Spider Queen Book 8 - Cover

Spider Queen Book 8

Copyright© 2020 by Hunter Johnson


Cast of characters for the Warlord Series

Book 1: The Warlord and the Traitor

In order of appearance

Name Description

Jason Kargo Main Character – at beginning he is 80 yrs old

Jeff Cycle riding friend of Jason

Tom Cycle riding friend of Jason

Charlie Cycle riding friend of Jason

Harry Cycle riding friend of Jason

Rosie one of Jason’s Rottweiler dogs

Sarah Kargo Jason’s wife

Lauren Craddock Jason & Sarah’s daughter

Chloe Craddock Lauren & Dan’s daughter

Chuck Craddock Lauren & Dan’s son

Detective Clarke fat, smelly, disgusting detective with nefarious intentions

Dan Craddock Lauren’s husband

Detective Gourley Clarke’s assistant, tall thin and quiet

Dr Alan Fellows-Jones Cardiologist who treated Jason at hospital

Leo Jason’s GP doctor

Fred Leo’s son and newly practicing cardiologist

Gordon Jason’s next door neighbor

Craig Kargo Jason’s son from the Houston area

Stan a male drone AI of the ship from the Empire, also the pilot

the doctor a female drone doctor later named Phyllis

Cassius Emperor of the Empire, husband to Alana

Alana Empress of the Empire, and wife of Cassius & great Aunt of Jason

Robert Khon a human chef with the ship

Marie a human chef with the ship under Robert

Jeanette Kargo Craig’s wife and the mother of Sean and Harry

Cletus Kargo Jason’s great uncle

Bert Kargo Jason’s grandfather

Agnes Kargo Jason’s grandmother

Mort Jason’s mother’s father

Jane Jason’s mother’s mother

Sean Kargo son of Craig & Jeanette

Harry Kargo son of Craig & Jeanette, named after his Great3-grandfather

Josh 19-year-old cousin of Jason’s

Jenny 16-year-old cousin of Jason’s

Ship (Cherie) the AI that is a part of the battleship (Jason’s pet name for the ship)

Godfrey the man assigned as Jason’s orderly

Andromeda the name given to the future avatar of ship

Papa Zora the Patriarch of the priesthood who make the food replicators

Cyril the horticulturist & leader of the farmers onboard the battleship

Nirvana the priesthood’s home planet

Sabas Zieglich the Chief Cardinal in charge of obtaining children for the priesthood

Ezekiel Malkinski the Chief Cardinal of Intelligence

Adm. Peter Kane Admiral of the fleet on Nirvana, his wife & son are held hostage

Gen. Morgan James general aboard Attack Carrier Titan of new fleet from the boneyard

Nimrod Khong leader or overseer of The Mob people – found to be an ancient entity

Gottfried Friedrich Friar onboard Jason’s battleship

Dan Jones the Patriarch before Papa Zora

Lilly Jason’s other Rottweiler dog

François Bechtold the priest found in Jason’s quarters attempting to poison Jason

Col. Phoebe Harris Commander of the Fighter Command on the Battleship

Patton Battle computer AI, original designation was JJXC486-739-123224499

Col Janet Malone Commander of the Marines on the Battleship

Sgt. McGregor leader of Jason’s bodyguards

Maj. Constance Ross OIC of Intelligence (Connie)

Maj. Kirsten Jones Col Malone’s assistant, born on Cassiopeia in the Palace

Maj. Cherry Singh Col. Harris’ deputy of Fighter Command and OIC of Cyberwarfare

Sgt. McAndrew part of the Intelligence/Cyberwarfare team

Dr. Frestar Mariboon senior ship physician on the Battleship

Jacobo Lengling the chief engineer on the Battleship

John Vesa the deputy chief engineer on the Battleship

Gladys tall thin gangly person in Cyberwarfare

Hesta planet that Col Malone comes from

Cassiopeia home planet of the Empire, Col. Harris comes from there

Io planet that Maj. Ross comes from

Laomedeia the capitol city of Cassiopeia

Oodna the birth planet of Maj. Singh, a pirate planet mined by stolen slaves

Nazrod IV the new home planet of Maj. Singh

SSgt. Lucia Pablo the marine trainer in the Marine gym

McGregor a marine that was on the bridge during the fight

krevil meat an expression meaning like mince meat i.e. bait for some monster

Winston an Una person that is part of a group mind that is inside Jason’s body

Capt. George Brown team leader for planetary defenses on clone planet

Sgt. Arnold a marine who was Jason’s sparring partner

Sgt. Olivia McNamara a marine with Jason’s bodyguards on the 1st clone planet

Gen. Linda Andrews senior Army/Space Force officer of the 1st clones

Adm. Andrea Phillips senior Naval/Marine officer of the 1st clones

Gen. Matilda senior Intelligence Officer of the 1st clones

Gen. Karen DuPree part of the Intelligence group of 1st clones

Colonel James part of the Intelligence group of 1st clones

Colonel Oleg the senior military officer of the Priest’s Guild on the 1st clone planet

