Store-Bought Titties - Cover

Store-Bought Titties

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Jacquelyn was a former model and had to maintain a certain image. Now retired, she wants a porn star body - including larger tits! Her "Sugar Daddy" is all for it and buys her new boobs. She puts them right to use on the elevator going to see her "Daddy"!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

Jacquelyn Manning was a stunning woman – an ex-model, the 32 year old was every bit as glamorous as she ever was. She had built her career around her looks and now that she had herself a “sugar daddy”, she kept those looks in top shape. Jacquelyn had made a very good living as a top model and she liked living the high life. She was quite content being her “daddy’s” arm candy.

While Jacquelyn had an already amazing figure, she was always a bit hesitant and insecure about her breasts. As a model, her B cup breasts were just what the fashion world looked for. Something noticeable, yet not glaringly obvious. However, now that her career was coming to an end, she wanted the kind of tits that made men drool – she wanted those tits she saw on the porn starlets! Her “daddy” liked to watch porn flicks and she saw how he ogled the women in those movies. She wanted him to look at her the same way!

So one day in early June, she was moping around the house bored and looking for something to do with herself. She decided to go sit by the pool for awhile and work on her tan. She went into the bedroom and began looking through her huge clothes closet for her skimpiest micro-bikini. She got changed and as she was looking at herself in the mirror she got even more upset. She looked at herself in the full length mirror.

“Damn these pitiful little tits!” she mumbled to herself. She adjusted the tiny scrap of material up top until it fit a bit better, then decided to shrug the whole top off and get a topless tan. Maybe if her boobs were tan like the rest of her, they wouldn’t be so noticeably puny.

Laying out in the warm Southern California sun on her Malibu estate, she tried to forget about her vexing breast size. But when she rolled onto her stomach to tan her back, it only served to remind her of what she didn’t like most about herself. Then Jacquelyn began to formulate a plan. Her birthday was coming up in about a month and she knew exactly what she wanted for her birthday!

After she finished her sunbathing, she went inside and waited for her “Mr. Moneybags” to come home.

That night at dinner the conversation began as usual – how was your day, etc. etc. But then when the regular pleasantries were exchanged, she turned the conversation to her upcoming birthday and she told him what she wanted as her present.

“Daddy” was understandably excited about the idea of his trophy girl getting “enhancements”. He set the whole thing up and made the appointment as well as arranged for a woman to come stay with her during the days while she was recuperating and he was at work.

It was hard to tell what Jacquelyn was more excited about – getting her new breasts or going shopping to get clothes that fit her now! She so wanted to get some of those sexy slutty clothes she had seen other more well-endowed women wear. She had always wanted to dress sexy and slutty, but she could never pull it off with her tiny breasts.

But that’s what had paid her bills and gave her the opportunity to travel and make a very comfortable. And it was the fame and the modelling that had brought her and “daddy” together. So she couldn’t complain too much.

At long last the day of her surgery came and Jacquelyn was so excited. She knew that it was going to hurt for awhile afterwards, but the pain would pass and then she could enjoy her new more flattering figure. Daddy drove her to the clinic for the procedure and after a couple hours in surgery and about four hours of aftercare, the doctor felt she could go home – especially when they learned that there would be someone there to watch over her and take care of her.

The doctor explained she’d be sore for about two weeks afterwards ... going from a B cup to her new double d’s was a pretty good jump! He said it would probably be four to six weeks before she could resume all her regular activities and maybe a couple after that before she could “enjoy” her new breasts.

Daddy explained that Jacquelyn was a former model, so he made sure there was no visible scar. The doctor was very good and although the first couple weeks there was a lot of bruising from the work, it faded pretty quickly and Jacquelyn saw results very soon.

Her new breasts were fabulous! After about the third week the bruising had all but disappeared and she could see her new breasts in all their glory. She would look at herself in the mirror critically examining them, looking at how they looked in proportion to the rest of her, how the scar was healing, how they looked as far as shape and going over every detail. She was extremely pleased with her new look. Her breasts were a bit rounder and fuller than “natural” breasts would have been, but that was fine with Jacquelyn ... it just added to the slutty ‘pornstar” look she was after!

It was probably three months or so after Jacqueline’s surgery when the real test of her new store bought titties came about. Jacquelyn had been doing some shopping for more new clothes (she had taken great pleasure in getting rid of all of her old clothes – donating them to places like that help the less fortunate and those recovering from natural disasters who lost all their clothes and belongings).

She had come to “Daddy’s” office to show him the clothes she had bought – and show off her new store bought titties – and to her absolute delight she got the stares and looks she was hoping for! She even got one poor husband walking down the street punched in the shoulder by his wife and another young man walked into a lightpole staring at her as he walked by!

But the ultimate compliment came as she was leaving Daddy McBuck’s office. His office was on the 24th floor of a big downtown high-rise office building and as she stepped into the elevator, a good looking younger man, about 25 or 26 she figured, stepped on the elevator behind her. They door closed leaving them alone in the slow moving elevator.

As they stood on opposite sides of the cab, he couldn’t help but notice her large creamy breasts and how they were spilling out over the top of her dress.

Jacquelyn noticed him staring and smiled, looking at him, and asked “You like them?”

“Very much. You have really gorgeous breasts.” He knew, in a situation like that, when you’ve been caught ogling somebody, it’s always better to just tell the truth. A lie won’t be believed and might even be thought as an insult. Besides that, the truth, especially if it includes a compliment, might have unexpected benefits.

“Would you like a better view?” she asked, playfully biting the tip of one well-manicured finger. Before the flustered young man could reply, which probably would have been some babbling incoherent something anyway, she unzipped her dress down to her waist, unhooked the front clasp of her bra, and pulled her clothing out of the way, giving him an excellent view of a pair of truly lovely breasts, with big, pink nipples. To accentuate them and really give him something to gape at, she bounced on her feet, showing him how full and firm they were.

“Breathtaking!” he told her, his eyes locked on the two enormous mounds in front of him. “I could look at your breasts all day.”

She stopped bouncing and smiled again. “Is that all you would want to do? Just look at them?” she asked.

Where did that come from? she thought to herself. Apparently her slutty new tits were having an effect on her thoughts and behavior!

He couldn’t believe his luck! Instead of answering verbally, though, he stepped across the elevator, cupped one of the twin beauties under either hand and holding them looked into her eyes again. He waited there for her response – either he was going to get slapped for pawing her or she was going to let him continue.

“Please...” she breathed in a husky whisper.

He didn’t need anything more than that one word. He started licking one of her nipples. With just a few strokes of his tongue, her nipple became erect. Then he switched to the other licked and sucked and chewed on it the same way while it quickly hardened also. Jacquelyn was already sighing happily.

While the elevator slowly made its way to the building lobby, the young stud moved his hot mouth back and forth between her adorable nipples, spending only a few seconds on either one until he finally drew one of her luscious globes into his mouth and started sucking on it. Although she was sighing and cooing in pleasure and her upper body was squirming in pleasure against the wall of the elevator, she pushed the eager young man away.

“I really love what you’re doing, stud,” she whispered into his ear. “But we’re almost at the ground floor.”

Reluctantly, he raised his head from her lovely breasts and watched forlornly as they were once again enclosed inside her bra and behind the dress that Jacquelyn zipped back up.

“Don’t look so sad,” she said, still smiling. “We can continue this elsewhere. I live a good distance from here and there’s always someone home where I live, but I’m sure we can find someplace to continue playing. You were really giving my tits a great time and I don’t want you to stop. Unless you have something else you’d rather do.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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