Human Chair (01) Gaming Couple - Cover

Human Chair (01) Gaming Couple

by Hungry Guy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

BDSM Sex Story: A guy answers a gamer girl’s personal ad seeking a human chair for an upcoming gaming competition.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Rough   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Water Sports   Doctor/Nurse   Caution   Slow   .

Gaming Chair Competition© 2021 Hungry Guy. By Hungry Guy ( This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may copy it, create derivative works, and redistribute it for any purpose provided that you attribute the original author (Hungry Guy) and provide a link to the original story. To view a copy of the license, visit

*** Foreword ***

This story was inspired by these videos:
*** Story ***

Ryan looked out the window of his fourth floor apartment as he watched a wailing ambulance drive up to the hospital across the street. He then returned his attention to the dating app he was browsing and went into the fetish section out of curiosity. There, he came across the following listing:

Girl seeks a girl or guy to be her gaming chair.
Chair will be bound tightly and rigidly immobile
while she sits on chair’s face playing video games.
Girl has a husband who will be in another room,
also gaming. We are not swingers or swappers, so
there will be no sex. My attention will be focused
on the game, not on you. Gaming session will last
all day. Swipe right if you are interested.
The app said she lived a couple hours away in an adjacent state, but that was no problem. Ryan loved it when girls sat on his face, so he was curious what the experience of being a full-on human chair would be like. He swiped right.

He got a reply a few hours later. She repeated to him what it said in the listing, that she will use his face as her gaming chair while she and her husband play various MMO shooters like Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, and others. She asked if he could be available next Saturday starting in the morning. He asked her to confirm that it would only be her sitting on him, and not her husband. She affirmed that, so he agreed.

He packed a change of clothes in a small knapsack and headed out bright and early Saturday morning.

He arrived at her house two hours later, still morning.

She and her husband answered the door. “Hi!” she said. “You must be Ryan. Come in.”

Ryan half expected them to be some kind of new-age couple with blue hair and covered in tattoos. He was relieved to see they were perfectly normal looking people, he with a normal men’s haircut, and her with light brown straight hair down to her shoulders.

They led Ryan into their living room where another girl sat on the sofa. He couldn’t help noticing her ultra-short blue hair in a bowl cut with the back and sides of her head shaved. Of course she had several piercings on her lips and nose, and elaborate colorful tattoos down both arms.

The couple sat down opposite the sofa.

“I’m Greg,” said the husband.

“And I’m Michelle,” said the wife.

They then glanced at their two guests.

“I’m Zoe,” said the blue-haired girl.

“And I’m Ryan,” said Ryan.

“Good,” said Greg. “Now that that’s out of the way, here’s what going to happen. Michelle and I will be in separate rooms playing online games together. If it matters to you, Michelle and I will be on the same team with a few others fighting against opposing teams, and so we’ll be wearing headsets chatting with each other while we play. You will both be naked and wrapped in plastic from the neck down. We will place a six foot long padded plank against your backs under the plastic wrap to prevent you from struggling and trashing about while we play, so you will be totally frozen in position and unable to squirm even a little. Is that acceptable to you both?”

“Whatever,” said Zoe.

“I can deal with that,” said Ryan. “But who will be sitting on who?”

“We’re both straight and CIS,” said Greg, “so I’ll be sitting on Zoe and Michelle will be sitting on you. Is that what you expected?”

“Yes,” said Ryan. “I’m straight, too, so I just want to make absolutely sure there’s no misunderstanding.”

“I don’t care which one of you sits on me,” said Zoe, “but how will we, like, pee if we’re wrapped up like that all day?”

“Good question,” said Michelle. “I’ll be inserting a catheter into each of your urethrae draining into plastic gas cans next to the beds that can’t tip over or burst like collection bags can do under, ahem, extreme conditions.”

“Uhm...” said Ryan. “Catheter?! In my dick?!”

“Don’t worry,” said Michelle. “I’m a registered nurse. I’ve done this hundreds of times. I’ll be using disposable sterile catheters. I’ll be gentle.”

Greg looked at his phone, “Our teammates will be expecting us to be online soon. Let’s get started.”

