A New Chapter in Her Life - Cover

A New Chapter in Her Life

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Jenna married the love of her life, Rick. Or so she thought. When the relationship with her husband becomes abusive, she decides to head to LA, with her cousin. She hopes that some time apart will help both her and Rick put the past abuses behind them, and start a new chapter of their life together. However, she soon meets new friends who welcome her with open arms and show her there is so much she has been missing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cousins   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

It was late the following morning when Jenna was startled out of her sleep by the insistent ringing of her phone. She fumbled around the nightstand in an attempt to answer her phone. She eventually grabbed it and answered the call. She didn’t recognize Jack’s voice, and at first was too groggy to remember the previous night. Her only real awareness was of her splitting headache.

“I just wanted to check and see if you were all right,” he said.

“All right?” she repeated through her foggy haze. “I ... I guess so. Why?”

As she sat up in bed trying to clear her head. She tried to think back to last night. What happened, she questioned herself. As she tried to sit up she felt the soreness of her pussy and ass, and the events of the previous evening returned to her.

Mistaking her short reply and the following silence for an improvement in her mood, Jack invited her to have brunch with him. Claiming a headache, which was all too real, Jenna declined. She needed to be alone, to think about what had happened last night and to try to sort things out.

But, most of all, she needed something to kill her headache.

Feeling confused and guilty about the evening with Jack, Jenna had been vague when Cindy had asked about it later in the day. Jenna didn’t know what to think about it herself, so what could she possibly say to her cousin? She knew that what she had done was a betrayal against her husband. She tried to piece the series of events back together.

Clearly Jack had taken advantage of her drunkenness. However, what continued to bother her was her knowledge that, even as she had fought him, begging him to leave her alone, a part of her had hoped that he would not. She missed the loving attention of a man.

Before last night, Jenna would find herself alone at Cindy’s night after night. She would close her eyes and picture Eli and Cindy fucking or Jim standing in front of her, his cock hidden beneathe board shorts only inches from her watering mouth. She would let one hand slide under the waistband of her panties and caress her velvety mound, small circles around her clit. While with her other hand she would tease her ample tits, plying her tender nipples. Her breathing gradually deepened as her gentle ministrations became more insistent and earnest.

Jenna would picture Eli’s thick cock slowly penetrating Cindy’s pussy. She imagined herself in Cindy’s place, receiving Eli’s thrusts.

She would try to imagine what Jim’s thick member would look like. She imagined it engorged with thick veins and a large cockhead. She would imagine herself spread for him. He would push her knees up to her chest. Her dripping pussy waiting to be assaulted by him. She could imagine the heat from his cock as he hovered over her.

She let her fingers plough her wet cunt along its length imagining Jim’s cock teasing her pussy lips and clit. She imagined looking into his dark, lusty eyes and with a pleading voice implore him, “Fuck me!” And he would oblige.

She would bite her lip as she proceeded to pummel her pussy with her fingers. Starting with two but ultimately found herself hand fucking herself. She wanted to feel his full gerth and her hand would have to suffice.

She moved her hand in small circles just on the outside of her tight pussy. After several repetitions she pushed her hand in and would let out a deep sigh. A warmth spread from her pussy throughout her body and built to an unquenchable heat as she would then work her hand in and out. Her pussy drenched her hand in her own juices as she continued to fuck herself. Her breath would become more rapid as her climax built, the wet sloppy sounds as she hand fucked her pussy could be heard over her grunts and breathing.

And when she would cum, a throaty scream of exultation would pierce the room, her back would arch, her hand driven into her pussy to her wrist, and her other hand pulled one of her ample tits and pinched her engorged nipple.

After a few minutes of catching her breath she would always open her eyes, stare at the ceiling, and wonder why she would have these thoughts. She wanted to be a good wife for her husband. But his actions recently and now her lusty thoughts about other men made her wonder.

She wanted a man and her hand was not a substitute for a real cock. Despite the slight guilt she had, there was no escaping the fact that she had enjoyed being fucked by Jack.

