Love's Masters - Cover

Love's Masters

Copyright© 2020 by Rass Senip

Chapter 3: Rings of the Master

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3: Rings of the Master - Tim begins to use his telepathy more freely and shares his secret with more people starting with his friends at summer camp. At school, Tim plays on the football team, works out sexy dances for the school's dance squad, and helps his principal build a peer tutoring program to cover Tim's use of students in his own endeavors. Life goes along well until someone decides Tim is the perfect subject for their own endeavors.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Sports   Extra Sensory Perception   Body Swap   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Teacher/Student  

October 20th - October 21st, 1986

Monday, October 20th, 1986, was the day Joey, Suzi and I crossed the previously forbidden line as a gift to Joey. That was just an excuse we used as it really was a gift to all three of us.

I had arranged for me and Joey to take the entire day off at school. Suzi would join us during the first period then go to her second class before rejoining us at lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to give us some time without her to have what she called some boy fun.

The three of us met in our private room, Joey bursting with anticipation as he somewhat suspected what we had planned involved having sex with other people. But he hadn’t expected the extent Suzi and I had agreed to go.

I said, “Suzi and I have put a lot of thinking into all this, and while Suz knows the general idea, I’ve kept the specifics just between me and my dad. Joey, for your birthday, you and I are going to interview girls for our own private harem.”

Joey exclaimed, “Harem! You mean ... Suz?”

Suzi said, “Timmy’s convinced me that if we’re going to live in his world and help him manage it, we need to be exposed to its temptations. I don’t like the idea of us having multiple partners, but if we are going to do that, I’d like them to be a select group, not just random people.”

Joeys said, “Okay ... I’m not sure what you’re getting at there.”

I said, “I’ll bottom line it for you. We’re going to find people willing to be our sex slaves. They’ll live their normal lives, but when we want them to ... service us, they’ll become eager to please us in any way we ask. Afterward, they will remember everything they did, but it will seem as if it is just roleplay that happened to someone else. My dad and I have been working up to this since summer. I’ve even tried it myself. It works.”

Joey said, “That’s why you were so eager to go to Marlfield every weekend.”

I nodded.

Suzi asked, “Timmy, they can choose to stop at any time, right?”

I said, “Yes. And I want to make it clear that even though we will be inspecting their goods without their permission today, I’m not willing to make them do anything else unless they have already done it once willingly. That’s just until they agree to the conditions and become ours.”

Suzi said, “And you can have sex with them without asking the rest of us for permission.”

Joey stepped behind her, put his arms over her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the lips before saying, “I only wanted to have sex with other girls because Tim was and I enjoyed it doing it with him. Once you’re able to date, I don’t know if I’ll care about doing it with other girls if we can be with you.”

Suzi said, “Thank you, Joey. That means a lot to me.”

After they had another kiss, they both looked up at me expectantly.

I asked, “Are you ready to become Master Joey and Mistress Suzi?”

Joey said, “Sure, Master Tim.”

Suzi asked, “They’re not going to be calling us that all the time, are they? I mean, in the halls and stuff?”

I said, “Let me give you my presents, then I’ll tell you the rest.”

I slipped both of my hands into my jean pockets and took them out clasped closed. I turned away to get ready, then faced them again.

I had them extend their right hands out before I said, “With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Master and Mistress.”

I slipped a gold ring with a ruby stone on their ring fingers.

As they examined their rings, I said, “Anyone who we select and they agree to it will switch to their slave persona when one of us shows them our ring. When we are done with them, they go back to their normal selves. But while they are our slaves, they will do everything we ask happily. We won’t actually own them, but they will be happy to do whatever we say as long as it isn’t against their beliefs or whatever. Okay?”

Joey asked, “So they will be our slave, but think they’re just roleplaying?”

I said, “Exactly. But understand that because they will think they’re roleplaying, we’ll have to tell people like Brad that’s what it is, not that we’ve actually enslaved them. They will know they’ve been modified, but it won’t feel like they’re that different. I likely will have to make minor adjustments to their normal persona so they can accept what happens while their slave persona is active, so we should look for people with sexual experience, ideally bisexual experience, and people we and Brad don’t know.”

I answered their questions and talked about some people who would be good to get. We spent a long time talking, mostly about what we could and couldn’t do, and what happens if and things like that. We were still talking when the bell rang indicating the first period was over.

