A New Chapter in Her Life - Cover

A New Chapter in Her Life

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Jenna married the love of her life, Rick. Or so she thought. When the relationship with her husband becomes abusive, she decides to head to LA, with her cousin. She hopes that some time apart will help both her and Rick put the past abuses behind them, and start a new chapter of their life together. However, she soon meets new friends who welcome her with open arms and show her there is so much she has been missing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cousins   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

During the long ride to Cindy’s apartment they chatted about old times, news of family and friends, and recent happenings in both their lives. After a while Jenna fell silent and sat staring out of the window at the passing cars and scenery.

Cindy could tell that something was bothering Jenna. She didn’t seem to be herself.

“It may not be any of my business,” Cindy said, “but is something wrong?”

“Of course not. Why would you think that?” replied Jenna a little too rapidly as she snapped out of her thoughts and looked over towards Cindy.

“Well, I was surprised that you suddenly took me up on my invitation to visit. First, I don’t hear anything from you for months, and then you call to say that you have plane reservations. And reservations just for you. I mean, you and Rick were pretty intense and I thought I would never get you apart from him.” Cindy looked over towards Jenna who didn’t hold eye contact for more than a second before casting her eyes down and then turned to look back out the window.

“It just seems pretty odd to me, that’s all.” Cindy said after waiting to see Jenna would offer up anything.

After several minutes Cindy continued, “Look, I’m not trying to pry. And maybe I’m wrong, but there just seems to be something bothering you. Tell me that it’s none of my business and I’ll let it drop. But, we used to tell eachother everything. The good and the bad. And I think I know you pretty well. You aren’t yourself and I’d like to help if I can.”

Wringing her hands on her lap and not looking back towards Cindy, Jenna softly replied,”There is something ... something on my mind, but...” her sentence trailing off into silence.

Jenna took a deep breath and rubbed the palms of her hands along her thighs to try and calm down. She knew that her cousin knew her too well for her to be able to conceal anything from her. In fact she had decided to come out to L.A. in the hope that Cindy would be able to help. She was always able to help throughout high school and college. Still, talking about something so personal and painful was difficult.

She drew a final deep breath and began to tell Cindy the real reason for her vacation.

The first several months of her marriage had been perfect. She was so in love with Rick that she had really overlooked or explained away the first warning signs that there might be something wrong. But in the last couple of months it became too much, too blatant to ignore.

The first thing she noticed was that Rick had begun to work longer hours. Even when he worked late, he usually stopped off at a bar near the office to have a drink with his friends. Jenna hadn’t really minded. As time passed, it seemed that Rick came home later and later, and he was often drunk. When she tried to talk to him, he ignored her and would sit on the couch looking over emails and texts on his phone.

At first she feared that he had another woman. But she never found anything on his phone or any other clues. She ultimately began to suspect that he had a drinking problem. When he had been drinking, he treated her differently — not the same as he had been when they first started going out or the first year of marriage. And the sex had taken on a rough and hurried tone.

Jenna’s vision began to blur as tears built up. She could feel one trickle down her cheek as she talked.

Cindy reached over with her right hand and gently squeezed Jenna’s left hand which she nervously kept rubbing along her thigh.

Jenna wiped away the tear from her cheek as a sad calm moved over her and she continued to confide in her cousin.

In the beginning their fucking had been good, really good. Even now it was not so much that Rick had lost interest in fucking as it was that he didn’t seem to care about her needs or desires.

As his drinking had increased, his consideration and tenderness in bed had decreased until it seemed that he expected to fuck solely on his terms. It had begun to seem that their fucking was a convenient way for him to satisfy his own selfish needs; there were no tender kisses, no foreplay, no romance.

The latest incident was last night. Rick left work late again, despite knowing that she was leaving for California the next day. When he finally came home, she could tell by the way he walked through the door that he had been drinking. Nevertheless, Jenna tried to remain calm. She was concerned for him. She loved him and she wanted their last evening together before her trip to be like old times.

As she kissed him, she smelled the alcohol on his breath. “Dinner was ready over an hour ago. Let me go warm it up for us.” she said, frustrated, as she moved toward the kitchen.

“Oh, no rush. I’m not particularly hungry. I thought we could have a drink and relax a little first. How about it?” Rick slurred.

