A New Chapter in Her Life - Cover

A New Chapter in Her Life

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Jenna married the love of her life, Rick. Or so she thought. When the relationship with her husband becomes abusive, she decides to head to LA, with her cousin. She hopes that some time apart will help both her and Rick put the past abuses behind them, and start a new chapter of their life together. However, she soon meets new friends who welcome her with open arms and show her there is so much she has been missing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cousins   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

Jenna spent the majority of the afternoon talking with Jack Murphy. Their conversation rambling over various topics. She wanted to allow Cindy and Eli time to compose themselves. Jenna was ashamed by her voyeurism and knew if she ran into them she would instantly blush and probably would not be able to say much of anything before she felt like she needed to run and hide.

As the conversation progressed, Jenna noticed how much Jack would let his eyes wander over her shapely, taught body. He would let his eyes linger on her tits then wonder down to her thighs. She crossed her arms and legs to try and cover herself up from his prying eyes. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him admiring her. In fact she was flattered by it. She was always told she had a great body but always felt very modest and would feel awkward doing anything like flaunting her body in front of others.

Jack, on the other hand, appeared very comfortable with himself, the way he talked and handled himself. He sat facing Jenna, slightly slouched, legs spread. Jenna, like Jack, let her eyes roam over his well built body. Jack wasn’t as well defined as Eli or Jim but it was obvious he was in good shape with a broad chest and thick arms. As they talked her eyes grew curious and she found herself frequently admiring the bulge straining the crotch of his trunks.

“Damn,” she thought, “is every man around here so well endowed.”

Jenna felt the heat building in her pussy again. She wondered how Eli’s or Jack’s cock would compare to Rick’s. Having no other sexual experience to speak of, she thought Rick’s cock sufficed and satisfied her. Well, she was mostly satisfied with their sex until it took a turn for the worse recently.

Jack didn’t seem to notice that she wasn’t listening to him any more and that she was letting her imagination start getting the best of her.

The sunglasses Jenna wore made her a bit braver. She let her hungry eyes linger longer on Jack’s crotch as she attempted to make out the flaccid shape of Jack’s cock through the fabric. Jenna unconsciously bit her lower lip as she wondered just how big Jack’s cock was. As she stared at his cock it appeared to thicken and extend further down his thigh. She thought she could see the blood pulsing and engorging the thick veins along the length of his member. After she thought it couldn’t possibly get any bigger she could have sworn that it jerked against his trunks - as if attempting to free itself from the restrictive confines.

Jenna let out a yelp and tore her eyes away from Jack’s cock. She had to uncross and recross her legs a couple times in an attempt to ease the anxious yearning that was building deep in her now wet pussy. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Unless the sun was playing tricks on her, Jacks cock was much ... much bigger that Rick’s.

Jack stopped mid sentence and raised an eyebrow, “You OK?” he asked.

But he knew what happened. Despite her sunglasses, Jack knew she was admiring his bulge and how his cock began to become engorged as he thought of his new friend sitting across from him. It couldn’t be helped, he thought. Jenna’s milky skin, which was only just beginning to show a rosy pink from being in the sun a little too long, was flawless.

While he discussed some rather mundane topics, he was imagining himself getting up from his chair and walking towards her. Standing directly in front of her crossed legs staring down at her luscious body covered in the thin fabric of her bikini. He admired her tits, their proud nipples, and then down to her delicate thighs that were being held tightly crossed, attempting to hide her pussy. He knew, as he was standing in front of her, that she was fixated on his thick cock that had begun to harden and lengthen, straining against his trunks.

He imagined himself bending slightly down, holding his weight up with his left hand on the armrest of the chair while his right hand delicately lifted her chin up so her face was now looking directly at him, just inches away. Her delicate curved lips parted in heated anticipation. A wicked half smile formed on his lips.

“I’m going to fuck you right here by the pool in front of everyone,” he told tell her in a deep whisper. Knowing full well this would go against all her delicate sensibilities.

As her breath caught in her throat he kissed her. His tongue violating her wanting, soft open lips as his right hand reached down and took hold of one her tits in a firm grip.

That is when she yelped. Bringing him back to reality.

“Uh ... yeah. I’m ... uh ... fine. My leg cramped up.” she stammered out. Blushing, she quickly stood up.