The next night Rick called. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her. It had been evident almost immediately that he was drunk and was calling from some bar. Sounds of music and the dull roar of other voices made understanding Rick’s slightly slurred speech difficult.

“When are you coming home?” he asked finally.

“I don’t know yet. I’m planning to visit a few more days at least,” Jenna answered in an uncertain tone.

Hardening his voice, Rick responded, “Jenna, I need you. Please come home.”

He left no doubt about what he had meant by the word need. Against her better judgement, Jenna tried to talk with him, but Rick did not want to hear her out.

“A wife’s place is with her husband. If you don’t want to give me what I need, I can find plenty of women who will,” and hung up on her.

Infuriated, Jenna threw her phone across the room where it shattered against the wall.

“Fucking asshole,” she yelled at the now destroyed phone.

Cindy came running into the room.

“What happened,” a look of surprise and deep concern on her face.

Jenna furiously paced about the room, fists clenched by her side. “I’m done with him. He can fucking drink himself to death and fuck all the whores he wants. I’ve tried to talk with him but nothing gets through. I’m done!”

“Whoa, talk to me. What happened? All I know for sure right now is that your phone is really done and so is my wall,” Cindy gestured at the remains of Jenna’s phone and the gouge in the wall at the impact site.

Cindy moved into the room, hugged Jenna, and moved to the bed. The two sat at the end of the bed.

They talked about Rick, Jenna’s concerns with him and his drunken behavior, and thoughts of divorce. Jenna was too embarrassed to discuss her wanton thoughts about Jim or her fucking Jack.

“Sounds like Rick has some real issues that you may still be able to help him with and both of you work through,” Cindy stated.

“Your right, I guess. But not just yet. I’m fucking pissed and need time.”

“Why don’t we go hang out,” Cindy asked. “Why don’t you come to the beach with Eli and me tomorrow? It’ll cheer you up, and we’d love the company. You have spent way too much time here by yourself. What do you say?”

“I have been moping around and not hanging out with you.” Jenna got up from the bed and began to wipe away the smudged make-up from around her red-rimmed eyes. “And I’ll fix your wall.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Cindy waved a dismissive hand as she walked out the room. “I’m going to call Eli and tell him to invite Jim to come with us tomorrow.”

Jenna’s breath caught in her throat as she thought of seeing Jim again.

Rick woke up late the next morning thinking of Jenna and their conversation of the previous night. Despair overwhelmed him. He remembered his unreasonable anger, the terrible things he had said to her and that he had hung up on her.

Getting up, he went to the phone to try to call her and apologize. He tried several times but was unable to reach her. He was only able to get her voicemail.

He thought back to what Jenna had told him when he was drunk: how he had hurt her, how he would say terrible things to her. The thought of hurting the one person he had ever loved filled him with shame and disgust.

He continued to sit on the couch for a long time thinking back over the last few months. He had to admit that there were a number of nights that he was unable to recall with any certainty.

Vowing to seek help for his drinking, Rick returned to the phone and tried to call Cindy to try and get ahold of Jenna.

Cindy answered. “I’m sorry, Rick. She isn’t here. Besides, she told me what you two have been going through. And the way you acted over the phone ... Well, she was pretty upset.”

Stunned, Rick was silent for several minutes. Perhaps he had already lost her. His chest felt hollow, and his mouth was dry.

“Cindy, I was drunk last night, and I said some pretty awful things that I didn’t mean. I realize now that I have acted pretty bad to Jenna these last few months, and I want to make it up to her. Please, Cindy, can’t you at least get her to talk to me?”

“I’ll give her the message, but don’t expect too much. She’s angry and upset and frankly doesn’t have much faith in you anymore. Why don’t you give her a day or two to cool off?”

Rick hung up and slumped onto the couch. Disconsolate, he stared into space.

“I don’t care what he said or how he sounded. His morning-after explanations and apologies always sound great until he turns around and does it again. I’m fed up with it!” Jenna snapped when Cindy told her about Rick’s call. “Talk is cheap, and that’s all I ever get from him — talk! When do we leave for the beach?”

“If you’ll help me with the food, we can leave in an hour,” Cindy answered.

