Light From the Grey - Cover

Light From the Grey

by Phoenixwriter

Copyright© 2021 by Phoenixwriter

Science Fiction Sex Story: A fight with his wife leads a man on an unexpected adventure when storming off into the night.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Mystery   Science Fiction   Alternate History   Cheating   Sharing   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Hairy   .

It was a cold Canadian winter evening when my wife of seven years and I had a huge fight. Instead of yelling or breaking something I chose to go for a walk; a long walk- a very long walk. The walk turned out to be much further than I expected. I had no real plan when I headed out the door and merely wanted to be far away from that angry woman. I was dressed in a warm winter coat, bomber styled hat and good quality Canadian-made hiking boots. It had been an unusually warm March as I headed west and south towards nowhere specific, but in the general direction of a nearby town and the only 24/7 coffee shop for 50 kms used by truckers. More than getting away from THAT angry woman, I wanted to get away from my life and start anew.

I walked uphill where the road gradually descended into a valley where the small town sat along a north south road I was walking on and an east-west road following a river. As I walked over the hill a dense ice fog enveloped me becoming ever denser as I headed south down the hill. There was no vehicles and I could barely see my boots as I walked ever closer towards my destination. I was at the bottom of the hill where the town should be, but I began to cough as the ice fog turned into choking sooty smog. Suddenly somebody was behind me.

“Hey, buddy, where’s your mask? You know it’s illegal to be outside without your mask. It’s also not safe or smart with the power plant working 110% to meet the corporation’s quota. I just came from there. My apartment is just over there on the second floor. I have a knife and learned martial arts as a kid, so no funny stuff. It’s not right to leave you out in this coal soup.” The stranger said

I nodded and followed my new friend a few doors away to a small four storey sixteen unit apartment building. He pressed his four digit code into the mechanical lock, we entered, the almost hermetically sealed door closed tightly behind us and the ventilation fan sucked out the coal smog we had just let into the building. We paused at his door as he clearly wanted to say something.

“I live with my wife of five years and she normally does not like most men around here. You’re clearly a stranger, so she might be friendly towards you. We don’t have much, but I am willing to do the decent thing and share what we do have. We have a comfy couch I’ve spent a few nights on. As a married man you know what I mean.” The stranger said He was pointing towards my wedding ring.

“That may be changing in the near future.” I said and left it at that.

We walked through the door and he was greeted by a short, plump, young, woman with curves in the right places, a slight belly, black hair and a cheery disposition. She looked past her husband, seeing me for the first time and gave her husband a questioning look I interpreted as a puzzled look of ‘who is this stranger?’ and ‘why did you bring a stranger into our home?’.

“David, who is this handsome stranger you brought home?” the wife said I offered my hand to her.

“I am Justin Jones. I had an argument with my wife, maybe soon-to-be former wife, so I went for a long walk to cool off; to get away from her. When I got over the top of the hill I was surrounded by ice fog. By the time I got to the bottom I began choking and the ice fog had turned to what I assume is smog from burning coal. I’ve never experienced such horrible sooty, acrid smog ever before. I thought smog creating emissions were against the law for the past decade? What is this place? I don’t recognize it.” I said

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Jones. I am Jessica Abrahms and you met my husband David. This is Trent Landing and Lock 18 is a few blocks away. Where did you think it was? Why would anyone make it illegal to make as much profit at the lowest cost possible? What were you doing out without a mask?” Jessica said I carefully chose my words since I knew these people wouldn’t believe the truth or what I theorized as being the truth. I believed when I entered the ice fog I entered a trans-dimensional or time rift and appeared here choking on coal smog. As a highschool History and English teacher, I knew how to parcel my words and when the best time to say the right words; also how disastrous the wrong words anytime can be.

“I remember bits and pieces of my life. I know I am married and had a fight with my wife and was thinking of leaving her for good. I remember what I told you about walking through ice fog and choking when the smog hit me. I also remember heading for Lock 18, but I have no idea why.” I said Apart from the memory loss what I told them was the truth.

“You’re lucky David found you or you’d be dead before you reached Lock 18 without wearing a mask. You’re also lucky one of the ‘slacker patrols’ didn’t press you into a forced labour camp to work you to death. You’ll be safe here for the next week. The weekly check for ‘proof of employment’ did our building last night and they should be back in a week to a month from now. David, get our guest a pillow and blanket so he can sleep on the couch. We can try to secretly look for your work papers or if you have something of value to sell like something gold or silver we can get some black market work papers. I have to finish cooking supper. It’s nothing fancy, just turnip and cabbage soup and a third of a slice of canned mystery meat and a slice of stale pumpernickel rye bread.” Jessica said David did as his wife said and in minutes was out of the tiny bedroom with a thin patched blanket and a lumpy, feather-filled pillow.