“I’m going to stretch it out while I walk back to the apartment. Thanks for keeping me company and letting know about L.A.” she said over her shoulder as she started to walk off across the pool deck back towards her apartment.

Jack stood up, knowing his cock, almost fully erect and hidden under his trunks, would be clearly visible to her. “Care if I escort you back?” he asked.

Jenna looked back over her shoulder again. She was going to politely decline his offer when she caught sight of his proud cock straining to be free. Her head snapped back in front of her. “I’m fine. Thanks again.” she blurted out and hurried along.

“Ok, have a good evening and I’ll see you later.” Jack smiled to himself. Yes, he would see her again very soon, he thought as he watched the perfect ass of hers slightly quiver with each step as she quickly left.

Jenna couldn’t understand what was happening to her. She never found herself thinking of others in this way; in a sexual way. She never felt herself yearning to satiate some deeply burning lust like this before. Embarrassed and ashamed, again, of her thoughts she shook her head. She just wanted to get back to the apartment. She wanted to talk to Rick. To hear him say how much he missed her and needed her back home. She wanted to be in his embrace. She wanted things to be like when they first met.

Jenna was soon back at the apartment and hoped Eli and Cindy were decent. She didn’t know what she would do if they were both still there or, worse she thought, still having sex.

She knocked on the door, cracked it open and called out, “I’m back,” perhaps a little too loudly in an attempt to warn them, just in case they were still in the throws of passion. As she entered she found Cindy in the kitchen preparing dinner and didn’t see Eli anywhere.

“No need to knock, silly,” Cindy stated while moving a pan off the stove. “While you are here, my place is your place. Feel free to come and go as you please.”

Cindy was wearing a t-shirt and very thin boxer shorts. Jenna noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra as Cindy’s full breasts swayed beneath the t-shirt as she moved about.

“Ok, thanks,” Jenna replied attempting not to blush as she thought of Eli and Cindy fucking the last time she walked in. Or of Cindy grasping one of her own tits and pinching her nipple. “I’m going to go shower and change.”

“Don’t take too long. I’ve got dinner almost ready for us.”

“Smells great! I’ll be back out in a few.”

Jenna moved into the bedroom and closed the door. She pushed those wicked thoughts back out of her head and she immediately found her cell phone. She was certain that Rick had already tried to call.

She let out a heavy sigh; there were no missed calls or texts from Rick. Given the time difference, she would have thought he would have been off work by now and home or at the bar. She attempted to call him a couple times but he didn’t answer. On the third attempt she left him a voicemail message saying how much she loved and missed him. “I’ll give him another call after dinner,” she thought, “He probably just didn’t hear his phone ringing.”

The remainder of the night passed without event. The next day she was able to get a hold Rick once while he was at work. He quickly grew upset by her bothering him at work and hung up. He followed up the call with a text telling her he was busy working on new projects and would try and call later.

“He’s extremely busy at work and has been too busy to talk to her,” she tried to convince herself. “Was he working all night as well?” She grew frustrated at his cold, callous attitude.

A few evenings later, Jenna found herself alone for the night in Cindy’s apartment. Cindy was covering the mid-shift at the hospital for one of her coworkers and told Jenna she wouldn’t be back until around 6.

Jenna laid on the couch and tried to distract herself by watching the latest popular series on TV. However, her thoughts were on her husband. She thought about the problems they were having but tried to remember the good times. She thought of those passionate nights the had at the beginning. She remembered the first time she saw Rick’s cock; the first time she took it in her hands. She remembered seeing it standing erect and that she could easily grasp it in one hand with perhaps a little more than an inch showing. She then thought back to Jack and how big Jack’s cock looked.

She imagined, based on what she could tell while it was still hidden beneath his trunks, that it would take both her hands to grip his massive cock. “It would probably take three,” she gasped as her mind wondered. Given how thick it looked, she wondered if she could even fully wrap her fingers around it.

Lost in her thoughts, Jenna was startled when the doorbell suddenly rang. She was even more surprised to find Jack Murphy standing in the doorway when she opened the door. His arms were full of white paper bags and two bottles of wine.

“Hi, I brought dinner. I hope you haven’t eaten yet.”

