A Grand Tour - Cover

A Grand Tour

Copyright© 2020 by John E. Jay

The Revelation

Erotica Sex Story: The Revelation - A twenty-two year recent college graduate is given a blank check by her parents to see the world and she travels in style. When she meets a young couple in India she goes wild and explores her sexuality to the max.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Group Sex   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Sometime during the afternoon, after a short break for some food, Joe and I were in my room, in bed together again and he was fucking me as hard as he could. I was responding eagerly and urging him to fuck me harder when his blond companion suddenly entered catching us in flagrante delicto. I thought she would be angry. Instead she smiled at me sweetly and calmly began to take off her clothes.

Still smiling devilishly, she said, “Don’t be upset Babe. It’s okay, I’m not upset with you. I don’t mind sharing him. God knows, I’m used to it by now.

“I knew he’d seduce you as soon as you agreed to travel with us. Actually, I was the one who chose you at the airport. As soon as I saw him looking at you, I knew he wanted to fuck you. I could see he was lusting after your terrific body, and he likes brunettes for a change. He’s been fucking me and a Scandinavian blond for a couple of months now and I knew he was ready for someone like you with all that beautiful dark hair, and when I saw your beautiful blue eyes, I knew he would seduce you. It was just a matter of time, and I knew it wouldn’t be long.

“I hope you won’t mind if I join you now. I’m horny as hell. I need him to fuck me too. I hope you’re ready to share. I won’t insist on sharing equally for a while, but I want him to fuck me too.

“I gave you some time to get to know him and I’ll give you as much slack as I can, but watching him fuck a beautiful young girl, like you, really turns me on so I’m joining you now. We picked you up because the girl who’d been traveling with us had to go home to Sweden before we left Lahore, Pakistan for Mumbai.

“I hope you’ll be able to travel with us for at least a few months, if you do, we’ll show you a really good time. I have no problem with you letting him fuck you anytime you want him to; I’m not the possessive type. I like to have other sexual partners so I can’t complain if he does too, but I do want my share of his cock. I know you’ll get the lion’s share of it for a while now, because you’re new. Just remember to share, OK? I assure you he can satisfy both of us, and then some! You’ll see.

“If you work with us, you’ll probably make some money too, maybe a lot. I think with you in the mix, our prospects have improved quite a bit. We usually take in more than we spend in a month, and we haven’t been depriving ourselves of luxuries either. We don’t stay in expensive hotels unless someone invites us to be their guests, you’d be surprised how often that happens, but we eat very well and we always try our best to make sure someone else picks up the tab.

“If you help me keep him happy and help me bring in the marks, we’ll be fine. I didn’t mean to interfere with your afternoon delight. Go ahead, relax and enjoy him. He’ll get you off again soon if you do. I’ll help you in a minute. The sooner he finishes with you the sooner he’ll be able fuck me.”

I was stunned. I tensed up, and stopped moving my hips to meet Joe’s thrusts. He didn’t seem to notice. He just kept on fucking me, thrusting into my pussy hard without missing a stroke. I relaxed and began to enjoy him again—as much as I could under the circumstances. Soon I had another orgasm and forgot Jane was in the room—until she slid into bed beside me and began fondling my breasts! That made the sex even better. I told her I liked what she was doing and asked her to please keep doing it. I soon came yet again. I couldn’t believe how good I felt. God, I loved sex!

Almost immediately after Joe shot another big load deep inside my pussy, he crawled off me and got on top of Jane right next to me. I was surprised and upset. Always before, he’d stayed inside me for a while after he came—sometimes until he regained his erection and began to fuck me again.

I had become used to having him inside me while he held me and caressed me after he came deep inside my pussy. I wasn’t happy that he had left me so quickly after he came in me. I missed the cuddling and I suddenly realized that I was actually jealous of Jane.

Jane began caressing him, arousing him. She no doubt had experience in such situations, and in any case, she obviously knew how to get him ready again quickly. Suddenly I felt a hand on my vulva, and soon after that, two fingers were deep inside my pussy. Jane said “I hope that’s good for you. He likes to do that. It helps him get his cock up quickly. I really like it when he does it to me.” She suddenly groaned and shuddered hard. When she’d recovered from the orgasm which had suddenly griped her, she said, “His other hand’s inside me right now and he just made me come!”

