They Both Know Now - Cover

They Both Know Now

Copyright© 2022 by traddis

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - young married couple both have the same fantasy but dare not reveal to their partner until.....

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Bestiality  

Charlotte and Dorothy followed Sol and his mates into the ‘waiting room’ where they were offered further drinks.

“I thought we were going upstairs,” claimed Dorothy ruefully.

“We are, we are,” growled Sol and then, in a lighter tone, added, “We just have to wait until the room is ready. The lights have to be checked and fresh towels need to be supplied, also the computer has to be looked at to make sure the cameras are working, we are filming.”

“Oh,” replied Dorothy wide eyed, “are we going on the telly?” “Not exactly,” grinned Sol, but we thought your hubbies might like to see you in action so a film will be made.” Charlotte wasn’t sure if she wanted to be on camera but reasoned at least Steven will see and enjoy the sex.

Another moment of doubt entered her mind as she thought about her husband, ‘is this really what he wants,’ she pondered and then remembering their conversation earlier accepted the situation for what it was; ‘her Steven liked seeing her in sexy situations with strangers, she liked to enjoy more exciting sexual moments with any man, so they both complimented each other.’

One more idea entered her head and the more she considered it the better it appeared. She still felt uneasy about their new life styles and she began to realise what it was. Even though they both enjoyed each other, s sexual activities, these pursuits were basically separate actions;

Charlotte enjoyed the physical side, her husband enjoyed the voyeuristic aspect but there was still something missing; ‘togetherness’. The word sprang into her mind. ‘Togetherness’ she repeated, we should be in the same room,’ she considered,’this way she would be getting the best of both worlds, carnal sex with her lovers and the all empowering, mindful love of her wonderful husband.

This way she would know for certain that her hubby was quite happy with their new life style, even encourage it Charlotte would see his adoring face, perhaps even hold his hand while she writhed and gasped under the body of an unknown man, this way she would never have any more doubts and could really let herself go and enjoy, without guilt, the more, fulfilling sexual pleasures her body craved.’

With this, satisfying solution, resting in her mind, she felt so much more relaxed and contented; now she could tune her mind and body into the forth coming sex that was about to happen.

Sol, s urging to drink the aperatif that he now handed her brought her back from thoughts of herself and her husband.

“Finish your drink,” he demanded, “it consists of a strong mixture of aphrodisiac and alchohol mixed with a little pot, it will make you feel really good and horny and will heighten your senses so much that you will abandon yourself to our, and your own, sexual needs with no shame or guilt.

This is going to be a night you will never forget. Come to that, neither will your husband.”

Charlotte could already feel the liqueur burning into her belly as she gulped it down and looking at Dorothy she saw that she had already finished hers. “God!” Dorothy giggled beginning to slur her words, “that, s something else. Lovely,” and she licked her lips, both at the sweet nectar and at the thought of unrestrained sex with these virile young black men.

Sol led the way up the stairs, both girls needing help as their legs became sloppy with the drugged beverage. Opening the door to room number four he felt for and switched the light on. Immediately the room was bathed in brightness.

The first thing Charlotte saw was the large mirrored wall at the far end and then the mirrors on either side wall. She giggled out loud when she noticed the mirror on the ceiling, thinking she would be able to see herself having sex, definitely a first for her.

Sol gently pushed her down to a sitting position on the side of a white sheeted divan that graced the room. Dorothy had already pulled her two black men round to the other side and was busy fumbling with their clothing.

Charlotte watched as her two black lovers started to slowly undress themselves; she felt her heart flutter as the blacks, naked torsos were uncovered.

God she felt wasted, that last drink had certainly gone to her head; she could think of nothing but raw, no holds barred, sex.

Her whole body was a seething cauldron of unrestrained lust. Sol, s ebony chest gleamed in the room, s bright glare; Charlotte relished the six pack muscles, the washboard stomach, god! she couldn’t wait to be ravished by this hunk of a man, couldn’t wait to feel his large, black body pressing her small, white frame into the mattress, couldn’t wait to have her pussy filled with thick, black, hot, throbbing cock.

Both black men, still wearing just their boxer shorts moved nearer to the panting, cock hungry wife; Charlotte tentatively reached out a hand towards the large bulge pushing out Sol, s boxers, and feverishly she fumbled for the waist band catching the back of her hand on the cloth covered penis.

