Tea and Me - Cover

Tea and Me

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Horny and unsatisfied newlywed wife needs attention from reclusive neighbor man and has to struggle to get it even though she is attractive and practically throws herself at him. That's just the beginning as her life wanders a bunch of ways.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Water Sports  

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of two of the new characters. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on.

Brenda’s cousin’s kids were on their way to stay with her for a while after that urgent phone call from the Ozarks. She’d get the rest of the story from them when they arrived.

The young couple had been put on a bus and were seeing the rest of the world for the first time. Their shoulders and necks hurt from twisting around to look out the windows at the amazing scenery, especially when going through a city of any size. They held hands tightly, reassuring each other.

Met at the bus station by Brenda, a familiar face, they were delighted to ride in the back seat of her SUV and not in the bed of a pickup truck. Air conditioning was a surprise too. When they pulled in the driveway of Brenda’s modest house and the garage door went up all by itself Benny Joe, the husband, asked how that could be. Mabel Sue poked him and said, “Shush now!” Brenda had sized up their clothing and knew a trip to Walmart would be high on the list. Their eyes were wide as they entered this home that seemed like a palace and were shown to a room bigger than their parents had with much fancier furniture and its own bathroom. Back home they had indoor plumbing but only one for the whole house.

As much as Brenda wanted to find out what was going on, she’d wait until the others could hear it directly. She put Mabel, dropping the Sue part, to work in the kitchen fixing dinner. She’d invited the friends you know about from the earlier chapter for dinner and to get acquainted. Andy and Sherry came over first and they “adopted” the newcomers, Sherry asking easy questions about where she lived to get the shy girl to open up. Andy took Benny out to show him the neighborhood along with Charlie. Cathy joined the other women.

The new arrival had a pressing question, “Where kin Ah hunt some possum fer dinner? Thet brownish stuff Miss Brenda took out of thet cold place doan look fit tew eat.” Andy was puzzled for a bit until he remembered that she was fixing some breaded frozen chicken breasts. He stifled a laugh and reassured Benny that it was quite tasty. Someone else had killed it and fixed it up special.

After the meal, which Benny agreed was tasty, they adjourned to the living room to get the big picture. Mabel was too shy so Benny started.

“There is this naybor guy of Mabel’s who took a shine tew her when she turned thirteen and started lookin woman-like. He kept after her and when she got to be fourteen and he woodn’t git throwed in jail he made her have sex with him. She were jest too shy tew say no strong enuf. She got tew lahkin it and started up with some relatives includin me.

“Her maw caught him on top of her and painted his butt with rock salt from her shotgun. He kept after Mabel so she asked her maw to marry me cause we had speshul feelins bah then. Thet pissed off the boyfriend a lot and he burnt down the little cabin we wuz fixin up. Thet’s when her maw called yew. She’s got the sheriff after that bastard.”

Sherry asked, “Mabel, how old are you now?”

“Fifteen and a haf”, she said proudly.

“What kind of birth control do you have?”

“Whut’s thet?”

Brenda spoke up, “Nobody fucks her until we get her to a clinic. That includes you Benny. I’ll take her tomorrow!”

Mabel was surprised by that outburst, “Whut dew yew mean ‘nobody’? Wus yew expecting to put yer tallywhackers in me just cuz Ah was stayin here?”

Sherry looked puzzled so Brenda explained that “tallywhacker” was an Ozark term for an erect cock. Then she turned to Mabel. “My dear girl, no one is going to ‘make’ you do anything you don’t want to. In this group we are a bit like back home because we do share our lovin with special friends and not just our mates. I’ve enjoyed the tallywhackers of all the men here and my husband is fine with that. If and when you are ready you can too.”

Mabel looked relieved and Benny was looking closer at the other women, clearly interested.

They broke up into groups by gender, the men grabbing beer on their way out back. No one had asked Benny his age yet.

The women had lots of questions for each other. When Sherry asked Mabel about the wedding she was told it was by a travelling preacher who was doing a local revival right when they needed him. “We didn’t have no money sew Ah sucked on his tallywhacker until it shot off. Ah wudn’t fuck him lahk he wanted.” When asked about a marriage license she had no idea what that was. Brenda would follow up.

