Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell? - Cover

Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell?

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Just when he's seemingly found calm and peace, John Cameron faces a new set of challenges. Temptation lies everywhere -- for everyone in his life. Can they make it through such treacherous waters? There are big decisions to make regarding relationships and lifestyle, and John has to be honest about what he wants out of life -- just a party or something more meaningful. This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   BDSM   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: It’s just going to keep being a filth-fest of debauchery for a while, readers. I hope you enjoy it. But there is going to be plenty of plot movement as we go along, and these three definitely have a certain ending en route.

The final week of work for Kat was an excruciating waiting game. She collected farewells and kudos from her coworkers and local fans, especially on social media. I had a difficult time looking at her Instagram, which was such a sales job of wholesome happiness, it was completely divorced from the reality she lived on a daily basis with Jess and me. Still, I was happy for her. And I was excited. Almost as excited as she was.

“I’m so anxious to be done!” Kat exclaimed as I drove her to work on her final Friday. It was 4 a.m., and she planned to arrive early for breakfast with her co-anchors.

“Do you remember that first morning we met?” I asked.

“I’ll never forget it,” she said sincerely.

“It was one of the best days of my life,” I said. “How’s your butt feeling?”

“Satisfied,” she said devilishly. Not half an hour before, I had filled her ass with a wickedly large load of cum and then put a butt plug inside her to seal it in. Our anal sex had been preceded by a booty bump, which left her appropriately energized to deliver the morning traffic.

“When you’re on the air with a plug in has always been my favorite,” I said.

“I know,” she said breezily. “You like it almost as much as I do.”

“Have you decided how you’ll sign off?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise,” she said.

“Even to me?” I asked, sarcastically incredulous.

“You better tune in,” she said. “It’ll be live, local ... late-breaking!”

We laughed. When I pulled up to the studio, Kat leaned across the center console of the Maserati and kissed me goodbye.

“What?” I asked, as she lingered a bit too long.

“You know why I’m so excited?” she said.

“Because it’s your last day of work?” I offered.

“Silly,” she said. “About six hours from now? I’m not going to be the traffic girl anymore. The only job I’ll have? Is being a whore.”

She laughed and closed the door. I watched her ass, crammed into a seductive red dress, confidently swaying as she walked away. I smiled, thinking about the cum sloshing around inside her.

At home, Jess had woken up and made coffee. We watched the broadcast together, my fingers playing with her cunt absent-mindedly off and on for a couple hours, edging her but nothing more. We passed a THC vape pen back and forth from time to time. Kat beamed each time she was on camera. It was a love-fest sending her off. And, just like that, it was time for her final segment. She offered a brief goodbye and, as was customary, the lead anchor asked what her post-TV plans were.

“I’m just going to settle down,” Kat said. She flashed her left hand and we saw that, for the first time, she had worn her engagement ring from me on-air. “You can’t plug your life with too much work.” She broke into her TV smile one final time, and Jess and I burst out laughing. The ring and the plug joke all in one fell swoop. It made me inordinately pleased.

“They’re having cake, and then I was going to take her to lunch with Rita,” I said. “Do you want to join us? I made the reservation for four.”

“I’m already planning on it,” Jess said with a smile.

“You’re up to something,” I said.

“Let’s just say I don’t want Kat to be out of work for too long,” she said with mischievous eyes.

“Don’t tease me,” I said.

“I’ll only say this,” Jess said. “It won’t be a tease.”

“Mysterious!” I said, dripping with sarcasm.

“Come shower with me,” she said. “I want one of those rough, stoned fucks you like so much.”

The shower at the new house was ideal for sex. It had a long bench along the rear wall and six shower heads. It was easy to either let one of the girls ride me or bend them over the bench, taking the common logistical discomforts out of shower sex.

I gave Jess what she wanted: hard, fast, and rough. It was easy while I was stoned, and that morning I was enchanted watching my cock push in and out of her pussy. The tight lips strained against my width, and the hot water beat down on her back as she bent over. When I got close to orgasm, Jess spun around and got on her knees, closing her eyes to keep the water from stinging them.