She could feel the heat through the material, it was hot, hot. Charlotte sighed, heavily, full of want and trembling visibly. “Can’t wait eh!,” drawled Sol as he pushed his loins forward. Charlotte looked up to him her eyes smokey and full of longing.

With both hands she took hold of the waist band and pulled it away and down from the flat, black stomach of her ebony lover.

She gasped out loud as the rampant, circumcised penis sprang away from the constraining garment and wavered in front of her wide, disbelieving eyes.

“Mmmm,” simpered Charlotte, measuring the black monster with her gaze, “wow, if Steven could see me now.” The horny wife watched, mesmerised, as Sol pulled his dick away from his belly and then let it slam back up, twanging as it did so finally coming to rest standing up and pointing.

“Wadd ja think of that,” he said proudly and twanged it a second time. “It, s lovely,” crooned Charlotte, “so big, I’ve never seen one so big, can I get it in my mouth,” she wondered. “Take it easy and mind your teeth,” Sol grunted.

Steven, s white, wife bent forward and with tremulous lips took the bulbous head into her pretty, drooling mouth. Her tongue, almost with a mind of its own, licked around the smooth head, laved below the sensitive under side and then sucked heavily, tasting the maleness of the sexy black man.

Movement to her right caught her eye; Jon the second black had edged towards her and was already pushing his under pants down. Charlotte noticed he was not circumsised and he had a long foreskin. She looked up at him as he towered above; taking hold of her hand he placed it on his hardening cock pushing his loins towards her face.

“You have a lovely penis,” Charlotte groaned. He grinned down at her,”do you like it,?” he croaked feeling her soft, cool fingers encircling his prick.

“It, s very nice,’ she huskily replied and pressing her fingers over the loose skin drew it back revealing the almost pale cock head.

Sol and Jon shuffled together still hampered by their trailing boxer shorts. “Let, s get these shorts out of the way,” she giggled, “ I want you both naked,” and leaving hold of both cocks she hastily took the offending garments down their legs and as each of them lifted one foot at a time drew the boxers away and tossed them into the corner.

Now she had both young blacks naked and hard and panting. Quickly she brought them close to her face and holding each ebony penis between her fingers eased her mouth over both ends. Breathing through her nose she struggled to suckle both at the same time but found the action to difficult; leaving one she sucked on the other for several moments.

Charlotte smiled to herself as she enjoyed the differing cock heads; Sol, s smooth and slippery and Jon, s, with his foreskin partial drawn back. She became more excited as she ran her free hand under each pair of balls even slipping her hand between each black man, s thighs and touching their arse.

She had a sudden urge to touch their backsides with her lips and, first one, then the other, she turned them and ran her mouth down both spines kissing and gently biting each tight bum cheek at the same time reaching round and lovingly wanking each stiff penis.

Sol finally turned and taking hold of Charlotte said “Now it, s your turn.” The buttons at the back of her dress already unfastened it was a simple matter to push the material forward and off her arms and Sol gathered the frock and whilst Charlotte lifted each dainty foot removed the dress and threw it into the corner.

Steven watched his beautiful young wife as she was stripped by her two black suitors. He had seen, with bated breath, how she had divested her two lovers of their underwear, sighed heavily as he saw her struggling to get both massive cocks into her tiny mouth, noted how she kissed each naked black arse thinking, ‘she never did that for me.’

Now here she was, standing up straight, just in her pale, blue, wispy panties, her bra already taken off and thrown into the corner with her dress. Steve sneaked a look at Dorothy, she was already naked and on her knees sucking at one black cock then the other.

His cock gave a lurch as he turned back to his darling Charlotte where her blue panties were being slipped down her smooth thighs and he watched closely as, again, she lifted each dainty foot and allowed her last piece of delicate clothing to be removed.

Catching a movement to his right he was a little surprised to see that Bill had opened his trousers, yanked his penis out and was vigourously wanking. His own prick felt constricted in his pants and nervously he also zipped down and eased his aching cock out through the fly of his under pants.

Steven watched his lovely, naked wife as she stood waiting for her two black lovers. Jon lifted Charlotte, s hair and began running his tongue and lips gently on the nape of her neck.

Meanwhile Sol was kissing the beautiful young wife and her husband watched as the negro slipped his tongue into her eager open mouth.

