Affairs of a Housewife - Cover

Affairs of a Housewife

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A lonely housewife needs to be loved...and fucked. Jessica, mother of two and dutiful wife, is fed up with the feeling of neglect. Determined, she ventures out of the house starts a new job to regain her self worth and her sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

A few days went by and the guilt of cheating on her husband, now twice, consumed her. She never intended to have thoes affairs. She was looking for some level of recognition, but was not ready for what she did receive and the crushing wave of wanting and lust that consumed her.

In the first month of work, she felt like she was so much more than a boring housewife. The looks she received from coworkers, her bosses, and complete strangers on the street always made her feel good about herself. She stood a little taller. She pushed her shoulders back and her ample breasts out a little more. As she walked, her hips would sway a little more. Then, when Jason started to flirt with her, the later afternoon affair with him, and then fucking the gardner - she found herself pulled into a carnal maelstrom. She was nervous about giving in to her sexual urges; of getting pulled into the dark abyss at the center of the swirling lust.

Jessica recalled flirting with Jason and then having sex with him in his hotel room. She recalled fucking the gardner, John, and the mix of emotions that occurred after.

She sat in the patio chair with her legs spread letting her fingers slowly move in and out of her cum soaked pussy. She coated them in his cum and brought them back up to her mouth, sucking them clean. As she did this, she watched John quickly fumble around trying to pull his pants back up. Holding his pants up with one hand he bent down and picked up the edger then clumsily stumbled to his lawn mower and quickly attempted to push it back through the gate to his truck. Jessica heard him start his truck and head down the road. She slouched down in the chair basking in the sun and relishing the receding pleasure his cock brought her.

She looked across her backyard fence. She wondered if any of her neighbors were watching.

“Hope you enjoyed the show,” she said to nobody in particular.

The thought of her neighbors watching excited her and she smiled to herself as she gathered her robe and headed back inside. That excitement, however, wore off quickly as the day progressed and was replaced by guilt and depression.

She braced herself against the kitchen sink, her head hung low. She wanted her husband to come home and fuck her and show her how sexy he thought she was. But she knew he would, again, come home late and tired. Sharing dinner with him and trying to talk would be useless. Most likely he would grab something to eat at work or on his way home. Then, as soon as he walked through that door, he would quickly head upstairs to bed and shrug off any advances she would make despite anything he may have said in the morning. She took a deep breath and straightened herself holding her head high. She hoped it would be different tonight.

But it was just as she expected.

For the past week, despite her efforts, her husband continued to shrug off all her advances and would berate and belittle her when she tried to bring it up.

“God dammit, Jessica! Why do you keep nagging me? I’m working hard to earn the money to help pay for all the shit the kids want, all the shit you want, and all this,” he yelled waving his hand around.

Strong feelings of guilt, anger, and depression coursed through her just about everyday. And it was beginning to affect her at work. On several occasions she misfiled forms, incorrectly scheduled appointments, missed calls, and showed up late. She was grateful that today was Friday, she was looking forward to the weekend to take some time to refocus herself.

She sat at her receptionist desk to the medical office and planned out a day at the spa for Saturday.


She was startled by someone calling her name. She shook off her meandering thoughts of the spa and looked up to see who walked into the office but found nobody waiting.


She recognized the voice the second time. It was Doctor Brenner, her boss.

“Yes,” she asked as she turned in her seat to see him leaning inside the doorway to her small receptionist area.

“Is everything ok?”

“Sorry, yes. I was reviewing the schedule for next week and didn’t realize you were behind me.” She lied trying to cover up her daydreaming.

“I would like to talk to you before you leave today.”

“Yes, Doctor Brenner. I’ll come by your office at 4.”

He nodded his head and turned to walk back to his office. She noticed he frowned as he turned.

She knew it was not going to be a good meeting. She felt like she was back in highschool and had to report to the principal’s office.

“Perhaps he noticed how hard I’ve been working and wants to compliment me on how well I’ve been doing my first month here.” She tried to lie to herself but knew she had screwed up things recently in this past week and he was probably going to yell at her. He would probably fire her. She took a deep breath and sighed as the phone rang and she went back to work.

