Robert's Story - Cover

Robert's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 6

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - The story of Robert l. Dalton

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating  

My carefully crafted schedule took a hit during my second class on Monday. Professor Hampden broke the class up into groups of four and assigned each group a project. That meant meetings which meant my work schedule would be impacted unless the meetings could be scheduled for in the evenings.

The other three in my group were not local so I didn’t know them. I’d seen them around campus and we had nodded to each other in passing. The four of us – Tod Weber, Tina Hask and Jolene French (no relation to Pauline) – agreed to meet at the library at five that evening. I would have to leave work an hour and a half early to do it. Connie was not happy when she heard it.

“I’ve been looking forward to tonight all weekend. I’m hurting lover; I need it bad.”

“I can maybe meet you some place after the group breaks up.”

“You know I can’t chance it any place other than here.”

“Can you find an excuse to stay late?”

“What I can do is give you a key and the alarm code and when you get here call me.”

The meeting at the library didn’t take long. We broke the project up into four parts and each took a part. Two of the other three had jobs so we worked out a schedule that would work for us and then broke up. I used the pay phone outside the library to call Connie and tell her I was on the way. I got there five minutes before she did and I was naked and waiting when she got there.

“Good boy” she said when she came in and saw I was ready. She didn’t even bother to get undressed. She just lifted her skirt, took off her panties and laid back on the couch. After the first one she took off the rest of her clothes and blew me to get me up again. She got three out of me before we had to quit. Given how my weekend had gone I was surprised she got more than one out of me.

I was glad she got the three because as we were dressing she told me that it was our last time.

“My husband was killed in an accident yesterday where he worked so I don’t have to hide what I’m doing any more. It’s time for me to find a new man to spend my life with. It’s just too damned bad that you aren’t fifteen years older. If you were I’d never let you go. Besides that you aren’t going to be around here anymore.”

“What? Am I getting fired?”

“No silly; Jason told me today he is going to move you to the parts house full time. He will probably tell you when you get home tonight.”

“I can always come over here to visit.”

“You could, but we need to make this a clean break. I can’t look for another man if I keep on with you.”

Well didn’t that just suck!

I got home in time for dinner and after we ate Jason took me into his home office and told me he was moving me to the parts store and I would only be working there from then on.

“By the time you finish your degree I want you to know enough about the business to take over running the place.”

“Me? Why? Harry isn’t anywhere old enough to retire.”

“No, but he has made no secret of the fact that as soon as his daughter graduates college he is going to move to Florida to be close to his parents. She is in her last year of high school so that gives us almost five years to get you ready.” He saw the look on my face and asked “What’s the matter? You don’t like the idea?”

“No, not that. I just didn’t expect it. I hadn’t given any thought as to what I would do when I graduate. I figured that I wouldn’t even think about it until the middle of my junior year.”

“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

“I’ll do it, but I’m making no promises. It could go either way. I could love it or come to hate it and if it is the later I don’t want you holding it against me if I bail out on you.”

“No problem there son. It wouldn’t work if you really didn’t want to be there.”

It caught me totally by surprise when he called me son and for a second or two I didn’t know what to say, but I recovered and said:

“There could be a problem with the hours. School has to come first and working the lots was fine because I was always able to adjust my time to both school and work. I don’t know that I would have the same flexibility at the parts store.”

“No problem there. I agree that school comes first and we will work it out. Anything else?”

“Time off. I rarely worked on Saturdays and I always had Sunday off because the lots couldn’t be open on Sunday, the parts place runs seven days a week.”

“Again not a problem. We can set a time off schedule based on school and your other activities, but you still might have to give up a day off if something comes up that makes it necessary for you to be there. Something like what happened when you had to fill in for the parts driver.”

“I guess we will just have to see how it works.”

Mom was waiting for me when I came out of the room.

“Are you going to do it?”

“I’m going to give it a try.”

I could see the relief wash over her face and it pretty much told me she was worried that I might have said no and that it would have somehow had an effect on relationships. Whether mine with Jason or hers with Jason I guessed I’d never know.

I went up to my room and started working on the outline for a paper I had to turn in. I hadn’t remembered to lock the door and I got up to go do it, but before I could the door opened and Meli came in. She turned and locked the door behind her.

“Get the lube” she said as she started taking off her skirt.

“We can’t do it here. Every body’s home.”