Jon moved his mouth down Charlotte, s back bringing goose bumps up on her fair skin and finally finishing with hickeys on her gorgeous backside. The horny fair haired lovely continued sucking on the black Sol, s tongue and the combined kissing and sucking soon had Charlotte, s toes tingling.

Sol now began kissing around her sensitive neck at the same time his hands were busy fondling her delightful breasts and squeezing the pinky brown nipples. Jon, s hands were also busy stroking Charlotte, s smooth thighs and easing his fingers through and tickling her pussy.

When Sol began laying kisses on her rounded tummy those tingles in her feet moved up her legs leaving her weak kneed and panting

Charlotte almost collapsed as Sol ran his tongue from her vaginal opening, up through the pussy crack, and onto her swollen clitoris, only Jon holding firmly onto her waist prevented her falling over. Steven watched as the two blacks gently moved his wife so that she lay on her back on the bed, her knees bent with her feet on the floor.

Jon eased himself between her splayed thighs and bending his head began feasting on Charlotte, s soaked, needy puss

Meanwhile Sol had climbed up onto the bed and was straddling Charlotte, s head, her hair laid out fan style, eyes glassy, mouth drooling. She was fully under the spell of the aphrodisiac drink, waiting and wanting and giving total submission to her virile, black lovers.

Focusing her eyes on Sol, s naked body, his penis obscenely jutting up in front of her face, she licked her lips and opened her willing mouth and allowed Sol to place the end of his black, precum, oozing glans onto her lower lip.

No sooner did Charlotte feel the blackman, s hot, turgid cock touching her quivering mouth then she couldn, t resist lifting her head and sucking the hard, smooth penis end into her eager maw.

Sol, ever the gentleman, realising that Charlotte would not be able to keep her head in that position leaned further up the divan, and grabbing a pillow, placed it under the grateful girl, s head. Now she could suck and lick to her heart, s content and Charlotte did just that, running her avid tongue all around the fat cock head, fluttering the tip underneath the sensitive frenum whilst using her lips to suckle the pleasure giving penis.

Steven watched his wife enjoying the attention of her two black lovers, noticed how she jerked every time Jon, slurping at her flooded cunt, touched a particularly sensitive part of her clitoris; he noticed how his panting wife lifted her body towards the thrill giving tongue, wanting, needing the ultimate climax she so desired.

Steve took a glance across at Bill, s wife Dorothy, she also was gasping and groaning whilst her two black lovers sucked and ravished her naked, eager flesh. His own cock was leaking precum and, lovingly he smeared the slippery mucus over and around his corona, careful, so as not to ejaculate too early such was his enjoyment at seeing his darling Charlotte writhing in pleasure.

Snatching a glance at Bill he saw that Dorothy, s husband had removed his trousers and underwear and had slipped slightly forward on his chair, opened his legs and was sliding his hand up and down a reddened penis, the cockhead glimmering with moisture.

Steven suddenly felt encumbered in his clothing and quickly, standing up, divested himself of the restrictive pants. The cooling air was very refreshing on his lower parts and now that he had freedom of movement he jerked vigorously at his swollen cock, delighting in his approaching orgasm.

He was too far along the pleasurable plane of sensation and could no longer hold back the impending climax. With a mad, fierce rubbing of his penis he groaned out aloud as that wonderful feeling coursed up the stem of his expanding prick and burst out the pee hole and into the tissues he held at his spurting, exploding penis.

As the sensation of ejaculation faded away it was replaced with a sense of anticlimax; the thrill of watching his wife enjoying sex with two black men now didn’t seem so exciting, his penis had already started to lose its hardness and was begining to flop.

He wasn’t so sure any more about anything. Still, he thought, there, s nothing I can do about it at the moment. His mouth felt dry and he wished he had a drink.

In the room Charlotte, s body was a mass of exquisite pleasure, her breasts felt tingly, her tummy was tremulous and her legs weak with passion. Her vagina quivered with continuous lust seeping precum which Jon was greedily sucking up; Sol, s large black penis filled her urging mouth.

Her clitoris, fully exposed from under its protective hood, felt as if it would explode at any moment. She wondered what her husband would think if he could see her now; still, she thought, ‘we would have the film to watch and enjoy.’ God! she couldn, t wait to feel a large cock penetrating her body, It was as if she would never get satisfied. Hope these two fuckers are up to it.

