Love's Masters - Cover


Love's Masters

by Rass Senip

Copyright© 2020 by Rass Senip

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft, mt/Fa, ft/ft, mt/mt, Mult, Teenagers, Consensual, Mind Control, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Fiction, School, Sports, Extra Sensory Perception, Body Swap, Sharing, Incest, Brother, Sister, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Fisting, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Sex Toys, Tit-Fucking, Teacher/Student,

Coming of Age Sex Story: Tim begins to use his telepathy more freely and shares his secret with more people starting with his friends at summer camp. At school, Tim plays on the football team, works out sexy dances for the school's dance squad, and helps his principal build a peer tutoring program to cover Tim's use of students in his own endeavors. Life goes along well until someone decides Tim is the perfect subject for their own endeavors.

The Chronicles of Tim Brandton: Book 2: Love’s Masters

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