The last couple hours of work dragged on. She grew tense and more nervous with each passing minute. Finally, it was 4 o’clock. She cleaned up her desk. She figured it was her last day here and did not want to leave a mess for the next receptionist. When everything was put away, she stood up, smoothed out her skirt, and headed down the hall to Doctor Brenner’s office.

Most everyone else had left early on Friday. She walked by Doctor Thorsen’s office. He stood behind his desk, talking on his cell phone as she walked by.

Of the two doctors that worked in this clinic, Doctor Thorsen was the younger one, about Jessica’s age. He was tall and lean. Constantly training for his next triathlon, he would usually ride his bike into work. One of the perks of working as the receptionist at this clinic was watching him arrive and leave the office in his form fitting jersey and bike shorts that appeared to hide a rather substantial cock.

He waved at her as she walked by while continuing his conversation on the phone.

She waved hesitantly back and blushed slightly.

“Fuck, stop that shit. This is what got you into trouble and is now getting you fired,” she yelled at herself as dirty thoughts swirled in her mind about Doctor Thorsen. She continued walking past his office and down towards Doctor Brenner’s.

She stood in the doorway to his office. Doctor Brenner’s back was to Jessica. He was facing his computer, typing away on his computer and occasionally glance at sheets of his notes next to the keyboard. Jessica cleared her throat and knocked on the door frame.

“You wanted to see me, Doctor Brenner.”

“Yes, please come in and have a seat,” he said without turning around.

She stepped into his office and sat on the leather couch next to the door, facing his desk.

“Forgive me as I finish typing this up,” he said again without turning around.

“Take your time, sir.”

As she waited, Jessica looked around his office. This was only the second time she was in here. The first was for the job interview. She would drop various records off for him but she never had much time to look around and take it all in.

It was a good size office. Expansive windows stood opposite the door. The wall above the couch was covered with several framed degrees and certificates. A large desk sat in the middle of the office with several medical files and folders piled up. To either side of the desk were large bookcases that took up the entire walls and were filled with books, personal photos of him and other mementos from the multiple trips he took. One photo caught her attention. It was a picture of Doctor Brenner standing next to a large pool holding a yellow ball about the size of a soccer ball and wearing nothing but a speedo. Her breath caught, heat igniting within, as she admired his broad shoulders and chest that tapered down to his waist. His abs were toned with clear definition of the “V” leading to a well endowed package hidden by a speedo.

She squeezed her thighs together and squirmed her ass around on the edge of the couch attempting to abate the building heat within. “Stop it ... stop it...” she thought to herself.

“I’m on the local master’s water polo team.” He startled her. He had finished typing at this computer and noticed what she was looking at. “That was taken this past spring at one of the tournaments we played in.”

Jessica blushed heavily after having been caught staring at a picture of him. Doctor Brenner was in his late 40’s and looked to be in better shape than most people in their twenties.

She was not sure what to say, “Uh ... you wanted to see me?” She tried to sit up straight, calm down the tickling lust she was feeling within, and brace for the bad news.

“Yes. Is everything ok? We have noticed you coming in late recently and you have been making several mistakes in the filing of forms and other rather routine administration.” He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together. His eyes were intense but appeared to care about her.

The heat Jessica felt between her thighs turned cold as she felt her face flush in embarrassment. “Here it comes. I’m getting fired,” she thought to herself.

“Yes...” she swallowed trying to think of what to say. She could not start talking to him about her troubled love life at home; of her not feeling sexually attractive; of her attempts to feel some sort of worth, value; or of the affairs with Jason and the gardener and the daily battle between the lust and guilt she felt within.

“Everything is fine...” she started to say as Doctor Thorsen walked in and nodded to Jessica and Doctor Brenner. He closed the door behind him, walked over to the desk and leaned back against it.

“Sorry about being late. I was talking to Jason on the phone. And he loves to talk.” The last part he said while looking at Jessica.

Jessica’s head started spinning, “Was that Jason, the sales representative? The Jason I had my first affair with. The Jason I now often day dreamed about while trying to fight off my urges. Why did Doctor Thorsen say that last bit while looking directly at me? Did Jason say something about our night in the hotel?” Too many questions spun around her head. She was getting dizzy.

