Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War - Cover

Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War

Copyright© 2023 by Maria Bordelon

Chapter 6: Two More Wifes

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6: Two More Wifes - Parts of this book are written in a dialect common to poor people living in New Orleans before and after the 13th War. Some may also refer to this cataclysmic event as World War III. The events described in this volume are not for the faint of heart. Any resemblance to known people, events or characters of literature is purely coincidental. Many scenes and descriptions are erotic. All the main characters are over 18. Some of the words, situations and descriptions may be offensive. I can honestly

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Historical   Post Apocalypse   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism  

I don’t like leaving my three wifes and kids but few time each year must go fix fences around property and put up “No Trespassing” signs so people stay out. Each trip usually take two weeks. Like doing this stuff in June, September and January. Days in January be short and cold but critters and snakes be hibernating so it safer work in fields and forest. June and September be hot. Must get up early before gets hot. By noon rest, even go for a swim. If lucky might catch fish for dinner. Ain’t no point hunting in day when most animal sleeping. Truck I use got camper with bed, stove, refrigerator, toilet, shower and genset. It really be home away from home. Big knobby tires and winch on each end get me out of places maybe shouldn’t be in. Trailer has tools, spare tires, extra fuel, supplies needed and a skip loader with bucket on front and post drill on back. All three engines diesel. I carry a 38 pistol on me and got rifle and shotgun in truck for hunting and protexshun.

I was out in late September on west side of property inspecting fences. As I come around a turn the creek opened wide and flat. Water here would be shallow, clear and warm ... probably not good for fishing or drinking but OK for sort of swimming and splashing off. So far, no problems. Spoke too soon. Up there just off the road about 100 meters away I saw a small blue sedan. Looked around but didn’t see no one. They could have a breakdown, flat tire, lost, out of gas ... maybe was stolen. Shut the engine, checked my 38, opened the windows and waited. A few minute gone before I heard faint noises. No question they was female. Get out binoculars for better look. Both taller than Lisa and got more tit than she ever get but ain’t got big hips or tits like Frieda and Katrina. Both was wearing real dresses. Knew right away they was rich city folk or knew how to make clothes. They sort of look like opposites. One gal got brown eyes and short blond hair. Other gal had blue eyes guarantee make sky jealous and long black hair almost touch her ass. Both complaining because no bathroom or toilet paper. Bingo! They was rich city gals. That’s also why I don’t take my wifes out here. Took while before both wimen pull dresses up and squat. Men got it easy--simply pull out and go.

Ain’t much more boring than watching another do business. Took a moment to check my 38 again. Notice blond gal finished, pull herself together and now waiting for her friend. Didn’t wait long or like what I hear. Seems other gal was screaming curses no wiman should. Damn city gal missed and pissed her clothes. Her friend help her stand and walk to creek. Crap! Got a broken fence there. Next thing I see is both gal on ground. Seems they slip in mud and now both now striping off so get selves and clothes clean. Both now nekid and swishing clothes in river. Moment later their dresses, socks and shoes was spread on small bushes to dry. Didn’t see no bras or panties. Lisa was only wiman I knew wore them things. Bless her heart, Lisa sure didn’t need a bra for her itty-bitty titties. I thought about getting out and saying something but watching them splashing and playing like kids was fun. Besides, they wasn’t doing no harm.

Look through binoculars again but this time focus up close. See blond gal titties first. Her titties be way bigger than Lisa’s but small if looking at Frieda or Katrina. Her nice sort of fat cone titties got hard pink nippies perfect for twiddling and sucking. Her small hairy cunny was trim nice but curlier and darker than top. Seeing lighter color triangles on tits, cunny and ass tell me she wore bikini or whatever wimen think be swimming clothes and teasing men.

Heard someone say wimen like black hair gal be willowy. Will say her hip slim but got nice curve. Grew up around lot of Veetmeese folk but never see one with blue eye. Her face sort of round with flat nose. No mistake, her eye got slant like China, Japan or Veetmeese people. Probably got all mix up with someone white because her pale yellowy skin got darkish golden color them folk have. Her titties be smaller than her friend but sit high on her chest and got sort of fat lemony shape with dark brown pointy nippies. Down below a small black hair triangle hide her wimen lips. Like her friend this gal got them light skin triangles on titties, cunny and ass.