It felt really good. I said, “It’s fine. I don’t mind, in fact I like it a lot. I want him to keep doing it until he makes me come again. He’s been doing that to me all during the night when he was resting. I think he’s very skilled at pleasuring a woman, and I’m glad to be one of the women he’s pleasing.”

Soon he was ready. He roughly forced his cock into Jane, and began to pound into her pussy, fucking her really hard. They were having vigorous, very noisy, sex right next to me—touching me. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe I had gotten into something so kinky. I remember thinking, ‘I should get out of here right now and get as far away from these people as possible,’ but I didn’t want to leave Joe’s big cock. I wanted him to fuck me all the time. I was very much in lust with him.

As I watched, I was becoming more and more aroused. I could actually feel them fucking next to me. Jane reached over, took my hand and put it on one of her breasts. I realized she wanted me to fondle her, so I did. Touching her and listening to the sounds of them fucking made my pussy kind of quiver, and I felt Joe’s cum oozing out of me. I rubbed my clit until I came, pushing more of his cum out of my pussy. I couldn’t wait to let him fuck me again.

I wondered how many times he could come before he had to take a rest. I knew he’d come in me at least three times before he took a nap the night before, and he’d fucked me several more times all through the night. He’d fucked me four or five times during the morning too. I thought he’d be able to fuck me again after he came in Jane, but I wasn’t sure she would let him. After all she’d been waiting almost twenty-four hours, and I knew she was hot for him from the way she came so fast when he was playing with her pussy. She wasn’t kidding she was very horny. She wanted him.

Soon after he came inside Jane, I felt him caressing my vulva again and when he began to finger fuck me, he whispered in my ear that he wanted to fuck me again. I was painfully aroused by then and readily consented. Jane began caressing my breast. I could hardly bear the pleasure. Remarkable quickly, Joe achieved yet another erection and began to fuck me hard and deep.

By that time, I was fully into the threesome scene. We continued fucking, Jane and I taking turns with Joe, all afternoon and most of the night, with no food and little sleep. Joe’s capacity for sex amazed me. I didn’t know what was normal, but I thought he was really exceptional. When we finally went to sleep—all three of us in the same bed—I was completely sated sexually. My pussy was sore as hell and I was very tired—not to mention totally freaked out of my mind by what I had done—and fully intended to keep doing. I went to sleep as happy as I’d ever been in my life.

The Game Jane told me the next morning, while we were cleaning ourselves up, after Joe had fucked each of us twice as soon as we woke up, that she’d told him at the airport that she thought I was a virgin who would very likely be an easy conquest. She told me that she had said to Joe, “She’s perfect for us; she’ll compliment me and attract the men who want a beautiful brunette. I know you have a yen for a brunette now and then to add variety to your sex life, and I think she will help me attract male marks. I think that, if she joins our game, she’ll make money for us.” I didn’t know what their game was, but I wanted to travel with them and be near Joe—I was totally addicted to his cock by then—so I didn’t ask questions. I just took in what she told me.

I was annoyed that she’d assumed I was a virgin. After all I was twenty-three. I thought about what she had said and, I wondered what had made her think I was a virgin. I was of course, but how did she know? Did it somehow show? I couldn’t think of anything I might have done that made her think I was sexually inexperienced, but I didn’t ask. I didn’t want to confirm her assessment of my virginity, of course Joe knew—I’d told him when I said I wanted him to take my virginity—and he had probably told her by now.

I’m sure he felt the resistance when he pushed through my hymen the first time he fucked me and there was a little bleeding. Oh well it didn’t matter, I wasn’t a virgin anymore, and I wasn’t sorry about that. God sex was good! Why had I waited so long?

If I could do it over, I think I would have found some boy to take my virginity a lot sooner. I’d probably have become a real slut; fucking any boy I met who seemed interested. My mother would have died.

I don’t know what I would have done if I had known before I let him fuck me, that their game involved group sex. I think it would have appalled me. I probably would have left them right away, and missed a lot of good times. As it happened, I did join their game, and, from time to time, helped them acquire quite a lot of money.

Late that morning, while we were having lunch at a sidewalk café, a well-dressed middle-aged woman came over to our table and asked if she might join us. We said of course, we’ll be happy to have you join us for lunch. We were just about to order but we’ll wait for you to look at the menu.

