They Both Know Now - Cover

They Both Know Now

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - young married couple both have the same fantasy but dare not reveal to their partner until.....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Bestiality  

Up stairs Charlotte and Dorothy were chatting to their black lovers, that is Charlotte, s black lovers because Dorothy, s two males had left the room and the two young wives were now seated together with Sol on Charlotte, s side and Jon sitting next to Dorothy.

All four were still naked and both girls, even after enjoying their black lovers with several strong orgasms, were still feeling horny. Dorothy had her hand around Jon, s lifeless penis trying to get some semblance of hardness into it but with very little success; Charlotte, much more inclined to be modest and discreet, sat demurely, wanting to hold Sol, s large prick but reluctant to appear too bold.

Sitting close to a naked, black, macho male her heart was still thumping with desire and she was hoping to experience further sexual activity. Dorothy was the first to enquire, “whats happening now,” she murmured quietly looking at Sol. “Are we finished for the night or can we go again.?”

“Still want more sex,?” smiled Sol, “your insatiable Dorothy, and what about you Charlotte, how are you feeling?’ Charlotte blushed profusely at Sol, s question even though she had just enjoyed both black men ravaging her small body she was still quite shy about discussing her sexual needs.

“Er, um, well I’ve enjoyed what we’ve done,” she murmurred looking down at the floor, “and it would be nice to carry on but,” she looked doubtfully at Sol, s cock and then at Jon, s still soft penis cradled in Dorothy, s hand, “er, will you be able to.”

The two young black men looked at each other and laughed, “What do you think Jon, shall we introduce them to our other friends.” “I don’t see why not,” replied Jon,” and watching the pair of them gasping under our ‘friends’ onslaught will no doubt refresh us.”

The young sexy wives stared at each other wondering what these ‘friends’ looked like. Dorothy much the more experienced adulteress grinned and said,”yes bring them on, we, ll tire them out as well.”

Charlotte giggled and nodded her head,”whilst we’re here we should get as much as we can,” she blurted out and then blushed realising that what she had said put her in the same ilk as Dorothy.

“Good,” grinned Sol, “now if you would like to experience the most wonderful sex it is possible to enjoy, you will have to do exactly as we ask.”

Dorothy, always the leader, asked, “what do you mean, ‘by the best’,? how do you know we haven, t already had the best.” “Dorothy my sweet darling” Sol smirked, “it, s unlikely that you would have had the pleasure of our friends or, indeed, any of their kind.”

The girls, intrigued by Sol, s remark, inquired further Charlotte, this time, leaving Dorothy with her mouth agog, asked “if they’re that good they must be better than you,” and both white wives looked at each other giggling with their hands hiding their mouths.

Sol, nonplussed, continued, “have you ever been penetrated by a penis that fucked you so hard and so fast that it took your breath away, also that it filled your cunt much more than even me and Jon did earlier.?”

“I haven’t,” informed Charlotte, “I, ve only had my husband and, although I love him, he, s not very good in bed,” then suddenly she remembered her liaison with black Jamal at the local night club, “oh, I forgot, there has been one other person who I dallied with and although he was nice I don’t think he would match your description of your friends, are they coloured too,?’ she added.

“Yes, you could say that,” grinned Sol looking at Jon with a knowing gleam in his eye. “I can assure you that if you let our friends fuck you, you will be hooked for the rest of your life,”

“Mmm breathed Dorothy,” sounds good when can we meet them.?” “You can meet them here in about twenty minutes, it will give me time to contact them and have them brought up to this room. I have to tell you that they are a bit kinky and would want you blind folded and restrained.”

“Wow,” gushed Dorothy, “I love being tied up.” “They, they won, t hurt us will they,?” stuttered Charlotte. “No, of course not, we wouldn, t let anything nasty happen to you” smiled Sol, “we hope you will come and see us again.

You will only experience extreme pleasure the like of which you will never have had even in your wildest dreams.” Again the two girls looked at each other now begining to get excited at the thought of what they had let themselves in for.

Jon left the room but shortly returned with two blindfolds that one would use to wear at night to keep the light away from the eyes. “Our friends would like you to wear these blindfolds because they say it is important to keep their identities a secret.” “Ooohh,” groaned Dorothy,”are they film stars.?”

