Swinging Serena - Cover

Swinging Serena

by Parker Trudeau

Copyright© 2021 by Parker Trudeau

Erotica Sex Story: After weeks of agonizing build-up, Serena gets to live out her fantasy as a sex toy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Female   Squirting   Water Sports   BBW   .

Serena’s friends were setting up the sex swing when she walked in, and her espresso brown arms turned to goose flesh. It was a tall, sturdy looking thing, sitting a few inches shy of the ceiling. The couple – Chris and Shannon – was setting up, stripped of all clothes, in the center of the living room, where furniture had been scattered every which way to make space.

It’s really happening, she thought. It was finally coming together, after weeks and weeks of sexually charged group texts and steamy video calls, she was finally going to act out her fantasy of being a living sex toy.

“So what’d the hubby say?” Chris asked, focused on the work in front of him. “He cool about it?”

“Oh, for sure. He even told me to ‘have fun’ on my way out.” Serena set her studded, black leather purse on the bar counter nearby, and climbed her short frame atop one of their tall bar stools.

“That’s good.” Shannon said, a pensive look on her round and pretty face. She was leaning on one hip, with her tanned arms folded under her large, pendulous tits. Serena admired Shannon’s body. She was fat and curvy, flaring out in all the right spots, with thick emerald hair that stopped at her shoulders.

Serena watched her friends for a few minutes, and sighed. “I really wish he was into this sort of thing...”

“Yeah?” Chris said.

“Yeah, like ... I don’t know, I just...”

“Wanna live out your wildest fantasies with the love of your life?” Shannon said, making for the kitchen now. “Nothin’ wrong with that.”

Chris still tinkered with the swing, concentration slamming his brows together. “You sure he’s cool? ‘Cause I don’t need him bursting in here, guns blazing or nothin’.”

“He’s joking!” Shannon hollered from the kitchen.

Serena laughed. “Aw, I know he’s joking. But no, he’s OK with it. He just doesn’t want me to ‘bring it home’, so to speak.” She swallowed. Marcus had no clue what she was doing here today. Even more, he had no clue of the many, many intense conversations that led them here. Conversations she was dying to have with her own beautiful husband, but could not. He would not. Marcus certainly didn’t mind Serena being a kinkster, but he preferred his sex to be as vanilla, safe, and chivalric as possible. Spanking? Too violent, he’d say. Dirty talk? Far too demeaning.

“Let me I ask you somethin’, Serena.” Chris asked, leaning back to observe the swing, his shoulder-length dreadlocks obscuring his face.

“What’s up?” Serena said.

“How have you managed to not go crazy so far?”

“Yeah, seriously.” Shannon appeared from the kitchen bearing plastic cups filled with mojito. She set them on the bar beside Serena, and took one for herself.

“Well...” Serena started, draping one thick thigh over the other. “I watch a lot of porn, like ... oh my god, a lot of it.” The married couple laughed, and Serena grabbed one of the mojitos and took a sip.

“Oh well we know that,” Shannon said. “So that’s it, you’ve just been watching kinky stuff to get your fix?”

Chris turned his handsome chocolate face to Serena, awaiting her response with an arched brow.

Serena nodded, her impossibly thick, curly hair bouncing. “That and you guys, pretty much. The conversations I have when I’m here really help. Y’all have no idea – ha, well, maybe you do – but I’m touching myself all the way home when I leave here, usually.”

Chris smiled and turned back to the swing, going at it with his screwdriver again. “Me and Shannon always end up fuckin’ after you leave, yeah. I know what you mean.”

Shannon bounced, her soft pale rolls jiggling some. “I’m really excited. You’re gonna love that swing. You almost done with that thing over there, baby? People are tryin’ to get fucked!”

“Cool your tits, woman, I’m almost done.”

Serena laughed at the two, hopping off the bar stool. Setting her drink aside, she peeled off her top, the AC swirling chilled air around her shoulders.

“See?” Shannon said. “She’s already getting undressed, you better hurry!”

Chris ignored her, and Serena continued to undress. She was on the larger side of chubby, with her soft round tummy and arms. Her skinny jeans created a pronounced muffin top, and stripping them off revealed a fat ass and a set of chunky thighs, both dimpled moderately with cellulite. Shannon had snaked an arm around Serena’s waist not long after, her friend’s voluptuous body only slightly taller and wider than her own.

Shannon hovered her drink over Serena’s large, drooping tits, and grazed the chilled plastic cup against one of her nipples in slow, soft circles. Serena flinched and shuddered. She let out a lengthy ‘Mmm’ as Shannon’s mouth lowered, sucking the icy nipple into her warm mouth. Her touch exploded more warmth over Serena’s pussy, warmth that sprawled down to her inner thighs and up into her tummy. Her clit tingled and throbbed, and her nipples hardened into round-nosed bullets.