She was about five feet six inches tall and her 120 pounds or so were distributed on her frame in such a way as to produce the maximum sexual attraction. Her very dark brown hair was shoulder length. She had beautiful olive skin, and emerald green eyes.

Her facial features were finely chiseled, her lips were full, and her beautifully preserved hard body caused me to pray that I would look so good when I was forty-something. Her carriage was nothing short of regal. She was absolutely stunning. She was also very much attracted to Joe.

I later learned that Joe had invited her to join our ‘tour group’. He had posed as a tour guide, and in fact he was a good one, to entice her. What he really wanted of course was some of her money—considerably more than a fee for guiding her around the local sights.

I was about to learn more about their game. I had begun to suspect it was kind of shady and that it involved sex in some way, but I still didn’t know any details. By the next morning I had learned a great deal about how they operated, but still didn’t know anything about the most interesting and pleasurable aspects of the operation. I hadn’t really been initiated yet, but soon I became a member of the club and enjoyed the game greatly.

During the afternoon we toured some points of interest nearby and when we dropped her at her hotel—the very elegant, and expensive, Grand Maratha Sheraton—the woman invited us to have dinner with her in her suite. Jane and I protested that we couldn’t possibly impose any further on her hospitality. After all she had already paid for our lunch and all our tour admissions.

As we had expected, the woman insisted. We said we’d promised our guide we’d have our meals with him in restaurants he chose. It would be impolite to dump him and he’d lose his commissions on the meals. She said, “Of course, my dears, our guide is quite welcome also.” It was obvious she’d wanted him included all along. She had been touchy-freely with Joe ever since she had joined us, and we had suspected she had more than a little sexual interest in Joe.

The meal was grand, and we all had plenty to drink. When it was winding down Jane and I began slurring our speech and went to sleep together on the sofa as soon as it was over—actually, we only pretended to sleep. The woman wasn’t fazed at all. She said, “It’s OK Joe, let them sleep. There’s another bedroom where you can sleep. Would you like a night cap before retiring?” He accepted her invitation, and immediately began his very smooth assault upon her virtue.

The woman was flattered by his attention. She was thrilled that he was taking the trouble to seduce her, instead of taking for granted that she wanted him to fuck her, which, of course we all knew, she did. She was really hot for his hard body. She’d been looking at him meaningfully and finding excuses to touch him all afternoon and evening. We all knew she wanted his cock in her pussy in the worst way. Still, she mounted a pro-forma defense of her virtue, before she eventually led him into her bedroom and allowed him to mount her and ride her hard.

Jane and I listened, enviously, to the noisy coupling in the bedroom. Our man Joe was giving her a lot of pleasure, and she was expressing herself freely. She was very vocal and we were able to relate to what she was experiencing. We could almost see Joe fucking her since Jane knew Joe’s sexual preferences very well and I had learned a great deal about them in the last day or so.

We were confident that she would tire after two or three couplings. Everything was going as planed. When she faded, our fun would begin. We could wait. We knew he had enough sexual energy to satisfy all three of us. He had amazing stamina, and we had the rest of the night to enjoy him. He’d be tired in the morning and she would want him to fuck her again, so we probably wouldn’t be able to have our usual morning fuck, but our visit with the elegant lady would most likely be a very profitable for us so we resolved to grin and bear it while he pleasured her.

The next morning, while the woman was in the shower, noisily enjoying our man again, Jane and I inventoried her valuables. There was some jewelry which looked expensive, but it would likely be easy to trace. There was also a large stash of Rupees and about a thousand euros.

All we needed now was to find some way to side track the woman long enough to take the money and run. We were confident our man could lure the woman into a cul-de-sac and keep her there long enough for us to slip back to the hotel, take the money and get out of India. We were planning to take the first available flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and wait for Joe to rejoin us at the airport there. We’d tally up our take and make plans for where to go from there.

Right after we finished a very nice breakfast in her suite, Joe offered to take the woman on a private tour of the rock cut Hindu temples dating back to the 5th century BC, in the famous Elephanta Caves. Jane and I begged off. We said we’d already seen too many Hindu temples and that we would like to do some shopping instead. Of course, we were on our way back to the woman’s suite as soon as their cab was around the first corner out of sight.

