Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell? - Cover

Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell?

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 23

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 23 - Just when he's seemingly found calm and peace, John Cameron faces a new set of challenges. Temptation lies everywhere -- for everyone in his life. Can they make it through such treacherous waters? There are big decisions to make regarding relationships and lifestyle, and John has to be honest about what he wants out of life -- just a party or something more meaningful. This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   BDSM   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Author’s Note: A lot working in this chapter! Come along for the ride. Thanks so much for your spirited engagement with these characters. It really makes it more fun for me, too!

“No, no, it’s not 8 a.m., Kitty Kat,” I admonished her, as she reached under the comforter in the king-sized bed and sought my cock.

“That’s the dumbest rule,” she pleaded. “Jess wouldn’t even get me off last night.”

“I like seeing you squirm,” I said, happily.

“I need you to reclaim me,” she said.

Next to her, Jess stirred briefly.

“What you need is sleep,” I said.

“I can’t,” she said. “I close my eyes, and all I see are visions of you running off with college cheerleaders.”

“They already ran off,” I said. “And I’m still here.”

Bri and Rachel had left a few hours before, thoroughly fucked and coked up.

“You know what I mean,” Kat said. “I looked in the mirror when I was taking off my makeup, and I’m getting crow’s feet. I’m old, John.”

“Self-pity doesn’t suit you, sweetheart,” I said.

“But then I’ll have a baby and become saggy and flabby, and you’ll have these pretty young things chasing after you,” she blubbered.

“And they still won’t have two important things that you will,” I said.

“What’s that?” she asked with a sniffle, which I wasn’t sure was driven by emotion or too much cocaine.

“You’ll have our baby and me,” I said. “Those college sluts won’t. As hot as they are.”

“Shut up,” she said, smacking me playfully.

“Okay, seriously,” I said, “don’t lose the forest for the trees. The whole point of last night was to push your buttons. I know you know that because you did the exact same thing to Jess the night before. There’s a reason for this.”

“I know, I know,” she said, her voice a little bratty. “I’ve never felt jealousy like that before.”

“Good,” I said. “That means it was really necessary. It’s easier to understand someone or empathize with them if you can relate to where they’re coming from.”

“I guess,” she said, still being a bit stubborn.

“How jealous did you feel?” I asked.

“Like I was being ripped apart from the inside,” she said. “Even though I knew it was a game.”

“And you got to watch it all happen, didn’t you?” I continued.

“Yes,” she acknowledged.

“How many times were you with Tommy that I didn’t know about?” I went straight to the heart of the matter.

She paused for a moment, thinking. “Honestly?” she said and hesitated. “A couple dozen, I think.”

“After last night, can you imagine how much jealousy must have shot through me to find out all at once about you sneaking around dozens of times with a guy who had already come between me and Jess before?” I said.

She nodded and, for the first time, looked vulnerable and genuine.

“I’m sorry, daddy,” she said. “I can get so wrapped up in the moment and the fun and how horny I get.”

“That you don’t think twice about it because all three of us are okay playing around,” I said, finishing the thought.

“Exactly,” she said. “But I guess there are limits, even though sometimes we act like there aren’t.”

“Our emotions are always a limit,” I said.

“I think we’re bumping into ours,” she said, thoughtfully.

“I guess what I really want you to know the most,” I said, “is that I don’t mind if you whore, and I don’t mind if you play around. But if you’re sneaking around, it makes me feel like a cuckold. It leaves me out of the fun. I want to be part of the fun. Every time.”

“It is unfair to keep you in the dark,” she said.

“I don’t want you to have another boyfriend and not know it,” I said.

“Transparency is the limit,” she said.

“I thought I had made that clear, but yes,” I said.

“I guess I didn’t realize how much I liked cheating,” she said.

“You didn’t?” I said, incredulous. “How do you think we met?”

“What I mean is that,” she explained, “when we got together, I thought I was just scratching my wild side and satisfying that part of me. But, of course, it became so much more.”

“And you’ll have to learn new things now,” I said. “There aren’t two sides of you. No more Good Kat-Kitty Kat dichotomy.”

“No need to run around hiding anything,” she said. “And it wasn’t like, with Tommy, the running around part was what I liked. I liked his dick.”

“It would be very, very rare for me to object to you wanting to play around,” I said. “Only if it threatened our relationship.”

“This makes so much more sense to me now,” Kat said.

“Good,” I said. “It helps me, too.”

“Just going out and sucking up all the hedonism we could find can’t be done in an unthinking way,” she said. “You’ve got to be strategic.”

“That’s precisely right,” I said.

“And the only way to have a strategy for that is for the three of us to talk it out,” she said.

“Right again,” I said.

“This is all so simple and obvious, I don’t know why it took until now to click in my brain,” she said.

“It’s okay, darling,” I said. Our bodies were intertwined now. “We’re dealing with a lot of powerful emotions and powerful desires. It takes a lot of work to make sure they don’t just consume us.”

