A New Chapter in Her Life - Cover

A New Chapter in Her Life

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Jenna married the love of her life, Rick. Or so she thought. When the relationship with her husband becomes abusive, she decides to head to LA, with her cousin. She hopes that some time apart will help both her and Rick put the past abuses behind them, and start a new chapter of their life together. However, she soon meets new friends who welcome her with open arms and show her there is so much she has been missing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cousins   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

Cindy continued to slowly make her way through traffic towards her apartment while Jenna finished explaining the drunken, brutal sex between her and Rick. Cindy, engrossed in the tale, had to slam on the brakes a few times throughout the recounting to prevent running into the car ahead of her as she visualized Rick having his way with Jenna. Cindy had always fantasized about Rick from the first time Jenna sent her a picture of him on her phone. She squeezed her thighs together in an effort to subdue the building heat in her loins.

Cindy reached over and took her cousin’s hand. Jenna sat quietly, tears running down her cheeks, looking out the windows and occasionally looking down at her phone as if she was expecting Rick to call, apologize, and ask her to fly back home. Seeing Jenna incessantly looking for missed calls or texts, Cindy snatched the phone from her hands and threw it into the back seat.

“What are you doing?!” Jenna yelled, quickly turning to look for her phone.

“You need to relax. Rick is at work right now, right?” Cindy asked.


“And you know how serious he gets at work. I’m sure he misses you very much and I’m positive he will call later tonight when he gets off work. In fact, I bet work is stressing him out. That is why he is drinking so much. He gets himself wound so tight that he is looking at some means of relieving that tension.”

Jenna thought about that and it did make sense. “He did say he was being given the opportunity to take on more work. Bigger clients. But that was months ago. Has he just been letting this build up in him this whole time?”

“Jenna, in my experience, men don’t talk about their problems. He probably thinks that if he comes home and bitches about work, night after night, you would think him less of a man.”

“I guess that could be it. He is pretty intense about his work.” Jenna replied, with slight relief in her voice, as she dried her eyes.

Cindy continued, “Rick loves you. It won’t take Rick long to realize that he hasn’t been treating you like he should. And since you both love each other, I know things will work out.”

“Do you really think so? I’ve been feeling so hopeless. Like I wasn’t pleasing him. That he didn’t love me. If only I could get him to talk to me, then perhaps...” Jenna’s voice trailed off in despair.

“Of course I’m sure. He will start missing you. Then he’ll realize what a terrific wife he has and that he’d better start treating you better if he wants to keep you. L.A. is filled with guys that would love to have a chance with a gorgeous woman like you. My advice for now, forget about it for a while, relax and have some fun while you’re here.”

Jenna was silent for a few minutes, thinking. Stress from work made sense. She couldn’t expect an instant solution to her problems. Her vacation here with her cousin would give them both a chance to put their thoughts together.

I might as well have some fun, she thought.

Jenna made up her mind to stop brooding and enjoy the time she had with her cousin. They had a lot of catching up to do.

They soon arrived at Cindy’s apartment.

Cindy led the way through the front door and with a sweeping gesture said, “Mi casa, su casa, babe! The bedroom is off to the right. Feel free to throw your stuff in there. You can unpack later. Right now, I’m making us some bloody marys.”

The ladies started talking about old times and quickly finished off the first round of bloody marys. Jenna offered to make the next round as Cindy put together something to eat.

After a while, Cindy suggested that they change into their swimsuits and go out by the pool to enjoy the sun. Both of them went into the bedroom, still chatting, and started undressing to change into their bathing suits.

Cindy, unabashedly, would look approvingly at her cousins taught body as they changed. Jenna’s perky tits and ass looked like they did back in high school. Cindy snapped the end of her bikini like a whip against Jenna’s ass.

Jenna yelped. One hand reaching back to rub the spot where she was whipped the other reflexively attempting to cover herself.

“Well,” Cindy said, throwing the loop of the bikini top over her head, her large breast swaying back and forth before she tucked them into her top, “you look like you’re in great shape, but something will have to be done about that pale white skin of yours. It will never pass muster in California.”

Jenna blushed, perhaps it was the alcohol, but she just realized that Cindy had watched her change. Feeling suddenly shy and somewhat embarrassed, she started heading out towards the door.

