Father Terrence - Cover

Father Terrence

by JMiller

Copyright© 2021 by JMiller

Erotica Sex Story: The story of Father Terrance, toiling doing the work of God trying to keep up the spirits of wives whose husbands are overseas.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Lactation   Oral Sex   Clergy   .

It was early and I would have liked to have slept longer but the light coming through the drapes put a stop to that thought. Then I remembered; it’s Monday, time for my parish member visits. I quickly got out of bed, shaved, brushed my teeth and jumped in the shower.

As I stepped from the shower I happened to see my reflection in the mirror. I was fifteen years out of high school but I still was in good shape. I had never had a ‘six-pack’ kind of physique but there was no flab on my 6’ 2” frame. A lot of the other priests I associated with added a few pounds every year but I had kept active and still weighed now what I had during high school.

I finished dressing, put on my collar and started downstairs to get some breakfast. I wanted to get an early start this morning. Marie Platt, one of my parishioners had missed the last two masses. That was not like her and I wanted to check on her and see if she was okay.

Being the Chaplain on a military base I was used to having some of my people fall into a funk. A large portion of our men were in Iraq. They had been there for almost a year and were just informed it was going to be a good six months before they could expect to come home. A number of the wives were getting frustrated and depressed over their husbands’ long absence. For some the first sign was missing Mass, for others it was coming to every Mass; I suspected with Marie it was the former. I wanted to see what I could do to help.

I suspected this might be the problem with Marie. She married her high school sweetheart right out of high school; he joined the Army and she got pregnant all in the summer after graduating. When he was deployed to Iraq she was pregnant and now had a six-month old baby to care for by herself.

I checked my watch as I left the house; 8:45, right on schedule. The street was quiet on her block; huge trees loomed over the road, forming a canopy that gave you the sense of driving through a tunnel. It was fall and a blanket of leaves covered the ground.

I parked in front of her house and walked up to the door and rang the bell. When Marie answered the door she was still in her robe, a flash of anxiety crossed her face when she recognized me.

“Father Terrance, is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine,” I assured her. “I didn’t mean to make you worry. You have missed mass the last couple of weeks, and I just wanted to check to be sure everything is okay. I go around and visit on Mondays and Fridays.”

Marie stepped back and motioned for me to come in.

“Everything is fine. Come on in and have a cup of coffee.”

I went inside and looked around while she got me some coffee. The house was neat, no sign of problems there.

When she came in I asked, “Now where is that beautiful baby of yours, taking a nap?”

“No Father. She’s with one of the other wives. We’ve formed a kind of babysitting co-op to give us some time alone. It can be so hard on us, being alone all the time and having to take care of the children by ourselves. We take turns watching the children during the week so the rest of us can run errands, or just take a nap. It’s so frustrating being alone all the time. I miss the big things with my husband being gone for so long but frequently it is the little things that hurt the most. Like just being able to have him hug me when I’m down.””

“Well I can’t get your husband back but I can at least provide a hug.”

I put my arms out to her, and she smiled slightly and stepped forward. I put my arms around her and hugged her to me. For just a moment her body felt stiff against mine, not sure what to do. Then she kind of melted against me, pulling tight against me; her head on my chest. I held her tight, neither of us saying anything. Then I felt her body begin to shake as she began to softly sob.

I loosened my arms around her, “Marie, what is it?” I thought she might want to move but she held tight to me.

Marie kept her head against my chest, “It’s just everything. He’s been gone so long and now it looks like it could be another year. I’m so alone.” She began softly crying again.

I lifted one hand and smoothed her hair, “Come on, it will get better.”

Marie looked up at me, “But when? And I have to do everything with the baby. There is no one to help. I get so depressed at times.” She put her head back on my chest but did not resume crying.

“I don’t know if I can help but I’ll try. The Lord is here to help you. You just have to let yourself believe.”

Marie did not say anything. I don’t know what she was thinking but at least she did not feel so bad that she continued crying.

“Marie. I have something I want you to try. Close your eyes.”

I continued lightly rubbing her hair. She had nice hair. It was just shoulder level. She must have taken a shower this morning because her hair smelled nice; I couldn’t put my finger on the fragrance.

“Are your eyes closed?”

Marie’s head nodded against my chest in response.

“Are you comfortable where you are?”

She nodded again.

“Now I want you to picture your husband standing in front of you. Are you doing that?” She did not move. “Now have faith. Do this for me. Can you see your husband?”

I heard her say almost in a whisper, “Yes.”

“Now picture yourself stepping forward into your husband’s arms.”

I felt her arms move tighter around me; her body pressed tighter than before. From my hand on her back earlier I knew she was wearing a bra under the robe; I could feel the rigid structure pressing against my ribs.

“Is he holding you tight?”


“Does it feel good?”

“Yes it does.”

“What would your husband do now?” I waited.

It must have been thirty seconds before I heard her say very softly, “He’d kiss me.”

I waited again. After a minute she lifted her head to look at me. I lowered my head and gave her a peck on the lips.

“Like that?”

“No Father, it would be a little longer,” and she rose on her toes so that she could reach me.

Her lips brushed mine softly at first; then with more pressure. I felt her lips part and her tongue moved against my lip before moving into my mouth. I could feel my erection growing as our tongues danced with each other. How could she not notice; pressed against me so tightly.

After what seemed like several minutes she finally pulled her mouth from mine and rested her head once again on my chest; breathing heavily, her chest moving against me. I looked down at the top of her head, running my fingers softly through her hair and whispered, “What would he do now?”

Without moving she said, “I think he would...” Her voice trailed off and I could not make out the rest.

