Sexing the Neighbor's Husband - Cover

Sexing the Neighbor's Husband

Copyright© 2022 by MariannaLove

Chapter 34

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 34 - Kate an older woman has been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that has lowered her sex drive to nearly nothing. Her younger husband has always had an incredible sex drive. Kate enlists the help of her pretty new neighbor to help satisfy her husband. The three of them form a sweet bond until the one thing never imagined happens.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Several weeks of trying to get pregnant and nothing. Bree was in her office looking out the window at the river as she spoke with Nicole, “It’s probably because I was on birth control for so long.”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t worry,” said Nicole reassuringly. “I’m glad you’re doing better.”

“Girl. It hasn’t been easy.” She sighed, “hopefully next month it’ll happen.”

“Well, I think it will happen when it’s supposed to. You still coming for the baby shower, right?”

“Yeah. I already booked my flight. I just—”

Nicole detected something in her voice, “Just what?”

“You know. I’m hoping I don’t run into Allen.”

“Are you still in love with him?”

Bree hesitated. She smiled, “I am finding my way with Marcel. He’s been great.”


Bree chuckled, “I’d be lying if I said Allen didn’t still cross my mind. And not just sexually. Like our talks and walks in the park.”

“He’s been dealing with a lot. Kate has had him on a tight leash.”

“Good, well, I suppose I won’t run into him then.”

After the phone call, Bree finished out her day. She went home and prepared dinner for her brother and Marcel. She knew she was doing the right thing by letting go. It was fun while it lasted. Then things got real ... quick ... and she understood Allen had to be there for his wife. It was the way of things. Now, she had to be there for her brother and her new boyfriend.

She smiled as touched Marcel’s hand. He was happy. He finally had what he wanted.

Saturday morning, Allen had just finished training jujitsu. He sat in the locker room thinking about the conversation he had had with Kate before he left. She wanted to have sex, but he didn’t. He hadn’t touched her since the trip to New Orleans. He resorted to satisfying himself while watching old videos of him and Bree.

Kate was not happy. She pitched a fit and started crying, “She’s not here anymore. I’m all you’ve got.”

He nodded, “I can’t just forget all that happened, and you—”

She made a face and scoffed, “And me? Me what?”

He pointed his finger at her, “You’re never going to admit your part in all this are you?”

“I admitted I was wrong for asking you to be with her.”

He chuckled, “That’s it? Nothing about you marrying me when you know you’re—”

“I’m not!”

“You are Kate. You’d rather be with women. I saw you in New Orleans. I watched you with Bree and Nicole ... I saw how you enjoyed—”

“We were having fun. I married you because I loved you. You have to believe that.”

He nodded, “I think you loved how I would take care of you and put up a nice front for the secret life you wanted to live. Let’s be real.”

“Real?” she said laughing, “You think you would have met Bree if it weren’t for me? So, what do you want? You want to move to Florida and create some life ... without me?”

“You don’t get it, do you?” he scoffed and said, “If you would only be true to yourself, we could both have what we want.” He left.

Kate stood staring at the door. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t,” she cried.

Steve saw Allen staring. He placed his hand on Allen’s shoulder, “How goes it”

Allen snapped out of his trance and replied, “Same.”

Steve looked excited. He wanted to tell Allen something but was trying to find a way to say it. Allen’s forehead scrunched, “You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

Allen put on his shirt, “Then why are you acting all squirrely?”

Steve shrugged.

“Oh, dude just spill it.”

“Okay, okay. I heard Nicole talking with Bree not long ago. She still loves you.”

Allen’s face glowed. His heart raced, “Really?”

“Yeah. I mean. She’s with that other guy, but she said she was still in love with you. She’s visiting in a couple of weeks.”

Allen smiled, “I would love to see her, but—I don’t know.”

“It would be nice if we could hang out like old times.”

Allen eyed Steve, “If she comes, I want to see her alone. I need time to explain to her why I did what I did.”

“She knows all that man.”

“Yeah, but she hasn’t heard it from me.”

Steve acknowledged him, “No problem, man. I’ll let you know when I hear more.”

The morning had arrived for Bree to make the trip to North Carolina. She planned to stay with Nicole and Steve. The alarm on her cellphone sounded to wake her, but she was already awake and busy as her legs were wrapped around Marcel tightly as her body shook.

He laughed as he felt the power of how she held him. She was strong in her grip. He paused and kissed her mouth for a moment until she released him.

“Ummmm, damn babe, you’re strong as fuck.”

She laughed, “Sorry babe.”

“It’s okay. I love you.”

He resumed stroking while sucking her nipples one after the other. He loved her breasts. He loved squeezing and sucking them as he thrust slowly inside of her moist opening. He loved the sound her pussy made the wetter it got squishing and covering his cock with her sweet honey.

