Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War - Cover

Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War

Copyright© 2023 by Maria Bordelon

Chapter 7: Frieda’s Trip and Confeshun

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7: Frieda’s Trip and Confeshun - Parts of this book are written in a dialect common to poor people living in New Orleans before and after the 13th War. Some may also refer to this cataclysmic event as World War III. The events described in this volume are not for the faint of heart. Any resemblance to known people, events or characters of literature is purely coincidental. Many scenes and descriptions are erotic. All the main characters are over 18. Some of the words, situations and descriptions may be offensive. I can honestly

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Historical   Post Apocalypse   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I hope this never happens to y’all. I sent my wife Frieda on a business trip in April but she came back a different wiman. We spent months planning this trip. She really does have a good head for business. We marry nine, almost ten years ago and have three children together. She got three kids before we met and lost four in that damn war Sort of lost count how many kids six wifes and me got but guessing a dozen playing on the lawn while waiting for Frieda return. She should have been here hours ago. Don’t got a thermator, thing measure temperashure, but wouldn’t matter anyway cause whatever number it show making Hell seem cold on summery day in September with no breeze. Finally, way off, see a tiny speck moving. That speck slowly turning into a small old fashion orangey yellowish school bus. When bus stops Frieda jumps out screaming. “I did it! I got the contracts!”

Frieda gave everyone a big hug and sloppy kiss. When she squeezed me tight ... Oh boy! Her humongous bare honeydew melon-size tits topped by big red circles and thumb-sized nipples felt oh so good. Her kisses made me feel like dragging her away for lovey-dovey right then. First time I got a breath said “Wow!” Then say “Damn!” My wife was nekid--wearing nothing but sandals and a piece of cloth wrap on her hips like first day we met years ago. Only case she got was for contracts. No suitcase. Not t even have little case for personals—toothbrush, comb, hairbrush and so on.

Often say don’t much care if Frieda be nekid or have some cloth hanging on her hips. Day we met almost ten years ago she walk out knowing everyone see her huge tits bare tits and nippies. Got to say Frieda never shy. Except few cold days Frieda never even tries covering her titty melons. Truth is all my wifes ‘dress’ like that. Really don’t matter way out here cause got no prying eyes or other men like city. Any wiman traveling across cuntree got to wear clothes, at least cover her personal places and tits. Neither Frieda or other wifes have real clothes. T-dresses and other things she somehow sews ain’t real clothes. Only time Frieda have clothes was before war and when we bought some for this trip. Seems Frieda very comftable nekid than wearing clothes.

Only place buy real clothes was down in Nu Orleens. Had to go there for some business. We spent two three weeks down there getting her clothes and doing other business. Frieda wasn’t only wiman on Canal Street with with big bare tits. Damn! Just cause she got biggest tits and nippies anyone ever seen no reason for people—men and wimen be rude and stare.

Needed two days to find store able to make her clothes. Store wimen needed half day for measuring Frieda and choosing clothes she want made. Took more looking before we found a store for underthings—panties, bras and nighties. Two stores said had nothing in her size. Another said didn’t have enough cloth and stuff for making bra hold her huge titties. Only store said they could make bras for her charge $260.00 each one and needed six days to make them. We agree and pay for six right then. Bra store wimen said Frieda was 46EEE or 115G in new measments. Frieda said last bra she wore way before war was maybe 42DDD. No matter. When all done store lady smiling cause bras for most wimen only cost $130.00.

After getting all them clothes made and paid for went up to Baton Roush. State of Loueezeeana got revived and start taxing folk. Better to pay them taxes and permits than have some govmen people snooping up your proptee ... ass. When done with all them govmen places brung Frieda to airport for flying to Atlanta. Just before she got on jet airplane took her pikshur. Got to say my wife look fine!

Driving home was loneliness time in life. Even lovey-dovey with other wifes not stop my aching heart. Frieda calling on phone every night help ease some loneliness. Kids really miss her. Two week two after she got in Atlanta her calls home was down to one every few days. We all hope she was OK and making money for us. Before she come home her calls was only one short one every three four weeks.

For business Frieda smartest person I know. She always know all about new loans and govmen program. Even got loggers to restore our land and plant more trees while paying us top dollar for the trees cut. Frieda do good job finding parts and supplies we need at fair prices. I trusted her. Every time I look at Frieda little voice inside me say something ain’t right but never give details.

Anyway, Frieda been home about a month and we ain’t done any lovey-dovey. I got lots of question about what she done on her trip but no answers. Every time I come in she sitting at the desk making phone calls or in bed sleeping. Ain’t like Frieda stay away from me and kids. One day I come in to ask her about some parts and see her running to bathroom and dropping to her knees by toilet. Poor wiman was tossing her guts really bad. When finally standing she looked white as ghost. For a while I stood in hallway hidden and quiet. Had to wonder what got her so sick? When I saw her rounded belly got creepy cold shivers. Damn! I trusted her. I loved her. We got three kids together. We marry. I love her other kids like they was mine. Even adopt them. Oh Shit! Frieda, what you done?

