Traffic Girl: Highway to Hell?
Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking
Chapter 22
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Just when he's seemingly found calm and peace, John Cameron faces a new set of challenges. Temptation lies everywhere -- for everyone in his life. Can they make it through such treacherous waters? There are big decisions to make regarding relationships and lifestyle, and John has to be honest about what he wants out of life -- just a party or something more meaningful. This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual Drunk/Drugged Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Cheating Sharing Slut Wife BDSM Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Facial Oral Sex Voyeurism Public Sex Smoking Prostitution
Author’s Note: Apologies for the delays in chapters over the holidays. This is another long one, and we descend into the pit of Kat’s jealousy, preying on her insecurities. Playing with jealousy is a high-risk proposition. It’s easy to push things too far or make it too severe. Let’s see if our threesome can control themselves, at least a little bit. Thanks for reading. Happy new year!
Jess threw her arms around me and sobbed. Her chest heaved against me uncontrollably. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me, short, rapid kisses.
“I’m right here,” I assured her. “I’m not going anywhere.” I embraced her naked body. The hardness had left indentations that would take time to go away.
“I don’t know if I need to laugh or cry or just get off,” Jess said, a blubbering mess.
“Let’s go smoke,” I suggested. “It’ll help you calm down.”
“Where’s Juliet?” she asked.
“In the restroom cleaning up,” I said.
“That was so intense,” Jess said.
I took her by the hand into the living area, and we walked to the bar. The mountain of cocaine had become a hill. Jess stayed close to me. She was controlling her breath, taking long, slow inhales through her nose and then exhaling through her mouth. We walked outside to smoke a joint, and I could feel the warmth radiating from Jess’s skin. It was almost midnight. Vegas hadn’t even hit full-throttle for the night, but we had definitely reached a crossroads.
Jess fired up the joint and kept it to herself for a couple of tokes. The last three hours had been intense for her, I knew.
“How are you feeling?” I asked.
“Better,” she said. “Smoking helps. Thanks.”
When we had gone back to the bedroom after Juliet and I had the interlude with Kat at the bar, Juliet fished out a bluetooth vibrator. Apparently, Kat had mentioned she had it in her bag of tricks. Juliet tasked me with torturing Jess with it. While we resumed our love making – she was cutely insistent not to call it fucking – the toy edged Jess. She would get close to orgasm, but I would always back it off. The teasing continued for more than two hours, an interminable stretch for Jess. She had thrashed, yelled, and begged. Yet she wasn’t allowed to do anything but watch me fuck Juliet Lawson through a handful of orgasms and pack her pussy full of two more loads of cum.
“That was beyond intense,” I said.
“I’ve never experienced anything like that,” Jess confessed.
“Was it good or bad?” I asked.
“Both,” she said. “I mean, I don’t like being left out. Kat knew exactly what she was doing. She knows all my vulnerabilities, all my doubts.”
“Are you mad at her?” I asked.
“God no,” Jess said. “The whole point was for it to be this way. Part of me crying is because it’s so obvious Kat knows me so well and cares so much about me.”
“I’m not going to lie,” I said. “It was incredibly fun. It would have been more fun with you, but I have to confess. Juliet is...” my voice trailed off.
“Special,” Jess said.
“Yeah,” I agree. “And a really good lay.” We laughed.
“I think the only way I can describe this to you is this,” Jess said. “Did you know when I was little, I was terrified of heights?”
“I don’t think you’ve ever told me that,” I said.
“I was,” Jess said. “So when I was ten, we went to Six Flags. My dad made me go on the Sky Screamer. I cried and threw the biggest tantrum. I didn’t want to do it. I mean, basically you go four-hundred feet in the air and get thrown around in a circle. I was an emotional wreck, but I did it. And you know what? It was the biggest thrill I’ve ever had. I absolutely loved it. I rode it three more times that day, and I’ve loved finding adrenaline rushes like that ever since.”
“Wow,” I said. “I can’t believe I didn’t know that! But it makes perfect sense.”
