I Got It From Sally - Cover

I Got It From Sally

by Mushroom

Copyright© 2020 by Mushroom

Erotica Sex Story: Missing her boyfriend, Karen goes out for a night on the town. But what she gets and gives exceeds anything she expected.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Tear Jerker   Cheating   Group Sex   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Safe Sex   Public Sex   .

Ah, but I got it from Sally
Or maybe it was Sue...
Or Millie or Billie or Gillie or Willie-
It doesn’t matter who

It might have been at the pub
Or at the club or in the loo
And if you will be my friend, then I might...
(Mind you, I said “might”... )
Give it to you!

Tom Lehrer

Karen had been feeling the itch to go out for ages. Her boyfriend had been on the road for 2 weeks, working in the oil fields in the Dakotas, and she was almost climbing the walls. Just 24 years old and still loving to party, she had largely put all of that behind her when she agreed to move in with him.

Frank was a good boyfriend, and a great lover. And while they were not married yet, she knew that both of them had been considering taking the next step. They had been together for over 2 years now, and other than his leaving for 1 month then returning for a month things were going pretty good.

During his month home, they would spend most of the first week sequestered in the bedroom, trying to make up for lost time. Then they would return to a more normal situation, her spending the day on her growing website business, and he would alternate between sleeping, talking with her as she worked on laying out a potential site for a new customer. He even had some good ideas, looking at them as a customer to the site would see them and not as a computer or sales expert.

Then they would go out and see a movie, or go to a club and dance. Even see the local college football team get crushed or just spend a few days camping or at one of the Indian casinos. Then a week before he left again they would largely spend the evenings in bed fucking like rabbits until he had to return to work.

But on Wednesday afternoon Frank had called and given her the bad news. There had been a snafu in the shipment of pipe ordered, and instead of the next 2 shipments arriving in 2 week intervals, they had to be picked up and delivered on site the next week. And with a threatened strike they would have to pick up following shipments for the next week or so after that at least until the strike ended. That meant he had to take his “Transportation Supervisor” hat off, and return to driving trucks. 4 weeks of constant trips, only taking enough time off to avoid a DOT fine before taking up the next month long shift.

Fuck, that means 3 months gone, not just 1. Sure, the payment would be huge, enough so they could finally put down the down payment on their own place and stop living in an apartment. But that was of little use now! So that night she put in some new batteries and went to bed with her Battery Operated Boyfriend.

And Thursday night when they talked when he got off work, he said that he had 2 things he wanted to talk with her about when he got home. First, he wanted her to start looking for the kind of place they had been talking about for the last year and a half, between 2 and 4 acres, withing reasonable driving distance to town.

The second he refused to say, but hoped she would like it. That night she went to bed with her BOB, just knowing what it was he wanted to talk about. And actually looking forward to being Mrs. Frank Carlson.

But by Friday, she was starting to get a bit bored. She had finally finished the project for a local video game store, and they had even thrown in a bonus as well as $500 in store credit. So after dinner at a local Chinese place, she decided to pop in and use some of it. And an hour and a half later she left with a new console, and a selection of games that the clerk said she should like. Fallout 4, Tomb Raider, Halo, and a few she thought Frank would enjoy. As well as extra controllers, headsets, and other accessories to go along with it. Karen was not much of a gamer, never really seeing the point in console games when she had a kick-ass desktop. But hey, for free she was not one to complain.

So that weekend she spent time she was not hustling for a new project in either raiding tombs and avoiding traps, or picking up trash in a post apocalyptic wasteland. The shooter games did not interest her, but she knew Frank would probably like them. Although she did get kind of a thrill the first time she picked up a hooker in Grand Theft Auto, then after boinking her in the car killing her to get the money back.

Only in games does getting off heal your health.

Finally by Thursday she had gotten another project, 3 weeks to make a web site for the employees of a local hardware store chain to do things like set up direct deposit, get their paystubs, and the like. But before digging into that, she decided she needed some time off.

