The Ride From the Airport - Cover

The Ride From the Airport

by Whatever

Copyright© 2021 by Whatever

Erotica Sex Story: A young wife encounters an older stranger on her way to the airport parking lot

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

The flight from Miami to our home took about two hours. My husband and I had a lovely vacation in the Bahamas. An all-inclusive, romantic, fun, get-away. A much needed break from our professional routines. We stayed in Miami for a couple of days to visit some friends and then made the trip back with relatively little fanfare. After deplaning, we are finally on our way to our car.

“Let’s find that Air-Tram and get to the parking lot. Where were we? Lot 28 in Area D?” My husband, Stephen, was trying to remember.

“I believe so.” I checked in my billfold. “Yes, that’s right. Good memory, Baby!” I smiled back at him.

We made our way to the far end of the terminal after deplaning. It was Spring Break and the airport was quite busy. We had to catch one of the non-stop Air-Tram trains that moved us to one of the remote parking lots for long term parking. The trains maintained a circular route as they picked-up and left-off passengers from the four main terminals to the various parking locations around the circumference of the airport.

I was trying my best to keep up in my four-inch heels. My clothes weren’t made for fast-walking either. I had on a short, beige summer dress with a faint sunflower print. It was mid-thigh length and was cut rather low across my chest. I also had a light blue button-down shirt I wore as a light jacket to hide my substantial cleavage from passersby. Stephen liked me to look sexy on vacation and that’s exactly how I felt today as I wore no bra in my outfit: sexy!

As we approached the tram gates, Stephen dashed through the crowd thinking I was right behind him. He boarded the tram and turned to see me about thirty feet away as the doors closed. He made a pouty-face and motioned to call him. I texted him:

“Don’t worry baby. I’ll be on the next one. I’ll meet you at the parking.”

He responded with a smiley-face emoticon.

I relaxed a bit, having no need to rush any longer. I glanced around the tram gate area and noticed a large number of people pushing closer to the entrance where the next tram would pull in. I moved with them.

With my carry on behind me, I hurried onto the tram as it opened its doors. The passengers exited the other side as those on my side entered. Since I was on for the duration, I immediately stepped to the back corner where there were fewer people clustered together. I moved my rolling carry on in front of me and backed myself up to where there was a closed corner to the tram.

The electronic bells sounded at the closing of the doors and the monitor displayed where the tram was in relation to the airport map. The parking lot I was looking for was in Area D. the tram was currently in Area A. I relaxed my stance and looked around the car as it began to pull away.

There were at least two-dozen people in the crowded space. Business men and women reading their phones, a family with two children that looked tired and disheveled, a couple of pairs of college students traveling for their break. There was no room to move, and everyone seemed to be standing very close, bodies pressed together uncomfortably.

I checked my phone and put it back into a pocket in my purse, then placed my purse on top of my carry on. That was about the moment when I first felt that someone was behind me.

It was first just a sense of someone’s presence, then a scent of unfamiliar, strong cologne, then the feeling of a body behind mine.

‘How could I have missed that?’ I wondered. I turned partially as if adjusting my shirt to see who was directly behind me. It was an older black man, about my height, maybe a little taller, wearing a tucked out black shirt and khaki colored slacks. He was just standing against the wall looking away from me. His skin color and clothing made him blend into the shadow that was created in the corner area.

I smiled when he turned towards me, not wanting him to feel as though I was bothered by his standing there, then turned back to face the rest of the car. Not thinking anything more about it.

The tram ride was bumpy in some areas, and I swayed a bit in a comfortable rhythm. I looked up to see our progress to the parking lot when I felt it: the unmistakable feeling of two hands placed lightly on my hips.

I partially turned around, only I could not completely see the man this time. He had moved closer to me. My heart began to race faster with every second that his hands did not move away. The possibility that this may just be a simple accident-an older man who had lost his footing and reached out to maintain his balance- was disappearing with each passing moment. He had purposefully placed his hands there and was purposely keeping them there.

I took a few deep breaths and looked around the car, my eyes dashing frantically, searching for someone who could see what was happening. ‘I was being violated, people! Don’t they see?!’ I screamed in my own head. Then, I calmed myself down. This was a public place. Nothing can happen here. I almost laughed out loud. ‘What is he doing anyway?’ I thought. I was puzzled at two things: first, why would he be touching my hips on a public tram that had so many people on it, and second, why wasn’t I confronting him? Why was I letting it happen?!

The man’s hands had only been upon me for a few moments and yet my mind had gone through what seemed like an hour’s worth of thoughts about the situation. I had decided not to do anything. It was no big deal, after all, there may be a good reason why he is holding my hips-around my waist. No need to rush to judgement. I took a deep breath to relax.