“In that case, what are we waiting for?” Jenna asked as she grabbed her sunglasses and a towel.

The pool area was crowded with other tenants from the apartment complex. As the two ladies walked toward a row of empty deck chairs, several people called out in greeting to Cindy.

Cindy had mentioned people around here were very friendly, and it certainly seemed to be true. One man in his late thirties, who was sitting in the midst of a group of younger women, called to them as they passed.

“Hey, Cindy, who is that gorgeous lady you are with?”

Jenna blushed as she heard the man’s reference to her, but Cindy just laughed and waved to him. “Don’t let Jack bother you. He’s really quite harmless and rather nice. He just gets a little boisterous sometimes.”

Just before they reached the empty chairs, Cindy stopped to introduce Jenna to two men who were sitting at a table in relaxed conversation over a couple beers. Eli, which Jenna learned was short for Leonard, was blonde, blue eyed and well built with broad shoulders and toned abs. while Jim was taller with a darker, latin complexion.

Jim had a broad, engaging smile that appeared as soon as he saw Jenna and Cindy approaching and it caused Jenna’s heart to skip a beat. Jim looked like he could be a model.

Cindy made the introductions and she explained that Jenna would be visiting for a while.

Jim, rising from his seat offered his hand to Jenna, “Jenna, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Jenna, still admiring Jim’s physique, didn’t immediately notice the proffered hand. She snapped out of her daze, glad she at least had the sunglasses to cover her eyes as she visually devoured him. She quickly reached up and shook Jim’s hand.

“Same here,” she replied. His grip firm, he held her hand for a beat longer. Again, he smiled and just before letting her hand go, he extended his index finger of his hand so that it now gently rubbed briefly against the tender skin around Jenna’s wrist.

There was flash of heat in her pussy and a warm electric pulse that moved up her arm. Jenna’s breath caught in her throat for a moment.

Releasing her hand, Jim offered his services as a tour guide. After a few additional pleasantries were exchanged, the two women moved off toward the chairs.

“Eli and I have been seeing quite a lot of each other lately,” explained Cindy. “He and Jim are best friends and roommates. They are like brothers and almost always together.”

The two women had been lying, on their stomachs, pert asses facing towards the sun, for more than half an hour in idle conversation before Eli came over to ask Cindy to go for a swim.

Jenna then closed her eyes, arms stretched out above her head, and let the warmth of the sun lul her to sleep.

Jim had a great view of Jenna’s rounded ass and toned legs from where he sat at the table. The modest two piece bikini Jenna wore could not keep her ample flesh of her ass or tits from yearning to be set free. The bikini bottom started to work its way between Jenna’s ass cheeks. And, lying on her stomach, her breasts were compressed and threatened to spill out of the top.

Jim decided to go talk to her.

“If you don’t turn over soon, you’re going to look like a lobster.”

Jenna had not realized that Jim had joined her until he startled her by speaking. She flushed again being so close to him and let her eyes take him in once more.

He sat in the deck chair next to Jenna, facing her, legs spread, forearms resting on his knees as he leaned over towards her. Jenna’s eyes moved slowly from his smile down to the bulge in his board shorts. Her eyes lingered a moment there trying to determine if she really did see his still flaccid cock, outlined in the fabric, running at least half way down his thigh.

“You had better take it easy for the first few days. As fair as you are, you’ll fry otherwise,” Jim warned her.

She rolled over and looked up at the darkly handsome young man. Embarrassed, Jenna quickly wiped away what felt like drool on the side of her mouth. She wasn’t sure if that was from falling asleep or craving the cock Jim appeared to have hidden away. But she quickly pushed those thoughts out of her head. She was surprised at how much she was letting herself be affected by him.

As Jenna made herself comfortable again laying on her back, Jim found himself drawn to her round tits. Her nipples were erect and clearly testing the resiliency of the bikini fabric. He wanted to rip that top off her and suck on them.

Jim took a deep breath to regain himself, laid back in the chair next to Jenna, and tried to discuss something other than her tits.

Jim and Jenna had a pleasant discussion about L.A. He mentioned some of the good places to go and areas to avoid. He was careful not to bring up anything to remind Jenna of home but was able to determine some of her likes and dislikes. The conversation easily carried on for what might have been an hour before Jim said he had to leave to go to work.