First, Greg and Michelle took Zoe through the house into their master bedroom while Ryan waited in the living room.

About 15 minutes later, Greg and Michelle returned and led Ryan into a spare bedroom. Per the plan, they told Ryan to strip. Ryan shoved his clothes in a plastic bag in his knapsack where a clean set of clothes awaited him for later. Michelle told Ryan to lie down on the bed. Then Michelle put on a pair of latex gloves and told Ryan to pee into a paper cup. Next, she washed Ryan’s penis with soap and water and sterilized it with Hydrogen Peroxide. She then slowly inserted a catheter into Ryan’s penis. It felt uncomfortable, but it didn’t hurt.

The couple then had Ryan stand while Michelle held a wood plank up against his back. The plank had three cross-pieces which they said was to prevent him from rocking from side to side. Also, the plank was wrapped in cloth padding. “Don’t worry,” she said. “It’s padded and has no sharp edges. You’ll barely know it’s there when you’re lying on your back.”

Greg then began wrapping Ryan very tightly with a roll of heavy-duty plastic cling wrap, starting with his neck and down his body all the way to his ankles. Ryan could hardly stand like that, so Michelle steadied him while Greg finished wrapping his legs. Together, the couple then lifted him and set him on his back on the bed with his feet toward the foot of the bed where a large screen TV faced it.

Ryan wiggled his feet, but couldn’t move anything else. His hands were tightly bound to his sides and he couldn’t twitch or squirm a fraction of an inch. “What about my feet?”

“Normally, people start to struggle and thrash about when they can’t hold their breath any longer,” said Greg. “Since you’re totally rigid, we figure you need some way to signal to Michelle that you need to take a breath.”

“But we can wrap his feet if he really wants us to,” said Michelle. “Right, babe?”

Greg shrugged. “Okay by me. It’s his life.”

“Yeah,” said Ryan. “You can wrap my feet, too.”

Greg then finished the wrap job starting at Ryan’s calves and down over his feet, pinning them together tightly, then back up to his calves again. He finished the job by securing the cling wrap with a few loops of duct tape around his ankles, waist, and neck to keep the cling wrap from coming unraveled during the day. He was careful not to wrap it too tightly around Ryan’s neck, but it was very tightly done everywhere else.

“Look good, babe?” said Greg.

Michelle kissed her husband. “Perfect!”

“Let’s get gaming,” said Greg and left the room.

Michelle sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at Ryan. “Couple of things before I sit on you.”

“Oh?” said Ryan. “Okay.”

“I’m gonna take my sweatpants and panties off so I can pee. But if you don’t want my naked pussy and asshole to touch your face, I can understand that and I can keep my panties on and just use the regular toilet to pee.”

“Naked is always good,” said Ryan, though he was a little perplexed by what she said. He wondered why she would have to take her panties off so she could pee. She can just pull her panties down when she sits on the toilet, right?

“Great!” she said. “I took a bath and then a shower and washed my bottom real good just before you showed up. You won’t taste anything, uhm, nasty.”

“Okay,” he said. “But I’m just curious. Why don’t you just do this with your husband?”

“Well,” she said, “that’s kind’a personal, but we both like to play games together at the same time, either competing against each other or cooperative as a team, so we need volunteers like you to be our chairs.”

“Glad to offer my services,” he said with a chuckle.

“Now,” she said, “we usually play all day and well into the night. Will that be a problem sitting on you for that long?”

“Not at all,” he said. “Sit on me and play as long as you want.”

“And how do you want me to sit?” she said. “Do you have a preference?”

“What do you mean?” said Ryan.

“I can kneel with my ass on your face,” she said. “Or I can stretch my legs out in front of me. Me kneeling will probably be more comfortable for you, and will make it easier for me to just lift my ass up to let you breathe frequently.”

“Which ever way is more comfortable for you is fine by me,” he said. “Don’t worry about my comfort.”

“Okay,” she said. “I like that answer. I’ll probably change positions from time to time, but stretching my legs out in front of me is more comfortable for me, so that’s what I’ll mostly do. But it means my full weight will be on your face. It won’t be easy for me to lift up and let you breathe as often if I’m sitting on you with my legs stretched out in front of me. I’m not a BBW, but you can see I’m a tall girl and have a few extra pounds. Will you really be okay with that?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I’m fine with that.”