After walking Suzi to her second period class, I told Joey what I wanted to do first.

“What do you say we start with the girls’ locker room?”

Joey said happily, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. Come on. Let’s get there before the bell rings.”

As we started hustling through the hall together, I sent <I didn’t tell Suz this, but I’ve been prepping all the girls taking P.E. for this. I pre-conditioned them so that with a simple trigger, they’ll accept our verbal commands, believe it’s normal for us to be in the locker room, answer any question we have truthfully, and if we requested, to show their body to us. I also had one of my dad’s nurses come in two weeks ago to test them all for STDs. Ask them if they’re clean before you get a blowjob or fuck one of them. They’ll tell you if they tested positive or had sex with anyone since then, and if they’re on birth control.>

<Man, you’ve really thought this through.>

<My dad helped a lot with those types of details. Part of the enslavement will prevent them from having sex with anyone outside the group without permission. That includes oral sex. Just so you know, we’re all going to have to get tested periodically. We have to protect the twins as much as the rest of us.>

<What about pregnancy?>

<Any of the sexually active girls are already on birth control. We’ll have to use condoms on the ones that aren’t. The controls I used on my flock worked without any problems. They all woke up at 3 am and took their pill.>

<Why 3 am?>

<To ensure they always took it at the same time of day regardless of what was going on.>

<Is it that important?>

<It is if you want to make sure it works reliably. My dad’s women use some implant he gets from overseas that more reliable, but we can’t use it on these girls without informing their doctors. We might be able to get Suzi one, though.>

<I’ll let you handle that.>

The bell rang before we got there. Outside the door, I reached in with my mind and, as quickly as possible, triggered my commands.

When I was done, we entered just in time for them to file out to go to the gymnasium.

“Shit,” we both said at the same time.

But then we saw the coach carrying the volleyball.

We looked at each other, then took off after them.

Joey and I simply walked into the girl’s gym and asked for a lineup. The coach happily had the girls form a line, then she left for the locker room to fantasize about what the girls were supposed to be doing.

I had snagged the coach’s whistle and blew it before saying, “All right, girls. My name is Coach Tim, and this is Coach Joey. We’re going to ask you a few questions before you start playing volleyball.

“To start off, how many of you like to masturbate? Hmmmm ... Would the girls who don’t please step forward. Very good. I want you seven to close your eyes and think about touching yourselves. That’s right. You’re thinking about your fingers touching your clit, yes, that’s right. Now think about a finger on your other hand wanting to slip inside ... yes ... Now, I am going to reward you...”

The seven girls gasped, and their faces turned slightly pink as their orgasm passed.

“Now, please step back. Now, one more time. How many of you girls don’t like to masturbate? VERY GOOD! They are all yours, Coach Joey.”

Joey gave me a frustrated look, but then said, “Thank you, Coach Tim. Okay, girls. All those who have lost their cherries, please step forward. Shit, Tim. It looks like we have a lot to choose from. Um, okay. Those of you that have given blowjobs raise your hand. Hmmm. Okay. Virgins with their hands up, please form a group on the left. Cherry-less dick-suckers, please form another group on the right. The remaining virgins, please go sit down on the bleachers. Those who are left form a group in the center.”

Joey came over to me and asked, “What now? I mean, we want to see them naked, don’t we? We can’t do that in here.”

“Let’s watch them play volleyball for a little while. I guess dividing them all up wasn’t such a great idea after all. I’ve been checking some of the girls on the right out. Let’s just let them play for twenty minutes to get them good and sweaty, then we can take them down to the locker room and have them all take showers. I’m thinking I want to try a few of these blow jobbers out.”

“Hey, what about the no-touch stuff.”

“Well, no blows unless they had done it before and liked it.”

“Cool. Because Lisa, one of the girls on the left group, I really want to try.”

We had the girls play while Joey and I walked around and got a good view of the nice ones in action. There were only nine girls who we were considering just out of looks. The rest were a little or a lot too heavy, or too small, tall, or their tits just weren’t developed enough. One girl was all zits, and two turned us off because of their body odor.

We told each girl we selected that they were in the final cut. Once we had finished the selection process, we had Lisa come over to us by the bleachers while the rest continued to play.

Joey said to her, “Lisa, tell us about your blowjob experiences.”