“On my face,” she instructed.

My load was fairly modest, barely hitting Jess’s skin before being washed away by the potent stream of hot water from the shower. Still, she licked her lips and hopped up with a smile.

“Thanks, love,” she said. “My client today isn’t someone who would appreciate my cunt being full of cum already.”

“He just likes you freshly fucked?” I said.

She laughed and shushed me. “We won’t say anything about that,” she said.

I was desperately curious about what was up. Jess had something planned. Since Marco had died, and we had thrown ourselves into this relentless hedonism, she had shown an insatiable ability to surprise me. At the same time, it still felt like we maintained some limits because of Kat’s work. That restriction was falling by the wayside, and there was an anxiousness inside me to discover what that would mean. Was it possible to get even more debauched than we already were?

By lunch and its aftermath, that answer to that question clearly was a resounding yes. Calling it “lunch” was a bit of a stretch. Jess and I picked up Kat before meeting Rita at a trendy restaurant with a bustling, popular patio. Rita, intentionally, wore the same style dress as Kat, only in white. They sat next to one another and looked stunning, drawing leers and yearning gazes from the other customers. We ordered Champagne, oysters, and a couple appetizers, but lunch really was about the girls parading to the restroom at regular intervals to powder their noses. It was a raucous celebration of Kat’s retirement. But it also served as merely a bridge to Kat and Jess going to a joint appointment.

“Wait, you’re what?” Rita said.

Kat lowered her voice. “You know Jess runs an agency,” she said quietly. “I’m going to have a little fun before we settle down.”

“What kind of fun?” Rita’s eyes were wide. She wrinkled her nose slightly. It was cute.

“Girl, do I really need to spell it out for you?” Kat said. Jess laughed from across the table. “I’m going to meet up with guys. And get paid. A lot.”

Rita blinked and stared at her friend.

“Rita, I’m going to be fucking for money,” Kat finally said.

“God, that’s so wild,” Rita said. “I don’t know if I could fuck just anyone. I’m too particular.”

“It’s pretty selective,” Kat said.

“We’ve only got a few dozen clients,” Jess chimed in. “They’re all really well off. High-profile professionals, executives mostly, lawyers and the like. Athletes.”

“Athletes?” Rita said. Her voice betrayed interest now.

“Football and baseball players mostly,” Jess said. “A handful of them, but I’m trying to bring in more.”

“The money is amazing,” Kat said.

“How much?” Rita asked.

“Seven hundred fifty an hour,” Kat said. “For me, at least.”

“More like twelve hundred an hour this afternoon,” Jess said. “But it’s special.”

“This is crazy!” Rita exclaimed.

“I could easily get more than a thousand an hour for you,” Jess said.

“Oh my god,” Rita said. “I would so get busted. It would be a mess.”

“My guys would get a kick out of it,” Jess said. “I’m not joking. Most of them are married. Really rich. Powerful. They have no interest in getting exposed. There is mutual risk. And they know they can trust me.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Rita said.

“We are incredibly private, but a ton of work goes into making it look easy,” Jess said. “All real identities. Extreme precautions and security. All data is encrypted with state-of-the-art methods. This is a serious business for me.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Rita said. “But I think my biggest issue would be not being able to choose who to fuck.”

“If you ever change your mind,” Jess said with a smile.

“What does John do while you two are out whoring around?” Rita asked, a hint of playfulness to her voice.

“John does what he wants,” Jess said with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Sounds like you could use some company more often,” Rita said, licking her lips lightly.

“It does get lonely when my girlfriends are whoring around,” I said and laughed.

“He might need a ride home,” Kat offered.

“Have any plans this afternoon?” I asked Rita.

“Looks like I do now,” she said. “I can’t leave you stranded here all afternoon, not with all this Champagne around.”