Smiling, he swept into the apartment and headed for the kitchen. There he began unloading small cartons from the bags and grouping them onto a couple of plates. Telling her to get some glasses, he produced a corkscrew from the pocket and opened one of the bottles of wine.

“I knew you would be alone tonight, so I thought I would come over and keep you from getting lonely. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll leave if you want me to, but I brought you one of the best carry-out Chinese dinners in all of Southern California, and you are going to need help eating it,” he said.

That was certainly true. Before her were at least seven or eight courses and several cartons of steaming rice.

All through dinner Jack continued to joke and kid with her. As Jenna drank a few sips of her wine, Jack would refill the glass. Although he had not had much wine himself, he suggested opening the second bottle as they moved into the living room after dinner. It was a sweet white wine. “Its dessert,” he explained.

In a short period Jenna had finished her first glass and started sipping from another.

The wine had given her a warm glow. Being only an occasional social drinker, she wasn’t used to the feeling of ease it brought. She began to think how friendly Jack had been since she arrived. This man seemed kind, gentle and understanding. Suddenly all the things that Jenna had kept bottled up inside her began to pour out in a jumble of words, and sobs. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she told Jack about the fears she had about her marriage.

Jack moved closer to her on the couch and put his arms lightly around her as she cried. Jenna stiffened at being held by someone she only knew casually, but she was reassured by Jack’s soothing words. Sobs racked her body, and she buried her face into Jack’s shoulder for comfort.

When her tears began to lessen, Jack talked to the young woman about her marital problems. He suggested that Rick’s behavior might be the result of his having difficulty adjusting to married life or pressure at work, or both.

Listening to the older man discuss her problems in such calm, rational tones put her at ease. Jenna stopped crying and remained quietly in Jack’s arms. She enjoyed his strength and warmth. His large hands felt slightly rough but radiated an intense heat through her.

Suddenly she began to hiccup. First one, then another and another. Soon both Jenna and Jack were laughing, and the tension of the previous moments drained away.

“Hold your breath,” Jack instructed. “Hold it as long as you can, and then take a long drink.”

Following his directions, she gulped four large mouthfuls of wine before the hiccups subsided. Still laughing, the two shared another glass in celebration of his cure having worked and smiled at each other.

Jack reached a finger up to her lip and wiped a drop of wine that had escaped the side of the glass and started making its way down to her chin. She stopped breathing, her eyes locked on his, as he brought his finger up to her lips. He caressed the length of her full bottom lip before he let it rest in the middle.

Jenna, without thinking, closed her eyes and sucked on his finger. Taking it in and out slowly. Her tongue moving along its side. She looked at Jack with a lusty gaze as she let him withdraw his finger. Her mouth opened slightly in hunger for him.

Jack reached a hand behind her head and drew her towards him and kissed her. She returned his kiss, their tongues madly dancing about.

They remained kissing each other as Jack’s right hand found her breasts. The heat from his hand pulsed into Jenna, filling her with a building desire. Jack kneaded her tits, one then the other. He felt her nipples harden under his palm. Seizing one, he began working her tender flesh through her shirt, grasping and releasing under and around her tit. Finally, he squeezed firmly then let his thumb and forefinger find her nipple and give a smart pinch.

Jenna responded with a slight mewl. Not of pain but of need.

Jack broke their embrace.

“Don’t stop,” she begged breathlessly.

“I’m not.” Jack lifted Jenna off the couch and carried her into the bedroom. Placing her tenderly on the bed, he stood looking at her for a long time. She lay mostly on the bed, her legs hanging over the edge.

Jenna closed her eyes and moved lithely about in anticipation.

Quietly he leaned over her and began to slowly unbutton her shirt. When he reached the waistband of her jeans, he unfastened the snap and lowered the zipper. She moaned and lifted her hips slightly. Jack began to slide the jeans off her hips, down her shapely thighs, and off letting them fall by his feet. He leaned over her and unfastened the final button on her blouse to bare her lovely tits. Standing over her, Jack consumed Jenna’s voluptuous body with his eyes. She had a slight tan already with her milky white skin visible where the sun had not yet touched her. Her tits were held close together and pushed upward by her tight bra. Through her sheer panties, he could see the faint outline of her cunt.

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