Damn boy! Why you looking at them gals? You got three hot, willing and mostly nekid wifes waiting at home. Being honest, sometimes my three wifes was nekid. Didn’t have good answer except men is men. Quickly put binoculars away because man monster throbbing and I got to pee. Oh shit! Opening and closing door make enough noise so they notice. Just as I come through bushes they both grab and slip on damp dresses. No matter to me because I already saw all they got. I decide on a little fun with them and shout. “Whoa! What you gals doing on my land?”

Both surprised and embarrassed. “We didn’t mean to disturb anything. We’ll be leaving now.”

“Hold on! Y’all be trespassing!”

The black hair girl flashes her pretty sky-blue eyes while speaking. “We’er sorry. We didn’t know it was your property.”

Both look at me with kind of inncent face knowing they guilty. Black hair gal turn her pretty blue eye my way again. “We had to stop.”

I make mean face asking, “Why here?”

Black hair gal come right back with humble voice. “It’s kind of personal.”

“We didn’t mean to break any laws. We did not know this was your property. Honest.” The blond says.

“Please don’t call the sheriff or arrest us?” The black hair gal begs.

I took a long pause before saying another word. Thought about saying I saw both you nekid and pissing in the bushes then playing and splashing in creek. Your hard nippies prove you nekid in them dresses. Dare not say my man monster getting impatient and like to fuck both you silly. Enough! Stood tall and proud with a hand on my gun. “I am deputy sheriff Peter Reegans!”

Forgot which one tried calling my bluff. “Maybe we should call the real sheriff.”

Real quick showed them my badge. “Told you, I am a real deputy and y’all was trespassing on my proptee. Sheriff and judge don’t like folk breaking laws.”

“We didn’t see any signs. And we didn’t know this was your property.”

One gal was sort of pleading. “Please don’t arrest us.”

Other come back quick. “Law says we can be naked almost everywhere.”

“OK, but trespassing ain’t legal. Now tell me what else y’all done.”

Both gals was looking worried and whisper something between them.

“Best tell me everything and save everyone trouble.”

Both gals look at each other and giggle. I knew neither wanted to say they stopped for a piss then slip in mud. I try panic them with commanding voice. “Just answer my questions! Start by telling me names and where you girls from!?”

“We are from New Orleans. We are ladies not gals or girls.” The blond replied with some uppitiness. “I am Alexandra Rochon. You can call me Alex. And this is my friend Tuyet Ngyuen-Smith. We were just taking a little drive. Exploring the area. We had several job interviews in Covington.”

Dark hair gal quickly brag. “We both recently graduated.”

“Congrats. From where in what?”

“We also passed our state licensing boards in June.”

“Graduation from where in what? What state boards? Last I hear State of Loozzeeanna be closed.”

Alex, the blond spoke again. “I graduated from LSU Medical Center with a Bachelor’s in Nursing last year and completed my Masters this year. I am now a fully licensed nurse practitioner for pediatrics and Oby-Gyn.”

Tuyet, the one with black hair now got all proud and uppity. “I earned my Bachelors in Dental Science and Hygiene, with honors. I am also fully licensed and board certified.

I smile back at them and reply. “Damn! Y’all is like a doctor and dentist. Y’all done good!”

“Thanks, but we are a long way from being doctors or dentists. We’d like to go now.” Alex pleaded.

“Just a moment.” This was too good to let slip away. “We need a doctor and dentist. “I got one more question. Y’all got jobs?”

“No, that’s why we came up here. We both have more interviews in Covington, Hammond and Slidell this week.”

Tuyet was on her high horse again. “I doubt that you or that dinky town we passed back there could ever pay us a decent salary.”

Believe she talking about Folsom but really didn’t care. Did tell her this. “Don’t worry none about money. Ain’t no town or hospital got money to hire you. I do.”

“Yeah, right!”

“Yes, I do!”

“Stop. We aren’t getting married.” One replied but both gals giggled. They now knew I wouldn’t arrest them. I also knew they didn’t believe a word I said. Our q and a session took the entire afternoon. When the sky gave the first hint of color I said this place wasn’t safe at night. I suggested they take care of business in some friendly dry bushes before leaving. While they done that I saw another serious problem—the huge ant pile under their rear bumper. One wrong move would fill the car with thousands of angry biting fire ants. I told them wait by my truck while I walked over there and dump some poison on them ants. Both gal look relieved but puzzled when I got back and tell them poison need a day to work. Sort of understood why both gal didn’t get in after I open my truck door. Had to remind them wasn’t safe here and traveling in dark on strange roads not a good idea.