AI Phyllis the med section pod AI on the Battleship

Mars the name given to the 1st clone planet

The One the head of the Una people

Porquenta the other clone planet like Mars, first called Planet ‘B’

Gen. Celia Ford the senior Army/Space forces of the Porquenta clones

Adm. Felicia senior Naval/Marine officer of the Porquenta clones

Anka Pervar junior priest on Nirvana friend of Napar Wick

Napar Wick junior priest on Nirvana friend of Anka Pervar

Jonno another young priest on Nirvana who disappeared after speaking out of turn

Poulo a young priest and friend of Jonno was told to keep his mouth shut

Capt. Hollister Captain under Gen. James on Attack Carrier Titan

Maj. Johnny Wu Intelligence officer aboard Attack Carrier Titan

Plutarch Zeaft the head priest aboard the Titan

Fort Sentinel the 5 planets where the boneyard fleet and equipment is stored

Bertie Kargo Jason’s uncle on Cassiopeia and professor at the War College

Chief Adams head of the clone cyberwarfare group working on the Nirvana problem

Col. Jock McPherson head of the assault team of the Nirvana compound of Papa Zora

Charles Watson Specialist doctors at Nirvana hospital

Delia Watson Specialist doctors at Nirvana hospital

Book 2: The Warrior and The Mob

Delia McPherson Orelia, Fleet Admiral

Rebecca Cunningham General of the Marines on the moon of Orelia

Yesteg Krimpt Intelligence handler of Nimrod Khong

Namenal Kabilaqa General of the Virgil operation

Basil the dog trainer a great ape-like creature that trains rage hounds

Yona a creature like Basil but a doctor

Rover the head dog of the Hounds of the Apocalypse, or Demon Hounds

Melissa Abrams General younger than Morgan James, but in charge of the ground forces on Virgil

Heather Hayes Admiral of the fleet protecting Virgil

Parbath Kabal Queen of the Ghouls

Biqalak Kabilal Secretary to the Queen

Lambertinus Azajek the Admiral of the Mob Fleet on the cloaked ship destroyed at Virgil

The Tentacles a group of planets that is associated with The Mob & the Ghouls

Namenal Kabilaqa Ghoul General killed on Virgil by Jason

Emret Yek head general of council of generals

Malloory Mephisto General killed on Virgil by Jason

LemTok one of the planets of The Tentacles system

Meagan Dale Admiral in charge of Phobos’ defence

Paula Reynolds General in charge of Phobos’ defence

Golden Warriors of Jason’s equivalent of the orcs like either Vikings or Romans
the Apocalypse

Jacques Derwald head warrior of the Golden Warriors of the Apocalypse

Freya Derwald Jacques wife

Julie Woodcock Admiral in charge of Callisto’s defence

Bruno Messina General in charge of Callisto’s defence

Zanza Tito Supreme Admiral of the Empire

Yimza the original Mob world planet

the Jumo the original people of Yimza

Janus the leader of the group of Jumo captured

The Father the entity supposedly the father of Nimrod Khong

Linus Janus’ closed confidante

Emret Yek general of the Yimza asteroid

Joan Fitzharding major of Gen. DuPree’s intelligence team

Parzoon the capitol city of Yimza

Horus leader of Jumo resistance team on Yimza

Cephas member of resistance team on Yimza & now Prime Minister of the Jumo

Boris member of resistance team on Yimza

Perdita member of resistance team on Yimza

Congressionella member of resistance team on Yimza

Bella Proda the chief of internal security for Nimrod Khan

Norda the planet where the exiled emperor of the Jumo is kept

Sgt. Sophie Stone the sergeant in charge of Jason’s bodyguards as per SSgt Pablo

Charassa the insect world where Jason is cured after the snake creature bit him with the barbed appendage while in the trans-dimensional room

Magda the insectoid (beetle like) doctor that healed Jason after the bite of the Knievel in the trans-dimensional room for the new crystals Jason received

Knievel the snake-like beast with the two barbed appendages by its head that bit Jason in the trans-dimensional room

Louis the insectoid (fly like) rehabilitation nurse on Charassa

Montgomery Adams the name given to the avatar of The One on Charassa

Winston Churchill the name of the avatar of Winston on Charassa

Ouma Brecht Chatzke the Prime Minister of the collective of the insectoid peoples on many worlds (Ouma means queen in Collective)