Instant Frieda saw me her arms open wide. Another second later she pull me in for big hug and kiss. No matter what she done her big titties and nippies against me felt oh so nice. After moving apart and sitting she begins. “Peter, please get comfortable. I have a lot to say. I wish things were different. Believe me, I really do. I should have known better. I am still menstruating but not regularly. Menopause causes women to change again. Everything becomes weird and unpredictable. Women like me can no longer predict our menstrual cycle or know when we are fertile. Years ago a pimple would appear on the day I simultaneously dreaded and welcomed. So you know, I am talking about the first day a women begins bleeding. That event occurred every 28 days unless I was pregnant. Pregnancy and old age are the only things stopping this woman from her monthly bleeding. You know I need and enjoy lots of sex or as you call it lovey-dovey. This body created and birthed ten babies. Three with you and seven with other men before I met you. Number eleven will come in a few months.”

Damn! I knew it and got up to leave but Frieda quickly grabbed my hand and pulled it to her left tit ... heart. Her tears were falling like rain. As we see eye-to-eye I spoke. “It takes lots of work to keep six wifes and 26 kids fed. I love all your kids, even those ain’t mine. Treat them all the same. I got to keep everything here working right. Sometimes I’m so sore and tired it hurts.”

She now held both my hands to her bare titties and nippies then looked at me as if she knew what I was going to say before saying it. “Sit down Peter. Please. This is very difficult for me. It was the worst mistake of my life and you know I have made plenty of them. I love you and all the people here. You are the best man I have ever known in every way. For four months I was properly dressed and well-behaved business woman. I wore three layers of clothing in the summer’s heat so nothing would show. Honest! All those meetings, tours and conversations about the most arcane junk imaginable wore me down. I was the only woman in a room full of young handsome men. I really missed, Lenora, Angelle, Zelda, Pedra, Petrina and you ... all the people here. Please stay!”

I did not need to hear her confession and pulled away fast as possible. I may talk funny but I ain’t dumb. I knew what she was going to say. Damn wiman ruined our marry. Ain’t no way I can ever trust her again. Oh shit! For the first time I wondered about my other wifes.

Frieda was crying a flood of tears. “I’m begging you, listen to me. Please.!

I wanted to say don’t blame me because you was horny and spreading your legs for them men. You know most men just want to feel your big titties and nippies then fuck you and leave you. Several left you with bastards. A marry wiman only get lovey-dovey from husband.

With shaky voice and teary red eyes Frieda look my way. “You must believe me; I didn’t go there for sex. I am almost four months along and not sure if Steve or Stan succeeded. At this point it doesn’t matter.”

Sadness and anger was boiling inside me long all while she talking again. “You asked me to find out how the Homer Meat and Food Company operates. That meant understanding how Steve and Stan Homer personally operate. I’ll give you details later but for now, let me say they are the horniest and most virile men I’ve ever met.”

For first time in long time I felt less than a man but didn’t say nothing cause need to get business details.

“Since the war ended, they’ve bought thousands of farms, ranches and food processing facilities for pennies on the dollar. Sometimes they get banks to almost give them property. They will also buy a few properties in an area and do their best to force the remaining owners into selling cheap. Sometimes they force ranchers and farmers into bankruptcy or even abandoning their property. After acquiring most of the farms, ranches and food processing facilities in one area, they consolidate their holdings into an integrated and tightly controlled operation. The Homer Brothers Meat and Food Company becomes the only major employer in that area and rarely pays more than starvation wages. The Company then creates a monopoly for food, clothing ... everything. With no police, regulations, taxes ... even a vestige of government they are reaping huge untaxed profits. Stan and Steve Homer own the largest and most profitable company in America. Some estimate their net worth at 130 billion and increasing daily.

I spent almost six months at their headquarters about 208 kilometers south of Atlanta. They live in a beautiful old southern plantation mansion on 2600 plus hectares. That is about 6500 acres in the old units. They raise pecans, peaches, peanuts, cotton, wheat, corn, beef cattle, chickens ... almost everything people eat. Many properties have significant oil, mining and timber operations on them. They grow so much alfalfa, hay, corn and specialty feeds that competitors and small farmers must buy from them. They are almost totally self-sufficient in food and fiber. They even invented, probably stole the technology to make diesel fuel from sewerage and manure. (pig, chicken and cow shit)

Their nearest meat packing plant is huge, completely automated facility located about 26 kilometers away in another small town. This facility slaughters and processes all the cattle produced in southern Georgia. In spite of its immense size, only 130 people work there. The facility earned 19.5 million dollars profit on sales of 93.5 million dollars last year. The Company shipped most of the hides, tallow and fat from this facility to sister companies.

