The Seventh Sense
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Part 6
Science Fiction Sex Story: Part 6 - When Tiffany Clarke got out of the Army, the trauma of having had to kill innocent people drove her into a convent, to make amends. Not long after that, she found herself dealing with a boy who could see and do things that were impossible. Then he did something that she knew would make the government terrified of him. He would be hunted and turned into a weapon. Unless she took him on the run. They journeyed for a year, while she got him ready. Because she knew they'd never stop hunting him.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Science Fiction Extra Sensory Perception Body Swap First Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy
Exhibit 8, excerpts from the transcript of interrogation of Ms. Olivia Tiffany Clarke, SSAN[redacted] formerly a member of the St. [redacted] convent. Interrogation conducted at [redacted] by Special Agent [redacted] of the United States [redacted]. Interview conducted on 25 April [redacted]. Vocal emphasis expressed through italicized letters.
Agent [redacted]: You’ve explained why you were with the subject when you were apprehended, and you’ve been somewhat helpful by trying to describe his abilities, but I believe you’re holding back important details.
Clarke: I’ve told you everything I know. We were doing experiments, but I never really learned how he does what he does.
Agent [redacted]: You’ve said he sees colors, and the colors represent emotions, but that’s all. We know he can do much more than that, and I believe you do, too. You need to tell us what you know.
Clarke: All he ever did was explain what people were feeling.
Agent [redacted]: And kill a man by ripping his brain apart.
Clarke: He didn’t intend to kill him. And he didn’t rip his brain apart. I’m sure you’ve read the autopsy report. He tore one little vein in the man’s head.
Agent [redacted]: Which killed him.
Clarke: Yes. He felt terrible about that.
Agent [redacted]: From the reports I’ve read, he was entirely justified. If he’d had a gun, no court in the country would have convicted him for defending the innocent people there by using lethal force to stop that man.
Clarke: He didn’t have a gun. He just reacted in the only way available to him.
Agent [redacted]: What else has he done?
Clarke: I told you. I forbade him from harming anyone else.
Agent [redacted]: And he just obeyed you because you were his nanny.
Clarke: That’s offensive. He’s a young man. He needed guidance. I was asked to provide it, and I did.
Agent [redacted]: I’ve seen your military record. You know the deal. You know how important Bobby can be to the United States. I don’t understand why you’re not cooperating.
Clarke: I am cooperating. I’ve been cooperating for a month, while you guys kept me in jail for breaking no law I can think of.
Agent [redacted]: You’re in detention, not jail. And let me tell you a few things, Sister Nanny. We tried questioning him and he refuses to speak, other than to ask for you. We told him you were gone, had gone back to the convent at [redacted] and since then, he hasn’t said a word.
Clarke: Good for him.
Agent [redacted]: I’m beginning to doubt your loyalty to your own country. Let me remind you, you took an oath.
Clarke: My oath was to defend the country and constitution from all threats, foreign and domestic. Bobby is no threat to either the country or the constitution. I honored my oath while I was in. I’m not in anymore.
Agent [redacted]: You’re always in. I thought you special forces types would know that. You’re always subject to recall if the country needs you.
Clarke: And if the country needs me, I’ll put on a uniform again.
Agent [redacted]: What the country needs is for you to cooperate and explain how he does what he does. He’s done some things since we apprehended him and if we can’t figure out how to control him, things could get ugly.
Clarke: What has he done?
Agent [redacted]: When he wouldn’t talk, we tried some non-standard interrogation techniques.
Clarke: You mean torture.
Agent [redacted]: No, not torture. We just roughed him up a little.
Clarke: I’m going to guess that didn’t turn out well ... for you. He told me he learned how to get away from bullies when he was a kid.
Agent [redacted]: Tell me more.
Clarke: He said he could calm them down and make them think of something else, make them lose interest in him.
Agent [redacted]: Well, we’re not bullies, which may explain why he didn’t use that technique on us.
Clarke: What ... technique ... did he use?
Agent [redacted]: Basically, anything we did to him, we felt ourselves.
Clarke: I don’t understand.
Agent [redacted]: One man punched him in the stomach, and ended up on the floor, holding his own gut. He said he felt like he’d been hit by a truck. Another man zapped him with a stun gun, and ended up on the floor shaking, immobilized. If we turned down the temperature in his cell, we all froze, regardless of the temperature in the room we were in. One of my men threatened to do things to you. He’s in the hospital, in what looks like a coma. There’s not a mark on him and the doctors say he’s perfectly healthy. He just won’t wake up. Luckily, the boy didn’t do to him what he did to that wife beater.
Clarke: You’re such fucking idiots! All you’re doing is training him on how to use his powers to hurt people.
Agent [redacted]: He’s hurting the wrong people.
Clarke: He didn’t hurt anybody, until you locked him in a cage and tortured him.