“This was the biggest sexual adrenaline rush I’ve ever felt,” she said. “And that is possible, in part, because of the high level of fear and anxiety that came with it.”
“Well, count me in to let you seek out those sexual thrills anytime you want,” I said with a smile.
“We’re good, right?” Jess said with vulnerability.
“Better than good, my love,” I said, locking eyes with her.
“I love you,” she said. “I think this really did serve its purpose. The feelings you expressed to me about Tommy and the other things we’ve kept from you? It really hits home in a new way. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m sorry I made you go on that emotional rollercoaster.”
“Thank you, darling,” I said. “That means a lot. Having both of you simply want to explore this and make yourselves this vulnerable for me illustrates what a strong bond we have.”
Jess grinned. “I agree,” she said, “but I am going to so get back at that little bitch Kat for being so good at it!”
The mood was lighter as we smoked down the joint. Juliet came outside and joined us.
“That smells good,” she said, sitting next to us. Jess passed her the joint. She took a big hit and held it. “That was a fucking intense night, huh?”
“I was just telling John it was like the first time I rode a thrill ride,” Jess said. “So scary, but when it’s done? You just crave more.”
“I’ve never seen someone get edged before,” Juliet said. “How did you not explode?”
“I did!” Jess joked, referring to the finale of only a few minutes earlier. When I had cum in Juliet the final time, we had mercy on Jess and let her get off with the toy. Calling her orgasm an “eruption” could not come close to being a satisfactory description. It was like an eruption, earthquake, and tsunami all wrapped into one. I had never seen any woman cum like that before.
“Well, we did say that we needed to push our boundaries,” I said pensively, reflecting on the past few months.
“There are two more nights to go,” Jess said, grinning. Her mood had lightened considerably. The weed was working its magic.
“I can’t imagine,” Juliet said. “My pussy is going to be so sore tomorrow.”
“Sorry,” I said.
Her blue eyes shot a piercing look back at me. “That was seriously the best sex I’ve had in ages,” she said. “Absolutely worth a sore pussy.”
“He’s worth all of it,” Jess said sweetly.
“I wasn’t really trying to steal him,” Juliet said.
“I know,” Jess said kindly. “You’re an amazing actress, though. If I didn’t think so before – and I did – I’m convinced beyond a reasonable doubt now.”
Juliet laughed and said, “Tell the Academy that.”
“When am I allowed to reclaim you?” I asked Jess.
“The day starts over at 8 a.m.,” she said.
“On that note, I should get some sleep,” Juliet said, excusing herself. “I fly out to Australia for my next shoot on Friday.”
Jess was the first to stand and give Juliet a hug. That was a sight to behold. So were the trickles of cum running down Juliet’s legs. My cum. I stared in disbelief but finally stood up and hugged her, too. Alone again, Jess sat on my lap.
“I feel like it’s still early,” she said. “Want a line?”
I debated briefly. I hadn’t seen Kat or Kelly in hours. God knows what Johnny Burris was doing to them. “Sure,” I said.
Jess formed four pillowy lines. As I watched her pinch one nostril shut and snort a line up the other, an idea popped into my head. It probably made her jealous that, on top of everything else tonight, Kat was fucking Johnny Burris. I did my lines and looked at her.
“What?” she said while I grinned at her.
“Want to go see what Johnny’s doing?” I asked.
She looked at me, her face betraying that she was torn.
“When is the last time Johnny fucked you?” I pressed.
“Two Sundays ago at the post-game party,” Jess said.
“Not this week?” I inquired.
“No,” she said. “He was with...”
I cut her off. “Kat,” I said and smiled. “And now he’s with Kat again.”
She understood the line I was pursuing. I gave Kat a mental tip of the hat for having laid so much groundwork for tonight.
“It doesn’t bother me,” she said defensively.
“Well, then let’s definitely go watch,” I said.