Cockroach insectoid beings that are pure evil and warmongers

Alpha & Beta advanced AIs among the Insectoid worlds

Gamma an advanced AI to work with Jason

Norbert Jason’s dedicated teacher and learning mentor from Charassa

Melinda a theoretician in advanced mathematics pertaining to portals, spaceship drive systems, and some power systems

Jonathan the bug (insectoid now in human form) to take a diplomatic role

Philippa the bug (insectoid now in human form) sub queen of Charassa

Felix Maximus the Emperor of the Jumo that was exiled on Norda, aka Cordon Romulus Grephalus

Nazruden the weaker of the entities on Yimza – really a warrior of the Apocalypse that had been tortured by the cockroaches

Book 3: The Warlord and the Empire

Ingmar Hesketh Jason’s cousin who is running the Kargo Duchy for his uncle

Derris Yelgo the Emperor’s head of security and a Cockroach general

Larnor Bakt-Yekt Grand Overseer of the coven of Cockroaches

Gremd Mordrake Para-Overseer Internal affairs

Yesteg Krimpt Senior General, Intelligence, senior Handler of Norwald Yang

Octopi the mollusk species from another galaxy that is the enemy of the Cockroaches

Joshua the new head of security for the Emperor Cassius

Nazruden Warrior of the Apocalypse recovered from the Cockroaches along with his wife and son

Osgood Grunwald Chief Admiral of the Bug Collective Intelligence group

Meglith male bug warrior who has had a complete body rebuild

Chitrath female bug warrior that had a complete body rebuild

Norgazza Chitrath’s father who is a large food distributor in the Collective

Nasgod a bug IT specialist that is setting up a communications pod in Earth’s solar system to provide instantaneous communications between Earth, The Collective, and the Empire

Mervyn the aquaculturist

Jane Jason’s maternal grandmother

Margula Srepta the Admiral of the bug fleet

Megadeth Padue general and head of intelligence of the bug fleet

Golden Armored a mollusk like species from a similar galaxy, adjacent to the bugs with
Warriors 8 tentacles like an octopus - call themselves The People of Dhoom

Jock McGlynn thief trying to rip off a Kargo warehouse

George guard at the Kargo warehouse that was bribed by Jock McGlynn

Harry Kargo Jason’s great-grandfather the Duke Kargo that was poisoned by Ingmar Hesketh

Lutetia the planet where the Kargo Duchy is located

Gen. Ogden head of intelligence for the Empire
Sebastian Van Buren

Julie the first Princess of the Empire – looks like Lauren

Claire the second Princess of the Empire – shy but beautiful – younger sister to Julie

Gen. Daniel under general to Gen, Van Buren in Intelligence

Gen. Arthur Harris under general to Gen, Van Buren in Intelligence

Gen. Grommet head general of the Bug Intelligence group from Charassa
Rikkel at the Empire meeting with Cassius & Gen Van Buren

Leonard Bergstrom Superior General First Class & supervisor of Arthur Harris

Bergl Yang Norwald’s wife

Boris Hesketh father of Ingmar died by assignation by Ingmar’s wife

Nobatia Nobatia is the industrial capital of Charassa

Sennar the seat of the government and the cultural and medical capitol of the Collective

Mazzod the Chatzke family butler and factotum

Zanta Chatzke Philippa’s sister

Kram Chatzke Philippa’s sister

Merken Mazzod’s mother and chef for the Chatzke family – also a powerful oracle

Pleb Chatzke President of the War College of the Collective and Philippa’s sister

Gref Admiral & professor at the War College of the Collective

Nekt Admiral & professor at the War College of the Collective

Beeliar planet within the Cockroach Empire where their clandestine troops are staging for a major attack on the Empires (Empire & Jumo)

Cyril Rheoleigh the obnoxious and irritating member of Jason’s group in university, his grandfather is a king of the Empire later found to be a cockroach spy for the coven

Aylot head of the boars, a little piggy wiggy that turns into a vicious beast during combat

Lydia Von Max the gym instructor for Jason’s group in university

Julia Farinelli one of Jason’s group in University, a tall blonde w/frizzy hair, niece of Lydia Von Max

Horace Jenkins the senior professor of mathematics at the Empire University

Professor Chatrish Dean of Mathematics at the Charassa University

Philip Peters professor of physics at the Empire University

Beelier planet

Razza Croft a new acquaintance of Jason’s at the university, one of the new breed of cockroach

Dawood Char Razza’s father a cockroach geneticist

Kreb Char Razza’s mother also a cockroach geneticist

Trackrof Graf a friend of Razza’s and another of the new breed of cockroach

Marco Petray loudmouth prig from University

Nora DeBeer the Dean of anthropology at the University & is a person of Azayal

Parzool The empire of the Tyrannosaurus

Lynas Parayekt Queen of the Parzool Empire

Azayal an ancient people that Nora DeBeer is one

Venus another planetary AI like Porquenta & Mars – may be the new home of the Una and specializes in manufacturing technology