It is no accident that the Homer Meat and Food Company owns and operates every dairy plant in Georgia. Every dairy farm in the state must bring their raw milk to the Homer brothers for processing. Their highly automated dairy plants also manufacture and sell cheese, ice cream, yogurt and other dairy products. Those endeavors added 117 million dollars in sales and 26 million in profits to the company coffers last year.

Every morning starting at 6 A.M. a small fleet of busses carries children to one of several schools on their property. One hour later, at 7:00 AM those busses bring the employees (every woman not pregnant or nursing) to one of the company’s operations. At 3:00 P.M. the first wave of workers is coming home on those buses. At 4:00 P.M. children are brought home. By 6:00 P.M. the last wave of employees and children are home. The routine mentioned operates year-round.

By August my routine with Stan, Steve and their male business associates was getting stale. Several men repeatedly and openly propositioned me. Of course, I politely but firmly refused all their advances. I thought of all the people back home and never dreamed of betraying your trust. At night, except for the business discussions, meals and tours mentioned, I remained alone and bored in my room. Meanwhile Stan, Steve and invited guests partied hearty almost every night.

Homer women who are not pregnant must wear a beige cotton skirt and blouse or dress and follow a very stringent behavior code. Although coats and jackets can be worn in cold and inclement weather no underwear or additional clothing is allowed. As if it makes a difference, pregnant and nursing women can wear whatever they want whenever they want. Many chose to wear nothing but a skirt. I have always said that nudity never bothered me. I often envied those women because I had to remain business-like--modest and wear two or three layers of clothing.

I suffered in the summer heat and humidity with several layers of cloth, yet everyone saw these monster mammaries of mine bounce and wobble. As the temperature and humidity rose my clothing became sweaty and wet. In other words, by day’s end I looked like the winner of an old fashion wet T-shirt contest instead of a prim and proper female executive. Even worse, the expensive bras and other clothes I brought with me were beginning to fail. Now please tell me why do men look right through a woman’s clothing as if she is already naked? Is there a difference between bare breasts and total nudity? Is it possible to remove the hypocrisy, curiosity, ogling and sexual connotation that inevitably happens when men imagine clothed women naked? I tried to avoid those questions and situations because I needed Stan and Steve to sign several contracts and acquire more information about the company.

Meanwhile Stan, Steve and some invited guests partied hearty almost every night. The Homer brothers must be the two horniest men alive. No offense Peter, but they really put you to shame. Stan and Steve have tremendous stamina and virility. They keep their female employees (slaves) living on the farm happy, fed, productive, sexually sated and pregnant. Every woman with children lives in small but comfortable home with hot and cold running water, electricity and forced air heat. None of those homes here have air conditioning. Ceiling fans, big trees in the yard and a clothing optional policy help make the long, hot and humid summers tolerable. Most of the women not living near the mansion have other men in their lives but I will discuss that situation later. Pregnant, postpartum and nursing women have more freedom than others. They also receive a nice stipend from the company and do not have to work. Perhaps that is why so many women are pregnant.

Neither Stan nor Steve have any idea nor cares how many children he has fathered. Both men frequently travel from one facility to the other and claim feudal rights over every woman on their properties and employment. They openly brag about fucking and impregnating any woman desired. Thus far, neither has ever admitted being sexually involved with anyone under 18.

All the men working for the Homer brothers or living on any of their properties must also follow a strict code of behavior. Public affection between men and women is prohibited and therefore rarely seen. One man had to make a horrible choice because he got a woman other than his wife/lover pregnant. The poor man was publicly humiliated, stripped naked, neutered (publicly castrated) then had to watch his wife and daughters of age being fucked ... impregnated by Stan and Steve.

In mid-September Stan, Steve and I had a long conversation. We talked frankly and they seemed to understand my frustrations. Three young, lithe and beautiful female servants named Joannie, Carol and Xena were assigned to me. I am not sure which is worse, total nudity or the thin uniform they wore. I mean really! Everyone could see their cute little boobies, nipples and cunts through the thin beige cloth. All three are of racially mixed heritage. Carol was the shortest of the trio and barely five feet tall. Her ripe small apple-shaped breasts topped by brown areoles about 2 centimeter in diameter and 1 centimeter long nipples looked perfect on her petite body. A magnificent mane of long straight black hair hung free and loose to her shoulder blades. Pearly tan skin, big brown baby-doll eyes and a rather wide nose were proof of her Asian ancestry.