“And, how long should I make you hold your breath for each time? Normally, guys start to struggle and thrash their arms and legs when they can’t hold their breath any longer, but you’re bound too tightly to move like that. Every 15 to 20 seconds or so sound reasonable?”

“Whatever works best for you,” he said. “Let me take a breath whenever you come to a point in the game whenever you can pause for a moment. Whatever is most convenient for you.”

“Okay,” she said. “If that’s how you want it. Could be a fair bit of time between good places to pause, though.”

“That’s okay,” he said. “I want you to be able to play your game without thinking about me. Especially if you’re in the middle of a Battle Royale or a Deathmatch.”

“Good,” she said. “You’re very accommodating.”

“You must have an open relationship if you can do stuff like this with other people,” said Ryan.

“No,” she said. “We don’t have an open relationship at all. My husband and I don’t see this as anything sexual. Objectifying people is just something we both get a kick out of, but we don’t want to objectify each other. You are just a piece of furniture to me, not a sex partner. So don’t think we’ll be getting each other off, ‘cus we won’t. Well, you might get off from it, but I won’t.”

“I see,” said Ryan. “I’m just a chair to you.”

“Yes,” she said. “That’s what you signed up for.”

“I know,” he said.

“Good,” she said. “And what if I have to pee?”

“What do you mean?” he said. “You can just get up to go pee, right?”

“Do you mind if I pee in you?” she said. “Or do you want me to get up to go to the bathroom?”

“I don’t understand,” he said, starting to wonder if this was all just an elaborate tease and she would release him and send him home in a moment. “What do you mean, ‘pee in me’?”

“Your mouth,” she said. “Your mouth will be right under my cunt. So if I have to pee, can I just pee into you without getting up?”

“Eeeee...” said Ryan. “Uhm, okay, sure ... If that’s what you want to do.”

“Most guys don’t mind,” she said. “Some even like it and ask me to do it. Though there are always a few who say it’s disgusting. And if you don’t want me to, then I won’t. I’ll respect your limits.”

“Well, if you really want to...” he said. “You can use me however you want.”

“Great!” said Michelle. “Thank you! Oooh, this is gonna be fun!” she said as she pulled her sweatpants off and then her pink panties. Wearing just a loose sweatshirt, she climbed onto the bed and hovered her ass over Ryan’s face facing down his body toward the TV.

“You ready?” she said.

“Yeah,” he said, staring up into her pussy and asshole as he sprouted a boner in anticipation.

“Take a deep breath,” she said and then sat on Ryan’s face. She stretched her legs out in front of her and then put the headphones over her head and adjusted the microphone.

Ryan has had women sit on his face before, but it was still a shock to suddenly feel 150 pounds of flesh pressing down on his face and crushing his skull. His nose had slid up into her anus and she was repeatedly pinching his nose with her sphincter and then relaxing it.

“Babe,” she said, “can you hear me? Yup, he’s all set. How’s the girl doing? Good. What’s her name again? Zoe? Okay. So, what are we playing first? Okay let me launch it ... I’m in. What team are you on? Got it! We’re waiting for a few more players on our team ... Okay, we have a full team. Match starts in 20 seconds...”

Ryan’s lungs were screaming for air after about 30 seconds. He struggled desperately to get out from under her, but his arms and hands were pinned tightly to the sides of his body, and his legs were wrapped tightly together. He couldn’t even wiggle his feet to get her attention. He tried to roll his head out from under her, but her weight on his face pinned his head down tightly. He was utterly trapped.

He started to wonder if he made a big mistake by letting Michelle decide when to let him take a breath. She then lifted up after what felt like close to a minute. Ryan let out his breath and sucked one in, then Michelle sat back down before he had a chance to take a few more breaths.

“Here we go!” she said. “Here I come ... I see you ... Got him! Look behind you, babe! He’s dead! Whoa! Did you see that?! Over there, babe! Over there! Shoot him! Look out...”