“Well, uh, I’ve only done it twice to John Mattison. The first time was in the tunnel of love, and I couldn’t like see it. I was kind of nervous, you know? And I like accidentally scraped my teeth ... Yeah, that’s what John did. But after I got it back in my mouth, he started to moan. It was neat and all, and I really kind of liked having the power over him, sort of, you know? But he didn’t warn me when he was going to cum, and I was pissed when he shot into my mouth.

“The second time was at Jim Duroc’s party. John was being really sweet, and he was looking really hot at the party. We got like really into making out and stuff? Anyway, I could feel his thingy in his pants, and I wanted to see it. So I pulled it out. The next thing I know, I’m sucking on it, and then he came again in my mouth again without warning. The bastard. He knew I didn’t like that. I haven’t done it since.”

“Lisa,” I began, “didn’t you like the taste of cum?”

“Well, it’s okay, I guess. Maybe a little bit more than okay.”

Joey asked, “So why didn’t you want him to cum in your mouth the second time?”

“Oh, no. You didn’t understand. It wasn’t because he came in my mouth. I wanted him to do that. But he didn’t warn me after I had told him to.”

I asked, “So, do you like giving blowjobs?”

I was so used to my flock enjoying them, I was a little surprised by her complaints.

“It’s okay, I guess. I just wish I could find someone I can give a blowjob to that will at least tell me before he shoots. If I do, I probably will let them take my cherry or something.”

Joey said, “Okay, Lisa. Thank you.”

I said, “Hey, it’s been over twenty minutes. Let’s have them hit the showers. We only have another twenty-three minutes before we have to let them get dressed for the next period.”

Joey blew the whistle and yelled, “All right, ladies. Those in the final cut, line up here. The rest of you keep playing.”

The coach walked in and smiled at us as we handed the whistle to her and she took over.

We led the nine sweaty girls down to the locker room and had them line up again.

Joey announced, “All right, you lovely ladies, this is what we are going to do. First, everybody takes their clothes off and lines up for inspection, then we’re all going to jump in the shower. You all want to show off your bodies as much as possible. Okay? Good.”

As the girls began to strip, Joey and I did so too. Before any of the girls had even taken off their bra, Joey and I were finished. We had our hard dicks in our hands, but we were just squeezing, not stroking. As the tits were unveiled, one girl got disqualified due to bra stuffing. Even I had bigger titties than she did.

As we watched, we asked about their past sexual experiences. Four were virgins, and of those, only one had not had any blowjob experience. That one was disqualified but was told to inform either one of us if the situation changed. She had great tits.

Once we started seeing bush, we were pleased to see they all had nice crotches. One girl had even shaved hers, and that stirred up our curiosity.

Joey asked her, “What’s your name, sexy?”

“Cindy Weatherspoon.”

“You were the one who likes to suck guys and girls, aren’t you?”

“Yep. I guess you can say I’m bi.”

“How many guys have you fucked?”

“Just one.”

“How many times did you fuck? And was he fucking anyone else at the time?”

“Just once, and he was a virgin.”

“How come you only fucked once, and why do you shave your pussy?”

“I got scared when I thought I might have gotten pregnant. I’ve never had an orgasm. Heather can cum every time, but I can’t. That’s why I let Ted take my cherry. I hoped he would get me to cum when he did, but he didn’t. And I shave so that it’s easier for Ted and Heather to suck me out.”

I asked Cindy, “What would you be willing to do if we could make you cum?”

“I’m not sure. Probably anything. I’ve even tried a vibrator. It doesn’t do it for me either.”

Joey said, “Okay, Cindy. Thanks.” Then to all the girls, he said, “Okay, girls. It’s showtime ... In the showers and be as sexy as possible.”

I asked, “Well, what do you think, Joey? I looked through Cindy’s head. She’ll do anything we ask her for orgasms, I’m pretty sure. I’ve already asked her subconscious, and it said yes.”

“Yeah, she is pretty hot. But she already has two lovers. I don’t know if I would want to spoil that. Why don’t you ask all their subconsciouses?”

“I’ve already tried that. Cindy said no until I offered the orgasm thing. We have to find something to offer them that they want badly enough to do it.”

We went around to the other girls asking them questions. We posed a few like we had seen in Playboy, but nothing had come out of our inquiries except that Sheryl thought Joey was cute, and Melissa liked to play with her dog’s dick when it was hard. She only touched the outside skin part.

