Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell?
Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking
Chapter 42
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 42 - Just when he's seemingly found calm and peace, John Cameron faces a new set of challenges. Temptation lies everywhere -- for everyone in his life. Can they make it through such treacherous waters? There are big decisions to make regarding relationships and lifestyle, and John has to be honest about what he wants out of life -- just a party or something more meaningful. This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual Drunk/Drugged Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Cheating Sharing Slut Wife BDSM Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Facial Oral Sex Voyeurism Public Sex Smoking Prostitution
Author’s Note: Heads up right here: this is a no-sex chapter. Drama and twists abound here, my friends! Where will this end up taking us in the long run? Find out. But you know that people, when faced with stress, end up in a new position. It changes things, sometimes irrevocably. Let’s see what happens to our beloved John, Kat, and Jess.
“John, what’s up brother?” David Johnson exclaimed when he saw me.
He approached me and wrapped me in a big, bro-ish hug.
“Hey, man,” I said. “Getting a little bye week fun in, huh?”
“Yeah, you know, a couple of the guys went to Miami,” he said. “I’m a little dinged up. Need to keep it close to home for treatment. Alix fits the bill for that!”
“She’s a great one, for sure,” I said.
“Damn shame Kat is in LA,” he said. “I wouldn’t have minded occupying her all week!”
I was taken slightly off-guard. How did he know Kat was in LA? I rolled with it.
“Yeah, everyone needs a little break, right?” I said. “But, hey, Kelsey is fun. Really into the dirty shit.”
“Kelsey is a crazy ass bitch of a slut,” David said. “A lot of fun. I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of her. But you know Kat. Kat. That hoe is one of a kind.”
I hadn’t contemplated how I’d handle this moment. I’d run through some scenarios. Kat didn’t need to be around David Johnson. She also had told me she didn’t want to do football parties anymore. I saw him as a fundamental threat to our well-being together. I wasn’t mad. Kat was a whore. I could see why he felt about her the way he did. I knew the nature of their interactions. I wondered for a fleeting moment what must have happened that night in the dungeon if David thought Kelsey was the second dirtiest slut in Jess’s Infinity stable. Maybe I’d finally watch the video, which I’d intentionally ignored for now. I took a deep breath.
“She is, David,” I said. “But I think maybe she needs more of a break than just LA. Look, man, I don’t want to be rude. I don’t want to come off as a jerk or like I’m trying to mess with your fun. That’s not who I am.”
“What are you saying, dude?” he said.
“Let me be blunt,” I said. “It meant with no disrespect from me at all. I just really, really care about Kat, okay? What would it take to get you to not see her again?”
David laughed. It was a hearty, deep laugh.
“There’s no price on a piece of ass like that,” he said.
“That’s funny,” I said, “since don’t you put a price on it every week?”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” he said. “You’re in love with her. All that shit. Whatever the fuck, man, there is so much ass out there? I’m not going to fight over some lowly hoe.”
It wasn’t lost on me how hot-cold the exchange one. One minute, Kat was too great to put a price on. The next, she was a lowly hoe. My blood boiled. Fuck him, I thought. But also the reality of fighting an all-pro linebacker was not high on my list of things to do.
“You’ve got, what, eight games left?” I said. “That’s eight more parties. They cost you guys forty grand a pop? Let me pay for the rest of the season. It’s all on me. Let’s round up. Call it four hundred thousand.”
“All the parties for the rest of the season?” David said.
“Yeah,” I said. “My treat.”
He rubbed his hands together. “Make it half a million, and we’re cool,” he said.
“Half a million,” I said. “You’ve got a deal.”
We shook hands, and David looked at me with dancing, amused eyes.
“Half a fucking million,” he muttered under his breath. “That’s some expensive pussy, man.”
I was about to respond when Alix saved me.
“Davey!” she exclaimed. “Are you talking business or are you going to show this dirty slut who’s her master?”
“All right, John, I’ll see you around,” David said. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“Take it easy, David,” I said.