Once the clinic put in an IUD, Mabel admitted a great relief. She’d done what her maw taught her to keep from ‘catching’ and it had worked so far but failures were common back home.

A few days later they were getting quite comfortable in their new home to the point where Brenda suggested they might like being naked around the house like she and Ron preferred. When Mabel said Benny would be embarrassed if he got a hard one and everyone could see it, Brenda laughed, “Tell him that’s what I want to see. It means he likes me. Ron will probably have one around you.”

When Sherry came over and disrobed, revealing her magnificent tits, Benny was hard for sure. His interest was so obvious that she came over to let him feel them. He’d been attempting to hide his equipment so she pulled his hand away. “My! My!” she said loudly, getting the other women’s attention, “Isn’t this something? It’s gorgeous and a generous size too.” Seeing an opportunity to loosen the couple up she continued, “Mabel, I’d like to try this out. Do you mind?”

Mabel shot back, getting interested in the other available men herself, “It ain’t mine sew yew better ask the owner!” That made all the women grin.

Sherry turned to the embarrassed young man and said, “I’d like to do it right here so my friends can watch but you’re not used to that. Follow me.” It was mentioned later she didn’t actually ask but he followed, his tool wagging in front of him. They were gone an hour and after the shower was heard to run, a sheepish Benny, dick drooping, preceded a smiling Sherry. “Girls, you’re gonna like this guy.” Mabel was proud of him and bestowed him a big hug and kiss.

It was a few nights later when the young couple slept together again, although they’d managed a couple of afternoon delights. Brenda kept tabs on Mabel’s feelings and Tom on Benny’s. It was a like a vacation for them with a bit of family reunion sex thrown in. They felt accepted and secure within this extended “family” so could really let go.

The word from the hills was that the ex-boyfriend had eluded capture and another young girl had filed a similar complaint. They would have to stay longer which pleased everyone. School was about to start and it was discovered that both were way behind grade level. Benny was only sixteen. They were enrolled in remedial classes with strict orders to reveal to no one their sexual activity or marital status with words or being overly affectionate in public. Although all that they were doing was legal in this state, public perception was not very accepting.

Brenda was getting convinced the wedding was a phony. Not a bad thing considering their ages but it would have to be addressed when they were older.

These kids were pretty smart and with decent education progressed rapidly. Ron and Brenda worked with them in the evenings as well. These were becoming the kids they never had but with a bit of pseudo-incest thrown in. The youngsters delighted in mingling with the “older crowd” socially and sexually and grew up quickly.

Charlie was the closest to Mabel’s age other than Benny and she gravitated to him, often suggesting things they could do together when Benny was busy. He had a part-time job after school so she was getting lonesome. At first it was somewhat platonic. She mainly fucked him at the sex-parties on weekends. Being in more frequent proximity easily kindled her rather flammable libido and soon they were screwing almost every day but she made no mention of it to Benny, often showering or rinsing her pussy to conceal it. The wise eyes of Brenda didn’t miss much and when it was apparent that this wasn’t just a quick fling, she intervened.

“Mabel, you’ve been spending a lot of time naked with Charlie. I can understand that. He’s a good one in bed, but I’m concerned about your feelings more than the sex which can be an indication of them. What is going on?”

The young girl looked at her lap, “Ah’m really gittin tew lahk him, mebbie more then Benny. Thet do worry me a bit and Ah’m glad we’re talkin bout it.”

Brenda held her, showing empathy and not judgement, “I remember when I was your age and just discovering love and sex but not nearly as fast as you have. It was exciting and scary and I didn’t know what I was doing but with the help of my older sister I got through it with only a few mistakes. Everyone’s life is different so you have to figure out what works for you.”

Mabel started crying quietly, “Ah know and Ah ‘preciate yew helpin me. Se whut shud Ah dew bout this?”

Brenda held her face-to-face. “You have a real history with Benny helping you so you owe him the truth. It can be awkward but it’s best in the end. You are blessed that he knows and accepts that you will fuck others and most women don’t have that. Now you must be honest about feelings and it’s ok to say you aren’t sure of them. The sneaking around sex you’ve been having with Charlie has got to be out in the open from now on, no matter what, or it must stop. Anytime I have fun, and it’s just for fun, with any of the other men it’s no secret from Ron.” She stopped to let it all sink in.