“Yes they are, they have been in several films so you see it would be embarrassing for them if this got out. I would tell you that our friends do not associate with everybody but they were smitten with how lovely you two girls are and they couldn’t resist asking me if I could set you up with them, is that ok?”

Again the two girls looked at each other, giggling into their hands as they took in what Sol had told them. Dorothy was, by this time, seething with excitement, “gosh I can’t wait, I, m as horny as ever.” Charlotte a little less forward then her pal smiled but wondered what her husband would think when she told him about their film star lovers.

“Now if your ready for the most thrilling and pleasurable experience you could possibly have, would you put your blind folds on and we can bring your lovers in; first though we must make you comfortable and ready you for their pleasure.”

The wives noticed Jon had left the room just before they donned their blind folds and both felt a little disappointed that they would not be able to catch sight of their potential lovers, nevertheless, both young women were very eager and pleased that they were going to be fucked by real film stars.

“Now before we start I, d liked to turn the bed back around and place it up against the wall, it will give us more room.” The two young wives stood up whilst Sol and Jon repositioned the divan.

When the two blacks were satisfied they ushered the girls back on to the bed and there they sat, holding hands and blind folded. Dorothy sat there seething with anticipation. Charlotte sat there seething with apprehension.

They didn, t have long to wait; They heard the door open and shortly it was closed again. “Are they here,?” asked Dorothy almost frantic with excitement, “we heard the door.”

“No, not yet, they are waiting to come in but they need for you to be ready to receive them. We have a couple of small recliners that we would like you to lay on so that our friends can have easy access to your bodies.”

“Hurry up please, I can hardly wait,” squeaked Dorothy, her voice having risen an octave through her eagerness to get involved with the film stars. “Let me help you get settled,” Sol said softl taking hold of Dorothy, s arm.

He led her over to one of the small recliners which were shaped like a capital ‘D’, the curvature of the ‘D’ was covered in a padded cushion material upon which Sol encouraged the lusting wife to lay across.

“Now I, m just going to slip your hands and feet into these ringlets and secure them because if you make any sudden movements you might startle our stars and then you will not get the enjoyment that you crave. Does that make sense?” Sol asked kindly.

“Yes, yes,” Dorothy replied impatiently, ““these recliners are very comfortable.” Charlotte was similarly tethered face down, her heart thumping in her ribs.

Both naked girls were now tied down, their heads resting on the cushioned dais their bottoms nicely raised showing their plump vaginal lips nestling between opened thighs and readily accessible.

They looked lovely laying there and showing both pussy and anal cavities. Sol stepped round in front of Charlotte, “open your mouth honey, get me hard again and then we will bring your new lovers in.”

Jon was also offering his ebony penis to the supine Dorothy and both randy wives lifted their heads up and greedily sucked the large, plum ended cocks into their waiting mouths.

After several minutes both wives’ necks were begining to ache so they reluctantly let go of the now hardened black pricks. Sol, with a silent movement of his head detailed Jon to let the ‘friends’ in whilst also holding his finger to his lips to suggest quiet.

Whilst Jon opened the door Sol moved round to the rear of Charlotte and, bending, placed a kiss right on to her fleshy cunt lips. Charlotte moaned her appreciation and then gasped out aloud as she felt his tongue penetrating her vaginal lips.

Dorothy was also panting as Jon, s tongue pierced her grasping cunt. Whilst moans of passion filled the room, entering through the door, a third black man leading two large black labrador dogs appeared.

Each dog was placed alongside the bending black men and it was a simple task to replace the human licking tongues with those of the canines.

Both dogs had been well trained so they knew not to make either hot wife aware of any difference in the searching tongues, that is, not until the girls had been brought to massive orgasms such that their perception of what they were enjoying overruled any suspicion that anything had changed.

The dogs, sensing that both women were under the influence of huge sexual dominance now began pushing their broad, flat tongues into the white wives’ vaginas and licking the delicious cream from the inflamed labia.

Charlotte had never experienced such superb feelings that now coursed through her flooded cunt and couldn, t help moaning out loud, “Oh, oh, oh, aahh, oohh God that, s lovely Sol, your tongue feels, oh it feels so wonderful, how do you manage to get so far into m ... me.”

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