Yekt the planet Nora and Jason go to observe the natives

Sheila Von Porquenta Porquenta’s autonomous AI

Enoch most senior engineer in the cyber warfare group

Marduk the great chieftain of the Affiliates, an 8’ tall Orc

Affiliates the army of Orcs led by Marduk

Lepassa another city on Charassa that sustained damage during the attack

Book 4: The Warrior and the Royals

Cephus Nazared Prime Minister of the Jumo people

Sgt. Desmond Doyle NYPD officer

Albos the name of the galaxy of the Parzool

Galaxy Sigma 6 Planet Groompt Plut, of the Uxatt

Grorkin the name Grork (Uxatt) Core planet

Reftufessel Capitol of the planet Grorkin

Pericles the ruler of the Uxatt

Merwynd Shreftsigt Uxatt General

Schlogg a state of stasis for the Uxatt

Gerwish Vernigt a major player in the Uxatt hierarchy

Larnor Bakt-Yek Grand Overseer of Coven of Cockroaches

Yestek Krimpt Senior General Intelligence of the Coven

Gremd Mordrake Para Overseer of Internal Affairs of the Coven

Adm. Moulash Emissary Diplomat of the Ghoul

Galaxy Tiland the galaxy of the Collective, i.e. Bugs

Johnny?? medical scientist at the conference aboard Jason’s battleship upon returning to Earth

Harry?? education specialist teaching scientists, mathematicians, & physicists

Joan?? veterinarian, specializing in insect husbandry

Rebecca Charnetsky head of the Department of politics at the University of Charassa, her specialty is the evolution of political systems and the necessary controls that prevent them from becoming innately corrupt, she is also a member of the Council of advisors of Ouma Chatzke

Abel Satora the CEO of DataSolutions CC now one of Jason’s companies

Yicht Zargat Emissary from the Coven to Able Satora

Bishop Percival the previous CEO of DataSolutions CC when owned by the priests

Parayekt Yang Director of Research at the Research Station Mara, Challenger Deep, Marianna Trench, Earth (Uxatt people)

Dr Tovar a doctor at the Research Station Mara in the Pacific Ocean

Dr Carmon a doctor at the Research Station Mara

Adm. Kasch fleet commander of the octopi that was killed by the Dinosaurs at Sol

Bekta Delta the universe currently the home of the Ghoul and some of the Una

Bekta Alpha an adjacent universe to Bekta Delta where the octopi have moved to

Universe Norbut 18 the home universe of the Grork and possibly the Uzliumbax too

Vergossi a thin insect with flexible bodies that live in nests –hunt in packs and have poisonous stingers

Mandy Fritzell one of Jason’s group from the University

Adrianna Xavier One of Jason’s group from the University

Gen. Megadeth Pardue head of the Collective Fleet Intelligence

Claudette the autonomous AI of Mars

Brenda Barros one of Jason’s group from the University

Sergei Paz one of Jason’s group from the University

Marsin Zinduski one of Jason’s group from the University

Azayal an ancient & very advanced people, with a warlike nature, yet live simply – Nora DeBeer is one

Greb the trainer for both the Boors and the Orcs

Dominique Delouf one of Jason’s group from the University

Tanya Biech a public relations person at Empire Computers CC formally Data Solutions CC

Col. Beth Orange- Empire Intelligence at the University

Etta Panella Director of Database Systems at Empire Computers CC

Heinrich Harold one of Jason’s group from the University

Sergei Paz one of Jason’s group from the University

Stinger Murphy one of Jason’s group from the University

Bonita Mofo one of Jason’s group from the University

Skrept the planet name where Razza’s parents are exiled

Greffis-Spirchla solar system of the Merpakt

Merpakt the planet where the leaders of the Coven reside

Amelia Di Maggio one of Jason’s group from the University

Ignatius Sperring-Knox the data systems professor at the University on Cassiopeia

Prof Kareg Grikolok the Bug Database professor

Thomas the AI from Porquenta as a companion of Chuck Kargo

Bird the Nerd Chuck’s friend from Earth

Yvonne Malone passenger on the cruise ship Dream Queen

Annie passenger on the cruise ship Dream Queen

Capt. Alex Wessels captain of the cruise ship the Dream Queen

Lobos crew member of the Dream Queen

Cornelius crew member of the Dream Queen

Mortlake crew member of the Dream Queen

McGregor crew member of the Dream Queen

General Patricia general of Intelligence for the Empire

Antonia Mico one of Jason’s group from the University

Dr Mergan Drogart the doctor at the Charassa hospital for Razza

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