It Was Totally Unexpected - Cover

It Was Totally Unexpected

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2022 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Sex Story: Another cheating wife story.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   .

It was totally unexpected.

I’d just gotten home from a hard day at work expecting to find my wife Nancy in the kitchen getting supper ready. Nancy worked, but she got home at five while I didn’t get there until six or so. She would have the food ready, we would eat, talk about our day, watch some TV and then head off to bed where, most nights anyway, we would make love.

I walked into the apartment and found Nancy sitting on the couch with John Marcus. John was an attorney with Dewey, Cheatum and Howe which is where Nancy was employed as a secretary. They were holding hands. Before I could ask what the hell as going on Nancy said:

“Sit down Roy; we have to talk.”

“About what Nancy and why are you holding hands with your boss?”

“That is what we need to talk about Roy. Please sit down.”

“I think I’d rather stand.”

She looked at John and he nodded his head and Nancy said “There is no easy way to do this, but the fact is John and I have fallen in love and I’m going to divorce you and marry John. John has taken care of all the paperwork and all you need to do is sign it. I’m not asking for anything, just my clothing, jewelry and such. Just sign and it will all be over in ninety days.”

John picked up some papers sitting next to him on the couch, stood up and came toward me while saying:

“Roy Martin, you hav...” and that was as far as he got before my right foot caught him squarely in the crotch. He dropped the papers he was holding and bent at the waist with his hands heading for his hurting balls and as he bent I hit his jaw as hard as I could with my balled up fist and he fell to the floor.

“You miserable piece of shit” I hollered as I kicked him in the balls again, “It doesn’t matter if she came after you or you went after her you knew she was married!’

While all that was going on Nancy sat there in shock, too stunned to even cry out. I left John on the floor crying and holding his crotch, pulled Nancy off the couch and dragged her into the bedroom. By the time I had her off the couch she had recovered enough to try and get away from me crying:

“Let go of me. Turn me loose damn you!”

I pushed her down face first on the bed with her face stuffed into a pillow and sat on her back while I ripped a sheet apart. Using the torn sheet I tied Nancy up and gagged her and then went out to the living room, grabbed John’s collar and drug him into the bedroom, tossed him on the bed and tied and gagged him also.

I stood there looking at them and then started laughing.

“How about this! The lovers in bed together and the husband standing there watching. Is that kinky or what?”

While they laid there and watched I cleaned out my dresser and the closet of my things and packed them. I took a cell phone picture of the two and then said:

“Y’all don’t go anywhere now, hear?”

I left them and then took everything out of the apartment that I wanted and that I could get in a hurry and then loaded it all in my truck. I’d come back later for the big stuff. I went back into the bedroom and got all the stuff I’d packed and took it out to the truck.

Back in the apartment I cleaned out Nancy’s purse taking all the money and credit cards and then paid one last visit to the bedroom. I stood there and watched them struggle trying to get loose. After a minute or so I said:

“When I hit the city limit sign I’ll call someone to come rescue you. If I’m lucky I’ll never see either of you ever again. Then again, maybe I’ll wait until I’m a thousand miles away to make the call. Once you are loose you will only have to wait a year before you can divorce me for abandonment. Take care now, hear? Snuggle up and enjoy some cuddle time” and then I took off and left them there.

As I headed down the road I was asking myself why I was being such an asshole over what happened, but even as I had the thought I knew why. It was the way it was done. If Nancy would have come to me and said she wanted a divorce because she had fallen in love with another man I wouldn’t have liked it, but I would have accepted that she didn’t want to be with me. I might have asked what I’d done to drive her away, or what I was lacking as far as she was concerned, but I would have just let her go. But to confront me in my own home with her lover holding her hand and saying “Here is the paperwork, sign it” was just too cold and in your face for me to let it go.

And I wasn’t done fucking with them yet. I was expecting dinner to be ready for me when I got home and it since it wasn’t I was going to hit the Village Inn and have dinner. I would call Nancy’s sister after I finished my dessert and tell her she needed to go and help Nancy. Let her find her sister and her sister’s lover and let her be the one to spread the story.

As I ate my dinner I was wondering why, if she was in love with her boss, she had been fucking me damned near to death right up until the confrontation in our living room. I’d probably never know the answer to that question.

I finished my apple pie ala mode and then called Nancy’s sister Julie. I told her that I’d left her sister and her sister’s lover tied up in the bedroom of our apartment and then hung up before she could ask me any questions.

Hopefully my “Thousand miles away” would have them thinking I was leaving town and they wouldn’t bother looking for me. Actually I was only going to move to the other side of town.

I left the restaurant and checked into the Quality Inn and then called my boss at home. When he answered I explained the situation, arranged to take the next two days off and then asked him to tell Nancy if she called him that I had come into work and quit without notice, mumbled something about Florida and had left. He said he would and then said:

“You do realize if you stay here she will eventually see you somewhere or someone who knows the two of you might mention seeing you don’t you?”

