Mother Maude - Cover

Mother Maude

by Jaxons

Copyright© 2021 by Jaxons

Fiction Sex Story: Recently separated from her husband and not aware of Paul's taste for strange new pussy, Maude flirts with him and gets roughly fucked as a result.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Spanking   Public Sex   .

I’d always gotten along famously with my mother-in-law, Maude Thomas, in the eleven years that I’d been married to her daughter, Trish. Although both women were beautiful, they had almost nothing physically in common. Maude was tall and chubby with dirty blonde hair and Trish was of medium height and slimmer with natural fiery red hair. Also, Maude had a set of killer tits on her that her child didn’t.

My father-in-law, Dave, had always been a cheater. I’d heard too many rumours from various sources for there not to be a fire where there was so much smoke. I was certainly not one to judge as Trish’s frequent work absences allowed me ample opportunities to enjoy some of the spare pussy that came my way occasionally.

I, however, had never been caught.

Due to some mix up with her normal hotel bookings, Trish had to stay at a different hotel slightly off the beaten track. As she passed the hotel’s bar on her way to dinner at the restaurant one night, she spotted her father seated in a private booth at the far end of the room. He was leaning forward laughing and had his hand on the exposed knee of his female companion. Trish chose a table that overlooked the bar and watched from afar as the happy couple later left while Dave firmly caressed the ass of the giggling female as they walked to the elevators that went up to the rooms.

She relayed this tale to her mother and me on her return and Dave was promptly booted out all the while protesting his innocence claiming mistaken identify.

A week or so after Dave was caught; we were invited to the fancy, formal wedding of one of Trish’s more obscure cousins. She had to go out of town that weekend and because Maude enjoyed dancing, Trish asked me to accompany her mother to the function so that her mom could get out of the house and take her mind off Dave for a night.

The event was held in a convention centre in town thirty minutes away. It was the best type of wedding to attend. We didn’t have to make speeches. We didn’t have to greet anyone. Most people didn’t know us and we didn’t know most people. We just drank and danced.

While dancing with Maude I noticed her holding me tighter than normal, there was the noticeable stray hand on my ass accompanied by sexy smiles and unusually long eye contact.

Is she just teasing or is she coming on to me?

Fully aware of the hapless Dave’s recent bust, I knew to proceed with caution.

“I can see where your daughter gets her sexiness.” A safe opening gambit, I felt. It couldn’t be construed as offensive if I’m on the wrong track. However, sexiness versus beauty strays slightly over the blurry line between mother-in-law and new pussy.

“You’re such a charmer, Paul. I’m a fat, old lady compared to Trish.”

Game on.

“Please. You look like sisters. Even Trish thinks so.” Lying comes easily to one when one is thinking with both heads.

“She does?” She searched my eyes briefly for any insincerity. She found none.

“Of course, she says so all the time.”

Flushed with these compliments, I soon detected a softening of her body against mine as we danced. We were moulding against each other more, extra touching. Nothing untoward to a casual observer but I was aware of her smell, her softness more than before. As we moved around the floor, I took every opportunity to prod her with my semi-hard cock. I rubbed it against her ass, her side, her tummy, her hand, her arm. I wanted her to get the message that my cock was available and hard for her.

After a few hours of dancing and drinking champagne, we headed to the bar. We gulped down our first ice-cold rum and cokes and started on our second round.

“Let’s take this outside I could use a smoke.”

We got out into the cool air on the crowded patio with the other smokers and lit our cigarettes. I slung my arm low around her waist and draped a few lazy fingers over her chubby ass. She leaned closer.

I took her hand and led her behind the building to what appeared to be the dispatch and delivery area of the convention centre. A floodlight at the other end of the yard provided a little illumination. After a quick safety scan of the place, I pulled her between two trucks and up against a stack of tyres.

“Wait, what are you-?”

Game time, Mother Maude. Time to pay the piper.

I greeted her with a gentle, soft kiss to ease her in. She stiffened, hesitant as first. Then slowly she opened her mouth more. Her searching tongue soon joined the action. We kissed like this for some time while I reached around and began to stroke her ass. Soon her body began to respond as she ground herself against my rock hard erection. I kissed her more roughly as she increased her suction on our duelling tongues.

With my other hand, I groped a heavy breast and rubbed a bullet hard nipple while I conducted a detailed tactile analysis of that delicious butt with my full hand as she squirmed and moaned every time I pinched it.

Taking my hand off her breast, I began a frontal assault. I reached under her skirt and slowly to find an engorged clit at the entrance to a very wet pussy.

“No Paul. No, I can’t do this to Trish.” She suddenly pulled her mouth off mine breathlessly.

She did not move her body out of reach and my hands stayed in place.

“I love your ass.” I continued to stroke that huge ass from behind as determined fingers stroked her pussy over her panties from the front.

“Paul. Please. We shouldn’t-.” She grew silent when I resumed toying with her clit.

I began kissing her neck as my fingers sneaked under the elasticated edge of her panties and continued to torment that engorged clit now directly. I built up a rhythm - hard then slow then hard – and then I felt her body begin to move in sync to maintain contact between my fingers and her inflamed clit.

She leaned against my chest heavily as all her senses converged around her clitoris. I felt her heartbeat increase and her breathing became more ragged. I continued to strum her clit while my fingers move in and out of her sopping pussy. My fingers alternated between direct contact with her clit, then around it, then contact then away until we were in sync again. She sped up slowly and her hip movement dictated the pace.

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