They Both Know Now - Cover

They Both Know Now

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - young married couple both have the same fantasy but dare not reveal to their partner until.....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Bestiality  

Steven was on tenterhooks while he waited for the wives to return. Would Dorothy convey his fantasy to Charlotte; how would Charlotte react if informed of his fantasy; would she be happy or would she be annoyed?’

What if she considered him a pervert, would there marriage be over, what if she liked the idea. No way decided Steve, that was the last thing that could happen; at best he would be ‘sent to Coventry’ for a month and refused any sex. Oh dear, he decided I should have left well alone.

What does he know...

Steven heard the M.C. making an annoucement but he wasn’t listening, then he heard the band strike up and several couples took to the floor; Steve acknowledged none of this he was too worried wondering what his wife was discussing with Bill’s wife

He didn’t have long to wait, he could hear the girls’excited chatter as they entered the room. Steve daren’t look as his wife reached him.

He did see Dorothy walking over to the black, s section and say a few words to her dance partner; thinking the worse, that is, Charlotte not accompanying Dorothy back to their respective dance partners, Steve reasoned that his lovely wife was not interested in taking his fantasy any further but almost immediately Dorothy returned to their table and sat down beside her husband.

Steve stayed looking at the floor, his face a mixture of guilt and shame. “Steven” he heard is wife call, “Steven look at me.” Reluctantly he raised his head and was surprised to see his wife’s smiling face, her big brown eyes sparkling in the half light.

“Is this true what Dorothy has been telling me, you wish our life style was more like theirs?. You would like to see me as a hotwife?.” Charlotte looked at her husband inquisitively waiting for an answer.

Steve hung his head again but his wife quickly chided him. “No, don’t look down, darling” she continued in a slightly softer voice. “I need to look at you so that I can see if you genuinely mean what you say. You want me to enjoy the company of other men, is that it?”

“Er, umm mm, errrr, that is, erm,” poor Steven mumbled. Now that his fantasy had been put fairly and squarely in front of him he found it difficult to admit. He felt rather embarrassed that his own private fantasy had suddenly become general knowledge even though, of course, it was exactly what he wanted.

“I would like a clear and concise answer, please,” he heard his wife utter quietly, “tell me is this what you really want?” Charlotte putting it like that, it sounded more like an ultimatum and that wasn’t quite how he felt. Summoning up his courage he looked at his wife and replied.

“I, m not sure exactly what I do want, all I know, or to be precise, feel is that there is something lacking in our...,” and here he dropped his voice down to almost a whisper, “er um our sex life.” There, he, d said it now, now it was out in the open.

Charlotte took hold of her husband, s hand. “Right, now that we know what we are talking about, we can discuss the situation here and now.” She was begining to feel a little excited; was her husband intimating an open, more satisfying marriage, was he going to allow his wife a little more sexual freedom.

She had to admit to herself, their three years of marriage had been wonderful, but this last several months the sex had become less than perfect; her cheating with that blackman when her and Dorothy had visited that other night club still remained fresh in her memory.

Quite often had she recollected that hard, hot, thick, black prick thrusting into her trembling needy body and for several nights after the occasion she had enjoyed a good fucking from her husband, even now the thought made her cunt shiver.

Of course she had no intention of telling her spouse, but, now, if she understood correctly what Dorothy had grinningly told her minutes earlier Steven was advocating lots more ‘cheating’ although, of course, from now on it wouldn’t actually be ‘cheating’ but with his complete approval.

Another thought struck her; when in the arms of another man would she want her husband watching; seeing her writhing and gasping under the naked, madly thrusting body of a stranger; would he be happy watching a bigger, better endowed lover enjoying what was once his own personal property, she would have to tread carefully if she wanted this new life to blossom out.

She looked into her husband, s eyes, still holding his hand, “You know I love you Steven,” she said sincerely; there had never been any doubt in her mind of her love for her husband, he was good and kind, made her laugh and was a really wonderful friend, just, if the love making had been that bit more exciting she mused wistfully.

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