“Yeah, but this is all about fucking with her as much as I can. Might be only a day or two, but I’ll take what I can get.”

I hit the bank first thing in the morning only to find out Nancy had lied to me. All she wanted was her clothing, personal items and such? I found that Nancy had been in the day before and had taken out half of the checking and savings accounts. I checked the safe deposit box and found she had apparently forgotten about it. It still had the six certificates of deposit and another way to fuck over her.

The CDs came to twelve thousand dollars. They were supposed to be the down payment on a house. We each put ten percent of our net pay into savings and then when savings hit two thousand we purchased a CD. The goal was twenty thousand. But that wasn’t what was really going to piss her off. There was jewelry in the box. It had been her great, great grandmother’s and it had been passed down through the family and Nancy had gotten it when her mother had passed from cancer. It had been appraised and had a value of eighty-two thousand.

The jewelry was a bone of contention between Nancy and her sister Julie. Julie had always maintained that she should have gotten half and Nancy had always claimed that it was hers as she was the first born and would in turn go to her daughter when she had one. Nancy was going to be really, really pissed when she remembered the box, opened it and found it empty. I cleaned out the box and I would hang onto the jewelry until Nancy found it gone and after letting her rant for a bit I would give the jewelry to Julie.

In the morning I rented a U-Haul and waited until I knew that Nancy had gone to work and then I swung by the apartment to get the heavy stuff I wanted. My key wouldn’t work and I cussed myself for not waiting until all the hardware stores were closed before calling Julie. But it was my name on the lease and I hadn’t been served with a restraining order (at least not yet) so I had a right to be in the place. It wasn’t all that hard to break in. I would have to pay the property management company whatever it cost to fix or replace the door, but that was the least of my problems at the time.

I had everything I wanted out of the house in forty-five minutes and had it stashed in a storage unit an hour later. While in the apartment I used the phone to cancel the credit cards we held jointly and called Megan at the management company about the apartment door and told her I’d call her back in a couple of days and arrange to pay for it.

I’d known Megan for years so when she asked what happened I told her the story. She laughed and said:

“Really? You left them in bed together? Wait until I spread the word on that. That frees you up for me.”

“What about Mike?”

“He pulled the same shit Nancy pulled. Hooked up with some slut he worked with and told me he loved her more than he did me. You got my home number?”

“I’ve got it.”

“When you feel ready don’t be afraid to use it.”

“Thanks Meg. Talk to you later.”

I stopped at the library and checked out a half dozen books. My plan was to hole up and do nothing but work during the day and read in the evening, If I wasn’t out and about there was little chance I’d be spotted by Nancy or whoever she might have looking for me.

I couldn’t afford to stay in the motel too long so I called Megan and she pointed me to an apartment complex on the other side of town from my old one. She called the apartment manager and smoothed the way for me.

I knew I was taking a chance staying in town. In some of my conversations with Nancy when she talked about her job and the people she worked with she had mentioned that Marcus was getting close to a partnership and I was gambling that Marcus would want to avoid the scandal that could happen if he wanted to press charges against me for assault. For one thing it could cost him the partnership he was hoping for because it would bring to light that he was messing around with a married employee. I was betting that he wouldn’t want the partners in his law firm coming down on him for the adverse publicity that could come. I was also betting he would talk Nancy out of filing spousal abuse charges for the same reason.

By the end of three days I was moved into my new apartment. When I went to work my boss told me Nancy had called and that he’d told her about my move to Florida. He said she exclaimed “Shit!” and had hung up on him. I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard that.

Around eleven I called Megan and asked what I owed for the door and she told me nothing. Nancy had taken care of it. Then Megan asked me where we were going on our first date. I explained my plan as far as Nancy was concerned and she laughed and said I was evil. Then she said:

“You can come over to my place for dinner and we can talk about old times. That way you won’t be out and about and there is no chance she will see you.”

“What time?”

“Say six?”

She gave me directions and I told her I’d see her at six.

As I drove over to Megan’s I thought about her and how long I’d known her. We had dated off and on all the way through high school and had almost reached the going steady stage. Her hand had been the first female hand on my cock since mom washed it when I was a little boy and her tits had been the first tits in my mouth since mom had nursed me as a baby. Before we could take it to the next level her dad received a promotion and the family moved.

I didn’t know she was back in town until the day I stopped at the manager’s office to sign the lease papers for the apartment, but by then I was married to Nancy.

I showed up at her apartment on time and sat down at her kitchen table and we talked as she finished getting dinner ready. She told me all about her move to Colorado when her dad was promoted and how she hoped she could go back there some day.

I asked her why she hadn’t just stayed there if that was the way she felt. She told me that her father was killed in an industrial accident and her mother had moved back.

“She was a basket case and she needed me so I came back with her. She’s better now, but I can’t afford to move back yet. I’m saving my money so maybe someday I can make the move.”

