The Seventh Sense
Copyright© 2020 by Lubrican
Prologue 1
Science Fiction Sex Story: Prologue 1 - When Tiffany Clarke got out of the Army, the trauma of having had to kill innocent people drove her into a convent, to make amends. Not long after that, she found herself dealing with a boy who could see and do things that were impossible. Then he did something that she knew would make the government terrified of him. He would be hunted and turned into a weapon. Unless she took him on the run. They journeyed for a year, while she got him ready. Because she knew they'd never stop hunting him.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Science Fiction Extra Sensory Perception Body Swap First Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy
The bell rang and students began flowing out of the classroom while Professor Noel Wilson gathered his papers off his desk and stuffed them into his satchel. He was eager to get to his lab. He now thought of teaching as a waste of time, but without the teaching there would be no lab, and without the lab, there would be no Nobel prize. He was convinced he’d be recognized with the Nobel for his work. But there was much work to do before the world could find out what he’d found out. Then the teaching could begin in earnest. It would mean something, then.
He was well aware that some of his colleagues thought he was ... eccentric ... to use the polite word. He didn’t care. They’d learn, someday, how foolish they were. After he could go public with his discovery, they’d all gather around him and claim to have been friends with the great man.
Of course there would be recriminations, too, and possibly legal action against him. But if he was successful, all that would fall away like dandruff under the comb. It would be years before clinical testing could be arranged, and of course, he couldn’t wait years to find out if his manipulations worked. So he’d used the process on his son. The boy was only five at the time, but the process needed to be done as early as possible. In utero would be best, but of course it would probably be decades before that was accepted. So a five year old was the best he could do, for now. And he was completely convinced there would be no ill side effects. He’d be there to train the boy.
That was why he was so anxious to get to his lab, in fact. He’d done the procedure on little Bobby almost six months ago, and he was sure it had worked, but the boy wasn’t advanced enough, mentally, to be able to understand the questions his father asked him. Tests needed to be developed to detect and quantify the effect of the changes he’d made in his son. Such tests would have to be thought out carefully, because while he would probably be vilified for unethical testing on his son, the results would still be valid - assuming his test protocols were found to be valid.
A second, though much less important, reason he was eager to get to his lab was that his lab “roommate” would be there. Melody Robbins was a doctoral student with her own line of inquiry, associated with her doctoral thesis, but they worked together, sometimes. They had to share lab space, because the college was small, and resources were limited. The school would be put on the map when his research was published, but for now, it was a backwater part of the Catholic university system, in a sleepy little town, in a fly-over state, where life was slow and peaceful.
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