Traffic Girl - Cover

Traffic Girl

Copyright© 2021 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - John Cameron is a successful, happily single playboy with every intention of remaining that way. Until he bumps into the traffic girl from his favorite local news station. Will it change him? And can he change her? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Wimp Husband   BDSM   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Author’s Note: The weekend in Los Angeles is heating up. Things are going to hit new levels during this trip for Kat and John. Thanks for reading!

We touched down in LA, and Kat was brimming with excitement.

“I’ve got so much I want to show you!” she exclaimed.

There was a limo waiting for us. It was LA. No excess was too great. There was another bottle of Dom in the car, and we were sipping on glasses by the time the driver loaded our luggage and whisked us away.

“Where are we staying?” Kat asked.

“Well, I know well enough that you love Beverly Hills,” I said.

“The Beverly Wilshire?” she inquired.

I held up my hands innocently. “Wait for the surprise,” I said.

Kat fed us each bumps of coke during the 45-minute drive. We finished the Champagne quickly. We groped each other. She talked excitedly about restaurants and then she said, “Oh my god! We have to call Kelly! We can at least have drinks! I want you to meet her!”

I smiled, not because I knew what the next surprise was. I smiled because in this moment of honest excitement, Kat wanted to introduce me to a friend I knew was special to her. She cared about me.

She was reaching for her phone in her purse when we pulled up to a gate. Kat stopped, and her jaw dropped when she looked out the window.

“John, this is...” she stopped.

I was having a lot of fun with this. “Kelly’s house,” I finished her sentence.

“What the fuck?” she said.

“Surprise number three!” I said and kissed her. I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Kelly and I have done a lot of planning for this weekend. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, okay? Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do!” she said.

It was just past seven o’clock when we pulled into the curved driveway of Kelly’s tastefully massive Beverly Hills home. She greeted us out front, a maid holding a tray with Champagne flutes on it.

“Kelly!” Kat squealed as she leaped out of the limo.

“Kat!” Kelly squealed right back. They embraced tightly.

“I’ve missed you so much!” they said in unison and laughed.

I exited the car to join them.

“You must be John,” Kelly said. I extended my hand. “No, I’m a hugger,” she added and hugged me, too.

“Kat,” she said, turning her attention away from me, “he is an absolute hunk.”

“You have no idea,” Kat said.

“I see you’ve been hitting the slopes already, my dear,” Kelly said.

“Is it that obvious?” Kat asked.

“Only to me, love,” she said. These were old, intimate friends. Their manner with one another was so easy. I admired it. “Come inside. Let’s have some drinks while I tell you what John has planned for us tonight!”

Kat hung back with me as another member of the house staff took our bags inside. The limo pulled away. She took my hand.

“This is beyond amazing,” she said. “You’re going to have to tell me how you worked this all out. But for now? Thank you. Just ... thank you.”

I squeezed her hand, and we went inside. The house was beautiful and imposing. It was modern, with sleek lines and a mid-century focus to the decoration. Kelly led us into a comfortable parlor adjacent to the massive, professionally equipped kitchen. We toasted with our Champagne glasses and drank. The staff took our bags to the guest house.

“So what’s our plan this evening?” Kat inquired, her eagerness apparent.

“We’re doing an old favorite for dinner,” Kelly announced.

“Spago,” I said.

Kat beamed, then probed further. “And?”

“Then back here for surprise number four,” I said.

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?” Kat said. I just laughed.

The conversation was easy. Kelly was charming. Not quite a decade older than Kat, probably right at my age, she was tall and slender. Her meticulous blonde hair looked like she could be ready to go onto a TV set at the drop of a hat. She wore a designer cocktail dress, ready for the evening. Her heels were tall. Her legs were slender, supple but muscular. Her prominent breasts were proudly bolted on. She was a gorgeous California girl, hands down.

“Do you kids need some more party favors?” Kelly asked. “I need to catch up.”

She directed our attention to an embarrassing mound of cocaine piled onto a glass coffee table in the parlor. There were razor blades and straws set out with the blow. This was a next-level setup.

“Jesus, Kel, how much coke do you think we’ll get through?” Kat exclaimed.

“Honey, you forget,” she said confidently, “I know you.”

They laughed again, and both kneeled over the table from seats on the conveniently table-height sofa. They skillfully formed and snorted two lines each. I was in heaven watching them. My cock stirred.

We departed for Spago a short while later in another limo, chatting effortlessly. Kat and Kelly caught up on their lives and told old stories, yet they never let me feel outside the conversation. It was warmly inclusive. And I certainly didn’t mind walking into Spago, still a see-and-be-seen hotspot, with two gorgeous women accompanying me.

“So, John,” Kelly said after we ordered cocktails, “tell me how you two met.”

I relayed the story.

“And they say chivalry is dead,” Kelly observed.

“That’s what I said!” Kat said.

“I have been trying to get Kat to find someone who could unleash her wild side in Houston,” Kelly said.

“We use an iceberg metaphor to describe how deep into debauchery we’re going,” I said and laughed as I looked Kat in the eyes.

“He goes really deep,” Kat said flirtatiously.

“You two lovers!” Kelly said.

Dinner was superb. We had the classic smoked salmon and caviar pizza, as well as a truffle pizza, and shared salads. Wine flowed liberally. Kelly and I shared a knowing glance when we were wrapping up. We had plans. I took the check, and Kelly invited Kat to the restroom. They came back looking thoroughly coked up.

“I think our friendship was really cemented by doing cocaine in LA bathrooms,” Kat said enthusiastically.

“So how did you two really become so close?” I asked as we returned to the limo.

