The Seventh Sense
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Part 22
Science Fiction Sex Story: Part 22 - When Tiffany Clarke got out of the Army, the trauma of having had to kill innocent people drove her into a convent, to make amends. Not long after that, she found herself dealing with a boy who could see and do things that were impossible. Then he did something that she knew would make the government terrified of him. He would be hunted and turned into a weapon. Unless she took him on the run. They journeyed for a year, while she got him ready. Because she knew they'd never stop hunting him.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Science Fiction Extra Sensory Perception Body Swap First Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy
“Your Honor, the prosecution presents Exhibit three, excerpts of John Doe’s journal, dated from May of last year. The entries show a disturbing pattern in which Doe uses something he calls a ‘seventh sense’ to be able to see inside someone’s brain, move things with his mind and worse. There is a confession that he killed a man. The journal was seized when Doe and Tiffany Clarke were arrested in August of the same year.”
Tollifson looked at Doug.
“Your honor, I’d like to see the search authorization that led to that seizure.”
“It was a search, incident to arrest,” said Jones. “Completely routine with thousands of precedents.”
“Then I’d like to see the report of arrest, and the probable cause for the arrest, assuming there is no arrest warrant. Further, I’d like to see the record of arraignment for a criminal offense.”
There was a flurry of papers as six lawyers went through stacks of documents. Finally Mr. Smith spoke.
“We don’t appear to have those documents, Your Honor, but we’ll get them.”
“I doubt that,” said Doug, “because he was never formally arrested. He was grabbed in a raid and unlawfully imprisoned in Cheyenne Mountain, where he was kept without due process. There is no arrest report and there was no arrest warrant.”
“That is hearsay,” snapped Mr. Smith. “There is no record of that!”
“Which is, in itself, a violation of due process,” shot back Doug.
“I’ll review the exhibit and determine whether or not it’s admissible,” said Tollifson. “Next?”
Mr. Jones stood up.
“We submit exhibit four, consisting of excerpts of a manuscript Doe wrote while he was in detention after murdering a man in July of last year. In it there is evidence that Doe is a sex fiend, and has the ability to escape from any imprisonment.”
Again, Tollifson looked at the defense.
“Your honor,” said Doug, “I’d like to know where, exactly, this manuscript was found. They say he was in detention, which they just admitted they have no record of.”
Tollifson looked back at the prosecution table. Mr. Smith stood.
“It was in his cell, Your Honor. Prisoners have no right to privacy, so no warrant was required.”
Tollifson stared at Smith.
“Where was this cell?” he asked.
“That’s classified, Your Honor,” said Smith.
“Classified,” Tollifson repeated. “As in a CIA black site?”
“Of course not,” said Smith. “There are many classified holding areas which the government uses to temporarily detain high value subjects during interrogation.”
“After they have been afforded due process, of course,” said Tollifson.
“Of course.”
“Get me that arrest record, Mr. Smith,” said the judge.
“Of course, Your Honor,” Smith replied.
“Again, I’ll review the documents, and rule on their admissibility later,” said the Judge. “Let’s keep going.”
Mr. Jones stood.
“Exhibit five, Your Honor, also comes from the writings he did in his cell, and establishes our extreme concern for the safety and welfare of the American people. As fantastic as it sounds, Mr. Doe’s abilities are compared to ‘The Force’ in Star Wars. While this is, of course, ridiculous - we all know no such force exists - it is still of concern because this exhibit also contains the assertion that Doe was able to use this force to compel a nun to have an orgasm!”
Doug stood.
“Your Honor,” he sighed. “As Mr. Jones just said, The Force, as displayed in a fictional science fiction movie, does not exist. This is simply inflammatory language designed to scare people. These writings could be the start of a fictional novel, for all we know.”
“I’ll look it over and rule on it with the rest of them,” said the judge.
Mr. Jones stood.
“We submit exhibit six, also from his writings. It demonstrates a growing and concerning fascination with sex, to the point where he masturbates and ejaculates in front of the nun! Further, using this seventh sense he has, he abetted in the kidnapping of a young woman on the street, mystifying her or paralyzing her while men pursued and captured her. He is clearly a loose cannon, Your Honor, and must be confined.”
Doug stood.
“My objection to the former exhibits applies to this one as well,” he said. “Who is this alleged kidnap victim? Where is the report that shows a complaint of kidnapping? Where is the nun he seems to keep abusing?”
“Where, indeed?” asked Tollifson, looking at the prosecution table.
“She has some sort of control over him,” said Mr. Jones. “It isn’t clear, but for safety’s sake, she needs to be confined, too.”
Doug stood.
“So now we have two citizens of the United States, being confined indefinitely, without being charged with any crime, and without being afforded constitutional due process. I have yet to hear any evidence that would make the Patriot Act relevant. Your Honor, I must protest and demand the instant production of both these unfortunate people!”
“Let’s not turn this into a soap opera,” said the judge. “And wax a little less poetic, counselor. I know what you’re here for. This is the due process your clients are seeking.” He looked at the prosecution.
Jones stood.
“We offer exhibit seven, which documents that Doe can make the nun walk around naked, and in which she admits he is a weapon, or could be used as one. He clearly lacks moral standards, and is dangerous.”
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