Kat nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck. Jess stirred again, this time waking up and glancing over to see us. She looked at the clock on the bedside table.

“It’s not 8 a.m., so no fucking,” she said and immediately flashed a wicked grin.

“We were just talking,” I said.

We filled her in on the conversation. I ordered breakfast, and all of us greedily sucked down cups of coffee when it arrived. The clock had flipped over. It was our day now. Just the three of us. The coffee helped rejuvenate us, but we had been through an emotional wringer the previous two days. My cock, as strong a tool as it was, had a bit of fatigue. Nevertheless, the prospect of having a day with just the two girls I loved? That made it feel alive again.

“So, my lovelies, what is it going to be today?” I said, broaching the subject. “Do we double down on the party, or do we pack it in early? What are you feeling?”

“It’s Vegas,” Kat said without hesitation.

“Yeah,” Jess agreed. “I’ve got plenty left in the tank.”

“Double-down it is,” I said. “Where did Kelly vanish to?”

The girls shrugged. Her suitcase was still here, but she was nowhere to be found.

“Well, maybe we hit the Strip for some shopping and drinks and see if we can’t track her down,” I said.

“Jess and I wanted to go lingerie shopping,” Kat said.

“I want to gamble, too,” Jess added.

“Maybe I have a surprise or two up my sleeve, as well,” I said with a sly smile.

We showered, got dressed, and assembled an aggressive to-go kit of party favors. Before we left, I pulled each girl in for a long, slow kiss. My hands instinctively fondled Jess’s ass. I pushed the fabric of her sundress into her crack and felt a lump. My hands snaked under the short skirt and felt the butt plug snugly between her cheeks. She looked at me with a smile.

“In case you feel the urge to fuck us in the ass at any point,” Jess said, words dripping with seduction.

We left the Mansion and walked through the MGM Grand casino, which was flashy and full of slot-machine pings but quiet before 9 a.m. on a Thursday morning. We crossed the Strip and posed for touristy photos outside the Statue of Liberty in front of the New York, New York casino. We stopped into Eataly at the Park MGM and had morning gelato. Taking a stroll up the Strip before the city reawakened fully was one of my favorite things to do.

As we continued north, we saw a tall, unsteady blonde walking with her high heels in hand.

“Walk of shame,” Jess said quietly as we approached her from behind.

When we passed, we could see her make-up streaked face and hollow eyes. I squeezed the girls’ hands.

“How many times have you sluts come home looking like that?” I wondered aloud, and we all laughed.

We stopped into the Cosmopolitan for a cocktail at the Chandelier Bar. Jess ordered the Verbena, a cocktail with a Szechuan “button” that made your tongue tingle. It was a signature drink, and she had never tried it. We shocked the older couple we had asked to take our picture by the chandelier when I told them the three of us were all together.

Then we doubled back slightly to hit Crystals and Dolce & Gabbana. The girls were locked in on the lingerie they wanted. Kat got a lace bodysuit with plunging neckline. Jess got a lace balconette bodysuit. I browsed casually while the girls tried on a few items, which really was just a pretense to get the day’s cocaine consumption started. I sipped the Champagne the sales girl had opened for us and chatted with her. She was a Vegas lifetime local and, though still in her late 20s I guessed, had the first hints of wrinkles around her lips and eyes that betrayed a love of partying. Talking to her gave me a wicked idea. I set down my glass and texted Nicole.

“Hey you,” I wrote. “The girls and I are here for a day. What are you doing?”

Immediately she started typing back. I couldn’t help but smile at how eager she always was when it came to me.

“Just at work,” she wrote. “You’re not staying here?” She added a frowny face emoji.

“The Mansion,” I wrote and let it linger.

“Maybe you can play here?” she asked.

“Maybe,” I said.

“Maybe you can play with me?” she added with a kissy face emoji.

“Definitely,” I responded. “When do you get off?”

“As soon as I see you,” she said playfully. “From work, at five.”

“Come to our villa as soon as you’re off,” I instructed her. “You don’t need to change.”

The girls returned from the fitting rooms, a spring in their steps and pupils dilated. They laughed at a comment that went unheard by me.

“I’m starving,” Jess said.

“Me, too,” Kat agreed. “I want French fries.”

“That can only mean one place,” I said.

“Bouchon,” Kat said, finishing my thought.

Instead of walking to the Venetian, I messaged Madeline to get a limo from the Aria. We had a few minutes to wait, and Jess volunteered to keep a lookout for our ride. Meanwhile, Kat took me by the hand and pulled me into D&G’s private bathroom.

“I just want to feel you in me for a minute,” she said. “I need you so badly, daddy.”

She pulled up her dress and pushed her ass back toward me, causing her cheeks to spread slightly and reveal the jeweled blue butt plug. It sparkled almost as much as the juicy lips of her pussy. Kat leaned against the sink and bit her bottom lip as she looked back at me.

“Just a few strokes, pretty please?” she said in a silky voice.

