Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War - Cover

Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War

Copyright© 2023 by Maria Bordelon

Chapter 8: Another Wife?

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8: Another Wife? - Parts of this book are written in a dialect common to poor people living in New Orleans before and after the 13th War. Some may also refer to this cataclysmic event as World War III. The events described in this volume are not for the faint of heart. Any resemblance to known people, events or characters of literature is purely coincidental. Many scenes and descriptions are erotic. All the main characters are over 18. Some of the words, situations and descriptions may be offensive. I can honestly

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Historical   Post Apocalypse   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I ain’t never felt right after Frieda come home with a Homer bastard, maybe should say bastards in her belly. Damn wiman should have respect our marry and kept her legs closed. Thought all five wifes agree. Had a big meeting about what Frieda done. Last thing I wanted was seeing Frieda’s belly growing with another man’s bastard. Other wifes said Frieda and kids could stay. Oh boy! We had some hollering and cussing. Took two day for everyone agree, Frieda can stay but never be trusted again or cross my path. Her kids can stay but the one ... however many in her big fucking belly never be part of family.

Damn Frieda! What she done mess up everyone. My anger never gone away. I got with all my wifes but wasn’t no lovey-dovey. I lay each one down and fuck her hard until man monster empty. I wanted all my wifes preggy and swollen with babies. I wanted every wiman suffer. So far, I ain’t help a one with the heaves or swelling bellies. In few months when they suffer with birthing, I hope they scream with pain.

Took three month to get ‘em all preggy. All five wifes probably have girls. Since war ain’t no boys unless a wiman got twins. Wife Alex is a nurse but being only with medical person we often call her ‘doctor.’ Tuyet is other doctor here cause she know dentist work. As wifes got big bellies Alex take sonogram, x-ray done with sound waves and sure enough all got girls except Frieda who got twins—boy and girl.

Ain’t done much last few months besides getting drunk and fucking wifes. Some days was so drunk ass stupid didn’t care about fucking wifes. Even started smoking some stuff that set me off in another way. Seem all my wifes and kids do is complain about being hungry and naked. Shit! All wifes got gardens. They know I can’t make clothes. If they want clothes, they should make some. They been naked all these years and didn’t say nothing so why they bitching now? Wifes blame me for everything. It ain’t my fault. I give Frieda lots of lovey-dovey before she left. Even spend fortune on her clothes so her humongous titties and nippies don’t show. All that money wasted. Damn bitch come home nekid and preggy for another man ... men. Lying bitch cunt said she wasn’t doing wiman thing and couldn’t get preggy no more then find out she spread wide and want preggy for Homer men.

Not sure matters if I sober up or die. Maybe take a vacation. Checking fences got to be done but ain’t no vacation. Take two three weeks in January. Maybe wifes do better without me. Last time they preggy something inside make them all want lovey-dovey. Not this time. Wifes always sickly, heaving or sleeping. Spent Christmas Day alone packing materials and stuff needed. Holidays didn’t mean nothing no more. I checked truck and trailer really good; tires got air; engines got oil; fuel tanks full; winches pull hard; tools in the box; backhoe ready and chained proper; guns clean and ammo dry. Lots of wire and fence posts ready. Before Frieda fucked up this was fun time. Wifes and kids got new clothes for day we thought was Christmas, ate big meal then we all dance and laugh. Day between what we call Christmas and New Year kids be happy. Not this year. Nothing matter no more. New Year’s Day 2145 was off early morning.

First three four days was easy. Did feel few tears when come up to place where met Alex and Tuyet years ago. Been out near a week was heading east along north side of property where every slope between hills got a little wet gully creek. Fence at bottom between two hills needed repair. Glad it January because this area be perfect for all sort of animal getting water including snakes. Being cold, snakes and other animals hibernating this time of year so it safer to work. Sometime cutting old wire away dangerous. Never know how it will spring. Heavy clothes, goggles and gloves needed. Got lucky, cutting old wire into small pieces and loading scrap box went quick. Time to fire up backhoe. That machine make removing old post and digging hole for new post easy. Cutting and stringing new wire need muscle and come-along. By time sky showing color got to cleanup and secure equipment. Come morning begin replacing 78 meter fence and 26 posts. After locking backhoe on trailer and doing clean-up for day sky had trace of red and purply colors. Ate dinner then got into bed exhausted.