“I couldn’t hear you Marie.”

She held me tightly for a moment before saying, “I think he would want to undress me.”

I asked, “Are your eyes still closed?”

She whispered, “Yes.”

“Can you see him clearly in front of you, feeling him hold you?”

She again whispered, “Yes.”

I moved my hands from around her back and rested them on her shoulders for a moment before sliding my thumbs under the edge of her robe. As I started to pull her robe back off her shoulders she loosened her hold on me and pulled a few inches away from me. It was enough room for the robe to fall to the floor.

I lowered my head and kissed the top of her shoulder.

“Is this something your husband would do?”

Marie didn’t say anything. She just nodded her head. I moved my lips to her neck and lightly kissed her neck, slowly working my way up towards her ear. She shuddered and leaned in against me.

When I grasped the clasp on the back of her bra she started to push away from me.

“I thought you said your husband would want you undressed?”

“But I’ll leak on your clothes.” She explained she was still breast-feeding.

I asked, “Wouldn’t you take his clothes off so they wouldn’t get stained?”

She nodded and began unbuttoning my shirt. I stood there, hands at my side. I wanted her to do everything. As she unzipped my pants and started to pull them down I stepped out of my shoes and then as my pants fell to my ankles I kicked my shoes and pants aside. Marie reached back up to pull my briefs down. My cock bobbed up and down at her as it was freed. She took me in one hand and lowered my briefs to the floor with the other.

She rose and leaned against me, her face once again buried in my chest. I reached behind her and unclipped her bra. She let go of me for a moment so that she could free her arms and I let the bra fall to the floor to join our other clothes.

As she moved back against me, we put are arms around each other and stood still, holding each other, our clothes scattered around on the floor by our feet.

Caressing her naked back I asked, “What would we do now?”

“I think we would go to the bedroom.”

I let go of her with one arm and dropped it to her knees to sweep her up in my arms. She put her arms around my neck as I walked out of the kitchen, through the front room and down a hall to her bedroom.

As I walked into the bedroom I saw the bed had not been made. I lowered her to her feet and pulled the covers and top sheet to the foot of the bed and let them drop to the floor. As I pulled her back into a hug my cock caught her in the stomach. She took me in one hand and pushed me to the side.

She was with me so far, but I had another hurdle to get over, “Marie, I know you are a good Catholic. Do you practice birth control?”

“Well, kind of Father. We use the rhythm method. Although I have not needed to do anything him gone all this time. I guess that’s why I’ve been so depressed lately. Of course those soldiers at the PX and the ones we wives run into other places are perfectly willing to solve that problem. But they just want to fuck us.”

Marie covered her mouth with her hand and looked up at me, “Excuse me Father.”

“That’s perfectly okay my child. I’ve heard much worse. So you are not on the pill or some other method the Church does not sanction?”

“Just the rhythm method Father, we wouldn’t do anything else. That would be a sin.”

“And is today one of your safe days?”

She started, “No. But we can, I mean, with my husband I would-”, but then halted and did not say any more.

“What would you do Marie?”

The bed was right behind her. I guided her backwards until her legs touched the bed and then with a little pressure she sat down on the bed. With her hand still wrapped around my cock sat beside her. I not sure she realized it but her hand was slowly moving up and down, stroking me. I looked down; her hand looked small on my shaft, the purple head of my cock sticking out above her fingers, glistening with the lubricating fluid oozing out of me, some had ran down the side of my cock and onto her closest finger.

After a moment I prodded her again, “Marie?”

“I don’t know if I can tell you, it’s embarrassing.”

“Marie, you know you can tell me anything.”

I waited a few seconds and then she said softly, just loud enough to hear, “When he’s ready, he cums in my mouth.”

If it would have been possible, hearing that, I would have gotten harder. I asked, “And what do you do with it?”

She murmured something I could not understand.

“What did you say Marie? I couldn’t hear you.”

This time she said it loud enough that I could understand. “I swallow it.”

“That’s good my child. The Bible says that it is a sin for man to spill his seed on the ground. How do feel about that? Does it bother you?”

“Oh no. I like it.” Marie let out a little giggle and smiled as she said, “I like making him feel good. Some of the other wives say they don’t like it and won’t do it but I think it’s fun. When he’s ready to cum he’s usually bouncing around and he’s excited and feeling so good and then he squirts his stuff in my mouth. I like knowing something I did made him lose control like that.”

That did sound nice. I was looking forward to it. But now I needed to get her back on track.

“Now close your eyes again. I want you to concentrate. Remember what I asked you to do before; visualize your husband.”

She closed her eyes; her hand still moving slowly up and down on my shaft.

I asked, “Do you see him?”

“Yes Father, I do. He’s sitting beside me.”

“You are on the bed, what would he want you to do now?”

Marie let go of my cock and began moving back to the center of the bed, “He would want to get...” Marie stopped a moment before continuing; “He would want to lie on the bed while I got on top of him.”

I moved up onto the bed and lay in the center on my back. Marie was sitting on the bed next to me; her eyes still closed. I took her hand and gently pulled her towards me. She moved up onto her knees, placed her hands on my chest and swung one leg over me so that she was straddling me above my thighs.

She moved her hands down my chest, past my stomach and took me in both of her hands. She moved her hands around me, squeezing me, feeling my balls.

“It feels so big.”

“The Lord never gives you more than you can endure.”

She leaned towards me, placing her hands on my chest, and moved forward so that she was directly above my cock. She moved her hips around, digging at me, trying to line me up and get me inside of her but it wasn’t working quite right. She was pushing my cock flat on my stomach instead of inside of her.

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