“Who is the client today?” Kat asked, addressing Jess. “You’ve been so mysterious about it.”

“Someone I hand-picked for you,” Jess said opaquely. “With a little bit of help.”

Kat raised her eyebrows. Rita looked at me from across the table and rolled her eyes.

“Who’s coming with me to the restroom?” Kat said as she stood up. Rita volunteered. Jess palmed her coke bullet to Kat.

I turned to Jess as they walked away.

“So who is it?” I asked.

“You won’t believe me,” Jess said. “Kelly helped me set it up. It’s Kat’s old boss from LA. He’s been a client of Kelly’s for years and always had a thing for Kat. He jumped at the chance, although I did fib a little bit and say it’s the first time she’s being turned out as a hooker.” She laughed.

“Wow,” I said. “I’m impressed!”

“And tomorrow?” Jess continued. “Makeover day. So you’re going to need to make plans to keep yourself busy because we are going to be shopping and occupied all day.”

“It’s surreal, all of this,” I marveled.

“It’s only going to get better,” Jess said. “I have so many plans.”

“You always do, my love,” I said. We kissed briefly but were interrupted when Kat and Rita returned. “I thought you had a surprise for me, though?”

“Oh, I still do,” Jess said. “Be patient.”

“We need to get going,” Kat said when they returned, her voice reflecting a slightly stuffy nose. She stood behind her chair and threw her hair back, running a hand through it. The sun caught her beautifully, and I admired the confidence and sexuality that oozed from her. Her skin was flawless. The dress hugged her perfectly, giving hints at the playground that lurked beneath the fabric.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t pay to do,” I said.

“You never have to pay,” Jess said and stuck out her tongue. “Let’s go. We’ve got to change.”

Rita and I basked in the weather for a little while longer while we finished the last glasses of Champagne.

“Were you serious about the ride, or should I call an Uber?” I asked.

“Don’t you dare take an Uber,” Rita said. “I don’t have any plans this afternoon. You think you can fill me up?”

I grinned like a school boy at her double entendre.

“Well, let’s not wait a minute longer than we have to, then,” I said.

Rita drove a zippy little Mercedes convertible. It was a beautiful day to have the top down, and we basked in the sun as my hands moved up her thighs while she drove.

“Be good boy,” she admonished me.

“For me this is being good,” I said.

She shot me a playful look.

“Where’s the hubby this afternoon?” I asked.

“Golfing,” she said.

“How much time does that give us?” I asked.

“He’ll hit the bar afterward,” she said. “So, hours and hours. How long is Kat’s appointment?”

“Two hours, I think, maybe three?” I said. I honestly wasn’t sure.

“She’s really going to be an escort?” Rita asked, her voice tinged with genuine surprise.

“She really is,” I said. “You know she’s done it occasionally in the past, right?”

“Are you serious?” Rita exclaimed.

“Maybe a handful of times, but yes, totally serious,” I said.

“That’s a shock,” she said.

“And a little bit of a turn on?” I inquired.

“Maybe,” she said. “But not really. Will she and Jess really be busy a lot?”

“Jess has four or five appointments a week,” I said. “I’m guessing Kat will be similar.”

“Wow,” Rita said. She looked at me and let it linger as we sat at a stoplight. “So that really could be a good chance for you and me to...” Her voice trailed off.

I leaned across the gear shift a bit as Rita took the last turn before my house a bit fast. My hand crept between her legs and brushed over the crotch of her panties. She guided the car into my driveway, and I told her, “Practice tennis. We definitely should play more tennis.”

“Starting now,” she said as she put the car in park and hurriedly opened the door to get out.

Even though Rita and I had hooked up a dozen or more times by now, each encounter the same feeling washed over me. It was a mixture of disbelief, good fortune, and animalistic desire. We walked inside, and she melted into my arms. Our tongues danced, and my hands started their exploration of her body over her dress. They moved from her hips, across her ass, up her back, and then to her chest. Just as I was about to cup her breasts, my phone rang.

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