So getting into her finest club wear, she decided some dancing at Epic would be just the thing. It was a Friday night, and things were jumping. And the deep blue dress that barely covered her ass seemed perfect. She checked her purse in at the cloak room, and with her wrist band on and her credit card in hand she headed to the bar.

This was one of her favorite places in town, and Frank and her were regulars whenever he was in town. But tonight when she got there Nancy was still at the bar and looked at her funny. “Hey there Karen, what can I get ya sweetie?”

“Get me a Cosmo, and run a tab please.” Karen handed over the card, and Nancy stuck it in the box set aside for tabs.

“Sure thing, Frank’s not here?”

“Nope, bastard is stuck doing driving runs. I won’t see him until the end of next month.”

“Oh sweetie, that sucks! Well, you’re always welcome here. Go grab a seat, and I’ll bring this right out to you.”

Karen took one near the dance floor, and as promised a few minutes later Nancy brought her drink over. Thanking her, Karen took the first sip then started watching the crowd. And she knew at least half of them by sight very well. Some were friends from college, others were regulars that were there almost every night. Others she recognized, kind of the background that would come and go from a club. You see them enough to know they came a lot, but not enough to get to know them well.

Kitty came over and joined her, she was one of the regulars she was friendly with. They had shared a few classes in college, and she was now in her Senior year and jealous that Karen was already graduated and on her own. She even told her about her current project, and promised to contact her if she needed any graphics work done. Kitty was a good designer, and Karen thought she might work good for some new logos.

Finally she finished her drink, and with a grin grabbed Kitty’s hand and the two of them headed out to the dance floor. The music was loud and fast, and soon the two girls were giggling and laughing, grinding against each other, than the occasional guy that came up to join them. Finally she turned around and started dancing with the guy, occasionally rubbing her bottom against his groin and her boobs against his chest before moving away again.

An experienced tease, Karen was loving it. And she looked over and saw Kitty doing the same thing to the guy she was with. Finally after almost an hour it was time for a break so she winked at Kitty and nodded her head to the side. Kitty nodded back, and they thanked the guys for the dance and said they were going to take a break.

Kitty and Karen moved over to a table, and neither of them were surprised when the guys followed them. They introduced themselves as Mark and Mike, and offered them drinks. Kitty winked at Karen, and they both accepted. Mike (the guy Kitty had been dancing with) went to get the drinks as Mark took a seat next to Karen. The three of them started chatting, and it turns out that they were contractors here for a 3 month project at the local Army base.

Soon Mike was back and they were all enjoying their drinks, laughing and flirting. It was actually kind of fun Karen thought, flirting with a guy other than Frank. Of course, she had no intention of doing anything other than flirting. That really was all she had planned for the night. Going out, having a few drinks, dancing with some hot guys (or girls), and maybe flirting a bit before going home.

Soon the drinks were finished, and Kitty and Karen headed over to the bathrooms. It was early enough that they only had to wait inside for a stall. Before much longer the line would be stretched part way down the hallway. They chatted as they waited then peed, and Kitty asked if everything was alright with her and Frank.

“Oh, things are fine. It’s just that he’s going to be gone another 2 months, and I wanted to go out and have some fun. I’m not looking to hook up, I just needed to get out of the house.”

“Well, be my wingman then please. I was looking to hook up, and I think Mike might be the guy for the night. Keep Mark there entertained, and I promise I’ll make it up to you some other time.” Karen agreed, and after freshening up their makeup they rejoined the guys.

Once back at the table they saw that the guys had ordered 2 more drinks, and it would have been rude to refuse them. So after finishing them they all headed back to the dance floor. Karen was having a blast, and could feel that when Mark moved behind her and pulled her back against his front, he had an erection and it was pressing into the small of her back. It felt kinda naughty, giving a guy other than Frank an erection. But that was all he was getting that night, she was only keeping him busy for Kitty. And after a minute or two moved away and put some distance between each other.

She saw that her friend was really getting friendly with Mike, and as they were dancing belly to belly their fronts were pressed firmly together. Karen was actually feeling a little jealous, knowing that Kitty would be getting some stiff cock later on, and all she would be getting was her own fingers or her toy.