“I was just asking Jessica if everything was ok as we both have noticed her performance here in the office has started to suffer.” Doctor Brenner motioned with his hand towards Jessica as he explained the start of the conversation.

“Yes. Jessica, your first month on the job was great,” Doctor Thorsen added. “You actually picked up everything pretty quick and helped get the office back to where it needed to be. You were a breath of fresh air. And a pleasure to see first thing in the morning.”

He smiled and, Jessica thought, let his eyes move over her and stay a little bit longer on her breasts before making eye contact again.

“Thank you,” she blushed and quickly broke eye contact to stare at her clasped, fidgeting hands in her lap. She felt embarrassed that she had disappointed them. She wished they would just fire her. “Why were they making this so painful for me,” she asked herself.

“I completely agree,” Doctor Brenner added. “I have greatly appreciated having you here. But the recent downturn in performance this past ... week?” He looked over to Doctor Thorsen.

“Yes. Just over a week. It was right after Jason was here.” Doctor Thorsen looked over his shoulder at Doctor Brenner and nodded, then faced Jessica again.

Jessica’s eyes moved back and forth between the two doctors. “Fuck, they know. Just fire me,” she thought.

“Hhmmm,” Doctor Brenner nodded his head slowly. Steepled his hands in front of him again and with a severe look asked, “Did Jason say or do anything to offend you or make you uncomfortable?”

The spinning stopped and she looked wide eyed at Doctor Brenner. “Perhaps they don’t know. I could use Jason as an excuse. Accuse him of harassing me and save my job,” the thought quickly ran through her mind. No, she could not do that. She was at fault for what happened between them, not him.

“No ... no he did nothing wrong,” she stammered out as she shook her. She was about to continue when Doctor Thorsen cut in.

“Jessica, if he did anything please tell us. We heard rumors about him and ... Well he does like to flirt and talk a lot. He has...”

“No. He did nothing wrong,” she said again. She was not going to ruin his career. But she was not ready to end her job here. This job meant so much to her - it provided her a sense of accomplishment and a break from being stuck at home.

“Doctor Brenner, Doctor Thorsen,” she nodded to each. “I apologize for not being myself this past week. I appreciate the opportunity and I’m thankful to work here. This job means a lot to me. And while I do have some personal issues I’m resolving, they will not ... will not,” she emphasized with a shake of her head, “interfere with work again, I promise!”

It was quiet. Jessica nervously worked her hands in a tight knot. Doctor Brenner and Thorsen said nothing but continued to look straight at her. She could not tell what they were thinking. Their faces were emotionless.

Finally Doctor Brenner spoke, “That is good to hear.” Doctor Thorsen looked over at him and nodded in agreement. “And Jason will appreciate it as well.”

Jessica was a little confused. Was he saying that because Jessica was not going to accuse him of harassment?

“Jason really enjoyed working with you while he was here,” Doctor Thorsen smiled. As he was talking, Doctor Brenner stood up, grabbed his cell phone, and walked around to the front of the desk. “In fact, he can’t stop talking about it.”

“Indeed. He especially enjoyed fucking you in his hotel room.” Doctor Brenner handed his phone to Jessica.

The couch and floor seemed to drop out from under her. Her head was spinning and she thought she was going to vomit. She shakely held his phone and looked at a very clear picture of her sucking Jason’s cock.

“There’s more too.” Doctor Thorsen was swiping through pictures on his phone. Occasionally he would raise his eyebrows. “Mmmm, you two were busy!”

Doctor Brenner took his phone back.

Jessica stopped breathing. Her heart was slamming in her chest. “How did he get those pictures,” she asked herself as a flood of emotions turned within her. She was angry at herself. She was angry at Jason for taking those pictures without her knowing. She was afraid of what would now happen - between her and her husband, her kids, her friends and family. However, she was a slightly aroused seeing both Doctor Brenner and Thorsen continue to hungrily look at pictures of her fucking another man.

Doctor Brenner put his phone back down on his desk and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “We have a proposal for you Mrs. Walker,” he tilted his head towards Doctor Thorsen.

Jessica noticed Doctor Thorsen was gripping and massaging his thickening cock under his pants with one hand while swiping through pictures with the other. She could make out its crowned head with each of his strokes.