Next morning was heading up and over hill about to cross creek but couldn’t. A big old oak tree with long low hanging branch blocking path. Tree must a been there 500 year. Maybe four meter across and 40 meter tall. First hanging branch was three maybe four meter up trunk and over one meter around. Tried backing up but trailer jack-knife. Damn! Only way forward was to cut branch off. Meant getting out chainsaw and ladder. Made a V-cut under branch then climb up and over branch to make more V-cut on sides then slice down. When damn thing finally fell, had to get down then cut branch into sections and use log splitter. Make good firewood after it dry for few months so I stacked it there nice and neat. When all equipment secure on trailer and site clean was getting dark so camped there for night.

In morning while walking around truck and trailer saw thin line of smoke rising southeast where standing. Checked 38 in holster and scope on rifle. Made sure all guns loaded. No one supposed to be out here. Before war property line divide my land between state and national forests. From top of hill see three women and some kids near fair-size log cabin. When I stop truck and shut engine only saw one wiman and them kids. Smell trouble. Know right away other two was high trees with rifle and had drop on me. No matter. This is my land. Moment my feet touch ground she eyeing me close. Did notice her leather clothes, sort of funny pants and big shirt hang below waist with long sleeves. Hoped her long dark hair meant she was mommy not gun toting bitch. I spoke first. “Morning, y’all trespassing on my land.”

“We staying here. This is ours now.”

“No, it ain’t.”

A rifle shot told me this getting ugly and dangerous fast. Time to lay down the law. “Name, Peter Reegans, deputy for Saint Tammany Parish. Sherriff don’t take kindly to people doing wrong or killing g her deputies.”

She smiled, held head high and give snooty reply. “I don’t care who you are or where you’re from. This is our home! Don’t give me that sheriff bullshit. Sheriff, police or whatever no cop has answered a call or made an arrest since that frigging war.”

“OK missy, that’s enough. Tell your friends come on down. Ain’t no reason be stupid. Say again, sheriff come hard on people doing wrong or killing deputies.”

“We aren’t doing anything wrong.”

“Tell your friends come on down so we can talk.”

“That’s all you want?”

“For now, talk be enough. Don’t want no one doing stupid.”

“What about later?”

“Depends on how our talking go.”

Her compatriots now stood nicely angled with me well off center. With a 38 in hand both wimen knew I’d get their friend. When one of them asked for my gun I replied. “Ladies, what say we put all our guns away before someone get hurt.”

Wiman in front of me signal her friends Ok. Moment later I hear one safety switch lock then do mine. As I’m putting my 38 in holster see real skinny girl in same sort of leather clothes step forward with her rifle pointing down and safety locked.

“One more time. Name, Peter Reegans and this my property. Also deputy sheriff for Saint Tammany Parish.” I repeated with power.

“Susie, Susan Jameson, my friends call me Susie.” Said the wiman in the weird leather clothes. standing in front of me. Two young girls wearing odd fitting leather dresses ran up and hugged her. One look about 4-years-old and got all her baby teeth. Other look about 6-years-old cause she didn’t have front teeth. Events and sun getting warmish for this time year wasn’t surprise to see that wiman untie string on pants and.blouse When she turn sideways look like she either getting fat or got small baby bump. Whew! She was mommy type. Now got another worry--where men be?

That short skinny girl was carrying rifle with long straggly dark reddish hair and brown eyes stick out her hand for handshake way stronger than expect. “I’m Krystal Boudreaux. Name’s spelled K-R-Y-S-T-A-L.” After shaking hands, she step aside and loosen her shirt/blouse. Few moments later her shirt flops open and see two thumbnail-size circles with tiny pebbly nippies. Had to wonder if she just a girl or maybe one them funny men cause really didn’t have tits.

