Affairs of a Housewife - Cover

Affairs of a Housewife

Copyright© 2020 by Carnal Pleasures

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A lonely housewife needs to be loved...and fucked. Jessica, mother of two and dutiful wife, is fed up with the feeling of neglect. Determined, she ventures out of the house starts a new job to regain her self worth and her sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

“Yes, I’ll give Dr. Brenner the message. He is with a patient at the moment but will get back to you shortly. Thank you for calling.”

Jessica Walker hung up the phone. She smiled to herself as she filled in the date and time on the message slip. She had reason to smile, for she had done well in her first month on the job.

After getting married sixteen years ago, Jessica has done the stay at home motherly thing - popped out a couple kids, attended PTA meetings, made cupcakes, laundry, dishes and all the other daily chores around the house. She always had dinner ready for her husband, Rob, each night he returned home from work. She did not mind this at first. She loved her kids and her husband and would do anything for them. But, the past several years things changed.

The kids, Sam and Amy, were now teenagers and didn’t want to spend time with her. They both had their own set of friends and, outside of school, would spend each afternoon with them. Rob was promoted several times over the years with increased responsibilities. While the pay is good, the amount of time Rob now spends at work or on a business trip was frustrating her. Not only was she alone just about all day every day, she and Rob have not had sex in months. Jessica began to question just about everything from her cooking, to how good of a mother she was, to how attractive she was. Since she had the kids, she put on a few pounds. And her husband, for all intents and purposes, ignored her now.

Just over a month ago she decided to change things up. She was determined to get a job and prove to herself she was capable of more than the nothing her family made her feel like. To feel wanted. To feel sexy and admired.

As she finished filling out the message slip, she heard a muffled voice through the glass separating her reception desk from the waiting room, “Package for Dr. Thorsen.”

She remained sitting and reached up and pushed the glass partition aside. She was caught off guard when her eyes found the handsome young man standing in the reception area. He had a dark complexion with steel grey eyes and looked to be at most a few years older than her son. His hand held a small package on the reception counter.

“Do you want dick?” She heard him say.

She blinked and shook her head quickly. Did she just hear him right?

“Excuse me,” she asked.

“Do you want it? The package.” He tapped the box with his hand. “Who can sign for it? I have at least ten other stops to make and it’s getting late. And while I don’t mind chatting with a beautiful lady like yourself I need to get moving.”

Jessica noticed his eyes drop to admire her cleavage. She knew the angle from where he stood and she sat provided an ample view.

“Who’s it for?” she asked. She then smiled, straightened her shoulders and leaned forward. She rested her elbows on her desk, pushing her breasts together and out for his visual enjoyment.

“I told you, Dr. Thorsen,” the young man said.

“Yes, I can sign for him.” She reached up to take the package and the small tablet he provided for her signature.

He pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and waited for her to sign. He continued to stare at the exposed portion of her breasts.

Jessica felt slightly flush. She knew he was staring at her and she liked it. Since she had started working as a receptionist at the medical office she started noticing men and women looking longingly at her. The looks she received made her feel good. She enjoyed their hungry eyes and would wear blouses and skirts that accentuated her curves. Many blouses, like the one she wore today, provided plenty to tease.

She also enjoyed not wearing a bra. The cold, air conditioned office would leave her nipples clearly visible as they stood stiff beneath the light fabric. Most men and women she would greet at the reception desk seemed to enjoy the view that she provided them.

As she signed the tablet, she noticed him shift back and forth where he stood but could still feel his eyes taking off here top. She knew he was trying to imagine what her tits would look like without the blouse over them.

Jessica handed him the tablet back and grabbed the small package. She pushed back on her chair and turned around to place the package in Dr. Thorsen’s inbox. She knew he was still looking. Still sitting, she twisted in her seat and reached to place the package in the inbox. As she did, her skirt rode up revealing her sheer stockings and round thighs.

She turned back around and asked, “Anything else?”

He grinned broadly, “Actually, yes. Would like to go on a date?”

“Thank you, but one, I’m married and two, I think I’m old enough to be your mom.” Jessica said. “Now, do you mind if I get back to work?” She smiled at the young man and started to slide the glass back.

“My name is Mike. I’ll be back in again to see you!” he smiled and winked as he turned to leave.

Jessica sighed quietly to herself as he left. She squeezed her thighs together. A hungry ache was gnawing at her from within. It had been a long time since she had had sex and the past month had only inflamed that urge. She couldn’t help it now. Her imagination was racing as she pictured the delivery guy, Mike, and her together. However, she quickly snapped out of it. She had something else planned after work.

Glancing at the clock, she saw that five minutes remained before she was off work. Her clit began to throb in anticipation.

Her husband had not been the least suspicious when she phoned earlier that she would be late tonight. She had expected that reaction from him. For one, he often worked late and, on occasion, the Dr’s would have some appointments that would run late. However, that was not the case tonight. He did not know what she really had planned. Jessica smiled to herself while she drummed her pen on the desk. Rob would be mad and most likely divorce her and take everything and the kids if he knew the truth. But the deep longing gnawing inside her...

