Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War - Cover

Peter and His Wives: Life After the 13th War

Copyright© 2023 by Maria Bordelon

Chapter 5: Lisa Be My Three Wife

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5: Lisa Be My Three Wife - Parts of this book are written in a dialect common to poor people living in New Orleans before and after the 13th War. Some may also refer to this cataclysmic event as World War III. The events described in this volume are not for the faint of heart. Any resemblance to known people, events or characters of literature is purely coincidental. Many scenes and descriptions are erotic. All the main characters are over 18. Some of the words, situations and descriptions may be offensive. I can honestly

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Historical   Post Apocalypse   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism  

How y’all are? I haven’t seen you for while. I’ve been doing really good. Both my wives, Frieda and Katrina had little girls—Pedra and Petrina. Both my girls happy little cuties. Katrina went first. All of us was terrfied. If anything bad happened neither Saint Tammany Parish Hospital nor Lakeview Regional Medical Center, two biggest hospitals in Covington over 30 miles away was open. Neither had money, doctors or nurses to operate properly. Things so bad they couldn’t combine and make one hospital.

Anyway, Katrina went through labor and delivery fairly fast. Frieda thought she knew what need be done because she had eight baby. Seems it different when you caring for preggy wiman than being one. Swabbing a preggy wiman and listening to her pain screams ain’t nothing nice. Frieda says was first time in years we used the clinic in manshon. Had lots of bandages and stuff but none us was doctor or nurse. Lord know my hands was trembling when I hold sharp little knife ... scalpel. Thank goodness Frieda help me scrape out blood then cut and tie cord like doctor. Now know how everyone got belly button. Was about two month later did all over again when Frieda got to birthing. This time knew what we need do but Frieda took longer before she push Pedra out.

Both my wimen got bigger tits after her baby come. Seem like my babies got two mommies. Katrina and Frieda do everything for those babies. They even feed they titties to other’s baby. Both babies happy and really don’t care who give them a big milky titty. As said, they almost 2-year-old and time for big kid stuff—no more sucking titties, get potty train and start talking.

Almost three year Frieda and Katrina been making, feeding and raising babies. I been working to keep everyone fed and all machinery operating properly. One warm Spring afternoon Freida, Katrina and I was sitting on an old sofa in the garage office talking about money, parts and other stuff we need. Biggest decision come from all this talking was we need a teacher. Both my wife say they didn’t want children talking like me. I agree. Frieda and Katrina tell me they post job on all website operating. Even send out some fliers by mail. Know that going to take long time because only get mail one day a week. Sometime don’t get no mail because no one to do job or truck break. Sure ain’t like it was before war.

For good while I’m quiet and just sitting there between wifes with arm on they shoulders and fingers drifting over titties and nippies. Every once while one of them give a little shiver then gasp and smile. Katrina move first and hold me tight against her big bare tits and nippies then give me a lip-smacking tongue-dancing kiss that get man monster riled. Next I know Katrina on her knees, pulling my pants down then stroking and licking me. Didn’t take long before man monster happy, big and hard. Didn’t know or care what got her so hot and bothered. Do know it been a while since we done lovey-dovey. Moment later Katrina slink down, lay back pull me to her so I can lick and suck her nippies. Don’t take long before she panting and squirming with sex happiness. When Katrina wiggle just right I slip my hand inside her hairy female place and rub that nub. Few minute later she shaking and again floating in sex happiness. I let her slow a bit and see her smile cause she know she got more coming. Three or four thrusts all I need to get man monster deep inside her hot wet cunny. Our hot sweaty bodies slip and slide like oily machinery. My breathing sounding like big tractor pulling a 15 row-plow uphill. Katrina making more loud and high-pitched noises only a wiman shaking with sex happiness make. Lost track of Time and Place. My whole body was feeling magic thrills and chills. Ain’t no way to know number of times man monster shot baby makers and happiness into her. No way to know how long we floating in sex happiness. Eventually I shrink, slip out and push off. After that we lay there happy, sweaty and breathing hard.

When morning come, I had to promise give Freida real sex happiness. Poor Frieda tell me she rub her nippies and clitty last night but not same as lovey-dovey from hubby. Had to tell her wait few days cause I didn’t have anything in man tanks.

Few days later we had a sleep-over. Seem we always had one kid sleeping over, doing it for all seven kids was different. Lenora got to be a big girl babysitter. After dinner, games and lots of giggles we finally got them quiet and sleeping. Frieda went to her cabin so Katrina and I do clean-up then see kids OK. We take quick walk and see Frieda sitting at her kitchen table and sobbing like baby. I ask if it a wimen thing. Katrina say they need to talk and send me home.

Hour later, I went back in and saw them sitting at Freida’s kitchen table. With hushed voices they was sometimes saying my name. Wasn’t easy hearing more words cause my nerves and worry was going up. Damn! Last thing I want was two angry wifes. Seeing Frieda’s tears return along with grumbles I not love her no more got me worked up cause just ain’t true. When Katrina say something like that I almost scream. I always give them lovey-dovey. I never hear them complain. Both wife point my way then to a chair, so I sat down. Not sure who speak first. Not sure it mattered. Do remember they took turns telling me things never thought I’d hear.