I had already fished my cock out of my shorts and stroked it twice before sinking into her. Kat was wet. Very wet. I had missed being inside her.

“You’re better than any college girl, any day,” I said to her.

“Don’t lie to me,” she said.

“I said better,” I admonished her. “Not tighter.” We laughed breathily.

Kat’s phone chimed.

“Shit, the limo is here,” she said.

I pulled out, my cock severely erect and glistening with her arousal, and tucked myself back together with some difficulty.

“That’s such a tease,” I said with a sigh.

“Here,” Kat said, producing a coke bullet and handing it to me. I took two quick snorts. She kissed me and added, “I love you.”

We held hands and met Jess at the limo. She kissed me hello.

“Get in, stud,” Jess said.

Kat went first, flipping up the back of her skirt to flash her ass briefly as she climbed inside. I followed, and Jess pulled up her dress to show off her pussy as she joined us.

“It’s either the cocaine or you, baby, but my pussy is so wet,” Jess said.

We pulled away, and Jess immediately put her head in my lap, unzipping my fly and coaxing my cock out of hiding with her tongue.

“I love tasting the two of you together,” Jess said, raising her head up briefly.

The ride to the Venetian wasn’t even ten minutes. Jess bobbed up and down on my cock expertly and expectantly. Kat kissed my ears and neck and whispered dirty talk to me.

“I keep fantasizing about how horny they say women get when they’re pregnant,” Kat said. “I’m going to need you to fuck me so much.”

“I’ll give you everything you need,” I said, putting a hand on the back of Jess’s head.

“God, and when we’re trying?” Kat said with a gasp. “I’ll make you save up your cum for me. You’ll have to shoot the biggest loads in me when I’m ovulating.”

We kissed. The driver had just turned into the Venetian’s driveway and quickly approached the valet. Jess swirled her tongue and worked her head quickly. She sensed I was close. Kat’s tongue invaded my mouth, warm and wet and eager. My hips rose and fell.

“I’m cumming,” I panted.

Jess clamped down. With a final flick of her tongue across the underside of my cock’s tip, she opened the floodgates of my orgasm. I shot spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth, moaning like a conquering animal. The limo came to a stop, and I hurried to zip up my shorts before the Venetian doorman interrupted us. The girls barely had time to smooth out their hair before sunlight pierced the back seat of the car. Jess and Kat got out first, and I exited with a massive grin on my face.

We walked through the doors of the Venetian, and I took each girl by a hand. Jess spun forward slightly and smiled at me. She opened her mouth slightly, and her eyes flared. She hadn’t swallowed my cum. She gazed at me with extreme warmth and adoration, and I saw her throat move as she finally welcomed the salty fluid into her belly.

Lunch was simple and leisurely. We had oysters and fries and Champagne. The pervasive normalcy of the day made me realize just how unmoored we had become from a normal existence. We had spent months burning the candle at both ends. Just a “normal” day in Vegas – usually a peak of debauchery compared to the usual – felt like a break instead of a spin through sin. I started to wonder when we would tire of our relentless hedonism. But it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Life would inevitably get more complicated when we decided to slow down.

I looked at Kat and Jess as we sat at the table. The future with them felt good. But their easy smiles, laughter, and total comfort with this moment convinced me that we could keep this up for a little while longer. Besides, I had a surprise for them – before the big surprise that would await us in the villa when we returned.

After a leisurely two hours of drinking and eating, I summoned the limo back for us. The girls were tipsy and flirty. Jess loaded her vape pen with a THC cartridge, and we hit it hard. We were a stoned mess by the time we showed up at the MGM Grand again. I took the girls to Top Golf. Short sun dresses, butt plugs, and swinging golf clubs sounded like the perfect way to show them off.

A cute concierge set us up at a public bay. Most of them were packed with groups of guys, including a couple bachelor parties, and I asked for us to be set up in the middle of all that action. This was going to be an ego trip for me. I wanted to show off my two hot girlfriends. Tipsy and stoned, the girls were a mess trying to hit the ball. I just encouraged them to swing hard, which inevitably sent their dresses twirling up high. We ordered Champagne and kept the party rolling. It didn’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes before Kat and Jess became the real entertainment at Top Golf that afternoon. The yearning, lecherous stares increased from the men around us. Anytime one of them would step up to swing, play around us stopped.

At first, no one realized the girls were wearing butt plugs. It was obvious they weren’t wearing panties. Then, after a few rounds, Jess bent over from the waist without bending her knees to put a ball on the tee. No one who saw it could have missed the jeweled red plug wedged in her asshole. Next to me, a group that looked like they were in their late twenties or early thirties at a bachelor party, choked on the cigars they were smoking.

“Holy mother of God,” I heard one of them mutter.

I put the driver I had pulled from the selection of clubs back into the rack. I let the girls put on the show. One of the guys from the bachelor party walked over to me, as I stood and admired the girls’ form.

“Jesus, man, what’s up with these two?” he asked.

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