The door to the room where Kat and Kelly had holed up with Johnny Burris was cracked. We pushed it open several inches and had a direct view of the bed, where three bodies were entwined. Kat was at the center of it. Her face was down, buried between Kelly’s slim, golden legs, which were spread wide to give Kat access to her cunt. Her ass was up, the room echoing a battle between the squelching sounds of Johnny’s cock pumping in and out of her soaking pussy and his hands smacking her firm ass cheeks repeatedly and violently. Kelly’s screams bounced off the walls as Kat’s tongue lapped at her.
Jess looked at me and licked her lips. She let a hand wander to her pussy, but I pulled it back and shook my head. She needed to be teased more. Her breath became short.
“You wish it was you,” I whispered.
She nodded. Her face betrayed some anguish, and a thought occurred to me.
“Untl Sunday, she never fucked him when you weren’t there,” I said.
She shot me a surprised look but quickly went back to watching our girlfriend copulate with the athletic, massively hung quarterback.
“You feel like she’s trying to take him from you,” I said.
“I’m jealous because I want him to want me more,” she said. “And I’m a size queen. I know how big he is. I want his dick in me. I love feeling a big dick tear me apart. It makes me lose control more than anything else.”
“You’re so competitive,” I said.
“You know that,” Jess said. “I have no control. I need variety. I see a cute guy, I wonder about his dick. If it’s big? I have to have it.”
Our attention was called back to the bed as Johnny gave a primal grunt and announced he was going to cum. He pulled out and shot his cum all over Kat’s ass. Kelly crawled up from the base of the bed and started to lick the cum off Kat’s skin.
“Yeah, you dirty bitch,” Johnny said lustfully. “Lick her asshole. That’s it!”
Kelly cleaned the cum off Kat’s ass before they embraced in a creamy kiss. They were showing off for Johnny, who loved it. Kelly pushed more cum into Kat’s mouth, who greedily accepted it and swallowed. It made my cock stir to see how into girls Kat had become. Jess was smiling.
“You did that to her,” I said.
“She’s a natural with girls,” Jess said. “Fuck, I’m so wet right now.”
“Let’s go,” I said. “I want to do a line off you.”
Back at the bar, I sprinkled a little coke across Jess’s delicate collarbone. Her neckline was one of my favorite parts of her body. It looked like it had been sculpted by Michelangelo himself. I snorted the fine powder and licked up the residue.
“You better fuck me so much tomorrow,” Jess said, sighing as she felt my tongue touch her skin.
“Are you going to tell me what your plans are?” I asked.
Jess paused to bend over and snort two lines of coke. She looked lovingly at the long, thin lines as she addressed them. The way she inhaled was in a casual, happy manner, like greeting an old friend. She stood up and leaned her head back with a smile. With her eyes closed, she rubbed her nostrils lightly. When she opened her eyes, she looked at me with lust.
“I fucking love cocaine,” she said.
“I hope you saved me some,” came Kat’s voice behind us. She walked with a spring in her step. “God, Jess, you’ve turned me into such a big dick lover. Johnny is so fucking hot.”
Kat glided behind the bar, cut her lines quickly, and snorted them even faster.
“He said he wants me to be the first girl Shelly has a threesome with,” Kat said, looking directly at Jess. She then dropped her voice and asked, “How am I doing? Are you insanely jealous?”
Jess nodded. “You are absolutely killing me,” she said.
“That’s the point, right?” Kat said.
“I’m going to get you back so bad tomorrow!” Jess promised.
“Well, I better go get one more round out of Johnny then,” Kat said. “I’m not sure if I’ll even be allowed to get off tomorrow!”
She pulled Jess in for a kiss. She stroked her hair and told her she loved her. She said that this was for all three of us, to weave the fabric of our collective connection even tighter, more strongly.
When she left, I looked at Jess and said, “So you’re not going to tell me about what’s happening tomorrow?”
She just smiled at me. “You’re going to need some rest,” she said. “That’s all I’m going to say. Eat your Wheaties, darling.”
