Parent Tax - Cover

Parent Tax

by Krosis of the Collective

Copyright© 2022 by Krosis of the Collective

Erotica Sex Story: Dad catches son and girlfriend being naughty. There is only one way to avoid being grounded.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies, HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who “dips his wick” or “rides the rod” without protection.

“You can go hang out in your room, but keep the door open; no sexy time,” I had told my son Tad when he asked to be alone with his pretty girlfriend Cammie (short for Cameron). Then I made the mistake of getting distracted drinking some beers and playing video games upstairs for a while. I paused the game, and after a pee break, I heard a moan from downstairs. I quickly but stealthily descended the steps.

“Yeah ... ohh...” I heard my son groaning as I rounded the stairwell corner.

There was the occasional smacking sound from her lips. Maybe they were kissing, but I didn’t think so. With the hard tiled floor masking my approach, I slowly neared my son’s open bedroom door.

“Huhh ... Cammie...”

I slowly leaned my head past the door jamb to see that my son’s short blonde girlfriend had her mouth in his lap as she knelt on his bed. I paused in shock. The bed was against the left-hand wall so I was seeing them from the side, but damn, that girl was showing off a fine ass in her black tights as she leaned over. I stared at those enticing buns as she continued to blow him.

“Gonna...” my son moaned.

I quickly stepped into the room. “Ahem!”

“GAH!” My son yelled as he quickly rolled away to the side to cover up, yanking his cock out of his girlfriend’s mouth. “Ohfuuuck...” he moaned and shook, and I realized that he was cumming into his sheets.

“Shit! Um ... umm...” Cammie bumbled as she wiped her lips. They had been caught red-handed (red-lipped?), so there really wasn’t anything that they could say to curb my fatherly wrath. The hot blonde’s B-cup breasts pushed out her tight t-shirt, and her nipples were quite prominent. Either it was cold down here or she was turned on, and my son kept his room warm.

“I told you no sexy time!” I admonished Tad as I stepped into the room.

“C’mon Dad,” he whined as he pulled his jeans back up. “We weren’t having sex!”

“It’s right in the name, ‘oral sex’, genius.”

“But we’re eighteen!”

“You’re still living under my roof, with my rules. You want to go get your own place, you go right ahead.”

He harrumphed. He didn’t even have a job yet, so was quite beholden to me. “So what now?” he asked petulantly.

“Now Cameron has to go home, and you’re grounded.”

“For how long?!”

“Until I say otherwise.”

“That’s bullshit!” He stood up and got all up in my face, but I still had an inch of height on him.

“Sit down.”

He took a moment, but did so.

I looked over at Cammie, but she was looking at my midsection. I glanced down ... with all the testosterone flowing, as well as the visual stimulation from earlier, my seven incher was tenting out my sweatpants. I almost moved my hands down to cover up, but the look on her face ... I had a beer-fueled idea. “There’s an alternative,” I offered.

My son’s face was in his hands. “Yeah?”

“Parent tax.”

He looked up at me. “What?!”

“What’s parent tax?” Cammie asked.

Tad turned to her. “It’s ... my parents would steal a french fry, or some of my Hallowe’en candy and say, ‘Parent tax,’ but I’m not a kid anymore, Dad! What, you want her to ... to...?”


As one, we turned to Cammie. She suddenly looked shy and vulnerable, but I knew it was a ruse. Her eyes kept flicking to my bulge.

She turned to my son, her boyfriend. “If I do this, we get to keep seeing each other.” She turned back to me, this time looking into my eyes. “Right?” I nodded and she turned back to Tad. “Otherwise we can’t, for maybe weeks.”

My son looked like a hunted animal. “But ... that ... Cammie...”

“We broke the rules, Tad. Parent tax or grounding,” she informed him.

“You ... want to ... with him?”

She took his hands in hers. “I don’t want to have to wait for weeks to see you. I’ll be okay ... I’ll close my eyes and think of you.”

“Fuck...” Tad turned and buried his face into his pillow.

“C’mon, Cameron.” I beckoned for her to follow. When we got upstairs, I plopped back down onto the couch and took a long pull from my beer.

“Can I have some too?” the pretty blonde asked prettily.

I held out the can, she downed the rest, and then slammed it down on the coffee table. “Okay, pull that thing out, Tad’s Dad.”

Yeah, there’s the real Cammie, I told myself, but I had to be certain. “You sure?” I asked. She nodded. I pulled my sweatpants and underwear down, freeing my above-average stiffy. “You can call me Roger, or Rog.”

She took my erection in hand and moved her head down to it. “I kinda like calling you Tad’s Dad ... or Daddy,” she said as she locked her green eyes with mine before taking my entire length into her mouth.

“Oh shiiit...” I moaned. I hadn’t felt a woman’s touch in four years, not since my wife died. I figured I probably wouldn’t last long ... damn if this girl wasn’t swirling her tongue along my shaft while it was inside her mouth! Where had an 18-year-old learned these skills? Well, I resolved not to prematurely ejaculate, if this was the only sexy time I was ever going to get from her. I concentrated on the pause screen of my video game ... no, that wasn’t working, and I could still hear her huffing and puffing as she licked and sucked my member. So good!

I closed my eyes and thought about mowing my lawn, or grocery shopping. Aw jeez, she was licking it like a lollipop now! Then she deepthroated me again. I could take no more. “I’m gonna cum,” I warned her.

She pulled off and I was a little disappointed, but then she opened her mouth wide and pointed my dick right between her lips as she jacked my shaft and gazed up into my eyes.

“FUUCK!” I cried out as I came. Burst after burst of my cum splashed into her mouth, and then she took my penis back inside to finish me off, followed by a nice little suck to clear my urethra. “Holy shit...” I marveled as I looked down at her pretty face.

She pulled off and smacked her lips. “There was so much!” she commented in amazement. “And tasty, too.”

“Oh! Heh ... yeah, I eat a lot of pineapple. I heard it’s good for your prostate.”

She grinned. “Thanks for the Penis Colada, Daddy!”

I laughed. Then I realized that my son’s girlfriend was kneeling in front of my softening cock, her belly full of my cum. What the fuck had I just done?!

Cammie tilted her head. “Oh, there’s your conscience ... and we were having such fun.” She got to her feet. “I’mma head home ... bye, Daddy!”

“Um, bye?” I lamely called after her as she went. I heard the front door close and she was gone.

Tad just stayed in his room the rest of the night. I really didn’t know what he’d be like if I went to talk to him ... actually, no, I realized, he’d be a petulant child, pretty much like when anything bad happened in his life. He blamed others for his own problems, which would be me this time. I’d talk to him tomorrow.

I slept well, probably for the first time in a long while.

Strangely enough, Tad somehow seemed chipper the next morning. It was the weekend, so he left to hang out with Cammie and I had the house all to myself ... luxurious! I had an underwear day playing video games on the couch for hours until I heard the key rattling in the lock. I rushed into my room and quickly got dressed.

All three of us had pizza that night and watched a movie on the ‘flix. Cammie, the little minx, kept winking at me when Tad wasn’t looking. I winked back. Then they went back down to his room. I stealthily poked my head in a couple times, but they seemed to be behaving, or at least only going as far as kissing, and maybe some light groping. I was feeling kinda jealous.

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