She wanted the full story on Nancy and I gave it to her. She laughed and said I should have taken a picture of it so I could blow it up, frame it and hang it on my wall with a caption reading “The lovebirds relaxing after a hard day.”

I laughed and told her I had taken a picture of it with my cellphone just before I left. She wanted to see it so I pulled it up and showed it to her and she laughed her ass off. We had an enjoyable time and I offered to return the favor and have her over for dinner at my place the next night. She said she would love to do it.

I had dinner with Megan the next night and after we ate we sat on the couch and watched a movie. Somewhere towards the middle of the movie I found that we were holding hands and I have no idea of how it happened or even when. I looked over at her and found her looking at me. She saw the look on my face and said:

“Have you ever wondered how it would have turned out or us if my dad hadn’t moved us to Colorado?”

“Only every other day since I saw you when I came in to sign the lease on our apartment.”

“Would you be interested in seeing if there is anything still there?”

“I would, but not until I’m rid of Nancy.”

“Why wait? If you are done with her you are done with her.”

“Maybe, but I’m still married. Vows and all that stuff.”

“But she broke hers and sets you free.”

“Good point, but I’m not wired that way. I screwed up and didn’t let them go through the process of serving me. Once I’m officially served and I sign the papers and send them back I’ll consider myself free of my vows. But it isn’t going to be easy. I loved the silly bitch and I thought that she loved me.

“While some people may be able to turn love off as easy as turning off a light I’m not one of them. It is going to take me a bit to get over Nancy. I’ve got eight of what I thought were pretty good years to bury. It isn’t going to be easy for me. I guess the first step is to get all the legal stuff out of the way.”

“How long will that take?”

“The papers are already drawn up so I guess is all I have to do is make myself available so I can be served. I guess the simplest way would be to just walk into the office where she works and ask for them, but I don’t really want to do that. That would put an end to my screwing with her and I am so looking forward to doing that.

“And when you really get right down to it there is really no hurry. We need to get to know each other all over again. It’s been twelve years since we were separated and we are different people now. And there is a pretty large elephant in the room. I was deeply in love with Nancy and thought we had a great marriage until she ambushed me that night with her boss. You want to know the kicker? The night before she ambushed me we made love three times. Three times and she did it knowing what she was going to do to me the next day. She even kissed me goodbye and told me to have a great day when I left for work that morning.

“Enough of that. I’ve decided I’m not going to hide from Nancy. When she finds me she finds me. So what would you like to do on our first date?”

“Depends on when. Dinner and dancing if it is on the weekend. Dinner and a movie if it is during the week.”

“Okay; how about this. My Thursdays are already spoken for until September so how about dinner and a movie on Wednesday and dinner and dancing on Saturday?”

“Works for me, but what are we going to do on Friday?”

“We can talk about that on Wednesday.”

“No; let’s get it out of the way now. What about dinner at my place on Friday?”

“Isn’t that too much of me to subject yourself to in that short of a time period?”

“If I have my way I’m going to end up with all of your time anyway.”

“Then we have Friday covered.”

Wednesday’s date went well and I received a nice kiss when I took Megan home at the end of the date. Since I had changed my mind about hiding from Nancy I showed up at the bowling alley on Thursday. I had intended to drop out of my team as several of Nancy’s friends bowled in our league and they could have let her know I was still around instead of going a thousand miles away. It was a mixed league and one of the girls worked with Nancy and there were two others, a girl and a guy, that she had gone to school with and still socialized with.

As luck would have it on that Thursday night my team was matched with the team that Nancy’s coworker bowled on. Knowing that my name might or might not be mentioned at Nancy’s work on Friday I decided to see if I could push things along.

I asked Mellissa if she had any idea of how long Nancy’s affair with her boss had been going on and I could see on her face that she knew, but she said:

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“You don’t have to hide it Mellissa; Nancy and Marcus have already hit me with it. Nancy wants a divorce so she can marry him. I’m just curious as to how long she has been pulling the wool over my eyes. I never had a clue until she hit me with it.”

“Maybe eight months. We all think she’s lost her mind in giving you up for that dirt bag. Is it true you kicked him in the crotch?”

I just smiled, but didn’t answer. Mellissa asked if I was going to fight the divorce and I told her no.

“Why would I fight to keep someone who doesn’t want me?”

“When it’s over any chance I could be on the list when you go looking again?”

“I’ll keep you in mind, but I’m afraid these things take time and I can’t see a hottie like you still being around when the dust finally settles.”

“I’ve heard it said that good things are worth waiting for.”

“Think you’ll be able to work with Nancy if we did manage to hook up?”

“I’ll bet it would be fun watching her eat her heart out. It won’t take her too long to find out what a piece of garbage Marcus is and that she sure screwed up dropping you for the likes of him.”

“I hope you are right. I’d love to see it.”

It was a good evening as far as I was concerned. The team won two of the three games and I won a jackpot with a 217 in the second game and my ego was stroked with a real hottie expressing an interest in me.

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