They Both Know Now - Cover

They Both Know Now

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - young married couple both have the same fantasy but dare not reveal to their partner until.....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Bestiality  

“Would all dancers please clear the floor and take your seats for exceptional entertainent, those of a nervous disposition leave now.” There was laughter from the crowd as they made their way back to their seats.

As soon as the floor was clear the lights in the main hall were dimmed leaving the room almost dark, the only lighting left being the small wall lamps which afforded just enough light to see one, s immediate vicinity. There was a hushed murmur when the hall went dark and there was a louder buzz when the stage lights were switched on and as the curtains opened the buzz turned into gasps.

Standing on the stage were two giant blacks, naked except for loin cloths, both stood well over six feet in height, their bodies gleaming under the bright stage lighting. Broad shouldered and well formed six pack chests, they were, in deed, veritable athletes.

Between them they held two wooden posts about four inches square; they were eight feet in height and were connected to each other with some kind of leather straps.

At the base each post was fitted with cross members to allow free standing; just above the base each upright was furnished with small foot holds the use of which would soon be apparent.

The m.c. appeared on the stage and with microphone in hand addressed the audience. “Can we have some lady volunteers please, whoever is selected will enjoy half an hour of exotic sensations the like of which they will never have experienced and which will remain in their, and everyone else, s memory, for a long, long time.”

“Come along please, who, s first.” After a few moments one and then two more ladies walked slowly towards the stage not quite sure whether they should have put themselves forward; they were escorted through to the back of the stage where a small flight of steps lead up onto the dais.

The m.c. brought them forward to the front of the stage and lined them up. He turned to the waiting audience, “I’m going to stand behind each one and when I raise my hand I want to hear your acclaim. Whoever gets the loudest cheer will win this most exciting of experiences.

He turned to the three damsels. “Ladies,” he waved his hand across the trio, “ladies if you are not selected do not be disappointed you will have plenty of opportunity to indulge in your wildest dreams on many other occasions. So let us begin.”

Of the three women, two were blondes and the other was a raven haired beauty of slightly more exotic proportions and it was she who the audience decided would be the ‘winner’.

Turning to the losing blondes he thanked them and ushered them off the stage, then turning to the dark haired girl took her hand and twirled her around to the delight of the waiting audience. The m.c. whispered in the lady, s ear and after some deliberation she nodded her head. Then the entertainment began.

In the audience Charlotte turned to her husband, “I’ll sit on your lap I can see everything then.” Steve made himself comfortable and Charlotte lowered herself onto her husband. “Comfy!,” whispered Steve.

“Mmmm,” replied his wife as she snuggled back onto him and as Steve placed his arms around her waist.

Back on the stage the two large black men were gently divesting the girl of her clothing; firstly the dress then her bra; as her panties were being lowered to the floor she sqirmed with embarassment but nevertheless lifted a dainty foot, when urged, so that the small pink garment could be removed and carefully added to the dress.

There was an audible murmur from the crowd as her naked vagina was revealed, it was clean shaven and those nearest the stage could discern the pretty vaginal lips already becoming swollen and turning a ruddy pink.

The two blacks then removed each white, net stocking the buxom, raven haired women had worn and then replaced the black, stilletto shoes onto her feet.

The eager spectators cheered as she stood up straight bringing her shoulders back and thrusting her large breasts forward proudly, the elongated nipples distended and pinky brown in colour.

There was a louder cheer as the naked girl was led over to the wooden post apparatus and made to stand onto the footrests; lifting her arms above her head each hand was carefully fixed into furred manacles on either post and then her ankles tied like wise.

When the two administering blacks were satisfied that she was secured and comfortable they drew each post apart which opened the tethered lady, s thighs and brought her hands and arms further out.

There, the naked captive hung, an erotic sight for all eyes to see. A quiteness hung in the air as the audience waited and wondered. They didn, t have long to wait. One naked black-man left the stage and shortly returned carrying two, long handed whips; the audience gasped as they realised what they were and as the second whip was handed to the other black.

One black walked behind the the strung-up girl and began lightly flexing the leather thong so that a light crack was heard every time the whip was sprung. The front black also started flexing his whip.

At this time the young woman hanging in the stocks had not been touched and the waiting onlookers began quietly urging the abusers on; finally, one almost silent yelp told the eager watchers that the first light blow had landed; again a slight cry was heard and the spectators held their breath as the whip began lightly nipping at the naked girls skin.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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