After they was in my truck told them going to old campground about two miles ... damn new numbers, I mean three kilometers up the road. Still getting used to new numbers. Damn ABC bastards force us to use what called Metric or International System For Measurement. I pulled into a space, secured the truck and trailer then got to cooking dinner. Dinner wasn’t anything special but no one find anything else in these parts. Any restrunt or hotel in these parts been closed for years and ain’t likely ever open again. After dinner I let them choose: They could stay with me in camper bed or lay on seat in truck. Didn’t hide nothing. Told them I sleep nekid and must get up early cause fences and other things on my proptee need fixing.

I did my night care then shut the lights and got in bed. Camper was too small and cramped for worry about being shy. I left a blanket and flashlight so girls do what needed then walk outside and climb in truck cab for night. Heard them whispering but didn’t catch no words. I roll over and close eyes, no need looking at what saw earlier. Besides I got three wifes like lovey-dovey and babies. Lisa done real good feeding her baby. Trina and Frieda with big melon tits make sure no baby ever go hungry. Seen all three wifes give their milky titties to feed a hungry baby and didn’t care if be theirs or another’s.

Real surprise when one gal get in bed. Must been Alex because her body and legs was shorter than Tuyet. When Tuyet got in bed had to roll on side so everyone fit. All three wifes know when they push their smooth ass against my man monster it slip between legs for lovey-dovey. Honest, I was tired and really wasn’t looking for lovey- dovey. Don’t know what Alex and Tuyet was dreaming but being between those two nekid wimen give me all sorts of sexy dreams with man monster up, big and hard. Few more bumps and man monster slip into a warm wet female place while my hands twiddling nippies. Wasn’t long after that her oohs, aahs and high-pitch wimen noises sound like music in my dreaminess. When she wiggle closer and hold my hands on her tits we both happy. So far we enjoying nice sex and know sex happiness come after more activity.

Could have been a leg cramp. Maybe a thrill or chill from nippies or clitty. Maybe she wanted just be more comftable. Anyway she stretched out and moved away. Damn wiman left me and man monster cold and wet. Soon as I sense she not moving and laying on her back with legs spread I get back in there. Right away I hold her tight. No frantic hips bumping or balls slapping her ass. Just my man monster slipping back inside her warm wet cunny and having delightful sensations. Damn! All sudden my eyes pop open because two little fists hitting my shoulders and hear a frantic wiman voice telling me get off! My hands hold her tight as we roll over yet never come loose. With her on top first thing she do is look around then take few nice breaths. Few moments later she feeling relax to just nicely wiggle hips so man monster full up inside her. Really feeling her sitting on me yet our hips slipping and bouncing. Even pull my hands to her bouncing little titties and hard nippies. Right about then thinking this Tuyet on me cause body feel long and light. Small titties just seem more like what I know Veetmeese wimen have. She talking in high pitch wiman sounds, oohs and aahs. Both us feeling heat and happiness. Her cunny bathing and squeezing my man monster so much hot liquid suddenly cool dripping from her cunny and down my ass. See and feeling her happy little sex shakes. Seem we getting excited cause we both moving our hips faster, could say banging together. Our bodies sweating knowing something big soon happening. Meanwhile we enjoying pleasures and pumping harder.

Don’t know how long we had happy feelings of floating from stars to sea and seeing things so colored no artist paint them. Oh damn! As man monster shrank away her cunny leaking more cold liquidy stuff on me and bed. She suddenly sort of panicky. Didn’t know if it was cause she leaking or needing to pee. No matter. She climb off and step fast to bathroom. The wiman took so long time on toilet had me squeezing off man monster so wouldn’t pee. Moment she off toilet I climbed out and done three steps just in time. When I finished and done a quick wash off my blurry sleepy eyes see Alex standing in shadows squeezing legs real desperate. Moment later she sitting on toilet pissing real storm and finally breathing normal. Sometimes them nighttime urges funny so I step in and take care of business. While doing what needed I hear them talking.

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