A Woman Walks Into A Bar... - Cover

A Woman Walks Into A Bar...

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Erotica Sex Story: A bartender is about to close up after a less than spectacular day. But then a woman comes in and his night gets a whole lot better!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cheating   Oral Sex   .

My name is Mark Walker, and I am one of the bartenders at The Mustang Club, here in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It’s not a bad place really ... certainly not “world famous”, but it’s a fairly quiet, friendly little place filled mostly with regulars.

Being a bartender, you get to meet a lot of interesting people, men and women. And if you remain in this business long as I have, you collect a number of unusual and sometimes quite humorous stories from what you see and hear from your customers.

When people drink they lose their inhibitions and the more they drink, the more they tend to change their behavior. The most quiet and reserved guy can often become a rowdy, belligerent, and loud drunk. And the shyest, most conservative lady will do a raunchy table dance just because she wants to!

I have witnessed women giving a guy a blowjob in the bathroom, or getting fondled while bent over shooting pool. Normally, I don’t get into anyone’s business so long as they aren’t making trouble or harassing my other patrons. If they start to become too much of an annoyance, I don’t hesitate to escort them out of the bar – sometimes bodily.

The Mustang Club is an out of the way place, not on any highway and not easily found unless you know where to look. Not too many new faces come here. So when a new face does stop by, it draws attention, especially from the bartender and waitresses.

So it was, that hot August night. I was working a Monday shift. I hate Monday shifts. Mondays are normally slow, as people have wrapped up their weekends and are settling in for another long work week. There isn’t a lot of tips on Mondays, and none of the bartenders like working them, so we rotate the Monday shift amongst us.

This particular Monday, the place was almost totally empty ... just me and one other guy who had passed out at a table in the corner. He was one of the regulars, a retired guy who had no one and no reason to go home. He was harmless so when he came in to the bar, I let him alone until closing time.

It must have been around midnight that night, and I was looking to close the bar soon and go home. We are normally open until 2:00am, but that night with the bar all but empty, we were wasting more money in electricity keeping it open than we were bringing in!

I had just turned on the TV and was about to watch the late news, when I heard the door behind me open. I turned to see who would be coming in at this late hour and was pleasantly surprised that it was a very attractive woman.

She looked to be about 30-ish, around 5’7” tall, with shoulder-length, wavy dark brown hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. She was wearing a very short stretch-knit black dress with a very daring plunge cowl neckline and a scoop back that went clear to the small of her back.

As she approached the bar, she looked better and better. She wore dark “smoky-eye” evening eye makeup which accentuated her green eyes and red lipstick. She looked stunning and I could see by the way she walked, she knew it too.

I could tell she had already started her party by the time she had come to my bar, but she walked up and took a stool at the bar right in front of me. I gave her an appraising look, paying particular attention to her prominent and barely-covered breasts. I could feel a hard on forming in my pants as I looked at this lovely patron.

“Tequila, double shot, with all the fixin’s,” she said as she sat down. I nodded and poured her shots and set them on the bar along with a couple lemon wedges and the salt shaker. I watched as she licked the back of her hand and poured some salt on the wet spot.

Then she drew in a breath, licked the salt from her hand, drank down one of the shots quickly, then sucked on the lemon. Before that one had a chance to even reach her stomach, she repeated the technique with the second shot.

“Two more, bartender!” she announced as soon as the second shot glass hit the table.

“Whoa, hold on there! Those are going down awful fast!” I said, getting a bit concerned. “Who are we trying to forget?” As a bartender, part of my job is knowing when a customer is about to get themselves in trouble, and she was definitely on the road going that way.

“My bastard of a husband has been cheating on me! With his 22 year old secretary, no less!” she said in an angry voice. “After 10 years of marriage, he cheats on me!”

“Damn, that’s harsh. I know I’d never cheat on someone as fine as you,” I said, trying to be of some comfort.

She looked at me with an appreciative smile then, to my utter amazement, she began climbing onto the bar. She sat down on it facing me, and spread her legs wide. It was then I saw she had no panties on and she was bald as a baby’s butt!

“Do you really think I’m pretty?” she asked. I looked up at her and saw the pleading look in her eyes. She was biting the corner of her ruby lip as she waited for the answer, hoping for some affirmation that she was still attractive and valuable.

I looked past her for a moment at the clock above the door. It was 12:30 now and the bar was still empty save for my slumbering regular in the back corner. I figured we were pretty safe, if no one had come in by now, they weren’t going to this close to closing time.

I turned my attentions back to the beauty sitting so provocatively in front of me. I hadn’t answered her question yet, and she waited with bated breath. I smiled at her as my eyes casually strolled down her perfect body, taking in every curve and nuance as I went. My eyes were drawn to her exposed peach ... it looked so sweet and I saw the glint of wetness in the smooth slit. I just knew she wanted to be shown her worth.

Without even thinking, I reached up and slowly stroked her nylon encased thighs. I heard her moan softly and she spread her legs wider. She had pulled her dress to her waist before climbing onto the bar, and now her legs were widespread and open for my inspection. I looked approvingly at her thigh-top stockings, held up by her sexy garter belt. She was clearly looking for a good time, and she had dressed to impress!

My hands moved further up her long lean legs and I reached the bare skin above her stockings. She gasped as we made our first skin-to-skin contact. She was warm, soft, and inviting, and I felt my own cock jump as I touched her bare leg.

Putting her hands on the back cushioned edge of the bar that the customer leans on when sitting there, she leaned back a bit. My hand continued toward her core like a moth to a flame until I touched her most private area.

“Mmmm” she moaned softly as she laid her head back, letting her hair hang down behind her. She hooked the heels of her strappy CFM heels on the edge of the bar sink, bringing her knees up.

I began slowly running my fingertip up and down her dampening slit, and I could feel her tremble as my finger got closer and closer to her swollen clit. But just as she was preparing for me to touch her button, I swerved and circled it without satisfying her need for me to finger it.

“Ohhh...” she whimpered her disappointment. But I was having fun teasing her, and wasn’t ready to give in just yet. I did a couple circles around her throbbing nub, and then went back to playing in her dripping slit.

I parted her puffy pussy lips to gaze into her wet pink interior. God, did she have a beautiful pussy! I subconsciously licked my lips as I peered into her love tunnel, She was wet, ripe, and ready.

“Ohhh, Goddd...” she groaned happily as I slipped two fingers inside her. She began slowly rocking as I began pushing in and out of her hot pussy. I started fingerfucking her faster, curling my fingers upwards to rub against her g-spot.

As I did, she raised her ass up off the bar, trying to get my fingers deeper into her. Holding herself up like that wasn’t easy though, and I could see her legs beginning to tremble.

The woman’s breath had turned into short, sharp, panting and I knew she was getting close. It was time to take her to Nirvana.

“You want to cum don’t you slut? You want me to make you cum?” I growled. My words made her moan so loud I thought she would wake up our unconscious guest.

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