I left the Hooker House with adrenaline coursing through me. My hands shook as I opened the car door. But I was happy and satisfied. Honestly, it wouldn’t even cost me any money. Jess could just give the football parties a half-million credit. We’d just have less cash around to worry about. It wasn’t that big a deal.
Fortuitously, Jess texted a selfie of her and Brittany on a yacht as I climbed into the driver’s seat of the G-wagon.
“Going fishing,” she wrote. “For dick.”
“Got a second for a call?” I asked.
And the phone rang. She had called right away.
“What’s up baby?” Jess asked. I knew her high voice better than anyone else. “Are you having a nice time?”
“Not bad, darling,” I said.” I miss you. Can’t wait to have you back tomorrow.”
“Me too,” she said. “What’s up?”
“So I just kind of made a deal with David Johnson,” I said. “I was at the Hooker House checking up on stuff, and he was coming in for an appointment with Alix.”
“What kind of deal?” Jess asked.
“I’m going to pay the football guys half a million bucks to keep Kat out of the parties the rest of the season,” I said.
There was a brief silence, then Jess said, “Are you serious?”
“I’m serious,” I said. “Don’t worry. I’m good for it.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Jess said. “We can just give them a credit. Reduce cash flow.”
I smiled. I loved how Jess had become a serious and sharp business woman.
“You’re not mad?” I asked.
“No, baby,” she said. “I love you. I think it’s actually a good idea. Look, I’ve got to go.” I heard laughter and the phone sound muffled. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”
“I love you, too,” I said and hung up.
And just like that, Kat was liberated. I texted her and asked her to call me when I had a free minute. I was a few minutes from home when the phone rang.
“Hey Kitty Kat,” I said into the bluetooth.
“Hi daddy,” she said. “What’s up?”
“What are you up to, my love?” I asked. I had calmed down, and I felt cerebral now.
“Kelly and I are just sitting by the pool and having some truly awful green juice concoction,” she said. “She’s insisting we do a three-day cleanse.”
“Sounds fun,” I said sarcastically. “Listen, I’ve got some news. It’s about the football parties.”
“Oh yeah?” she said. “What is it?”
“You’re free and clear,” I told her. “I made a deal with David Johnson. He’s not going to bother you again.”
“John, are you serious?” she asked.
“Dead serious,” I said. “It was just a business deal. A good conversation. Everything is cool.”
“Really?” she asked again.
“Really,” I assured her.
“John, I really love you,” she said. “Thank you.”
I pulled up the driveway at home and saw someone standing on the front porch.
“Listen, honey, I’m just getting home, and I know you should get back to Kelly,” I said. “But I’ll talk to you soon, okay? I miss you, but I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself.”
“Thanks, daddy,” she said. “I love you so much.” She paused, but I waited for something more. She finally said, “Thank you for taking care of me and being patient with me. I won’t forget it.”
“I love you, too, Kitty Kat,” I said.
I got out of the car, and my heart thumped in my chest. Standing on the front porch, a small roller suitcase upright next to her, stood Nicole, the Vegas casino host. She had her arms crossed, wore large sunglasses, and hip-hugging jeans.
“Hi sweetheart,” she greeted me. “I’m pregnant.”
Fucking hell, this is all I need, I said to myself as I walked up to the front door and threw it open.
“Well, this is unexpected,” I said.
“It shouldn’t be, babe,” Nicole said, walking inside confidently.
“You’re not pregnant, Nicole,” I said. “So tell me why you’re really here.”
“I really am pregnant, John,” she said. She took off her sunglasses and shook out her hair. She smelled like travel, the hodgepodge of musty and dull odors from an airplane.
“Not a chance,” I said. “I’m not falling for your bullshit. Why the fuck are you here?”
“That’s a nice way to say hello to the mother of your unborn child,” she said.
So this is how it was going to be. She was going to make a real saga out of it.
“Nicole, I know what you tried to do,” I said. “You know that I know. You took Plan-B. I watched you. But that doesn’t even matter because I also didn’t cum in you. Go harass somebody else.”
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