After not finding anyone else who seemed even partially willing, we were just about ready to have Lisa and Cindy give us a blowjob when Joey noticed Sheryl bending over to let her tits dangle.

He said, “Hey, Sheryl! Looking good! Try that again.”

Joey walked over and around her a few times.

“Yeah. You got really nice tits and an ass to match. Say, Sheryl. Do you like sucking dick? AAACCCKKK!” Joey said as Sheryl took his into her mouth.

“Sheryl, stop!” Joey moaned. “Shit! Why did you do that? I only was asking if you like doing it. Not to do it. Shit.”

Sheryl moaned, “I wanted to do it. I haven’t done it for over a year. I get so horny and ... Please? Can I?”

I asked, “Why haven’t you gotten any? With your body, you could suck any dick you wanted.”

“Because my brother would kill anybody who gets near to me.”

“Who’s your brother?” Joey asked.

“Stan Beckersman.”

Joey exclaimed, “Shit!”

I clarified, “Stan, the senior quarterback?”

“That’s him.”

Joey said, “I’m glad I stopped you. That guy could wrestle a bull with one hand tied behind his back.”

I asked, “What grade are you in?”

“I’m a sophomore. If I don’t get some action before my junior year, I’ll probably go nuts.”

Joey asked, “Who did your brother kill after they took your cherry?”

“No one. The bastard did it himself. I was so horny I would have done it with anyone. But after that first time, never again. That’s why he won’t let anyone get close to me. The fucken prick wants me. But I hate him.”

I said, “Okay, Joey, she said yes. And I don’t see any reason not to, do you?”

Joey said, “Fuck yeah. One big reason. Stan.”

I said, “What? For what he did to her, I’ll probably make him her slave by the time I’m through with him. Don’t worry about Stan. He’s as good as fucked himself.”

Joey said happily, “Okay, Sheryl, you’re in. I guess that means we can leave Cindy alone, but what about Lisa? You said you liked her.”

I said, “Yeah, but I can wait to find another. I’m not going to force anyone yet. I wonder why Sheryl didn’t just tell us that stuff in the first place.”

“Maybe she was afraid? I know I would be.”

“I think we need to ask different questions or something. Or maybe it’s because they think they’re in a dream.”

“Huh? You mean they all think they’re dreaming?”

“Yeah. It is the easiest way I could think of getting them to accept what was happening. But you know how when you’re in a dream, you don’t really remember everything you normally do like when you’re awake? Maybe that’s what’s wrong.”

“Well, we can try some more stuff next hour. I’m starting to prune up. Let’s have some of the girls dry us off, and maybe a quick suck or something before the reject squad gets here.”

“Okay. It’s your birthday present. You’re in charge.”

We were running out of time, so we decided to skip the blowjobs. Instead, we each had four naked girls lick us dry. Things didn’t turn out the way we planned, however.

Joey moaned, “Tim ... shit! This is so hot! If I don’t fuck one of them, I think I’ll explode or something.”

I commanded, “Sheryl! You’ve never been so horny in your life. You want Joey. You want him in you. Go Fuck JOEY!

I grabbed Cindy and took her down to the floor of the shower with me.

“Cindy, my name is Tim. I’m going to suck you and give you the best and biggest orgasm you ever will have. If you ever want another, you will have to become my willing slave. You trust me now, totally and completely. You want nothing more than to suck my cock while I eat your hairless puss.

I heard Joey’s grunts as he pounded into Sheryl’s cunt. I was making sure we all stayed quiet, and as Cindy shaved pussy rotated to my mouth, I had all the girls turn to face away from us. They would have trouble remembering it anyway, and the line of asses was kind of neat.

Cindy’s smooth puss was incredibly erotic. I had her wiggling and twisting all the while she was taking my dick in and out of her mouth. Her tongue was concentrating on the head more than anything, and I suddenly felt I wanted her to take it deep as my cum started to rise. Her tasty cunt surged with juices as our orgasms started. Cindy took it into her throat just as I had asked her to, and she milked it with everything she had while her very first orgasm streamed through her head like my cum down her throat. I knew she would agree to my slave just to feel that again.

Her juices were running down my face as she pulled my cock from deep within her. She slurped while I slurped, and she managed to get me get hard again. I saw she intended to try and get another orgasm out of me, and I was tempted. But the rest of the girls had arrived sometime during our orgasm, and people were stepping over us.

