she gets close to cumming,” I said.
“Are you serious?” Crystal asked.
“Bluetooth vibrator?” Katie said, chopping up the coke with the practiced hand of a true cokehead.
I turned my phone around to show off the interface.
“Jesus, that’s cool,” Katie said. Her hands flew, and she was already forming lines. Long, thick lines.
“No it’s not,” Rita said sarcastically. “It’s a torture device. I just want to cum!”
“All in due time,” I said and kissed Rita on the cheek.
“You deserve the first line, girl,” Katie said and passed Rita a stainless steel straw.
Rita gladly accepted it and sniffed two of the dozen lines that Katie had covered the shiny, lacquered wood tabletop with.
“That’s just going to make me more honey,” Rita said with a laugh.
Katie did two lines and offered the straw to Crystal, who declined. Instead, she produced an identical straw of her own.
“I want to try mine!” she said enthusiastically.
She held it up, and we saw the straws had been engraved with each girl’s name.
“Jess is so thoughtful,” Rita marveled. “No detail goes overlooked.”
With all the cocaine formed into a neat army of lines, Katie turned around and shouted to the others, “Refreshments are served!”
She and Crystal stood up so the other girls could come through to make short work of the coke. Alix and Brittany bent over to give me a good look down their deep cleavage while they hoovered up two lines each. Then Nicole and Gloria took their turns. In the interim, Katie and Crystal produced another baggie of coke and gave the other table in the cabin the same treatment, quickly covering it with lines. Danielle, our flight attendant, didn’t bat an eye. She laid out a variety of snacks and kept the Champagne flowing, all with an unflappable smile on her face.
“Are you excited to go back to Vegas, Nicole?” Rita asked.
“So excited,” Nicole said. Her nipples prominently pressed against her white sports bra. “My old boss wants to see me.”
“Do you want to see him?” I asked.
“It’s Vegas,” she said, “and he has a great dick.”
Rita laughed. “I guess in Vegas that’s all the justification you need,” she said.
“This is going to be wild,” Nicole said, staring directly at me. “Trust me.”
The flight was a giddy blur of alcohol and cocaine. Rita and I were feeling ethereal. We couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves, but they weren’t always only on one another. We had moved to the couch, and Crystal sat on my lap with Rita beside me. Katie was regaling us with a story about her spring break trip to Vegas, two years before.
“So, one night we went to the Thunder From Down Under show,” Katie relayed. “I mean, we were all sorority girls and wanting to live it up, and we didn’t know any better. But, oh my god, these guys were so fucking gorgeous.
“One of the girls with us was super well off and got us set up in the front row. It was so wild. We had been drinking and doing so much coke all day. It was aggressive. I guess I kept staring at one of the guys on stage, and he, like, came up to me during the show. Holy shit, he had this absolutely massive package. Like, even in his speedo? You could see how it was just coiled up.
“I was licking my lips and really didn’t even realize it. So it surprised me when, toward the end of the show, this guy comes out and slips me a piece of paper with a phone number on it and tells me to text the guy if I want to have a drink.”
“No way,” Rita said. “You fucked the Thunder, didn’t you?”
I had been keeping the vibrator at a steady state for a while, letting Rita feel it but not pushing her too close to the edge. As Katie told her story, I gradually upped the intensity.
“Oh, you bet your ass I did. I was such a slut about it, too. I texted him before the show ended. About a half-hour later, he texts me back with the name of a bar and the time. I met him there – I didn’t even bring a friend with me. We ordered one drink, and I hadn’t even finished mine when I asked him if he wanted to get out of there and go fuck.”
“That’s so hot,” Crystal said, moving her ass gently in my lap.
“And how was he?” Rita asked intently.
“A fucking animal,” Katie said. “He was Australian. And, I mean, you know how it is when a guy is just so good looking? He had this chiseled face. Perfect hair. A perfect body with all the muscles. But, oh, fuck, my favorite muscle. His dick was huge. I couldn’t walk right for two days after he was done with me.”
“That sounds so hot,” Crystal said. “I mean, you didn’t even know him, and he just like picked you out of the crowd and was like, I’m gonna fuck you.”
“Yeah,” Katie said with a grin.
“I’m so wet right now,” Crystal blurted out.
“This cruel fucker won’t let me cum,” Rita said with a frustrated laugh. I dialed back the Lelo.
Katie got up and did a couple more lines. Crystal followed suit. Rita kissed me.
“I don’t know when you’re going to stop teasing me,” she whispered, “but I’m pretty sure, whenever you do, I’m just going to squirt right away.”
“It’ll be a while yet,” I said and turned the vibrator off completely.
“Fuck,” Rita said with frustration.
The flight was an exercise in good spirits and sexual tension. Rita moved around, talking to all the girls. She was like a den mother and cheerleader. She had gotten to know and liked all the girls who were on the trip. At one point, Rita was engrossed in conversation with Brittany and Alix. Katie and Crystal had their heads buried in the cocaine again.
Gloria had come to the couch and was nibbling my ear.
“Nicole tells me you have naughty Vegas stories with her,” she said, her monumental tits poking against my chest.
Nicole sat next to me, grinning. Her mouth was slightly open, and I could see her tongue rubbing against the back of her teeth over and over. It was her nervous habit when she was coked up.
“We have had some times in Vegas,” I said, nodding my head.
“Did you really cuck her husband, papi?” Gloria asked, her pillowy lips covering me in kisses.
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