“Fuck him,” she slammed the pen down.

She couldn’t wait any longer. She jumped up from her seat and grabbed her purse. She didn’t even bother to tell anyone she was leaving. She rushed out of the office toward the elevators, her breasts bouncing under her blouse as she moved quickly.

“Hold it, please!” she shouted when she saw the door about to close on the elevator.

“You just made it!” the balding, middle-aged man in the elevator smiled as Jessica slipped through the closing doors. He held a briefcase in one hand and held the door open with the other. She stood next to him on the elevator and noticed him hungrily stare at her tits and move move his eyes lower to take in her shapely hips and legs.

Jessica smiled at the man as she breathed heavily trying to catch her breath. She turned to face the doors and knew he was gaping at her. Her nipples grew stiffer at the thought of him looking at her.

The elevator reached the ground floor.

“Good night!” Jessica turned her head towards him and smiled as the doors opened. He now held the briefcase awkwardly with both hands in front of him. She laughed to herself as she thought that it must be the biggest thrill the man had had for a long time. He didn’t exit the elevator but only smiled and watched her swaying hips as she walked away and smirked knowing the briefcase was no doubt covering his erection.

The early-spring air was refreshing when she left the building and started to quickly walk the three blocks to the Hotel.

The Eclipse Lounge was just off the main lobby of one of the nicest hotels around. She walked into the lobby and smiled at the double-take she got from the doorman. Pausing next to the entrance of the bar, she smoothed her skirt down. Her heart pounding with excitement, she walked slowly inside.

Jason was sitting at a small table in the corner. He stood and motioned her over. He watched her walk, almost float across the floor. Men she passed were turning their heads to admire her.

Jason was a medical equipment rep who stopped by the medical office this week to do some maintenance and try to sell the Dr’s on some new equipment. Her and Jason hit it off as soon as he walked through the office door. Throughout the week they flirted with each other and this morning Jason mentioned he would like to treat her to dinner to thank her for her help with getting a sale with Dr’s.

“I wasn’t sure that you would come,” he smiled. He was retired Navy with broad shoulders, well trimmed beard, dark eyes, and a wicked smile. A smile that surged warmth throughout Jessica’s body and made her legs weak. His warm hand was firm as he took her hand and guided her into the seat next to him. He held her hand tightly as he waved to the waitress.

“I said I would come, didn’t I?” Jessica smiled at him.

“What are you drinking?” Jason asked when the young waitress arrived.

Jessica felt his knee against her leg as she spoke and the ache that gnawed at her intensified, “I’ll have a gin and tonic.”

“Make that two,” Jason smiled to the girl.

Jessica pressed her leg harder against his knee. She could feel the heat between her legs building.

They didn’t say anything as they waited for their drinks. They would look at each other and smile. Their legs rubbing against each other. Jessica had never cheated on Rob. But his lack of caring and attention to her needs had built up frustration within her that was too much now. She loved Rob, sure, but she needed to feel loved, to feel sexy, to just plain fuck. She bit her lower lip as she started to imagine what she wanted to do with Jason.

The girl brought the drinks. “Here’s to you for helping me this week and to a good dinner and a good time tonight,” Jason toasted.

Jessica clinked her glass against his. “And to a lot of good fucking!” she boldly toasted. She giggled when Jason choked on his drink. She was determined now, she was going to have sex with Jason and she was done waiting anylonger.

He recovered his composure after a long swallow. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that,” he smiled as his cock swelled.

“Why continue to play games?” Jessica shrugged. “You have a room?”

“Uh ... yeah ... I just thought...”

Jessica slipped her hand under the table and found his cock and squeezed the stiffening length.

“Listen, Jason.” She leaned into him, looked into his eyes, and huskily said, “I’m so fucking horny I can’t wait for a lot of talk and games. I want to fuck! Now, why don’t we finish these drinks and go up to the room?”

Jason prided himself on his ability to read women. He realized that he had read Jessica in a different way than she really was. The rather quiet, sweet receptionist around the office was now an aggressive woman. He gulped his drink and watched her empty her glass, her hand still on his cock.

“Okay, let’s go!” Jessica smiled.

Jason needed to hear no more. He tossed a twenty on the table and led her from the bar. He could almost feel the heat flowing from her as they walked across the lobby toward the elevators.

They were alone in the elevator as it carried them to the seventeenth floor. Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck and shoved her hips hard against him. She felt his cock growing harder and longer as she rubbed against his body. His tongue shot into her mouth and she teased it with her own.

“Come on!” Jason gasped when they reached the floor. He held her hand and pulled her down the hall to the room. His hand trembled as he tried to open the door with the key card.

Jessica giggled when they were finally in the room and the door was slammed behind them. She had to push him away as he tried to grab her again.

“Get those clothes off! I want to be fucked! I want that hard cock of yours in me! I want it as deep and as hard as you can give it to me!”

The man tore his coat off, pulled his tie over his head and then fumbled with his shirt-buttons as he watched her pull her blouse over her head.

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