Then suddenly, I heard a female voice say, “What is going on here!”

I reached out to the person’s mind and flipped on the little dream state switch.

I pulled Cindy off my cock as I sat up and said, “Just a little fucking and sucking. Why, do you want some too?”

The girl standing in front of me was not that bad looking. She was a junior, and as I scanned her mind, I found that she was one of the Golden Girls dance squad.

“Julie, look at my dick. Do you like looking at it?”

“Sure. Can I play with it?”

“Depends. Are you a virgin?”

“Shheea right? I haven’t been since I was thirteen.”

“So, you like to fuck?”

“Fuck, suck, eat, sleep. All at the same time, if possible.”

Sheryl was licking Joey’s nipples as Joey said, “Shit, Tim, she’s a regular slut.”

“Yeah, but how would you like to get the Golden Girls to do a little ... topless dance?”

“AAAWWWWEEEESSSOOOOMMMMMEEEE!” Joey bellowed, making most of the girls turn.

“Shut up, Joey! Look. The bell is going to ring in two minutes. All you girls get dressed and go to class. When you leave the locker room, you won’t remember anything but what you usually do during gym. Except for Cindy and Sheryl. Julie, why were you just walking in before the bell rang?”

“I skipped second hour and I was going to get ready for gym when...”

I asked, “You have gym third hour?”

“Yes. Can I hold it? It keeps bouncing up and down with your pulse, and it’s really getting me turned on.”

“Julie, what is your sexual fantasy? What is it you want to do sexually that you really want to do but never could?”

“That’s easy. My master always promises...”

“Your MASTER? Stop and explain.”

“My boyfriend and I watched this movie about a man who traveled the world collecting submissive women to serve him. We started roleplaying over the summer and it really turns me on.”

“Julie, how would you like to have three masters. I mean real masters that could make you cum just by touching you, telling you to do all sorts of sexual stuff, and basically screwing you silly.”

“You mean, leave Billy? I don’t know. I don’t think I could leave him like that. He really knows how...”

I began sending her flashes of what I had in mind.

“Fuck, Billy. Let him find a new submissive. I’m all yours.”

The bell rang, and Joey and I hopped out of the showers and got dressed as quickly as we could.

As I zipped up, I said to Julie, “I’m going to wake you out of your dream. When I do, you will remember everything we have said and talked about. You trust me completely. Okay. You can wake up.”

Julie blinked a few times, then smiled and asked, “So are you two going to be my masters?” But then she frowned and said, “Hmm, wait. You’re just a couple of boys. I don’t know. I prefer college men...”

“Boys?” Joey exclaimed. “Girl, I have more passion in my little pinkie than your father had in his entire life. And I may be a little small now, but I make that up with effort.”

I said, “Besides, do you know of any guys who could be standing here in the middle of the girls’ locker room without one of these girls even noticing? Hey Joey, look. There’s Katie. I wonder what she looks like naked. HEY KATIE! Show me your TITS!!”

Julie exclaimed, “Holy shit. How did you do that? That girl doesn’t even like changing her pants in here.”

“That doesn’t matter. What does matter is...”

I stopped as a pretty brunette walked over; her stare never wavered from me.

She stopped in front of me and said, “Hi, Tim.”

It took me that long to recognize her from how much she had filled out since last year.

I said, “Hi, Laura. Why are you staring at me?”

“Because I like looking at you, silly.”

“Why do you like looking at me?”

“Because I think you’re nice to look at. I look at you all the time.”

“You do? When do you look at me?”

“In class, mostly. Sometimes I dream about you like this. I like you.”

“Laura, I don’t know ... Do you, like, love me or something?”

“Kind of. Are you going to kiss me? I usually get to kiss you before I go. And I have to go to gym now.”

“Have you ever dreamed of doing more than kissing?”

“Once. But you didn’t let me do it.”

“Do what?”

“Touch your ... penis.”

“Would you like to now?”

“Yes. Do you want me to?”

The bell rang, and I remembered there were other things to do.

“Yes, but not yet. Joey, everybody is in dreamsville. I’ll make sure anyone who might come in late is too. Why don’t you just have all the girls strip and line up in the shower? Then you know what to do. I want to wake Laura and talk to her privately, okay?”