We stayed up talking for a while, and then Jess asked me to take her to bed. I could see she felt vulnerable. We did our post-coke-binge ritual of taking Benadryl and xanax and doing a sinus rinse. Finally, we climbed into bed about 2 a.m. She asked me to cuddle her. We had a lot of good, intimate conversation. The night had accomplished its goal. She understood my emotions and me better. I understood her better. Our communication was better. And I’d gotten to fuck a ridiculously hot Hollywood starlet in the process. How could tomorrow possibly top this?
The staccato sound of high heels on marble woke me up the next morning. My head throbbed with a hangover. In Vegas, I never knew how much alcohol I consumed. All I knew is it was a lot. Reflexively, I had put on a bathrobe before walking out into the hallway.
“I thought this was a nudist villa?” Juliet Lawson’s playful words hit my ears and translated into my aching head.
“You’re up early,” I said, squinting my eyes. It wasn’t even seven o’clock.
“I’ve got to get back,” she said. “But I’m glad you’re up. That was a lot of fun. Thank you. And thanks for not making it weird.”
“No worries,” I said. “I mean, just another day playing with a super hot and cool actress whose movies I love. No big deal.”
We laughed. It was nice to know that even someone as poised and talented as Juliet Lawson could have awkward moments that were just like the wrap up of any other one-night stand.
“Say bye to Kat and Jess for me?” she said.
“Of course,” I said. “And, hey, if you ever need a repeat, just say the word. Kelly knows how to find me.”
Juliet smiled. “That’s sweet,” she said. “I don’t make a lot of plans. And I’m not the type to settle down, as you might have guessed. But let me just say, I wouldn’t be mad if our paths crossed again sometime.”
“I don’t know what to say,” I said, “but just ... thank you.”
“You’ve got your hands full,” she said with a smile as she walked toward the door. “Take care.”
I held the door for her and watched her walk into the hall, the picture of poise and charm. I closed the villa door as quietly as possible. Kat and Jess were still asleep in my bed. There was an open bottle of Champagne still on ice, so I poured a glass to drink away my hangover. The pile of cocaine was almost gone. Jesus, I thought to myself, we must have gone through ten to twelve grams. I strolled through the villa, admiring the sheer excess of the place. The cobwebs were starting to fade as the wine hit my blood stream, and I heard loud moans coming from behind Kelly’s bedroom door. I stopped and listened. I couldn’t help myself.
“God, Johnny, you fuck like Superman,” Kelly said.
“Shut up, bitch, and let me nut,” Johnny growled. “I’ve got to catch my plane.”
“Use me like a whore,” Kelly moaned. “I’m your cum bucket.”
I left them to it. Their stamina was remarkable. My head feeling more normal after the first glass of Champagne, I returned to the bar and contemplated taking a walk.
“Hi baby,” came Kat’s voice. Her hair was disheveled, and she hadn’t bothered to tie the front of her bathrobe. “It’s cold in here.”
“I can tell,” I said, leering at her hard nipples. I refilled my glass and offered her some. She shook her head.
“A line is the only thing that’s going to wake me up,” she said, putting a fresh chunk of cocaine into the grinder. “We haven’t even been here twenty-four hours, and it’s already been quite the ride.”
“You can say that again,” I said. “You must be sore today.”
“Surprisingly? It’s not that bad,” she said. “I must be getting used to these big dicks.” She laughed and quickly snorted up a single line.
“Any idea what Jess has planned for today?” I asked.
“Nothing,” Kat said. “But if it’s anything like last night, well, I have a little anxiety just thinking about it.”
“It’s going to be fine, Kitty Kat,” I said. “Feeling jealousy and learning to control it is just an educational experience. You know you don’t have to worry about me falling for someone else.”
“I know,” she said.
“I’m starving,” I said. “Let’s order some breakfast.”
The morning unfolded slowly. Johnny Burris took off, needing to get back to Houston for practice and the week’s game preparation. Kelly decided to stay an extra day. The girls took a brief shopping excursion to Crystals, while I wandered through the Mansion and MGM Grand. I took my time at the pool, a massive complex, scoping out the taut, young bodies that even by midday were well on their way to being trashed. It was a precursor to the poor decisions of the night to come.
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