“The door is locked and I’m not a noisy fuck so we will be all right. If one of the ‘rents’ come to the door I’ll hide in the closet or under the bed.”

Shoving her out of the room could turn out noisy and that would draw attention which is the last thing I wanted so I went to the dresser and got the lube. I wasn’t at all sure I would do her much good given my bout with Connie earlier and in fact I was a bit slow to rise, but going to her knees and applying her mouth to the problem solved it.

I could never get over how tight her ass was and as usual it took fingers, thumb and plenty of lube to get her to where I could push into her fairly easily. I also couldn’t get over how quickly she started cumming as soon as I started stroking in. She got a long one out of me and even though I couldn’t really tell I think all that came out of the end of my dick was dust when I finally got my nut.

When it was over and she was putting on her panties and skirt I asked her why.

“Why are you messing with me? You’re hot and you know it so why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Don’t want one for a couple of reasons. One is that most of the guys who want to date me just want pussy and you already know my stance on that. If I did give one of them my ass the odds are that he would brag and the word would go out. I don’t want the reputation I would end up with. The other is that if I got a boyfriend it could get serious and I don’t want serious until I’ve finished college. So I need someone safe and you are him.

“It is your own fault bubba. Think back to what you first said on the day we met. Remember it?”

I think I blushed as I did remember.

“You called attention to yourself and both Mel and I took note. The reasons Mel doesn’t have a boyfriend are the same as mine. We do date, but no one steady. So take it while you can get it stepbro. You know you’re loving it. Your only problem with it is you are afraid of being caught. Neither Mel nor I will let that happen so relax and enjoy.

The next couple of months flew by. I was learning the parts business, doing well in school and the twins were keeping me well fucked, but even though I had surrendered and was getting pretty much more than I could handle I was still looking forward to the weekend. It would be spring break and Pauline would be coming home and I’d made plans on how to spend it with her.

The phone call came at five on Thursday afternoon. After the “Hello” and “I’ve missed you” were out of the way she hit me with it.

“I’m going to Panama City with some of the girls over break. I’ll try to get home for a couple of days before school starts back up.”

“Don’t bother.”


“You heard me; don’t bother.”

“Aw come on baby; don’t be like that.”

“When you were here last you told me to keep spring break open for you. I made plans with that in mind and now you are telling me I need to scrap them. So be it. But this and what you did when you were home last have convinced me that it is best for me to put you behind me so I repeat; don’t bother. There is nothing here for you anymore. Goodbye Pauline.”

I hung up the phone and since it was Thursday and mom would be at her book club meeting at the library and Jason was in Atlanta for a trade show it would only be the twins, Ilene and me at home dinner would be left overs. I decided to just stop and have a burger at Tricocci’s.

Marlene took my order, turned it in and then came back and asked “Why didn’t you call me?”


“Easy question. Why didn’t you call me? The last time you were here you were with two girls and they had you exposed. I commented on it and you told me it was a long story. I said I’d love to hear it and told you to give me a call, but you never did. Why not?”

“Don’t know. Probably didn’t think you would really like to hear the story.”

“Get serious here Rob. Of course I want to hear the story. When you told me “Both” I wanted to pull you into the storeroom right then and there. I go on break in ten minutes. I’ll take it sitting here with you and you can tell me then.”

She did come back and sit with me on her break and she was an old friend and I knew she wasn’t a blabbermouth so I told her the story.

“Really? They fight over you? Don’t they know about Pauline?”

“Pauline isn’t in the picture anymore.”

“Do I want to go there?”

“Please don’t. What’s up with your life these days?”

“Pretty much like yours I’d guess. Go to school, go to work and date some.”

“Date? What happened to Barry?”

“He started breaking dates with me to go out with other girls so I cut him loose. Are you seeing anyone except the twins now that Pauline is out of your life?”

“Not so far, but I’m not seeing the twins. I’m doing my best to fight them off and avoid them. I can’t see anything but trouble there.”

“I do seem to recall a birthday party where I sat on your lap and laid claim to you. You doing anything tomorrow evening?”

“No plans. Why?”

“I have Friday and Saturday off. That give you any ideas?”

Not being totally dense I said “Pick you up at six?”

“That’ll work.”

“Wear your dancing shoes.”