Agent [redacted]: Trust me, nobody will ever torture him. They’d be terrified that it would backfire. And he already hurt someone. Let’s not forget Mr. Jacobson.
Clarke: Let us go. We weren’t bothering anyone back in [redacted] and if you give him back to me I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone in the future.
Agent [redacted]: You know it can’t work that way. He’s too valuable a resource.
Clarke: He’s just a young man. He didn’t ask for this. He doesn’t even want to use his abilities. He just wants to be left alone. He wants to become a scientist and study the brain.
Agent [redacted]: If we can’t find a way to control him, we’re going to have to study his brain ... in thin little slices.
[interviewee restrained after verbal and physical outburst. Interview continued with new interrogator]
Agent [redacted]: Miss Clarke, up to now you were just a person of interest. Now you’ve put two of my men in the hospital. You understand you can be charged with assault on a law enforcement officer in the commission of his duties.
Clarke: I understand I assaulted a fucking dildo who threatened to murder Bobby Wilson, and that another one of your goons tried to stop me from expressing my displeasure.
Agent [redacted]: I talked to Agent [redacted] before he went into surgery. He said you claim you could control Mr. Wilson if we released you. Is that right?
Clarke: I can control him. He listens to me. If you want to study him, then work with us. You’ll learn a hell of a lot more than if you cut him up and look at fucking slides under a microscope.
Agent [redacted]: You don’t talk like a nun.
Clarke: I’m not a nun. I’ve never been a nun. I was contemplating becoming a nun, and then you guys fucked that all up for me.
Agent [redacted]: Well, I’m not a nun, either. I’m an official in the United States Government, charged with the responsibility of finding out who Bobby Wilson is, where he came from, how he got his powers, and how they work. If I can do that and keep him alive and healthy, that’s great. If the only way I can complete my mission is through means that are fatal to Mr. Wilson, that will be regrettable. I sincerely hope it’s not necessary for things to go that way. And you can prevent it! Tell me how you control him.
Clarke: He likes me.
Agent [redacted]: He likes you.
Clarke: I know it’s too simple for fuckwads like you to understand, but yes, he likes me. He wants me to be happy, so he does whatever makes me happy. I feel the same way about him. We like each other. We’re pals, buddies, friends...
Agent [redacted]: And?
Clarke: That’s it.
Agent [redacted]: Were you about to say lovers?
Clarke: Of course not. I’m twice his age.
Agent [redacted]: That’s not true at all. He’s eighteen and you’re twenty-four. If you were twice his age, you’d be thirty-four.
Clarke: It’s a figure of speech.
Agent [redacted]: So, were you lovers? Is that why he wants you to be happy? Does he make you happy by giving you all the cock you need?
Clarke: You might want to send in someone else, because your line of questioning isn’t making me feel cooperative. You already know how I express my displeasure.
[subject refused to answer further questions this date]
Exhibit 9, excerpts from the transcript of interrogation of Ms. Olivia Tiffany Clarke, SSAN: [redacted] formerly a member of the St. [redacted] convent. Interrogation conducted at [redacted] by Special Agent [redacted] of the United States[redacted]. Interview conducted on 12 May [redacted]. Vocal emphasis expressed through italicized letters.
Clarke: Well, they finally sent a woman in. I was wondering how long it would take.
Agent [redacted]: It’s nice to meet you, too.
Clarke: Ask your questions. I’ve already told your associates everything I know. Let’s get this over so I can go back to my cell. You want to know something ironic?
Agent [redacted]: Sure.
Clarke: When I was a novice, at the convent, I thought I had too much time alone. It drove me crazy because I couldn’t do what I was supposed to do with alone time. But now I’m alone all day, every day, and I’ve finally learned how to use that time to my benefit. The sisters couldn’t teach me to meditate. You haven’t tried to teach me, but put me in a setting where I learned anyway.
Agent [redacted]: That is ironic.
Clarke: So ask away.
Agent [redacted]: Tell me about this orgasm he made you have.
Clarke: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Agent [redacted]: You paused too long, there. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
Clarke: Well, I’m not going to talk about it. Not after the way you have treated us.
Agent [redacted]: You’re high value targets. You know what that means.
Clarke: If you’re going to start threatening me again, don’t waste your time. I’m not worried about it.
Agent [redacted]: I’d think most people would be worried about it.
Clarke: I’m not, and I’ll tell you why. Assuming you don’t kill Bobby - and you’d be unbelievably stupid to do that - if he ever finds out you hurt me, I doubt you people could survive it. I don’t know what agency is responsible for all this, since that seems to be your top priority secret, but Bobby could find out. And if he knows you hurt me, he’d hunt every member of this agency down and do to them what he did to Phillip Jacobson. I assume you know who Phillip Jacobson was?
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