Ryan stopped paying attention to her chatter as the game continued. It felt like she was making him hold his breath for ages between breaths. He wanted to renegotiate the breathing pattern, but she barely gave him time to take a breath before she sat down each time. He had no chance to get any words out.

The minutes dragged on. At first, her weight was tolerable, even comfortable in a sexual way, but by then it had become unbearably painful. She wasn’t bouncing or grinding or even wiggling like they do in porn videos –– she was just sitting still. He could feel some slight movement as she operated the controller, but he was just an object for her to sit on. He no longer felt sexual thrill –– instead, he began to just feel used.

His lungs, too, were in agony for lack of air within a few seconds after he took each breath. He had no idea exactly how long she was holding his breath at a time, but it was often a minute or two, or even longer when she seemed to be in the midst of a battle.

As the hours passed, she gave him no opportunity to speak even a single word during his infrequent breaths, so he could hardly ask her to change the routine slightly. All he could do was endure the torture.

Then the unthinkable finally happened. She reached down and pinched his jaw open. His mouth began to fill with liquid. He knew what was happening, of course. She was peeing –– in his mouth –– while obviously focused on her game rather than his distress.

As soon as he gulped each mouthful down, she dispensed another, and another. It took about five mouthfuls for her to empty her bladder. She didn’t even pause her game or say anything to him –– she just continued playing the whole time.

Another hour or so passed and the conversation sounded like it took a new direction. “Yeah, babe?” she said. “Okay, we can switch games. Oh, I don’t know. You decide. Oh? Yeah! Actually I am ... Okay, I’ll come out to the kitchen and slap something together. Oh, you want to make lunch? Sure, no problem. I think we have some tacos in the fridge, why don’t you just heat them up? Okay ... Yeah ... Should we share some with our chairs? Oh? We don’t have enough? Okay. They can wait. Sure ... Yeah, maybe we can treat them to a nice dinner instead. How much of that lasagna do we have left over from last night? Great! I can heat that up quick later. Okay, you make lunch and I’ll make dinner. Sure! What do you want to play next? Sounds good! I’ll boot it up on my end while you warm up the tacos. Oh? You’ll bring mine to me? You’re so sweet, babe! Love ya’! See you in a minute! Kiss-kiss!”

Finally, thought Ryan! He wanted so badly to ask her to end the event so his misery would be over, but he was sure that would not go over well and he didn’t want to be a wuss. At least he’d get a chance to talk to her in a few minutes and ask her to let him breathe more often. She’d already asked him about that, so surely she would be willing to accommodate the change.

She squirmed on him as she fiddled with the controller for a moment when he heard a knock on the door and it opened. Footsteps approached and Greg said, “Here’s your taco, babe.”

“Thanks, honey,” she said as he heard plates clink and she squirmed a little more than usual.

After holding his breath for another minute, Ryan realized she wasn’t getting off him. She was eating her taco while sitting and setting up the next game. Fuck!

A few more hours of pain passed as before.

“What’s that, babe?” she said. “Yeah, we can start getting dinner ready in a bit. What’s that? Oh! Oooh, baby! Yes! Turn me on! Yeah, sure!”

A minute later, the door opened and footsteps approached the bed. Michelle squirmed a bit more than usual and then he heard kissing sounds.

“C’mere, babe,” she whispered.

A moment later, he felt someone fairly heavy sit on his chest straddling him.

The kissing grew louder and more aggressive. Greg and Michelle began groaning and moaning as Greg crawled up and sat on Michelle’s lap with their bodies pressed tightly to each others’, resulting in their combined weights pressing down upon Ryan’s face.

Minutes passed as Greg and Michelle seemingly forgot that Ryan was under them as her ass wiggled and ground against his face and their kissing became more and more passionate.

After another minute or two, Ryan started feeling light-headed and groggy. It occurred to him that if they don’t remember that he’s under Michelle’s ass, he’s a dead man. He started to cry. He didn’t want to die yet. Then the pain of his lungs started to subside as he saw a light in the distance. He started to swim toward it when it suddenly became blindingly bright. He stared into the light and it slowly transformed into the evening sun shining in through the bedroom window as the bed was throbbing and creaking. Looking to the side, they were both completely naked and Michelle was on her back with Greg on top of her, kissing and fucking her at the same time.