Xena looked exotic and mysterious as her ancient namesake with honey colored skin, forest green eyes and long straight red hair that seemed to glow like fiery embers. She was also the strongest and most muscular of the three girls. Her small mound-like breasts topped by tiny coppery colored areoles and thin nipples rarely moved yet personified Mother Earth. As expected, she enjoyed hunting, fishing, hiking and swimming.

Joannie’s tall, lithe, perfectly tanned body was the epitome of young womanhood. Her big blue eyes had an odd oval shape as if she had some Oriental ancestry. Her naturally blond hair seemed to confirm pure Caucasian ancestry. All those characteristics plus firm, jutting and cone-shaped breasts with pointy nipples made Joannie a very attractive girl/woman.

Joannie, Carol and Xena made me feel safe and relaxed in my suite. Their quiet, friendly and non-threatening personalities became a physical and emotional balm. Within a few days they were bathing, dressing, and pampering me without any hint of sexual activity. They also took care of my meals and other personal details. When they asked about my bald cunt, huge breasts and big nipples I answered honestly.

My isolation and loneliness, their innocence and presence ... What can I say? By early October my requests became bolder and more sexual. One night it happened. I needed some lonely, horny and desperately needed some lovey-dovey. I needed relief and did not want to involve another man. On request, all three shed their garments and satisfied my requests. I saw your face and felt your hands and tongue every time they touched, rubbed, kissed or licked me.”

Frieda broke down and was sobbing again. Took a while before she come out clean and washed off. Something happened in there. More likely in her head because she came out in an uproar and asked whole new bunch of questions. “Did you ever tell them anything about me?”

My answer was honest. “No! I just told them you was coming to talk, look around and perhaps negotiate some contracts. Why?”

Her voice was cracking again. “Somebody must have told them all about me.”

“What you talking about?”

Frieda stood up, dropped whatever cloth was hanging on her hip, held her tits high and look at me with anger. “Start with these honeydew melon-sized tits and their thumb-sized nipples. Then we will talk about my under used pussy. Take a good look! Everything you see needs lots of attention. Damnit! You were not there! A woman like me gets horny often. Shit! That’s why I suffered through eight pregnancies and birthed ten babies. I haven’t felt this full...”

Frieda sudden turn almost white as ghost, get big buggy eyes and sit ... almost pass out ... faint. Got real worry cause her color and breathing wasn’t normal for good while. Her tears and fears real. “What if eleven and twelve are in there. Remember, I had two sets of twins. As you often say, I need lots of lovey-dovey. When I’m that horny I need a good old fashioned orgasmic cunt busting fucking.”

Until she said those words, I might have forgiven her. Even get nekid and give her some lovey-dovey. Never again! She finally tell Truth. Somehow I answer. “Honest, I never said a word about your past. We are ... was marry with three kids between us. Whatever you done back then ain’t none of anyone’s business.”

Frieda spitting mad. “Steve and Stan knew every fucking detail of my life!”

I tried to understand. “Frieda, I know that Charlie man and others give you money for fucking but that years before we met. I know you gave your tits to many baby not yours. Neither us was virgins when we met. Honest, all that don’t matter. Everyone see you got world’s biggest tits and nippies. Now, tell me what happened?”

Frieda was trying to calm herself and me. “OK. Are you sure?”

I was doing best to stay calm because needed Truth. “Yes! You already tell me one them Homer brothers fucked a bastard into your belly. Knowing you had twin two time before ain’t no surprise if you got two in there. Won’t matter now. We ain’t marry no more but we got people needing us, so tell me what happened!”

Frieda was seated and calmly continue telling her story. “Joannie, Carol and Xena usually satisfied me. One night after doing their best, things felt different. According to the bedside clock a mere 26 minutes had passed since they left and I turned out the lights. I woke up naked and horny. Remember, I have slept naked almost every night of my adult life. I desperately needed your lovey-dovey and began rubbing myself down there. Unfortunately, that did not work. The cold shower I took did not put out my fire. I put on the silk kimono you gave me after Pedra was born and tried reading some technical articles. Three paragraphs later my body and mind were totally discombobulated. I was hornier than a drunken sailor on his first night ashore.

I had to get out. I left my room and began sneaking through the mansion’s dark and empty hallways. I stopped in the doorway of a large open dimly lit room and saw the Homer brothers standing tall, strong and god-like. Both men had a young, beautiful and naked woman at their feet. Well over a hundred, maybe a thousand hard dicks have been inside my vagina but I swear, these guys were the biggest! Honest! They’re bigger than yours. Their balls were fist-sized cauldrons of virile sperm. Both men had dicks with large knobby tips. Steve’s dick was nearly as long as my arm but thinner. Stan’s was a little shorter but fatter.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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