They Both Know Now - Cover

They Both Know Now

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - young married couple both have the same fantasy but dare not reveal to their partner until.....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Bestiality  

Charlotte was home and in bed just before midnight; she’d managed to tear Dorothy away from her two black lovers and see her safely indoors.

Dorothy was still on a high babbling non-stop about how thoroughly she’d been fucked and how much she’d enjoyed her double penetration. “My hubby will have a hard-on for days after I tell him,” she jabbered excitedly, lust still visible in her eyes.

“Mine would probably divorce me if he ever found out,” replied Charlotte wistfully.

What does she know...

Steven Wright arrived home a few minutes after twelve; his mind totally taken up with his bowls night; his team had won the match and it was he who had done the most damage to the losing team.

He was feeling quite pleased with himself, humming a jolly tune as he let himself into the house. The hall light was on and this brought him back to the present.

“Charlotte, Darling, are you in?” As there were no more lights on it was clear she was in bed and hearing her answer confirmed his reasoning.

“Oh dear,” he muttered to himself, “she’s had another quiet night in.”

What does he know...

During the next few days Steve reminded his lovely wife of their forth coming anniversary; “I’ve been speaking to one of my work colleagues about our anniversary,” he remarked, “I thought we might have a meal at a nice restaurant and then Sid, that, s my friend from work, thinks a visit to a night club for drinks and dancing might be nice.”

“That sounds good,” answered Charlotte enthusiastically, “we haven’t been out for several weeks, I shall look forward to it.”

“Sid says he knows of a great club that has a floor show and as he, s a member he can get us in for free, er, by the way I should mention he, s a coloured man and he did say, in a roundabout way, that the floor show is a bit naughty but he has a white wife, will that give you any problems.?”

Charlotte, on hearing that there would be a black man in their party felt an immediate tingle in her belly and she couldn’t help but remember the fucking she had received at the hands, or rather the cock, of Jamal the well endowed young black.

Before she could think her, immediate response was to say, “I’ve no problem with coloured people, I find them rather exciting,” and then realising what she’d said, added hastily, “I mean they’re rather good dancers and as for the ‘naughty floor show’ the naughtier the better,” she grinned cheekily.

Steven, ever the hopeful one, took on board his wife, s observation and wondered in what respect she meant ‘rather exciting’. Did she mean it in a sexual...; before the thought had even entered his head he dismissed it as wishful thinking, ‘no way,’ he reasoned, ‘would she indulge in any sort of naughtiness. Not on your life.’

What does he know...

“Would you mind if I invited Dorothy from next door?” queried Charlotte, “she, s good fun and would liven up any party.” “No, that, s a lovely idea, “replied her husband, “the more the merrier.”

She’ll probably want to bring her husband,” Charlotte continued,” I know he loves to watch his wife having a good time.” She laughed inwardly at her little joke, “I wish my husband would like watching me having a good time,” she mused.

What does she know...

“I wish I could watch my wife enjoying herself,” Steven Wright thought, sighing as he did so.

What does he know...

The next day Charlotte mentioned the anniversary to Dorothy and with excited voices the two of them discussed what they would wear. “As little as possible,” laughed Dot, “when is it?”.

“Saturday week, and I think I’ll wear that little dress we bought the other day, it, s what Steven suggested I should buy anyway.” “You never know,” ventured Dorothy, “he might see you in a different light, perhaps he likes to watch like my Bill does.” “Fat chance of that,” grinned Charlotte.

What does she know...

“It, s alright if Bill comes along?” asked Dorothy, “he would love seeing me in the arms of another man, it would be nice to dance close and give hubby a thrill.”

“Oh you,” chided Charlotte, wishing she could do the same but she didn’t think her husband would agree.

What does she know...

During the next few days Dorothy several times nipped into next door showing Charlotte varius items of clothing and they at last picked out a ‘bolero’ type blouse and a ‘peasants’ skirt. “I’m not going to put any underwear on, “said the bubbly Dorothy, fully animated, “and with my four inch high heels, I shall look very sexy, just how Bill likes it.”

“You’re sure to get hit on dressed like that,” proffered Charlotte. “And so will you dressed like that,”echoed Dorothy, and they both hugged each other, laughing happily.

The day of the anniversary party duly arrived and the four party-goers got ready to celebrate. When Steven saw his wife, s frock he was secretly quite pleased that she had dressed so sexily.

“Perhaps she, s going to let herself go at last,” he thought to himself hopefully. “I’d love to see her dancing with another man in that outfit, it, s nice and short and I can see the tops of her breasts, lovely.”

Charlotte, s hubby also cast his eye over his next door neighbour, s spouse, he was she wasn, t wearing a bra and he could see no panty line.

“Your girl friend isn, t wearing any underwear,” he whispered to his wife,”she looks nice, I wondered have you discarded any clothing,” and he winked conspiratorily.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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