Finally they took another break, and that time Mark went for the drinks. This time all the tables on the floor were taken, so they ended up in a booth. And Kitty wasted no time in crawling into Mike’s lap and start making out. Karen sat there a little uncomfortable as she watched him slip his hand up and down her friend’s back.

Finally Mark returned and sat next to Karen, their hips and thighs touching after he put the drinks on the table. Karen picked hers up and took a sip, moving away slightly so there was an inch or so between them. She thanked him for the drink, and told him that she was only there for dancing and a few drinks, she was not looking for anything else.

He gave her a smile, and said “That’s fine, I’m having a good time. And it looks like Mike and your friend are too it seems.” Karen laughed, and said that Kitty normally did. Karen then went on to talk about some of the adventures they had together when she was in college also. Karen was talking about some of the things they had done in this club, as well as at The Abbey, a club that had closed 2 years before.

“The Abbey, that was a lesbian bar, right? I remember heraring about it when I was here on a project about 2 years ago,” Mark said, raising his eyebrow.

Karen took another sip of her drink and nodded. “Yea, you might say I was quite a lug in school. Oh not exclusively, but more often than not, it made some things a lot easier.”

Mark looked at her and raised his eyebrow. “Oh, I find that hard to believe. You seem kind, sensitive, and very very personable. Not a lug at all.”

Karen giggled at that, and shook her head. “No silly, not a lug as in a dim person, Ell You Gee. A lug is a girl who is ‘Lesbian Until Graduation’. In other words, most of my relationships were with other girls. And no, I was not a lesbian, and neither is Kitty there. But we mostly had relationships with other girls for various reasons. No chance of disease or pregnancy, and since we were all ‘friends with benefits’, no real jealousy or possessiveness if we wanted to see somebody else, or decided to move on.”

Mark raised his eyebrow again, and chuckled, saying “Well, Kitty seems to be over that now.” Karen looked over to the far side of the booth, and had to agree. Mike and her were still busy making out, and not only was one of Mike’s hands now inside her blouse on her breasts, the other was deep under her skirt. And one of her hands was groping his cock through his slacks.

“Well, none of us were exclusively lesbians. We all still went out with guys, it’s just that none of us wanted to form any permanent connections with them. Even then though every few months one of us would hook up with a guy for a night or two. But we kept it at that, normally guys like you who do not go to the college.”

“Yea, Mike and I are not students, why is that?”

“Less chance of meeting each other again, especially in school. It can be a quick fling, with almost no chance of continuing involvement. Get it in, get off, get on with our lives. And if we want a relationship, we had each other to relieve some hornyness on a regular basis. Some girls are like that until graduation, for some it becomes a lifetime preference. But for most of us, we still crave a cock on occasion, not even the best toys can replace that. Me, I am a cock girl, pussy is a nice diversion though when one is not available.”

Mark looked thoughtful, and raised his eyebrow. “So, did like you and Kitty have that kind of relationship? Is that why you two are here tonight?”

“Oh no, I graduated 2 years ago and have a boyfriend now. No more lug for me. And yes, Kitty and I did have a semi-regular thing together back then. We met during my Senior year and her Freshman year. Being a web designer, I needed to take an Introduction to Graphic Design class. It happened to be her first class in becoming a graphic designer, and the two of us just clicked together. And I still hire her for projects from time to time, but tonight was just serendipity. I had no idea I was even coming here until a few hours ago. And once I did, Kitty here just happened to be here.”

“So, were you going to try and hook up with her? Are Mike and I getting in the way of your fun and games tonight?”

Karen giggled, and reached out and let her hand run down his arm. “Oh no, those days are behind me now. We were talking because I’m working on a new project and since I had her here I asked her to assist me in it. She likes the extra money I pay her, and we work very well together. Naw, I have a boyfriend, he’s just gone a lot and have not seen him in almost 2 months and wanted to get out for a little fun. Dancing seemed like a good idea, so here I am.”

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