By the time Jim left, Cindy and Eli had finished their swim and disappeared. Jenna continued to lie in the sun. As she basked lazily in its warmth, her mind drifted aimlessly.

The sun’s rays seemed to caress her. To bathe her tits and cunt in a heat that radiated throughout. Her thoughts slowly drifted back towards Jim. She imagined the warmth she was feeling was from him lying next to her. She imagined his warm hands caressing her.

Her thoughts were beginning to make her wet and squirm. She shook her head to snap out of day dream. Damn it, she thought. I’m a married woman. I shouldn’t be thinking these things. She decided that she should go inside to avoid getting too worked up about Jim. And avoid getting sunburned.

To cool off her thoughts as well as her body, Jenna jumped into the pool and swam a few laps before heading toward her cousin’s apartment. Where had Cindy gone? Jenna wondered as she made her way back. Perhaps she had returned to the apartment, or maybe she had gone to Eli’s. Wherever she was, Jenna knew she could get back into the apartment with the key that Cindy had given her.

By the time she reached the apartment, she was lost in thought. She was thinking of Rick. Of his drinking and how the sex had taken a sadistic turn.

Jenna unlocked the door and entered the apartment without a word. Still absorbed in her thoughts, Jenna walked toward the bedroom to change out of her wet bikini. She was most of the way across the living room before she heard sounds coming from beyond the doorway.

At first she assumed that Cindy was on the telephone, but then she heard another voice. Something about the tone of the voices kept her from calling out. Instead she walked closer to the partially opened door and peered through the crack.

Cindy and Eli were naked, laying sprawled across the bed. Embarrassed, she brought her hand to cover her gasp and started to turn away to quickly leave the apartment, but she could not. Some force held her transfixed at the door, staring at Eli and Cindy gently caress each other. Their hands slowly explored each other. Jenna was unable to hear what the lovers were saying, but it was clear that they were enjoying themselves very much.

Jenna was fascinated. She had never watched anyone fucking before. Not long after they were married, Rick asked her if she wanted to watch porn as they made love. She told him no and Rick didn’t seem to mind. She couldn’t understand why people wanted to watch those lewd acts. At least she hadn’t understood until now. She could feel her heart beating in excitement in her chest. The scene before her caused her pussy to tingle and she felt the wetness between her thighs begin to build. Eyes wide, she bit her lower lip as she continued to watch through the crack in the door.

The two lovers lay side by side, kissing. Eli’s hand moved up and down Cindy’s body of the from her shoulders to her calves. As his hand began to travel upward along her thigh, he slid it between her legs. Upon reaching her shaved pussy, he paused and with his fingers began to gently massage the fleshy lips and nub of her clit. Cindy answered by bending one knee and spreading her legs wide enough to allow him easier access to her pussy.

Eli used his fingers to rub cunt, feeling the heat building from within, feeling her juices begin to coat his fingers. He moved his fingers in firm circular motions from the entrance to her cunt and on up towards her clit. Eli alternated his circular motions with short thrusts. Cindy rolled on the bed and thrust her hips toward his teasing fingers. Eli was careful not to enter her steamy cunt until her pussylips were crimson and swollen.

Finally he moved his fingers into her pussy. After several determined thrusts up her cunt, Cindy moaning with each, he withdrew his dripping hand and slid his fingers up to her now protruding little clit. He felt her nub, erect and swollen with her passion. Taking her clit between his thumb and forefinger, he rolled her bud back and forth, giving her clit an occasional gentle squeeze.

Cindy’s hands went up to her large tits. At first she simply held her tits cupped in her hands, then she began to give them gentle, caressing touches. Cindy’s fingers circled her areolas. She tugged at her nipples and rolled them between her fingers in a rhythm that kept pace with Eli’s clit-squeezing efforts. As Eli moved his mouth down to her quivering cunt

Eli moved his mouth down to her quivering cunt. Moving his tongue slowly back and forth in the little channel just under her clit, gradually inching closer to her inflamed clit. When Cindy’s contractions and low moans signaled that she could no longer stand her clit being teased, Eli started to kiss her clit. Alternating between sucking on the nub and flicking his tongue rapidly across her clit and then circling it slowly with sudden upward darts, his tongue elevated her to new heights of passion.

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