As if in answer to her prayers, her two black paramours moved away and taking hold of the divan, and with Charlotte and Dorothy still laying there, swivelled it round so that the bed now rested aross the room from side to side and much nearer the two way mirror.

Steven, watching, became intrigued, also realising that the two black males had purposely positioned the divan so that the voyeur husbands would have a close up view of the action. This peaked his interest and his previous apathy disappeared.

Now as he watched he saw big Sol, s mouth moving in speech encouraging the girls to stand up and as soon as they did so, Jon and one of Dorothy, s young blacks, took the places of the girls, laying down on their backs, cocks rearing up at a lewd angle.

Sol now backed Charlotte up against the side of the divan and Jon reaching up took hold of her waist and gently brought her down onto his naked body. Dorothy was similarly positioned and the voyeurs, with bated breath, watched and wondered what was next.

Charlotte lay, face up, on Jon, s muscular body; she was sizzling with desire, her face neck and shoulders were red with passion, her breasts were swollen and very sensitive, the nipples hard and distended. Her tummy rolled and quivered with unsurpressed lust and her vagina, leaking wetness profusely, was swollen and the labia fat and open.

Her legs hung down with her feet just touching the floor. God! she wanted fucking and hard. Jon, s arms were around her waist just holding her steady, his hands gently caressing her palpitating belly. Charlotte could feel his penis rearing up between her thighs and she inched her bottom forward, the better to get contact with the pleasure giving tool.

“Easy,” whispered Jon, “ your going to get it very soon and more. Have you ever been double penetrated?” Charlotte gasped, her mind reeling with sudden fear no she had never before been fucked by two men at the same time and the thought that her virgin anal hole might be penetrated by a cock as large as either of these black men possessed filled her with apprehension.

“N ... n ... no,” she stuttered, “won’t you be too big up there?” “Don, t worry my darling,” cooed big black Jon, “you, ll be surprised how accommodating your body can be. You will feel no pain, only exquisite pleasure which you will hunger for every time you get fucked.

When Sol loomed over her, Charlotte thought the worse but was quite relieved when he fell onto his knees and buried his face into her slathering pussy. With fingers and tongue he skillfully brought Steven, s wife to a vagina wrenching orgasm bringing sobs and groans from her panting, drooling mouth.

Steven stared avidly at his naked wife wriggling on top of the second black man. He could see the fat plum like cock head pointing up between Charlotte, s eager thighs and watched as she tried to manoeuvre her lower body onto the swollen cock head.

He saw his wife, s black lover whisper in her ear, wondered what was being said and then the view of his lovely wife, s naked body and her sopping cunt was hidden as black Sol bent down between Charlottes outspread thighs.

Steve had regained his earlier eagerness to watch his wife, s sexual activities and with his cock now hard he had seen her naked atop the black, her lovely vagina gaping open and ready for penetration, then his view had been cut short by Sol easing his black body down and between Charlottes gorgeous thighs.

Frustrated he turned his attention to Dorothy who, naked, lay in a similar position to his own wife; spread eagled on her black lover, s body face up and groaning heavily.

Steven watched his neighbour, s wife laying nude and sighing softly, straddled atop her equally naked black lover. The second black was slurping noisily at Dorothy, s drenched vagina, her thighs wrapped closely around her lover, s shoulders.

All three fuckers were breathing heavily with their exertions and black male hands were fondling white female flesh. Steve cast an eye in Bill.s direction and noticed that his neighbour, eyes rivetted on his panting wife, was still pumping away at his modest sized cock.

Steven, s own penis, now at full hardness, was beginning to ooze precum and the voyeur husband lovingly spread the slippery mucus over his straining cock head.

A movement on the other side of the two way mirror drew Steven, s attention and he watched wide eyed as the pussy lapping black moved from between Dorothy, s legs and allowed the goggle eyed voyeurs to see the large, threatening penis of the underlying black penetrate the small, slender body of Bill, s gasping wife.

Several thrusts, in and out of the grasping cunt soon had the fat cock covered in slippery girl, s cream and then to the amazement of the two masturbating husbands the black penis of the lecherous fornicator was withdrawn from Dorothy, s palpitating vagina and eased up to the pinky brown rosette of the horny wife, s delightfully small anus.

Gradually the brown, slippery glans of the searching prick disappeared into the taut little bottom and to the further wonder of the two breathless husbands the whole of the stiff, erected, black penis vanished up into the tight fitting anal canal.

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