Joey gave me a probing look that was scarily like Suzi’s, but then smiled excitedly at me and was about to say something when Julie asked, “What about me?”

I said, “Oh, sorry. I’m not ready to do anything to you just yet. Just do whatever Joey says. When you do, you’ll have a small orgasm. Okay?”

“Huh? What do you mean, I’ll have an orgasm?”

Joey smiled and said, “Julie, repeat after me. I am Joey’s little plaything.”

Julie hesitated with a frown for a moment, but then said, “I am Joey’s little plaything...”

Julie’s eyes snapped shut as she let out a throaty, “OHHhhh!” When she opened them a few seconds later, she grabbed Joey’s arm and said, “Okay, master ... Lead on.”

As Joey yelled for all the girls to strip and get in the shower area, I led Laura over by the doors, and we sat down on one of the benches there. It was secluded as long as no one entered.

“Laura, do you still want to touch it?”

“I think so. Yes, I’m feeling tingly again.”

“What do you want to do after you touch it?”

“I guess ... I think I would like to feel it all over. I’ve never seen one before.”

I probed her mind, and after a good ten minutes, I found a fantasy I vaguely remembered having. At least it felt familiar to me. Before I started fantasizing about blowjobs, I fantasized about girls wanting to feel me up before I kissed them.

I didn’t sense any need in her. She was just a shy romantic girl who had the unfortunate luck of being at the center of a few of my earliest in class daydreams.

I spent a few minutes scanning her mind for other guys she had crushed on. After finding one I knew to be a nice guy, I gave her a temporary motivator to approach Scott Johnson at lunch and then sent her to change for gym.

When I reentered the showers, Joey said, “Check this out. Julie knows some cool shit. See how she has them all with their arms behind their heads? It makes their tits stand out better and makes it easier to see their bodies and shit.”

After watching Julie ordering the girls into different poses, I said, “ Julie, you seem to you enjoy being ... Shit. What’s the word that is opposite of submissive? I forget.”

Julie said, “Dominant. I guess I do like being dominant over these sluts. In that movie, the master had a head submissive that directed the others for him. Billy and I never found someone to try that with, but we talked about it a lot.”

I said, “My father has a few people that are ... dominant over a bunch of others. Hey Joey. Is that who I think that is?” I said, pointing to a girl with a shaved crotch.

“Heather, front and center!” Julie said. Heather stepped forward, hands behind her head, and bent one leg while posing.

“Yep,” Joey said. “Meet Cindy’s cunt-licker. One of them anyway. Heather, does Ted shave his crotch too?”

Heather said with a grin, “We shave it for him.”

I asked, “Julie? Have you ever tasted pussy before?”

Julie said, “Just my own after a fuck and I suck them off. I’m not a lez.”

I said with a wicked smile, “You are now. Let me see you suck that bare thing.”

Julie said distastefully, “You’re joking.”

“Julie, if you want to be a dominant slave, you have to follow our orders. After you do it, I’ll give you what you want. But first, you’re going to have to prove to me you want it badly enough. So ... GET DOWN on your HANDS and KNEES and LICK THAT CUNT you SLUT!”

“Yes! Master!” Julie exclaimed with mixed emotions.

Julie’s lust had peaked at a new height from my order to do something so dirty that she was on her hands and knees and approaching Heather’s cunt face on. Yet she was incredibly nervous, her arms shaking as she stuck out her tongue and touched Heather’s bare outer lips. Then Julie slammed her face into it as her orgasm rushed through her body, and I was surprised at how quickly Heather came too. I had to turn Heather’s volume down, for she was one of those really noisy cummers.

Julie’s ass was sticking up in the air, still wearing her panties. I almost walked up to her and fucked her ass right there, but I got a hold of myself and reminded me we weren’t sure how clean she was in the first place.

“Julie, that’s enough,” Joey said. “You’re going to make Heather cum again. Shit! Too late. Damn, Heather, you are one noisy bitch.”

I said, “Julie, stand up and take your panties off. I’m going to initiate you now.”

I explained the whole deal to her, and after she asked a few questions, she was ready.

I took out another gold ring from my pocket, this one with a blue stone that was slightly smaller in size than Suzi’s red one. It was a pity the girl’s rings were so much smaller than the guy’s. I almost gave Suzi a guy’s ring because her women’s ring didn’t look nearly as impressive as Joey’s and mine did.

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