“Can I help?” I asked

“You can get a couple bowls from the cupboard above me. There’s a small one you can use since my parents gave us my baby bowls and utensils. We’ve been desperately trying to get pregnant so David can get paid double and I can get paid to stay home and eat better food for the baby. You know the slogan, “more babies for a more prosperous tomorrow” or “pregnancy for prosperity for all” or as we often call it “bucks for babies”. Jessica answered As I got behind her to reach for the dishes I had to press up against her I realized that she was naked under that simple dark blue cotton dress. It had been a month since my wife and I had made love and much longer since we had a passionate raw sweaty sex. I got instantly hard. And I was sure she noticed my hard dick. I felt embarrassed, quickly turned away and set the small dining table. The food was nutritious but barely edible and I knew she had tried her best with this watery soup. It was obvious she was flirting with me as she bent over the table to pass me some salt and a thin slice of the bread. I swear there was a few extra buttons undone since I met her at the door. David seemed oblivious to or was enjoying his wife flashing me a full view of his wife’s full plump braless breasts on full view for me. I suddenly had to excuse myself to straighten out the growing bulge in my pants and calm down my raging hard-on. I swear I saw a brief smile on Jessica’s face as I walked to the bathroom.

I returned to find the table cleared and David gone.

“Where’s David gone?” I asked Another button was undone and I had a clear view of most of her boobs. She gestured me to sit across from her in a classic ‘dad chair’ with a large ancient, but shiny like new, radio blaring pro-corporate songs and jingles praising the benefits of hard work and consumerism. I thought we had too many advertisements where I came from, but this was 100% consumerism and pro-corporate propaganda. I taught this to my students just this past semester. I was lost in thought about how strange this world was that I missed her opening and spreading her legs to give me a clear view of her densely furred dark black pussy with her swollen pussy lips visible and her clit starting to emerge from it’s hood. I couldn’t help staring. It had been over a month since I saw my wife’s neatly trimmed dark blonde pussy. As I sat there staring at lots of cleavage and mostly at her pussy she was getting wet.

“Does David mind you showing strange men your private parts?” I asked

“He knows I am doing this. It was his idea when he saw how friendly I was to you. I can give you a much better look if you want?” Jessica said Before I could answer David returned.

“The store was closed, so I couldn’t get Justin a good quality mask and I couldn’t find his. I didn’t see any fog and the smog is getting worse. They must be firing up the power plant for the supper and evening shift at the plant. Dear have you been entertaining our guest?” David asked

“She’s been close to charming the pants off of me.” I replied We glanced at the state of undress Jessica was and all laughed. He got as hard as I was, scooped up his sexy young wife and took her to bed. A few minutes later I was naked under the covers listening to my new friends make love through the paper thin wall of their bedroom. The soup was going through me and I made a naked sprint to the bathroom to pee. They were both in their early twenties, about a decade or less younger than I, so I figure they would be making love all night long through many orgasms. I was pleasantly surprised to come face-to-face with a very naked Jessica with cum dripping from her pussy. I was lost in thoughts of her when I nearly collided into her. She reached out and stroked my quickly rising dick as I leered at her naked body. I was getting closer and closer to cheating on my wife and blowing my load from the impromptu hand job.

“Are you sure you’re not interested in making love to me. David will need a few more minutes before we are ready for round two. I think I was so turned on flashing you my naughty bits that I wore out my husband. I am so ready for more I am sure I could fit this big boy inside of me. You’re a little larger than I thought you were. I am so wet I am sure it would fit. It sure would be fun trying though.” Jessica said

“Ahhh, no, maybe, no I don’t think I want to cheat on my wife.” I mumbled She let go, went to pee and kept the door open to show me what I was missing. I was laying on the couch when she slowly walked out of the bathroom in all her naked glory. She smiled when she saw the thin blanket tenting with my raging 8 inch hard-on. I was skilled at being professional and ignoring flirting by the teenage girls I taught, whom were a little more than a decade younger than I, so a woman five years older than the girls I taught, which Jessica was seemed was only slightly more difficult. When Jessica bent over flashing her aroused, wet and swollen pussy I was close to cumming. I soon fell asleep dreaming alternatively of my wife and Jessica. I’m a sound sleeper and if they made love again that night I never heard it.

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