Frieda say her heart. “We love you Peter and are willing to share you. We know you love us.”

Katrina say it honest. “I’m not sure another man could or would do all you do for us and the kids.”

Frieda speak her heart again. “Please understand the word is love not babies. Since that damn war began birth control has vanished. Pedra is my 8th baby. I lost seven children in that war and can’t take another loss. I don’t want another baby but a woman like me needs love, as you say lovey-dovey”

Wow! Damn! My mouth drop with shock. Their smiles say love. Watching their hands touching other’s titties get man monster riled. I know, weird! When their mouths meet for kiss like man and wiman I sucked air cause worry going through me. Knew wiman loving wiman way more common after after cause wasn’t as many men but never thought my wifes be doing that. Both was now on Frieda’s bed and breathing hot and heavy. Both got shiny sweaty skin. Katrina lying flat on her back and pulling Frieda to her big brown titties with big dark brown circles and fingertip-size nippies. Wasn’t long they switch up so Katrina could do same to Frieda’s huge honeydew melons capped by a dark pink palm-sized circle and thumb-size nippy. Both wimen getting sex happiness yet want more so they move around and now licking and kissing other’s clitty.

More surprising be my iron-hard man monster in hand. Never know seeing wifes making lovey-dovey do that to me. My breathing got loud and wild as theirs. High-pitched gasps, moans and strange female sounds come from both wimen. No way I saying who made those sounds. Seeing both my wifes shivering with sex happiness should made me jealous, even angry. Nope. I was too far gone. My breathing was wild. My hips was bucking. My body was shaking. I heard them scream and saw both bodies shiver and shake then get tight with more sex happiness. All while one fast-moving hand was pumping my iron-hard throbbing man monster until stuff shooting out.

Few minute later, I went to bathroom and did my business and clean up mess. Both wimen soon follow. After Katrina wipe off with washrag she tell us she want more. Sheepish grins and sly words follow. Not sure who did what to whom? Nor say who got it first. Only say both wife woke next morning with smile, some soreness and needing a bath. Next day both wife wearing a skirt, sort of walk funny next day and got something in there stopping leaking stuff.

All three of us needed a few easy days. We talk about all sorts of stuff money, security, food, school for kids. Even came up with plan so both wife get lovey-dovey the need. Three months later Katrina announce she pregnant again. All the kids was happy knowing they getting another baby sister. All baby since war is girl excepting sometime twin but even then be toss up tween two girl or girl and boy. So far, neither Trina nor Frieda got twin with me.

As Katrina got bigger Frieda got jealous. Damn wiman wanted more lovey-dovey and many night wore me out. Sucking on her thumb-sized nippies and bare-down-there clitty used to be fun. Many night she begging for my man monster inside her cunny. Almost ashamed to say it but she was like bitchy animal in heat needing to breed. No fun. No love. Just fucking to breed like wild animal. Meanwhile Katrina say being preggy allow her get more sex happiness without worry cause already preggy.

Meanwhile I working my tail off making long list of repairs shorter, plowing the fields and trying to satisfy two horny wimen. Four five day each month I out seeing what we got and always find something new. Even round up some cattle. Frieda show me which be for dairy and beef. Separate biggest and meanest angry ass bull for each herd and kept the beasts in isolated pasture. Them dudes not keep for breeding made some mighty fine eating.

One day Frieda tell me to take truck to town and pick up new teacher. I was expecting a wiman not a little girl wearing a real dress and shoes. Word petite make her seem big. Lisa Monroe be just 19 and one of last graduates from William Carey University and Baptist Theological Seminary down in Nu Orleens. She proud to show me her bachelor’s degree and certification from the State of Louisiana. No more schooling for making teachers, doctors, engineers, welders or other folk know stuff cause all schools closed forever.

I suppose best describe Lisa now. She got pretty green eyes, dark reddish hair and bright smile. Said her sizes in old numbers was 4 feet 11 inches tall and weigh 99 pounds with 32-A-22-32 body. Said wears size 2 or X-small clothes but I had no idea what really meant. Will say she more curvey than a little girl. Lisa say lady should always be properly dressed and never show her breasts or private areas in public. Little gal was one of few ... only wiman I saw with bra and panties since war. Weird because not sure her itty-bitty titties need bra. Also say any wiman have children out of wedlock be immoral and going to Hell. I tell her we marry and got children so that shouldn’t be problem. She know way more wimen than men living today but said that no reason to do wrong. Even said man should have only one wife. When tell her my wifes never cover they big breasts she just look shock and mumble more about sinnerrs.