Maggie, say real name Margaret O’Connor be tallest of them come give strong handshake like a man. Maggie nice brown skin for moment made me think of Petrina all grown up. Maggie say was oldest and tallest wimen here. Seeing four girls maybe 4, 8, 14 and 18/20 run up and give her hug tell me she got real story to tell. Also tell me she a ‘momma’ not crazy bitch. Got to say that 18/20 year girl was pretty and spitting image of momma but with curves and tits. Took real will power to calm man monster.

After a few deep breaths saw log cabin on rise yonder and wonder where men was because no way three wimen move or cut heavy logs. Also wonder how three wimen and they kids survive out here. While walking to picnic table in front of cabin saw Krystal making fire. Moment later we all sitting down at picnic table I start. “OK ladies, where y’all from? Where your men? And don’t leave nothing out.”

Krystal spoke first. “You’re the only man here. I grew up on a small farm near Lewiston, that was a tiny town east of Fluker which y’all find along what they called I-55 bit south of Mississippi border. I was the youngest of three kids. I was a proud little kindergarten kid that lost her first tooth on Friday, January 13, 2119, the day war began. By January 31, those crazy diseases killed my Dad and two brothers. Mom was...” Krystal head suddenly fall. Poor girl mumbling and crying. Ain’t no way anyone say what emotions and memories thundering inside her. I carried Krystal to her bed then walk back to picnic table.

Maggie returned looking worried yet quiet. She said Susie was staying with Krystal and both would return later then began her story. “Krystal is correct, there are no men living here. Unfortunately, some men did come around. One of those mother fuckers put number five in me. You really want the details?”

Knowing she was raped and preggy give her good reason being angry and men. Decided let her talk it out. Maybe get rid of all the demons inside her. Me, be aman and guest here thought best I said nothing.

“I was born and raised in New Orleans. Momma and Poppa married late in life. Momma was a white patent lawyer. Poppa was black and big in politics, something like an assistant to the mayor. I was their only child. My poor momma didn’t suffer long. Her water broke just past midnight on Wednesday, February 1, 2102. Dad rushed Momma to hospital. Doctor wrote 02-02-02 at 2:02 AM on my birth certificate. Mom said I weighed 2.2 kilograms. I spent two weeks in the neonatal unit.

Right from the start I got bigger, smarter and faster than other kids. I was never number two to anyone. Unfortunately, a drunk driver killed my father when I was quite young. Momma sold our big uptown house and moved to a nice 2-bedroom cottage in Gentilly. She used the insurance proceeds to set up annuities and trust funds then retired ... quit working and became a real stay-at-home mommy. She was able to nurture and home school me until I passed the 8th grade. I aced every placement and LEAP test given. (Louisiana Education Assessment Placement Test ... required 0.70 score in math, language arts, science and social studies to move to the next grade. The test was given in the fourth, eight, tenth and eleventh grades. Anyone not passing had to take the test until a passing grade was achieved.) At the tender age of 12 I became a Roneagle and graduated McDonough 35 High School with honors three years later. I earne advanced status on every test every time. In my senior year I aced advanced placement tests for biology, chemistry, calculus and American History. In August 2117 this 15-year-old girl entered Dillard University on full scholarship. In May 2119 I walked across the stage with a Bachelor’s of Science degree even though I just finished my junior year. One week later, Dillard ... every university closed and locked every door tight.

My cuntree needed me. I joined the Air Force, earned my pilot’s wings and became a lieutenant on my 18th birthday. A few months later I became a fighter pilot. My call sign, Skinny Black Bitch, was feared and respected by all. This ace had 39 confirmed kills and 52 combat support missions to her credit, all without crashing, or other mishaps. When the war ended, I was a captain yet barely 20-years old. My age and the war’s end stopped further advancement.

After the war I returned to utter chaos. Three years of war with The ABC Alliance left these United States in ruins. Every store was closed. Every factory shuttered. Every business was bankrupt. Even hospitals and medical facilities were locked tight. Jobs ... dream on. The ABC Alliance demanded huge reparations ... confiscated anything and everything they could. Our population was a fraction of prewar levels. My last paycheck from the Air Force was one third of what it should have been. In spite of dedicated service, injuries and other ills of war, many received far less on their final check. Unfortunately, the government, like the country was bankrupt. I was one of the lucky ones. I had real clothes in my duffel bag, some money in my pocket and a place to live. Many had no clothes, money or a roof overhead.