Greg caught Ryan staring at them. He grinned and winked at Ryan, then went back to fucking and kissing his wife.

The only thing Ryan cared about at that moment, however, was that he could breathe! He drew in a deep breath, and let it out. And again. And again. It felt wonderful to just be able to breathe!

Greg went limp on Michelle and began panting while Michelle just moaned. Michelle then caught Ryan looking at them, and slowly licked her lips back at him before returning her attention to her husband.

“Babe,” whispered Michelle, “I gotta start getting dinner ready.”

“Sure, babe,” whispered Greg and kissed Michelle again.

“You know my chair was watching us screw, right?” said Michelle.

“Yeah, I know,” said Greg. “He passed out there for a while.”

Greg glanced at Ryan. “We got carried away and forgot you were there. Sorry about that, dude.”

“No worries,” said Ryan. “I can cross off having been part of a MMF thresome from my bucket list,” he said with a laugh.

“Cherish the memory,” said Greg as he rolled off Michelle and climbed over Ryan.

“See you at dinner, babe,” said Greg as he put his tee-shirt back on and opened the door.

“See you then, babe,” said Michelle. “I’ll start heating the lasagna in a minute.”

After Greg had left the room, Michelle, still totally naked, sat up and swung a leg over Ryan, straddling his head again.

Something warm and wet dripped onto his chin. Fuck! He saw Greg’s creampie leaking from her pussy.

Michelle pinched Ryan’s jaw open and sat before Ryan could scream, “No!!!”

Ryan lay there feeling queasy as Greg’s jizz dribbled slowly into his mouth.

Once again, Ryan was holding his breath for over a minute while Michelle let her husband’s cum flow into his mouth. Finally, she squeezed the last few drops out of her pussy. She then stroked his throat with her fingertip. “C’mon, Ryan. Swallow it.”

Ryan lay there struggling to breathe.

“C’mon, Ryan. You wanna breathe? I’m not getting off until you swallow. I’ll even help you wash it down.”

Having no choice, he swallowed.

She began to pee into his mouth for the second time.

As before, he gulped each mouthful down, then she dispensed another, and another. After she emptied her bladder, she climbed off his face.

“Fuck!” he said to her.

“Chill, Ryan!” she said.

“You fed me Greg’s spunk!” he said. “That’s disgusting! I’m not gay!”

“You’re okay with drinking a quart of piss, but not a spoonful of cum?” she said.

“Piss comes from you, cum comes from him,” he said. “That’s a big difference, Michelle.”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” she said.

“Just unwrap me,” he said. “I want to leave.”

“C’mon, Ryan,” she said. “I’m sorry. Don’t you want to stay for dinner? And we’re gonna be playing again after dinner into the night. We’re counting on you!”

“Not with me!” he said.

“I said I’m sorry, Ryan! I’ll make it up to you!” she said. “I didn’t know it was such a big deal. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I guess I should have known that making a guy swallow another guy’s cum wasn’t cool. I’m so sorry, Ryan. Please let me make it up to you. Please!”

“How?” he said. “I just want to leave.”

She took a pair of medical bandage scissors from the table and cut the cling wrap from around his hips and then removed the catheter from his penis.

“So you’re letting me leave?” he said.

“I will let you leave if you still insist after I make it up to you,” she said, “but I am going to make it up to you first! You have no choice in the matter!”

“I don’t want you to make it up to me!” he said. “I just want to leave!”

Without answering, and with the cling wrap removed from his hips, she leaned down and put his dick into her mouth. With his legs and torso still wrapped tightly, all he could do was lay there and enjoy it. She slowly slid her lips up and down his shaft until he was thoroughly hard again. Having had her sit on his face for the past several hours, he was on a hair trigger. She seemed to know that, so she stopped sucking him and then straddled his hips, cowgirl style.

“Michelle,” he said, “what are you doing?”

She still didn’t answer. Instead, she lowered herself and impaled herself onto his cock.

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