Kelly relayed the story. She and Kat had met at the TV station. Kat was a young reporter and “drinking coffee from a fire hose, constantly,” she said. “I knew she wasn’t going to make it. No one makes it in morning TV news without help from adderall or coke or something! So I took her under my wing. I invited her out to lunch one day after work, and we had some wine and chatted about how things were going.”

“That lunch opened my eyes,” Kat interjected. “Kelly ordered wine, and I was like, oh my god, we can totally drink at lunch.”

“We had a good talk about how she was holding up, what her ambitions were,” Kelly continued. “But she admitted she was struggling with the schedule. So I told her she needed to learn what the veterans knew.”

“I remember being so confused,” Kat recalled. “Kelly was so poised and composed and happy about being up at 3 a.m. every day.”

“So I told her to come to the restroom with me before we left lunch,” Kelly said. “Kat protested because she said she didn’t have to pee, and I just told her to come with me because women always went in pairs.”

“It makes me cringe remembering how innocent I was!” Kat exclaimed.

“I motioned her into the handicapped stall with me, and I’ll never forget how confused she looked!” Kelly said. “I told her, Kat, honey, if you want to succeed, you need the secret. I got out the makeup compact I used to use to carry my stash -- so cliche, I know -- and showed her. I told her she should just learn that a little perk up would carry her through all those early mornings with a smile.”

“You were so patient,” Kat said. “I can’t imagine how wide my eyes must have been when I watched you do those first couple bumps.”

“They were huge,” Kelly laughed. “And then, John, I put a little coke on my fingernail, pressed Kat’s other nostril shut, and told her to sniff as hard as she could.”

“It was like an epiphany,” Kat remembered. “I got it as soon as the euphoria hit me.”

“And that’s when we took on all of LA!” Kelly exclaimed.

“That’s no joke,” Kat said. “We would go out to clubs together after and had a competition about who could find the guy with the best coke.”

“Your little Kat here was the queen of fucking for coke,” Kelly teased.

We pulled back into Kelly’s driveway, and she and I shared another knowing glance.

“So, your next surprise is inside,” Kelly said. “And I just want you to know that the little I’ve gotten to know John, I’ve been extremely impressed.”

Kat nestled up against me. I put my arm around her. She said, “My heart is beating out of my chest! What is it?”

“I’ll give you one hint,” I said. “Tonight is all about you.” We kissed, and the limo pulled to a stop.

As we had made plans for the weekend, I told Kelly that I wanted to give Kat a group sex experience, since she had confided in Vegas how much she enjoyed it. Kelly made it quickly known she was well aware. She and Kat ran as a pair, and they frequently ended up playing with two or more guys together. Kelly enjoyed group play as much as Kat, and she proposed a plan to which I readily agreed.

Kelly belonged to a swingers’ group that was full of beautiful people, as she termed it, and had chosen three men who fit squarely in Kat’s preferred looks category -- handsome, fit, and cocky. My only condition was that I wanted to be able to watch as much as possible.

We walked through the front door of the house, and Kelly greeted three strapping, younger men who stood drinking in the parlor. Kat almost stopped in her tracks. These guys each looked like Adonis. I felt a little pang of jealousy, but it was fleeting.

“Mark! Justin! Bradley!” Kelly exclaimed. “I am so glad you could make it! This is my dear friend, Kat, and her boyfriend John. Let’s all have a drink!”

I recognized Mark. He was a pro baseball player. Justin, a model, and Bradley, an aspiring actor, introduced themselves to us both. They were polite, even affable, which I appreciated because their sole purpose here tonight was to fuck Kat.

I pulled a bottle of Cristal from Kelly’s wine chiller behind the bar and poured glasses for the six of us. Kelly introduced Kat to the men, and I could see the excitement in my girlfriend’s eyes. Kelly had done a superb job picking guys that appealed to her vanity. I was surprised how easily Kat just lost herself in flirting with them, drinking her Champagne, and making prolonged eye contact as she talked to them. Her infatuation was obvious.

Kelly took a step back and joined me near the bar. “Let’s get some more Champagne,” she suggested and pulled two more bottles of Cristal from the chiller. I opened them and poured myself another glass. Kat had sat down on the couch and was eagerly accepting a bump of coke from Mark, the baseball player, off the small spoon he held. Then Justin and Bradley each extended a bump, which Kat greedily snorted up. Her flowing pink dress was beginning to ride up her thighs, but I quickly lost sight of her as the three guys surrounded her and showered her with attention.

“Thanks for all your help,” I said to Kelly sincerely, and we clinked glasses. She drained her Champagne quickly and went to the glass table and lined up two large lines of cocaine for herself.

Justin put a hand on Kelly’s ass with familiar ease, but she swatted it away. “Tonight is about Kat,” she admonished. She rubbed her nose lightly as she walked back over to me.

“Why don’t you and I go sit out by the pool,” she suggested. “It’s a beautiful night.”

We took a full bottle of Cristal with us and made ourselves comfortable on neighboring patio chairs. Our backs were to the pool, looking inward at the huge windows and french doors that led to the pool. The way the parlor, bar, and kitchen lit up, with us sitting in the dark, made it seem like we were watching a movie screen.

“How are you feeling about it?” Kelly asked.

“I’m not the jealous type,” I said.

“You’re also not the cuck type,” she said. I laughed.

“No,” I said, “but this is about achieving fantasies. That’s how I see it. Kat has desires. The more desires I allow her to indulge in? The deeper our connection becomes.”

“That’s a good philosophy on the pursuit of pleasure,” she said. “I think that’s the same way I feel, but I never could have put it so succinctly.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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