At the time this tall skinny retired Air Force captain wore a 32A/B bra even though my small firm breasts did not need any external support. If anyone remembers, 32 A/B breasts are very small. Never know that now looking at these things now hanging on my chest. Back then I did have nipples. Only reason I ever wore a bra hen was to cover my sensitive nipples and ‘look’ like a woman. Six months later my three bras and four panties were so stretched and threadbare as to be useless. Being commando wasn’t so bad. I’d sort of gotten used to that situation. The real problem was my clothes--shirts, blouses, pants, skirts were disintegrating. I decided it was better to cover my ass and groin than two itty-bitty titties. Although others seemed to have accepted this situation and walk about without shame, Truth is I was naked and afraid.

Poor Momma, the war bottled three years of grief. She cried almost every day. I know she was not the only one so afflicted. Many people sank into depression, drugs, alcohol and suicide. The nation lost so many men and boys that women now outnumbered men by 13:1. Since the war ended, women rose to the top of every profession and political entity. Personal relations and social opportunities changed radically. Even though this former Air Force captain was considered a mature adult, inside was a crazy young and lonely woman. The Devil be damned. I did my best to date men but never refused a nice time with another woman. It is not nice to kiss and tell, therefore I will keep the details and people involved confidential. The four F’s, find them, feel them, fuck them and forget them became a mantra, a way of life. Many encounters, even simple conversations and normal business with men began with this phrase. ‘Let us fuck. We will talk later.’ Rape and unwanted sexual attention was never reported. There were no police to make an arrest and no courts to prosecute the accused ... guilty. The inevitable happened, I got pregnant. All those options women had before the war—marriage, child support, the pill, abortion, adoption were history. Being part of a harem, perhaps wife number 12 of 13 was never an option with me. A long-term affair or marriage to another woman was also abhorrent. I became another unmarried mother.

When my daughter was about two and no longer on the breast, we escaped the Hell New Orleans had become. Although New Orleans was Hell I never found anything approaching heaven. We moved around frequently but somehow found food and shelter every night. I met Susie and Krystal on a cold and rainy night while breaking into an old abandoned motel in Hammond. Within a week or so ten women and their children in various states of nakedness and desperation joined us. Shortly after that depending on your definition we were captured ... more likely admitted we were desperate and surrendered to a group of men. One man claimed he had 26 wives and wanted more. Another said four wives was enough. I’m not sure God knows how many children those men fathered.

We now belonged to those men. We were slaves. We had to obey or be severely punished. They demanded sexual favors ... raped us whenever the mood struck them. I got pregnant again and again and again. As the years passed a ragtag group of women and children began looking for ways to escape. Eventually we set up housekeeping here. As you can see, the cabin is unfinished because the men ... our older boys and several women left. Fortunately, Krystal and Susie stayed with us.”

“Wow! That is quite a story. I promise will hear everyone’s story but I’m wore out and hungry so I’ll say goodnight.”

Whether intended or by chance, Krystal and Susie returned looking refreshed and all buttoned. Susie and Maggie quickly stepped away to tend their children. Krystal added another log to the fire then spoke. “Thanks for your help.”

“You’re welcome. All better?”

“Yes. Sorry. All those memories and sadness...”

“Understood. We all got memories.”

“We don’t have much, but you’re welcome to stay for dinner.”

“Thanks. Don’t want to be a burden.”

“No problem. We have enough.”

“OK, thanks.” I replied cautiously.

“You seem like a decent man. Care to share your story?”

“Not tonight. I’m tired. Tomorrow night OK?”

“OK.” Krystal replied then returned to her cooking chores.

Wasn’t paying attention. Sort of lost in moment. Seem like magic because Susie and Maggie had their children washed and seated for dinner. Moment later Krystal putting grill meat and veggies on plates. While eating we looking at bright orangey colored clouds turn red then dark purply blobs. After dinner help Krystal with clean-up chores so Maggie and Susie get kids into bed. When done, said thanks and goodnight then went to my truck and got ready for bed.

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