Lisa needed few day for settling in her cabin and fix school place. Frieda did say big house had school rooms. Pity big house not open. Frieda did show us school rooms with books and supplies. Took what needed and brought to another cabin and set up school. Even though we didn’t have many kids Lisa set up classes. Young ones 4 to 6 was schooled on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Kids 7 to 9 got school Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Older kids 10 to 12 got their schooling on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Anyone with an adult body, even itty-bitty titties, or get few hairs hair down there got no more schooling. Lisa didn’t do teaching on Sunday. Said that day for Lord and rest.

As Spring warmed the earth, I redid pumps and pool machinery. When learn Lisa was lifeguard in high school and college we ask her be same and teach kids swimming. Lisa look at us almost white as ghost and say “No way!”

Didn’t make no sense to me. Later learn she didn’t have no swimsuit. I almost laugh. Swimsuit! Only suit any us got is birthday suit. Most time my wifes and kids wearing nothing but skirt or loincloth ... rags hanging on the waist. Lot of time we nekid. Poor Lisa always muttering prayer words about us nekid sinners. By Summer her clothes was getting bit stretchy and faded. Often see two tiny hard nippies poking her blouse or dress. Lisa always turn away quick, look bit sheepish and shamed then fold arms on chest. Both wifes say I shouldn’t be looking at another wiman. Katrina and Frieda have talk with Lisa and give her clothes girls outgrow.

Lisa know laws changed so two, three, even ten or twenty women and one man be legally married. She also know wimen wear whatever they want even if they don’t want to wear anything. Legal or not, Lisa say wasn’t right or Godly. According to Lisa marry only be when God bless one man and one woman wearing clothes except when making a baby. She sort of got the marry right. We show her paper that preacher sign when he marry us.

I suppose y’all asking where this talk going. Was a hot day in late July. Lisa walking along river that run all through property. I following just to keep her safe. Honest, didn’t have no other reason follow her. A city gal like Lisa know nothing about moving through woods. Guess she walk about an hour before getting tired and needing do her personal. See her look around for nice place but had real worried face cause it complicated for wiman, especially wiman wearing clothes. A man just stick out and go. A wiman must remove or lift whatever clothing she wearing then squat. Even if she nekid squatting take more time and care than standing and going. Poor gal got all set when foot slip while doing business and get her clothes peed on. One instant later Lisa was cursing loud because she had to strip off and washout clothes and nekid self in river. Waiting for clothes to dry while she nekid making her really nervous. After while the sun not quite dry her clothes. Know she thinking about putting damp clotheses on anyway.

Long reddish hair hanging loose below shoulders wasn’t her usual neatly combed. Her pretty green eyes moving so fast I wonder if she see and focus on anything. Glad no animals around because she showing nerves and fear. Her little fury triangle got same color hair as top but darker and curly. Her itty-bitty titty mounds got small button circles and pebble-size nippies. A smart wiman like Lisa know all wimen got milk making things no matter how big or small titties be. Guess that be a way of saying more than a mouthful wasted. Dare not say those words when wifes with big tits around.

I didn’t mean to scare her. Well, yes, I did, but I playing, when shout “Boo!” Thought was fun way of saying I’m here. Lisa shriek like wild animal gone mad, drop one hand between her legs and hold an arm across her chest then crouch down knowing someone seen her nekid. Sorry, but I laugh. Moment Lisa see me she screaming all sort of curse words. Hearing a goody goody wiman like her say them words be real surprise. Take while before my laughing and her cursing stop. By then I apologizing and offer her my shirt. Seem like two seconds later she got my shirt on and button up. Now know what word ironic mean. Every time Lisa move shirt fall away from her little body so I see her titties and nippies. When my big shirt hanging on her little body two tiny hard nippies poking cloth. My shirt sort of cover but never really hid her cunny and ass like real clothing should. Think she learn real lesson: Anyone hiding something get looked at. If it out in open gets ignored. Few minute later she give up and hand back my shirt.

Meanwhile I got a small fire started so we can dry her clothes. When fire got nice and hot, I placed a large flat rock over coals then fold her wet dress and put on rock. Every few minutes I remove, refold and replace her dress on that rock. All that work got me sweaty. In flash got my clotheses and boots off then went splashing in water. Lisa try turning other way but moment she see me nekid get beet red and embarrassed. Poor Lisa look like she ready to run. Take lot of soft easy words and promises to be gentleman before she splash off tears.

By time we get back to our little fire her dress bone dry. First time she touched her dress, what was her dress, she screaming and crying again. Can’t blame her. I goofed. I walked away and let the fire dry out her dress so much it got crispy crumbly like ashes. In flash she grab my shirt and button up. Poor Lisa had reason to be angry again. No matter what I say Lisa not hearing my nice apologizing words. Guess she was worried ... afraid of walking home nekid. Offer to give her my pants. She said nothing while looking skyward and real quiet. When she look up strange peace come over her like God thing say it all OK. Anyway, was getting late. Lisa start walking home. Lucky for her I shout she going the wrong way. As Lisa walking back I see her face get that worried question look.

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