“Fuck,” he said as he felt his body tense up, “shit, fuck,” he pressed and held. He released every bit of his load inside of her listening to her moan and he emptied. He felt per pussy pulsate as she held him tightly.

He looked down into her sweet face, “I’m gonna miss you, babe.”

“I’m gonna miss you too.”

She would be gone for four days. And he would be gone for a week by the time she returned. They prepared for their day. Later he dropped her off at the airport and went to work.

When the announcement sounded that the airplane was about to land in Greensboro, Bree’s heart raced. It was something about being back in the city that had her nerves all over the place.

Once she grabbed her bags from the claim area, Nicole met her outside. They hugged, “Look at you. I missed you, friend,” said Nicole as she stepped back.

“I missed you too. So, how is being a bonus mom?” she asked Nicole. Nicole had been spending time with Steve’s son. He was a great kid that loved sports, computers, and reading.

She smiled, “He’s a sweetheart. His mom on the other hand...”

“Girl.” She chuckled, “I know it can be a challenge, but hang in there. Steve’s great.”

“Yeah, he is,” she agreed as they headed to her car.

When they arrived at the house. Bree went to the guest room. Immediately memories of the night she and Allen made love on the floor appeared in her mind. She smiled and hummed, “Ummm,” then sighed.

She was no longer angry with Allen. She had decided to let go. It was over. He chose his wife. She understood. It was a gamble from the start. She did appreciate the fun times they shared.

She put her things away and grabbed her purse. She wanted to go shopping for a gift for Ciara’s baby shower. She headed out to the living room and saw Steve, “Hey Steve” she said as she walked over to hug him.

He smiled as sniffed her hair. It always smelled so fruity, “Hey Bree, glad you got in safely, you look great.”


“How’s your brother?”

“He’s doing well. We both have our moments, but we’re okay.”

“I won’t hold you ladies. I know you were going shopping. I’ll make some dinner.”

Nicole eyed him suspiciously, “You gone cook?”

“Well, I mean, I’ll order something and have it ready by the time you return.”

They laughed.

When the ladies left, Steve hurried to pull out his cellphone. He dialed Allen, “She’s here. She looks great.”

They spoke for a little while then ended the call.

Dinner was quiet as Kate sat across from Allen eating a piece of salmon. When Allen had finished, he stood, “Thanks, the food was delicious.”

She smiled hoping his compliment meant he was finally softening up, but later when she saw him all dressed up looking like he belonged on a cover of GQ magazine she eyed him, “Where are you off to?”

“I’m hanging out with Steve; we’re going out for drinks.”

“On a Thursday?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you sometime in the morning, don’t wait up.”

She watched as the door closed and sighed, “What the fuck,” she mumbled to herself. She went to his office and attempted to log onto his computer, but he changed the password. Luckily, she had sent a few of the videos of him with Bree to her email so she could watch. It had become her sexual outlet since Allen was still holding out.

She loved being with women, however, she also loved being fucked good by Allen on occasion. His attention to detail was impeccable. She watched the video of Bree riding his cock. She loved the sound Bree made as she twerked on Allen’s cock.

She smiled as she remembered the first time, she slipped into the guest room and tasted Bree. She could almost taste her as she thought about her. She touched herself as she thought about the trip to New Orleans. How she fingered Bree so good that Bree nearly crushed her hand between her legs.

Kate felt her center gushing as she hit the peak and grunted. Her skin was flushed. She panted until her heart rate resumed a normal rhythm. How much longer is Allen going to punish me, she thought.

Sexy music played in the backdrop. Nicole handed Bree another glass of a cocktail with fruit inside, Bree shook her head, “Oh god, I can’t have another.”

“Yes, the fuck you can. We ain’t doing shit tomorrow, but going for massages. Let’s have fun!”

Steve hugged them, “Yeah, let’s have fun.”

Bree grinned, “I already know what you want Steve.”

Steve blushed, “Hey a man can dream, can’t he?”

They laughed. Bree sipped on the drink and choked, “Damn did you double the alcohol?”

Nicole chuckled, “I didn’t measure it if that’s what you’re asking.”

After three cocktails, Bree’s eyes were glazed. She had a nice buzz going. She sang and danced around the living room with Nicole. The doorbell sounded, and Steve went to answer, “Hey come in,” he said to Allen.

Bree froze when she saw him. Her heart raced. She didn’t expect to feel so flushed seeing him again. She hurried to the guest room and closed the door. Moments later there were taps.

Bree had been pacing back and forth, “What do you want Allen?”

“I just, I wanted to explain. Can we just talk?”

Slowly she went over to the door, unlocked it, and allowed him to enter, “So, what do you want to say?”

His blue eyes covered her with endearment, “You know that I loved you, Bree.”

She stared at him. He moved closer, “I’m sorry about everything. I hate that I wasn’t there for you when your mother died.”

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