Mabel managed a brave smile, “OK. Ah’ll figger out how tew tell him.”

Brenda kissed her, “Send him to me if you think I can help.” Mabel nodded.

The couple disappeared out for a walk after dinner. It was more than an hour later when they returned, both looking distressed. Mabel disappeared into their bedroom and Benny looked for Brenda. “Ms. Brenda,” he asked, “Kin yew visit with me?”

She took him to her bedroom and closed the door. “I know why you are here. Mabel and I had a long talk earlier. Tell me your feelings.”

He looked away, “Thet’s part of the problem, Ah ain’t no good bout sayin them. She were akin questins Ah cudn’t anser. Whut am Ah gonna dew?” He was struggling to be manly and hold back tears.

Putting her arm around him as they sat on the bed, her naked breast pressed against his t-shirt covered chest, she said softly, “Let it out Benny. It’s OK to cry in private. Ron does sometimes and I don’t think any less of him.” That turned on the faucet and she felt the tears dripping on her breast and thigh as she pulled his head to her chest.

When they slowed down she asked gently, “Take off those clothes that are between us. I want to hold you close. Not for sex but closeness.” He complied and they lay on the bed, face to face. For the first time his cock was soft as it pressed against her.

“Benny, I can’t tell you what to say to Mabel, just do your best to let her know you love her and let your thoughts out. Apologize for getting upset. It’s normal but gets in the way. Don’t hold your feelings and worries back but be gentle the way you say them, like you want her to do to you. Offer to bring Charlie into the discussion. I don’t think he wants to take her away from you and is probably as disturbed as both of you are. Keep talking. That makes problems get better. It helped Ron and me when I started traveling and wanted to have sex with guys I worked with when I was gone so long. That’s how I met Andy and you see how that has worked out. I’ll have a talk with Charlie too. I feel your cock filling up. Go use it on Mabel, I think she needs your closeness right now.” He gave her a deep kiss and a whispered “thank you” as he left. She went to find Charlie.

They had a similar talk which was interrupted at the end when a naked Mabel came in and asked Charlie to come with her. Brenda spied signs that the couple were still on intimate terms. She wished she could be a fly on the wall for their meeting but would have to settle for Mabel’s report.

It was morning before that was a possibility. It also seemed to her that Charlie hadn’t left during the night but she could have missed that. Benny had to work so Mabel found her and had a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked tired but knew Brenda was dying of curiosity.

“Young guys sure does have a lot of energy, as Ah think yew know. Between the talkin and the makin luv Ah’m worn thin but Ah feels a lot better then yesterday. Ah guess we all does. Ah wuz sew proud of Benny when he listened tew Charlie tryin tew ‘splain how much he liked me and Benny both. Ah got even more in love with him when he said we needed tew think of our famblies. Our maw and paw loves all the kids and each other and there is plenty tew go around and thet could work fer us tew. Sew we decided tew have a weddin ceremony and make Charlie mah husband tew. Ah want yew tew help me with it raht here at yer house. Oh, kin he come live with us tew, bein mah husband?”

Brenda hadn’t seen that coming and her jaw dropped briefly. She said she had to consult with Ron when he got home and they’d have a conference later. Mabel hugged her and ate a small breakfast before going back to bed. She said she’d need her strength for when her husbands got back.

“OK”, thought Brenda, “I guess the sleeping bear has to awaken.” Ron agreed that the truth must be discussed, following Brenda’s recent advice to the youngsters.

Sitting them down after dinner, Brenda revealed the results of her investigations. There was no official record of the marriage back in the Ozarks. Furthermore, none of them were old enough here to get married without parental permission which might be challenging to get.

Mabel looked devastated like her feet were pulled out from under her. Benny was inscrutable as he pondered the news. Charlie was the same. Tom got their attention. “None of that means we can’t have a commitment ceremony which is what your earlier ceremony was and marriage only puts one on record. That’s where you declare publicly your intent to love and care for each other. Gay couples have used them for years and some states even recognize them but not here. My idea is that this will bind you, all three of you, until you are of age to make it legal. I’ve read that some states even allow three partners.”

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