When I got home the twins were waiting for me. “Where in the hell have you been? Both ‘rents’ gone and Ilene over at Sue’s and she won’t be home until your mother picks her up. You wasted a bunch of time. We need to hustle to get it done before your mom gets home.”

“Not tonight ladies; I just don’t feel like it.”

“Betcha I can make you feel like it” Meli said.

“Maybe you could, but I don’t want to so give it up.”

“I’m trying to give it up dummy. I just need you to take it.”

“Don’t you realize that we are eventually going to get caught?”

“So what? We are legal. We are over the age of consent and it isn’t incest because we are not blood related.”

“But what about our parents? What will they think?”

“Who cares? They both know when kids grow up they will eventually meet someone and start having a sexual relationship. If I was the girl next door and you got caught with me would it really matter? You know it wouldn’t so get with the program. We need to get as much as we can before Pauline comes home on break.”

I decided not to tell them that Pauline was not in the picture anymore. Not telling what they might do if they knew. While Meli had been talking Mel had been undressing and the sight of her sexy naked body had its effect on me so I mentally said “Fuck it Rob; take it while you can get it.”

“My room” I said as I headed for it. I heard both girls say “YES!” and I turned to see them ‘high five’ and I just shook my head and started to take off my shirt on the way to my room.

Mel laid down on the bed, but before I could get to her Meli got on the bed and started eating Mel’s pussy. I went to the dresser and got the lube. I prepped Meli’s butt hole, greased myself up and worked my way into her butt. She got Mel off just about the same time I busted my nut in her ass.

Then Mel gave me head (after washing my dick of course) to get me back up again. While she worked on me I ate Meli’s pussy and managed to get her off by the time Mel had me ready to go again and then Mel ate Meli’s pussy while I did her doggie.

Timing wise we were lucky. I’d just pulled out of Mel after pushing a load into her when we heard the garage door opener start up. The girls headed for their rooms and as I got in the shower I made a mental note to get more condoms since we just used the last of the dozen Mel had given me on Christmas.

My date with Marlene went well. We hit the teen club after having dinner at Tricocci’s and when I took her home I got a kiss and she told me she’d had a good time and wouldn’t mind doing it again.

“Tomorrow” I asked.

“What time?”

“I get off at five. How about six?”

“I’ll be ready.”

Saturday’s date was dinner and a movie and a half hour make out session when I took her home. Sunday she had a family thing and her work schedule was Monday through Thursday from her last class until nine so the next date was set for the following Friday.

When I got home the house was dark and I guessed everyone was in bed. I knew for a fact the twins were in bed because when I opened the door to my room I found them in mine.

“About time you got here.”

“Are you guy’s nuts? Everyone is here at home. We can’t chance it.”

“Hogwash lover. We already know the bedsprings don’t squeak, the headboard doesn’t bang against the wall and none of us are noisy lovers.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m all out of condoms.”

“I can count too lover” Mel said, “And I knew when we used the last of your Christmas gift and I didn’t trust you to remember to get some so I got some.” She tossed me a package and said “Open it and let’s get started.”

I knew better. I knew it was dangerous and that sooner or later we would get caught, but I was a teenaged boy and pussy could (and usually did) cloud my mind.

It was a repeat of our last time. They munched on each other as I used available orifices and we quit when they couldn’t get me up any more.

Over breakfast the next morning mom said “I guess we won’t be seeing much of you for the next two weeks being that it is spring break and Pauline will be home.”

“Pauline and I are no longer an item” I said and I saw the twins look at each other and smile.

Mom asked what happened and I just shrugged and said “She found something else or someone else to occupy her time.”

“I know it sucks because I know how much you were looking forward to spring break with her” Jason said, “But it solves a problem for me.”

“How so?”

“I’m going to let Harry (one of the parts drivers) go and I can pull you out of the store so you can cover his route until I can find someone else.”

It didn’t matter to me if I worked in the store or delivered parts. It all paid the same.

I spent the day at home and when I went to bed that evening and as soon as I was in the room I locked the door. Good move on my part as twice someone tried the door, but didn’t knock. That told me it was one or both of the twins. Over breakfast the next morning I got dirty looks from the twins and I smiled to myself.

Being spring break I put in a full day at work on Monday. After dinner I met Bill, Dick and a couple of other guys I knew and we bummed around for a bit and then I went home. When I went to my room I again locked the door as soon as I entered the room only to find I’d wasted my time.

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