Jessica’s eyes returned to Doctor Brenner’s as he continued talking.

“As we said, you were doing a good job here that first month. I had my doubts given your lack of experience in medical field administration. However, as Jason will attest, and I’m sure he told you, and as you can see by Doctor Thorsen’s incessant masturbation there,” he again tilted his head towards him, “we hired you for your beauty.”

Jessica eyes momentarily strayed to Doctor Thorsen’s lengthening cock before coming back again to Doctor Brenner.

“Yes, yes. That is sexist and very shallow but it’s the truth. We are not upset that you and Jason had sex. However, it cannot interfere with work. We would like you to keep working here, on two conditions.”

Jessica was not sure what was happening. She was having trouble focusing on what Doctor Brenner was saying. She thought she was getting fired. While various emotions continued to turn, her lust started to swell within as she was continuously being distracted by Doctor Thorsen. She squeezed and tightly twisted her thighs together to try and calm herself but only managed to stoke it further.

“First,” Jesscia returned her gaze upon Doctor Brenner as he held one finger up. “You must never be late again and never become distracted while at work. Whatever happens in your personal life stays there. I don’t pay you to daydream or fret over anything that has nothing to do with this practice. Is that understood?”

Jessica still questioned what was happening. “Am I being blackmailed,” she thought.

“Yes or no, Mrs. Walker,” Doctor Brenner said sternly. “Uhm ... yes, yes.”

“Second,” he held up another finger. “While here at work and at any other time Doctor Thorsen or I desire, you will service us. As a concubine of sorts. We will put you on a one week probationary period under these conditions. If everything goes well, there is no relapse into your poor on the job performance, and we are sated by your services, we will negotiate your continued work here at increased pay along with other perks and bonuses. However, if you fail to remain focused at work or fail to meet our other needs we will terminate your employment here and ... well, it would be ashame if we are not able to keep things amicable between us and your affair, these pictures, are delivered to your husband, your family, and your friends.”

She was being blackmailed. Jessica did not like the feeling of being trapped. While things were not going well between her and Rob, she did not intend to leave him. She thought she could still salvage their marriage. Even if the marriage was doomed for failure, she did not want to embarrass him and her kids.

But there was that building lust that only grew more as he was talking. A thrill shot through her when he mentioned servicing them as a concubine. The thought of being at their beck and call, servicing their sexual needs and desires sent small electric pulses through her.

“Do you agree to these conditions, Mrs. Walker,” Doctor Brenner asked, keeping his intense gaze upon her. Doctor Thorsen had put his phone down, but continued to work his cock beneath his pants as he looked at Jessica and waited for her reply.

She looked back and forth between the two doctors. The complements they provided her on her beauty and that she was the one they desired to satisfy them made her feel good. No, it made her feel like she was actually the one with power in this situation. She stopped fidgeting with her hands and placed them palm flat against the top of her thighs. She straightened her back and held her head up.

“Yes,” she was surprised at how clearly it came out of her mouth.

Thorsen raised his eyebrows at her response, then a smile curled the corners of his mouth.

“Very good,” Brenner pushed himself off the desk and walked back around to his leather chair behind his desk. He pulled open one of the bottom drawers and took out three glasses and a crystal decanter of a dark colored liquor. “I’m glad you agreed. I do like you, and not just for your pretty smile, tits, and ass. Yes, I think this will be very good for everyone,” he said as he poured a couple fingers into each glass.

He grabbed one glass in each hand and held one out for Thorsen and one for Jessica. Thorsen took his with a nod. He grabbed the remaining glass for himself.

“Please,” he gestured for Jessica to take the glass. “This is 20 year scotch.”

Jessica breathed deeply, stood up and took the proffered glass. “What am I getting into,” she thought.

“Here is to you Mrs. Walker, your probationary period starts now.” He and Thorsen raised their glasses. Thorsen shot the contents into his mouth and swallowed without flinching. Brenner took a sip. “Please drink,” he said as he sat back down in his chair. “Then remove those rags you are wearing. As you could tell, Doctor Thorsen enjoyed those pictures of you. I, however, am old fashioned and prefer to be entertained in the flesh where I call the shots.” He took another sip of his drink.

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