With the money in a small tote bag, from the hotel gift shop, carefully wrapped in the cum soaked panties we’d worn since the day before—which we thought would discourage anyone who might decide to inspect our bags—we simply walked out of the hotel sans panties, and got into the courtesy limo which shuttled guests to and from the airport. As soon as we got to the airport, we took a taxi to the cheap hotel where we’d been staying since we arrived in Mumbai. We went to our room and transferred the money, still wrapped in our soiled panties, from the tote bag to one of our travel bags. We packed our other soiled underwear and clothing on top of the money. Then we called a bellman who collected our luggage and loaded it into our waiting taxi while we went to the front desk, paid our bill with the nice woman’s rupees, and checked out of the hotel.

At the airport in Kuala Lumpur, after Joe arrived from Mumbai, we were huddled in a café having coffee and pastries, planning our next move. When we finished counting the rupees and computed the exchange rate, we decided that we had sufficient resources for at least a month, even considering we might have to convert the rupees we’d taken from the woman in Mumbai to Malaysian ringgit at a very unfavorable rate at a black-market exchange. We were afraid we couldn’t afford to go to a bank or legal currency exchange for fear of leaving a trail. We knew that soon the authorities would almost surely be on the lookout for large exchanges of rupees.

To me how much money we’d taken from the woman was only academic. I had no money concerns since I had the credit letter my parents had arranged for me and could obtain funds, from any international bank, any time I wanted. I didn’t tell anyone about that of course—not even Joe.

When he finished his coffee Joe excused himself, saying he needed to use the rest room, and while Jane and I were waiting for him to return, an irresistible opportunity presented itself. I noticed that Jane was staring at two young men who were approaching us. She leaned over to me and said, “Are you open to sex with these two guys coming toward us?”

They both were carrying Gucci luggage, wearing expensive clothes, and Gucci loafers. I said a little tentatively, “I guess so ... Why?” Then a little more boldly, “Sure, they look cute.” They gave us the once over as they passed. Jane and I both smiled at them as they walked by. The men both turned to look back at us, making eye contact again. When we gave them another big smile they stopped, looked at each other, and then turned around. They practically ran back to our table.

We kept smiling and one said “Hi, I wonder if you two might know where we could find some action here in KL?” We turned up the wattage on our smiles and Jane said “Well, imagine that, we just got here and we were just thinking it would be nice to find some action! Why don’t we get together? If you’re looking to hook-up, I think we could help you—provided you guys are well enough endowed to take good care of us.”

The guys almost fell over. They couldn’t believe their luck—not even out of the terminal and they’d scored a double grand-slam. Two gorgeous young women had practically propositioned them.

We could see in their faces that they couldn’t wait to get our clothes off. They must have felt like they had won the lottery. We invited them to sit down and they didn’t have to be asked twice.

I looked at Jane and said, “I need to go to the restroom, are you OK for a minute? I’m sure one of these nice men will buy you another coffee. I’ve already had two and that’s my limit. The damn stuff tastes so good, but it goes right through me.” I smiled at one of the men and she knew I was trying to explain the extra coffee cup and wanted to head off Joe so he wouldn’t come back and give us away. He had to accidentally re-join the party.

I walked slowly toward the restrooms, praying Joe would come out before I got to the ladies’ room entrance. Luck was with me and I gave him the eye as I approached him. He stopped, looking perplexed, which he probably was. Looking away from him, I quietly said, “We have a setup working. Go somewhere and get lost for ten minutes, and then come by our table and accidentally run into some old friends.” He acted as if he’d just remembered something then walked off back the way he had come, toward a news stand.

When I returned to our table after spending a few minutes in the ladies’ room, Jane was giving one of the guys the come-on and the bulge in his pants told me he was ready to come in more ways than one. I smiled at the other guy, and giving him what I hoped was a bewitching look, began revving him up. As I sat down, I carelessly crossed my legs. I pretended to have trouble getting my knee under the edge of the table in order to hold my crotch open long enough to give him at least a ten second look up my short skirt. His eyes popped out and he gasped as he stared at my perfectly waxed naked pussy.

Jane was a waxing expert; she’d waxed me all over down there soon after our first threesome ended. Our man, Joe liked his pussies bare. He had been more than happy to fuck me through my thick, dark bush the first dozen or so times, but he didn’t really like all that hair in his way. The guy I was winding up turned beet red when he looked up and saw my knowing smile. His cock was making a big bulge in his pants by now and I was surprised to feel that my pussy was getting wet.

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