After fixing the food, Jenna walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

She had always been aware of men’s reactions to her, but they had made her uncomfortable until she met Rick. He had helped her to see that the lust in a man’s eye was a natural, even beautiful thing. Still, she avoided situations that would give men opportunities to make passes at her because she felt uneasy about them. She didn’t know how to handle them. She wanted to be faithful to Rick. But she could not explain the deep yearning within her to fuck Jim. Or how she enjoyed the night with Jack.

It was for this reason that she had turned down several previous invitations that had included Jim. But this time she did not refuse.

It was mid-afternoon when they stopped along a lonely gravel road. Eli led the way as they climbed down a small embankment to a stretch of beach that was practically deserted. In one direction two families with a number of children were having a late lunch. In the other, several teenage boys were engaged in a loud game of touch football.

“How’s this?” Eli asked, indicating a portion of the beach equidistant between the two groups of people.

“Fine,” answered Jim as he eased the cooler to the sand and threw the blankets which had been draped over his shoulder into a heap nearby. “Last one in the water has to build the fire!”

They were all quickly in the water splashing and laughing as the waves rolled into them. Jenna and Jim were standing in water that reached their waists and jumping up to ride the waves as they passed.

One wave caught Jenna by surprise and she choked on some water.

“You’re not supposed to drink it,” Jim laughed.

“No shit,” Jenna blurted between coughing out water and laughing.

Jim placed his hands around Jenna’s slim waist and lifted her high above the white water of the next wave.

Jenna let out a slight yelp as she felt herself pushed up. His strong hands firmly gripping her. He lifted her with ease. Jim lifted her for the second wave. This one was a bit stronger and pushed Jenna into him. She looked down into his eyes as he brought her back down. Her soft flesh sliding down his muscled chest. She placed her hands on his shoulders and felt how solid he was built. They looked into each others eyes for what seemed like several minutes. Then the next wave hit.

This time Jim was the one choking.

“Not supposed to drink it,” Jenna laughed sarcastically.

Jim, coughing up water, pushed Jenna under.

Jenna popped back up, gasping for air and trying to wipe the water from her eyes when another wave smashed into her from behind. She felt herself begin to tumble head over heels with the wave when she felt Jim’s arms wrap around her, pulling her above the wave and into a tight hug.

“I got you. I got you,” he calmly said as Jenna again was gasping for air.

He had turned so that he was now shielding her from the incoming waves. The waves breaking against his broad back. With one hand firmly holding her against him, he used the other to wipe her hair from her face.

Jenna could feel Jim’s rigid prick straining the fabric of his board shorts as their bodies were pressed together.

She blushed but pretended not to notice his prick pressing against her. She was pleased at his reaction to her. If Rick felt like he was free to go out with other women while she was gone, why couldn’t she have some fun too? After all, Jenna reasoned to herself, it isn’t as if I’m going to do anything. It’s only a picnic.

Jim let her go when she finally had her feet stable on the sand. Tired by the buffeting they had received from the surf, Jim and Jenna soon left the water.

“Would you help me gather wood for the fire “ Jim asked.

“Of course.”

Walking along the beach toward the rocks where the families had been earlier, they carried on a conversation as they gathered wood for the fire.

“I hope you’ll forgive me for asking, and I know that it’s none of my business, but don’t you have a boyfriend or husband? Why are you out here on vacation without him?”

Jenna stopped in her tracks at the question. A few months ago she never would have considered coming to California alone, much less going out with a stranger. Yet things had gotten so bad between her and Rick that here she was.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Jim said as he reached over and put his arm around her shoulders. “It’s really none of my business, I was just poking my nose in where it doesn’t belong. I’m really sorry.”

The sincerity of Jim’s tone touched Jenna, and she smiled up at him with pools of tears standing in her eyes. “It’s pretty simple,” she answered. “We haven’t been getting along lately, and I came out here to sort things out. No big mystery. But I don’t feel like talking about it.”

Jenna began walking among the rocks again, and Jim dropped his arm from her shoulder. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up anything unpleasant. I just meant that if I were your husband, I’d stick pretty close to keep the competition away. That’s all.”

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