“Bring our friend over, baby,” Chris said, giving the swing a final once-over, and tossed his screwdriver on the sofa behind him. The two walked over, and Serena took a moment to examine it. The seat of the swing was a wide leather square, its corners hanging from girthy steel chains and leather straps.

“Oh!” Serena jumped, feeling Shannon’s hand sting across her ass cheek.

“Go on, hop in,” Shannon said, smiling around her drink.

A spell of vertigo hit Serena in the center of her gut as she moved toward the seat. This was it. She turned to lie back, and while her ass was partly hanging off, the seat was comfortable, its velour surface soft against her spine. Chris and Shannon helped her with the leg straps hanging in front of her, which fit snug around her knees. It didn’t take long – hanging there, spread eagle and exposed – to start feel positively slutty.

“Is this thing gonna hold me?” Serena asked with a brow raised.

“Girl, please,” Shannon said. “That thing holds me and I weigh almost 350 pounds. You’ll be fine.”

“Whew, OK.” Serena relaxed a bit.

“So what do you want to do with our living sex toy, babe?” Chris asked, looming over Serena. He was a big guy; taller than 6 feet with broad, chocolate shoulders that made her pussy twinge. He was already hard, his erection pointing directly at her.

“Hmm,” Shannon started. Hands free, she’d positioned herself behind Serena, smoothing her hands over her friends big, soft tits. “Did you pre-game like we talked about, Serena?”

Serena nodded. “Yeah, now that I’m laying back like this, I’m about to burst...”

Shannon smirked and told her husband, “I think I want to see her piss on your dick first ... Is that OK?”

Chris smiled. “Oh, baby, I’m down.” He drew closer, and pressed the underside of his rigid cock against Serena’s swollen bud. The married couple’s hands swarmed her breasts, groping and tugging. Serena moaned and pushed, gushing clear, warm piss against her friend’s shaft, causing it to bounce against her clit.

“Ooooh!” Serena threw her head back, only to feel Shannon’s mouth on her neck a moment later. A shudder rolled through Serena’s body, and her chest rose sharply. Her piss continued to spurt messily against her thighs and stomach, blooming waves of aggressive tingling along her skin.

“Mmmhmmm,” Shannon moaned against her neck; biting, sucking and licking.

Serena felt Chris’ hands grip either side of the seat, and watched him lean over her, moving his hips some. She sucked in a sharp breath when he entered her, her aching walls stretching around his shaft. Piss jetting against his pelvis, and splashing up against his soft, hairy belly.

Shannon had been watching, chewing her bottom lip and bouncing anxiously. Shannon was rubbing her pussy in hard, steady circles, her body lurching in pleasure.

“If you got more piss keep goin’. Don’t you stop.” Shannon growled in her ear before catching Serena’s earlobe in her teeth. Serena let out a deep moan, pushing with her core.

“Keep pissin’, you nasty slut,” Chris said, pumping his cock into her with slow and sudden thrusts. Serena could feel the tip of his cock slam against her cervix with, the time between thrusts growing shorter and shorter.

“Ooohhhh fuck! I am a slut! I am ... I am a ... AH!” Serena managed to say between strokes.

“God, I love watching you fuck her pussy, baby.” Shannon grabbed a handful of Serena’s thick, curly locks and drew her head back. “Tell me you love fucking my husband’s dick.”

“I...” Serena’s mind was a haze of lust and sensations, old and new. “ ... I love fucking your husband’s dick. I love it.”

“Say it again,” Shannon ordered, lifting her head again. “Look at him and say it.”

“I love it!” Serena’s pussy intensely was warm and tingling.

“You love what, whore?” Chris said, locking eyes with her.

“I love it ... I love fucking your dick—AAAHHH, OOOH!”

With a death-grip on her hair still, Shannon had her free hand on Serena’s pussy, rubbing her index and middle finger rigorously against her clit. Serena couldn’t tell if she was still pissing or squirting, but she was a sprinkler at this point, her spine curved into a tense bow.

“Look at her cumming,” Shannon said, flicking her fingers against Serena’s pink bud. “Do you want us to stop?”

“No! No!” Serena cried, her body jiggling each time Chris slammed into her dripping pussy. Chris’s hands were on Serena’s waists now, pulling her in to meet his driving hips. He leaned in a little more so that his face was inches from his wife’s, and he was low enough so the tips of his dreadlocks grazed Serena’s skin, leaving goose-flesh in their wake.

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