Jenna sighed as she made her way over to the couch and settle down on one side. Rick went into the kitchen for some ice. She had hoped that they could have a romantic dinner, like they used to, but it looked like her plans weren’t going to work out.

Whenever he had several drinks, Rick was never in the mood for any romance, let alone quiet talking. He certainly would be in no mood to hear anything about her reasons for taking this trip to California. Which she thought was odd that he never questioned her too deeply on it. More likely than not, in his drunken stupor, he probably forgot she was leaving. Doubts about their marriage crept into her mind.

At that moment he returned to the living room with two large glasses of ice. Filling the glasses two-thirds full of Scotch. As he poured, he started talking about what happened at work.

Rick rattled on about how much he hated his boss and several of his clients. Jenna’s lack of responsiveness to his comments about work and they way she sat stiffly on the other side of the couch told Rick that she knew he had been drinking. He didn’t want to risk her saying anything about it. Rick rose from the couch to fix more drinks, before Jenna had finished the one in her hand, and started talking about how bad the traffic was coming home.

Midway through her second drink, Jenna felt the liquor begin to affect her. As its warmth spread through her body, she felt the stirrings in her pussy. Despite the problems they had been having, Rick was still the most important person in her life.

Gazing at him seated at the other end of the couch, Jenna’s physical need to make love to him, to fuck him, continued to mount. She was still hurt by his insensitivity. His odd behaviour. His drinking. She was leaving the next day and he didn’t seem to care. As she looked at him, she remembered those first few months. She longed to feel his arms around her.

“Perhaps,” she told herself, “I have just blown this whole problem out of proportion. I’m jumping to conclusions without any facts.”

Jenna finished her drink and started toward the kitchen to start warming dinner up. As she passed him, Rick reached out, caught her hand, and pulled her into his lap.

Holding her close and flattening her tits against his chest, he began a series of long, slow kisses with his tongue teasing into her mouth in search of hers. Rick felt Jenna’s breath quicken and her nipples grow rigid as they pressed against him. His hand moved up her body to her tit and tugged and squeezed the sensitive flesh.

Then his hand traveled downward across her slim body until it cradled her cunt. For some minutes he continued to hold and kiss and fondle her before releasing her.

Loosening his hold on her, Rick leaned forward and whispered, “I just wanted to give you something to think about while you are warming dinner.”

Jenna flushed and thought, despite being a little rough, tonight may not be so bad.

The meal was uneventful. Rick sat quietly scarfing down his dinner and never once looked up from his plate except to grab a bottle of wine. Rick insisted upon opening a bottle and they both had several glasses.

It was unusual for Jenna to drink very much, and the alcohol was going to her head. She was becoming more relaxed and less reserved, and she tried to start some idle conversation with Rick without much success.

After dinner they moved into the living room. Rick fixed them both a large brandy, although Jenna protested that she didn’t want anything else to drink. He had drained most of his drink even before he rejoined Jenna on the couch. Sitting down close to her, he slipped his hands under her blouse and roughly grasped her tits.

“You want me, don’t you?” he hissed in a deep, throaty voice. “Why don’t you show me just how much you want me?”

He grabbed one of Jenna’s hands and forced it down onto his hard, bulging cock. Through his clothing, Jenna could feel his cock swell in response to her touch. Drawing her face to his, Rick gave her a rough kiss which left her upper lip bruised.

“Please honey, let’s talk for a while,” she said as she tried to squirm out of his grasp.

Tightening his grip on her, Rick growled, “Listen bitch. I want you, and I want you now. Don’t give me any of that later shit. You’re my wife, and I’ll fuck you whenever and wherever I want.” As if to emphasize his point he clutched one of her tits so hard that Jenna winced in pain.

The harshness of his tone and actions frightened Jenna. He never called her a bitch before and never treated her like this. She sat back, stunned, staring at him. His face was red and eyes turned dark. She was afraid.

She quickly stood up and hastened to undress to avoid making him any angrier. Although looking away from him, she could hear the sound of Rick’s belt as he pulled it from the belt loops of his pants, the metallic scrape of his zipper going down, and clanking of the change in his pockets as he dropped his pants to the floor.

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