His hands left my waist. I sighed in relief. It was nothing, just as I thought. I smiled widely and centered my handbag that had shifted on the carry on.

Suddenly, I felt chills over my body. His hands were back. They grazed my sides, near my ribcage and were slowly caressing my torso.

‘Oh God, no!’ I thought, this was deliberate. He moved his hands from my hips up to just below my shoulder blades. They kept moving, wandering all over my back and upper body.

I gasped. He was now firmly gripping the sides of my bra-less Double-D breasts. He held the sides of my tits in his hands hidden between my dress and the shirt I was wearing as a cover up. The way I was wearing that shirt, no one could see his hands under it.

I nearly pissed my underwear. ‘What the fuck!’ I asked myself. I turned my head to see if I could get him in my peripheral, but again, he was too close. My heart was beating so fast I could feel it pounding in my head. My body tingled in a strange electrical sensation.

I looked at each person in the car. No one even glanced at me. They were all in their own worlds. I couldn’t believe the balls on this asshole. Who the fuck does this?

His fingertips were not to the point where he could feel my nipples, if he had, he would feel that they were embarrassingly hard. Instead, he was moving his palms and fingers together and feeling the curvaceous sides of my breasts.

I reacted by moving away from him. I took a step toward a woman whose back was to me, but as soon as he sensed I was moving away, he pulled me back even closer to him.

Now I was worse off than I was before. I was further to the back corner than I had been, and his body was fully pressed against mine. I gave a silent cry in despair. Why was this happening to me? What should I do? Why did I feel helpless to do anything? I could easily just raise my voice: ‘Stop touching me!’ He would put his hands down, everyone would stare and I could break free.

But I didn’t do that and at that particular time, I did not understand why.

I looked up at the monitor and saw that we were only halfway to Area B. Time seemed to have stood still while this assault was underway. Why isn’t anyone doing anything about this?

As a hundred thoughts ran through my head, he once again adjusted his hold upon me. I clearly felt something thick and firm press against my ass. In a moment, I realised it was a large, hard cock. He was pressing himself against me while he held the sides of my breasts.

The tram bounced and just like that, his stiff erection slipped between my ass cheeks. I could feel him throb in my butt-cleavage.

I attempted to wiggle away from his hips, but this movement separated my ass more and firmly lodged his cock between them. Even with my skirt and his trousers between us, I could feel his cock between my cheeks. I was becoming frantic. I needed to do something before someone noticed. I was more concerned with getting discovered than I was with the prospect of the groping continuing. I thought, ‘This is crazy!’

I began to think it would soon be over. That he would feel me up, then leave me be. It didn’t happen that way, however.

The tram finally came to a rest at Area B. I moved my hand down to grab my carry on and purse as half the occupants exited. My new plan was to exit, then get help and rejoin my husband at Area D.

As I began to move forward, his big, black hands moved to cover the front of my full, sensitive breasts and grabbed them one in each hand. He used his new hold on me to pull me back and subdue me in our corner of the tram.

I didn’t scream. I didn’t yell. I didn’t use my elbow to hit his groin or stomach, or any of those things I could have done. I froze. I froze as his hands groped my delicious tits, squeezing and pinching. He began grinding his giant rod into the cheeks of my ass and I stood there like a victim and allowed him to accost me. I didn’t flinch, I didn’t move back, or forth. I stood like a statue. I didn’t have a clue what to do next.

New passengers boarded the tram. I searched their eyes for anyone who could see the grotesque movement under my cover shirt of hands molesting my married tits. His hands were not subtle. My shirt moved outward and to each side as he had his way with my precious, recently tanned, perfect tits. My husband would die if he saw me now.

I felt a chill run down my leg. A cool breeze seemed to penetrate my inner thighs. I reached down discretely to find to my horror that was dripping wet. I was wet to the point that I was literally leaking fluid out my pussy and it was running down my leg.

It was at that moment that I realised that I was turned on. I felt a jolt of electricity run straight through me. I moaned silently and closed my eyes. I felt almost dizzy. I felt his hands leave my breasts and instead of feeling relieved, I felt empty. ‘Where were his hands?’ I demanded in my head.

I could feel movement behind me. The bottom of my short dress brushed away and I felt a draft against the exposed skin of my butt cheeks. His thick, strong fingers were moving behind me, between my legs. My thong was lifted away and placed to the side.

I was panting. I closed my eyes slightly. I spread my legs apart. What was I doing?!

Then, he was there. His large thumb pressed over my tight, puckered asshole. He was orienting himself to my anatomy. I felt the tip of his thumb engage my asshole, then he inserted two giant fingers into my saturated, leaking snatch.

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