Sexing the Neighbor's Husband - Cover

Sexing the Neighbor's Husband

Copyright© 2022 by MariannaLove

Chapter 18

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Kate an older woman has been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that has lowered her sex drive to nearly nothing. Her younger husband has always had an incredible sex drive. Kate enlists the help of her pretty new neighbor to help satisfy her husband. The three of them form a sweet bond until the one thing never imagined happens.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Early Sunday morning, Bree was in the kitchen having her green tea with banana nut muffin when she heard the door open. Moments later, Nicole walked in looking annoyed.

“What’s wrong?” Bree asked.

“Girl, you would not believe what just happened,” she said as she walked over and broke off a piece of the muffin, and sipped her tea. She sat on the barstool at the island, “I met Steve’s son little Steve this morning.”

“That’s good right?”

“It is and it’s not. We were planning to do it in a couple of months. Steve and I had just got done fucking like crazy. He was in the shower and I was making coffee when I heard a knock. I answered and this woman was standing outside holding a kid’s hand.”

Bree’s eyes widened, “His ex-wife.”

“Yes. She says, are you the cleaning lady? I was like bish, I’m damn near-naked in Steve’s apartment. I’m his woman, but you know there was a kid present, so I replied, ‘No, I’m Steve’s girlfriend.’”

Bree chuckled, “Wow, crazy. What was she doing there so early?”

“Here’s the funny part. Steve comes out in his robe still drying his hair and she was like, ‘you didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone.’”

He just looked at her like she had lost her mind. She had not brought the kid over in several weeks, but today she wanted to see if they could all go out for ice cream.”

Bree laughed loudly, girl, at 7:00 in the morning, who serving ice cream at that time?”

Nicole laughed, “That part. She has probably been stalking his Instagram and saw me posted up all on his page.”

“She’s just trying to check you out. So what happened?”

“He’s coming by later. He wanted to spend some time with his son since he had not seen him in a while.” She sighed, “I like him, but I don’t know if I’m ready for baby mama drama.”

“All I can say is ... it’s not often we find people that we truly connect with. If you like him, then have him set boundaries for his ex-wife. She shouldn’t just be popping up at his place.”

“You’re right. That’s why we’re besties. I’m going to go lay down for a minute. I’ll come out to help with the food in a few.”

“Okay love.”

Allen sat at his desk deep in thought about the night he had with Bree as his wife watched. How Kate sucked his cock right after he fucked Bree. He grinned to himself, “I am so fucking lucky.”

He remembered his morning session with Kate. How she initiated sex, actually massaged his cock in her hand and then sat on it riding him wildly until her body trembled.

The doorbell sounded, they were expecting Kate’s friends from Maryland. He went out to answer but Kate was already there opening the door. In walked Diana a statuesque African American woman with her husband Fred.

Diana and Kate met in college. They were in a lot of the same social clubs. Diana was amazed at how youthful and slimmer Kate looked, “Wow look at you, what’s your secret,” she asked.

“Just living and enjoying life, Come in, come in.”

They all hugged and talked, “I’m here to help out Allen what do we need to get done first?”

“After you get settled, we can get the grill going.”

“Sounds like a plan, the same room right?”

“Of course, you know where everything is.”

The doorbell sounded again, Allen waved Kate off, “You two go catch up, I’ll get it.” He opened the door and his face morphed to one of disgust, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, hello to you too dear brother,” he shrugged, “so can I come in?”

Allen stepped aside and allowed his older brother Mark entrance. He was just as attractive as Allen. He had hair that was in dreadlocks adorned with white cowry shells. He looked around, “Must be nice being married to all this money.”

Allen shook his head, “I didn’t marry Kate for her money. I make six figures or have you forgotten that?”

“I haven’t but it’s nice when you don’t have to spend your money,” he let out a disgusting laugh.

Allen pointed at the door, “You can leave.”

“Oh no, I’m just teasing. I need a place to crash for a couple of days.”

Allen didn’t want any parts of his brother. He was irresponsible. Had stolen money from their parents and got kicked out of their home. He spent his time wandering from relative to relative’s house.

He always wanted money but never had intentions or means to repay. Allen was just fed up, “Look, we have guests—”

“Oh come on, you have like three other rooms in this house. I promise not to be a bother. Two days and I’m on the road.”

“I’ll have to clear it with Kate first.”

He smiled, “Where is my sister-n-law?” he walked off toward the backyard.

Allen sighed. He had a feeling his brother was going to start some shit. He was the master shit starter.

The pool party was well underway. Allen and Fred worked the grill with steaks, chicken and shrimp kabobs, fish, and sausage.

The food table had a plethora of side dishes. Drinks were in the cooler. The music played. Bree and Nicole walked through the fence, Jenna saw them, that’s what’s been going on, she thought.

That was the reason she hadn’t seen Allen creeping. He had direct access via their connected fence. She rolled her eyes at Bree. Nicole chuckled, “Did you see that?”

“I’m not paying her no mind. Trust me she don’t want these problems.”

“Ladies, welcome, meet my friends Diana and Fred.”

They went over and spoke. Josh had a close eye on Bree. Her bathing suit was a one-piece but showed off a lot of skin and her tits looked like they would spill out of the garment.

Allen took notice and smiled. She blushed. Kate rubbed Bree’s back, “This young lady is amazing. I absolutely love her and she can cook.”

“I love Kate. She’s so sweet. She welcomed me into this neighborhood.” She turned and gave a side-eye to Jenna.

“What about you Nicole?” asked Diana.

“I just bought a house in Winston.”

They continued to talk, joke, and eat.

Ciara had mocha-colored skin that was velvety smooth. She was a minimalist, so she didn’t wear makeup or spend time at salons getting fancy hairstyles. She kept her look simple; her eyebrows had a nice width but were sparse toward the tail, her lips always looked shiny from the gloss she wore, her natural hair, she kept mostly in some form of braided style.

She was thick. She had amazing curves. It was the thing that caught most men’s eyes when they saw her. She had this super sweet demeanor and was a church girl that didn’t have much experience with men when she met Terrell.

Terrell found her young and since he made great money as a realtor, her family eagerly accepted him as a mate for their daughter. Yet, they had no idea about his whoredom. Terrell had a taste for young women. He often picked them right at age eighteen so he could manipulate them, which is exactly what he did with Ciara.

She sat down on a bench for a rest. She placed her hand on her round belly and took a deep breath before placing her cellphone to her ear. She waited for Terrell to answer but nothing.

He said that he was out having lunch with Demetrius. Ciara sighed. He was drifting farther away from her. Several nights a week, not even returning home until 5:00 am. Before he had some discretion, but lately she was confused as to why he was being so blatantly disrespectful to their marriage.

She stood and proceeded to head to another shop when she saw a familiar face. She hurried over to the sneaker store and tapped the man on the shoulder, “Hey Demetrius, what are you guys doing here?”

He made a face of confusion but quickly realized that he was used as an alibi. He nodded, “Oh, um, just out you know.”

She knew what was up; she chuckled, “Terrell’s not here, is he?”

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